Activity 4 and 5 Hypothesis Testing

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Bonilla, Mary Jane C.


Activity 4 and 5

Problem 1
Population Mean = 80
Population Standard deviation = 10
Sample mean = 84
Sample size = 39
Level of Significance = ⍺ 0.05 (since the problem is silent)

Step 1: Ho: This year’s batch is as good as the previous batches in AE 9. ( x̅ = 80 )
Ha: This year’s batch is better in AE 9 than the previous batches. ( x̅ >80 )

Step 2: Level of significance = ⍺ 0.05

Step 3: Z test since the population standard deviation is the given, one tailed test (right)
Step 4: Tabular / Critical value = +1.645 (since right tailed test)
Step 5:

Step 6: The computed value of 2. 498 is greater than the tabular value of 1.645 at 0.05
level of significance, therefore we reject Ho and accept Ha. The 39
students used as sample is better than previous batch.
Problem 2

Population Mean = 22.5

Sample mean = 21 (21+19+20+22+24+21+19+22+22+20 / 10)
Sample Standard deviation = 1.563
Sample size = 10
Level of Significance = ⍺ 0.01

Step 1: Ho: The students score enough as the average population score of 22.5. (x̅ = 22.5)
Ha: The students did not score enough as the average population score of 22.5. (x̅ < 22.5)

Step 2: Level of significance = ⍺ 0.01

Step 3: The standard deviation we will get is based from the sample, one tailed test (left).
Step 4: Determine first the degree of freedom. For one sample, df = n – 1.

Therefore: df = n – 1
df = 10 -1
df = 9
Tabular / Critical value = - 2.821 (since left tailed test)
Step 5:

Step 6: The computed value of -2.879 is less than than the tabular value of -2.821 at 0.01
level of significance, therefore we reject Ho and accept Ha. The students did not score enough as the
average population score of 22.5.
Guide questions answer:

1. 95% confidence means that we are using the 5% significance level wherein we are 95% confident that we
made a right decision and that only 5 chances out of 100 that we will be rejected.
2. Yes.
3. Alpha error is the probability of making mistake of rejecting good lot.
Example: Rejecting null hypothesis when it is true
Beta error is the probability of making mistake of accepting defective lot.
Example: Accepting null hypothesis when it is false.
4. One tailed Test (Right)
When computed value is < critical/tabular value = Ho is accepted; Ha is rejected.
When computed value is > critical/tabular value = Ho is rejected; Ha is accepted.
One tailed Test (Left)
When computed value is < critical/tabular value = Ho is rejected; Ha is accepted.
When computed value is > critical/tabular value = Ho is accepted; Ha is rejected.
5. One sample mean test is used when there is a difference between two population mean or parameter.

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