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Results of Battle of Badr

The Battle of Badr was a significant battle in early Islamic history that took place in the 2nd year
after Hijrat. It was fought between the Muslim community, led by the Prophet Muhammad, and
the Quraysh tribe of Mecca.

In the Battle of Badr, the Muslims were outnumbered and poorly equipped compared to the
Quraysh forces. However, despite their disadvantages, the Muslims achieved a decisive victory.
The exact numbers and casualties vary in historical accounts, but it's generally believed that
around 300 to 313 Muslims faced an estimated 1,000 Quraysh warriors.

The result of the battle was a resounding victory for the Muslims. Several key leaders of the
Quraysh, including Abu Jahl(Killed by Ma'uz and Mu'awiz), were either killed in the battle or
were captured as prisoners. As the Quraysh fled the battle returning to Makkah they threw their
arms, equipment, and baggaged from which the Muslims were able to recover 115 camels, 14
horses, as well as a rich store of clothes, carepts and equipment of war. 70 men from the
Quraysh were left behind as dead while 70 were captured as prisoners of war.The muslims also
did not face many casualties as only 14 Muslims were martyred. This victory was seen as a
significant turning point in the early history of Islam, boosting the morale of the Muslim
community and establishing their credibility as a force to be reckoned with.

The Battle of Badr is an important event in Islamic history and is mentioned in the Quran. It's
celebrated as a symbol of faith, courage, and divine support for the early Muslim community.

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