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Tomorrow, when the war began monologue prep

1. Which Character will you choose?

Corrie Lee Fiona

Robyn Kevin Homer Chris

2. Choose an Event that your character is in?


3. Where did the event 4. What role did your

take place? character play in the event?
________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

________________________________ __________________________________

LCC FA3 Scaffolding: Year 10 English

5.How has Ellie described the action of the event?

6.How has Ellie portrayed your character?


7. Ask Yourself: From your character’s point of view

What would be the What would be
same? different?

LCC FA3 Scaffolding: Year 10 English

8. Now to rewrite the event from your character’s point of
a) What were the actual events? (these cannot be changed)
Write these step by step as they happened in the book.

b) What were your specific character’s actions in the event?

c) Your character’s thoughts and feeling during this time?

d) What were your character’s intensions?

Example: maybe your character wanted to do a certain thing, but was prevented from
doing it, or maybe a conflict with another character affected them.

LCC FA3 Scaffolding: Year 10 English

9. Time to draft your reflective monologue:
Remember: reflective- deep thought about past events or experiences.


Where are you? What is the space like? Who is with you? What is
your emotional state? What is your world and life like now that ten
years have passed since the final events of the novel? You need to
know these things before you begin to write/speak!

Introduction- Who you are, which event you are describing,

where the event took place and the role your character had.
Set the scene as to what has happened to make you
remember this event, and why you are speaking about it.
(approximately 1 paragraph)
Body- Your recollection of the event, your character’s
thoughts and feelings during this time, your character’s
intensions, your character’s reflections of the event and
challenge the way Ellie has portrayed you in the book.
(approximately 3-4 paragraphs)
Conclusion- How you want to be remembered regarding this
(approximately 1 short paragraph)
10. Practise your monologue!
11. Organise props, costumes, location
11. Record or prepare to present.
LCC FA3 Scaffolding: Year 10 English

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