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1. Impetus (Adj)

Synonym-Force, Impulse, Stimulus, (Something that impels)

Exa- The out-break of COVID-19 gave an impetus to offline


Impetuous (Adj) – Impulsive, Hasty, Rash

2. Clemency (Noun)

Synonym- Mercy, Leniency, Gentleness

Adj- Clement, Lenient, Merciful, Gentle

(Not severe)
3. Overshadow (Verb)
Outshine, Outdo, Eclipse, Surpass, Dominate,
(make something little important)

Exa- The news of accident overshadowed the

4. Recondite (Adj)

Synonym- Abstruse, Obscure, (Difficult to understand)

5. Discriminate (Verb)

Synonym- Differentiate, Distinguish

( Recognize the difference )
Exa- It is illegal to discriminate on the ground of sex, race
or religion

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