Ielts Speaking Ptest April

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PART 1 : High school and Hometown

1. Where is your hometown?

2. How often do you visit your hometown?
3. How many people live in your hometown?
4. What is your hometown famous for?
5. What’s the oldest part of your hometown?
6. Who was your favorite teacher in high school?
7. What’s your favorite subject in high school?
8. Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school?
9. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from high school?
10. Do you miss your life in high school?

Part: 2 (Advertisements)

Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.

You should say

 What advertisement it was

 Was it shown on TV, radio or newspaper
 What was good about that advertisement

Explain why you think that advertisement made the product seem attractive

Part: 3 (Advertisements)

1. What are popular types of advertising in today’s world?

2. What type of media advertising do you like most?
3. Do you think advertising influences what people buy?
4. What factors should be taken into account when making
5. Is advertising really necessary in modern society?
6. Let’s move on from types of advertising to the impact of advertising on
children. How does advertising influence children?
7. Is there any advertising that can be harmful to children
Criteria Range

Fluency and coherence 7

Lexical resource VOCABULARY 6

Grammatical range and accuracy 6

Pronunciation 6.5

It is= It’s

Part 1: Family

1. How many people are there in your immediate family?

2. Who do you get on best within your family?
3. Do you have a large extended family?
4. What do you do together with your family? We separate to two teams=
We form two teams.
5. Why is family important to you?
6. Do you do housework at home?
7. What kind of housework do you often do?
8. Did you do housework when you were a child?
9. Do you think that children should do housework?

Part: 2 (Art)

Talk about a painting you would like to have in your home.

You should say:
 what is it
 how you know about it
 how much it would cost you
and explain why you want to have it in your home.

I woul like to talk about…..

In addition…

Very good details= amazing, impressive, fine details

I really want to buy it.

I draw like it.= I can draw one similar to it.

Part 3 (Art)

1. How do people in your country feel about art? I mean

2. Do people in your country prefer music over art? Music is not allowed
in our religion.
3. What are some traditional art forms in your country? Animal figures
Horse is refered as kind.
4. How has art changed in the past few decades in your country?
5. Let’s move on from art in your country to art education. Do you think
children should study art in school?
6. How can children benefit from learning about art?
7. Do you think the government should provide support for art and cultural

Criteria Range

Fluency and coherence 7

Lexical resource VOCABULARY 6.5

Grammatical range and accuracy 7

Pronunciation 7

Part 1 (Books & TV)

1. Do you like watching TV?

2. How often do you watch TV?
3. What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?
4. What are the most popular TV shows in your country?
5. Has the internet affected your viewing habits?
6. How often do you read?
7. Do you like reading books? Why?
8. Do you have many books at home?
9. Do you prefer to buy books or borrow them?
10. What are the benefits of reading

Part 2: Book

Talk about a book you are reading now or have read recently. You
should say:
 How and why you got it
 How long you it took you to read it or how long you have been
reading it
 What kind of book it is
And say if you would like to read something else similar or not, and why


1. Do people read more nowadays?
2. Do you read before going to bed?
3. In your opinion, how will e-books affect paper books?
4. What's the difference between films and books?
5. Let’s move on to the topic of traditional literature in your country. What
is one example of traditional literature in your country?
6. Do you like reading the traditional literature of your country?

Part: 1 Practice 10 (Home & TV)

1. Who do you live with? Conjuctions: and, or, but,so,for,

2. What is your favorite room in your home?
3. How is your home decorated? Light colors or dark colors

We are renting in this house.

4. Do you like visitors coming to your home?

When my relatives come into our home….

5. Do you like watching TV? Anime Enemy

6. What is your favorite TV show now?
7. What was your favorite show when you were a child?
8. Do you like watching TV shows from other countries

Part: 2 CITY

Describe your favourite city or a city you have visited that you like very
much. You should say:
 What its name is and where it is Dubai. This city is located in
 when you visited it.
 why you liked it I mean…..
And the major attractions in this city are It’s the middle of downtown.
Like I’ve said….
Mall—huge, gigantic

Part 3 (City)

1. In your opinion, what makes a city a good one to live in? It doesn’t
have the facilities….
2. What are the advantages of living in a city? I will tell you what I see….

I have some observations…

3. Let’s move on from the positive aspects of cities to the negative

aspects of cites. In your opinion, what are the negative aspects of
crowded cities? …because of the crowd.

Many cars- too many cars

Traffic jam, Heavy Traffic

4. How can governments improve living standards in crowded cities?

5. What about air quality? What can people do to improve the air quality
in the city

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