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Name: Valerie A.

Lamban BSTM-1A

Gather the facts information.

I had a boyfriend in 2021, my mom told me to break up with him because she
wanted me to focus on my studies. But I didn't listen to my mom and
disobeyed her for my boyfriend. We decided to have a secret or low-key
relationship, just chatting with no meet-ups. A year later, I realized that he
wasn't worth fighting for because he didn't treat me well to the point where he
didn't have time for me anymore.

Gathering the facts and information involved understanding the concerns of

both parties involved: my parents and my boyfriend. My mom expressed her
worry that my relationship was distracting me from my studies, while my
boyfriend and I felt that we could manage our relationship alongside my
academic responsibilities. We decided to keep our relationship low-key,
primarily communicating through messages without meeting up to alleviate
my mom's concerns. Over time, however, I noticed a shift in my boyfriend's
behavior, where he became increasingly distant and unavailable, prioritizing
other aspects of his life over our relationship. This observation prompted me
to reevaluate the situation and consider whether continuing the relationship
was truly beneficial for me.

Determine the ethical issue, similar to “statement of the problem”

1. How should one balance a romantic relationship with academic priorities
amidst parental concerns?
2. What ethical considerations arise when faced with the decision to prioritize
a romantic relationship over academic commitments, especially when
conflicting with parental guidance?
3. How do these dilemmas impact notions of;
3.1 Loyalty
3.2 Honesty and;
3.3 Personal integrity
Determine what virtues/principles have a bearing on the case.
In this situation, several virtues and principles were at play. Firstly, the
virtue of honesty was challenged as I grappled with the decision to lie to my
parents and my boyfriend about the true nature of our relationship and my
reasons for ending it. Additionally, the principle of loyalty was tested as I
navigated conflicting loyalties between my family's expectations and my
personal desires. Moreover, the principle of responsibility came into play as I
considered the impact of my actions on my academic pursuits and overall

List the alternatives.

I had several options to weigh. I could have chosen to prioritize my
academic commitments and end the relationship with my boyfriend, as my
mother had initially advised. Alternatively, I could have continued the
relationship while finding a better balance between my studies and personal
life, perhaps by openly communicating with my parents about my decisions.
Lastly, I could have chosen to continue the secret relationship with my
boyfriend, ignoring my mother's concerns and potentially compromising my
academic success further. Each alternative presented its own set of
consequences and ethical considerations.

Compare the alternatives.

I recognized that prioritizing my academic commitments aligned with my
long-term goals and values. Ending the relationship would have allowed me to
focus fully on my studies and maintain honesty with both my parents and my
boyfriend. Conversely, continuing the secret relationship or defying my
mother's wishes would have strained my relationships with both my family and
my boyfriend, potentially leading to further complications and ethical
dilemmas. Considering these factors, it became clear that ending the
relationship was the most ethical and beneficial course of action.
Consider the consequences or test the options.
I realized that honesty and integrity were paramount. Lying to my parents
and my boyfriend would erode trust and integrity in my relationships, whereas
prioritizing my academic pursuits would uphold my values and responsibilities.
Additionally, ending the relationship would allow me to focus on personal
growth and self-improvement without the distractions and complications of a
secretive romance. By considering the long-term consequences and ethical
implications of each option, I affirmed my decision to end the relationship and
prioritize my academic success

Make a decision.
After careful consideration of all the factors involved, I made the decision
to end the relationship with my boyfriend and prioritize my academic goals.
This decision was guided by the principles of honesty, integrity, and
responsibility, as well as my commitment to my long-term well-being and
personal growth. While it was a difficult choice to make, I knew it was the right
one for me in the long run.

Moving forward, I resolved to learn from this experience and strive to

make decisions that align with my values and goals. I recognized the
importance of open communication, honesty, and respecting the concerns of
loved ones while also staying true to myself. By taking responsibility for my
actions and focusing on my academic pursuits, I aimed to achieve success
and fulfillment in both my personal and academic endeavors.

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