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Modelling Temporal Document Sequences for Clinical ICD Coding

Clarence Boon Liang Ng1 Diogo Santos2 Marek Rei1,2

Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Transformative AI, United Kingdom

Abstract for the task. However, many other clinical notes are
also created during the hospital stay, which can pro-
Past studies on the ICD coding problem focus
on predicting clinical codes primarily based
vide important details or useful additional context
on the discharge summary. This covers only that may be missing from the discharge summary
a small fraction of the notes generated during itself. Analysing the full sequence of notes would
each hospital stay and leaves potential for im- allow models to make more accurate decisions and
proving performance by analysing all the avail- make the problem more similar to a real-life setting,
able clinical notes. We propose a hierarchical where clinicians have to consider all information
transformer architecture that uses text across about a patient for ICD coding, rather than infor-
the entire sequence of clinical notes in each
mation only in a single document.
hospital stay for ICD coding, and incorporates
embeddings for text metadata such as their po- In this work we study how the inclusion of clin-
sition, time, and type of note. While using ical notes across the entire hospital stay can af-
all clinical notes increases the quantity of data fect performance on the ICD coding task. We pro-
substantially, superconvergence can be used to pose the Hierarchical Transformers for Document
reduce training costs. We evaluate the model on Sequences (HTDS) model, which is an adapta-
the MIMIC-III dataset. Our model exceeds the
prior state-of-the-art when using only discharge
tion of the hierarchical transformer model (Zhang
summaries as input, and achieves further per- et al., 2019) for temporal modelling of document
formance improvements when all clinical notes sequences. The model takes text and metadata
are used as input. (such as the time and type of note) from a sequence
of multiple documents as input and achieves im-
1 Introduction proved performance when additional clinical notes
ICD (International Classification of Diseases are used for modelling. We compare different pri-
(World Health Organization, 1978)) coding refers oritisation criteria for selecting which notes to use
to the task where medical professionals classify as input and how to best represent the sequence
clinical diagnoses and medical procedures asso- information. Methods related to superconvergence
ciated with each patient using standardised tax- are applied to speed up the model training process
onomies, which in turn supports billing, service in order to handle the increased size of the data that
planning and research. The process is manual and needs to be processed.
laborious in nature (O’Malley et al., 2005), how- Our experiments show that the inclusion of ad-
ever there is potential to automate it by identifying ditional clinical notes indeed improves model ac-
relevant information from clinical notes, which are curacy and leads to better predictions. We evaluate
already captured in EHR systems. With this in our models against the MIMIC-III-50 (Johnson
mind, researchers have started to explore whether et al., 2016) test set. When considering only the
machine learning models can succeed at this task discharge summaries of each hospital stay as in-
(Mullenbach et al., 2018). put, our model exceeds the current state-of-the-art
The current research on the ICD coding task fo- performance in terms of Micro-F1. When consider-
cuses on the extraction of codes from the discharge ing all clinical notes as input, further performance
summary. This document is commonly written at improvements across all metrics of interest are ob-
the end of a hospital stay and provides a textual de- served, exceeding the state-of-the-art performance
scription of the important diagnoses and procedures in Micro-F1, Micro-AUC, Macro-AUC, and Preci-
for a given patient, making it particularly helpful sion@5 scores.
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1640–1649
May 2-6, 2023 ©2023 Association for Computational Linguistics
2 Related Work tasks. Dai et al. (2022) show that incorporating
task-adaptive pre-training, overlapping chunks, and
Publicly available electronic health record (EHR) using a large pretrained language model make it
datasets, such as the Medical Information Mart possible to achieve performance that is close to,
for Intensive Care III (MIMIC-III) dataset (John- but still slightly below the state-of-the-art. In gen-
son et al., 2016), provide a shared context for re- eral, language models that were pretrained on texts
searchers to work on ICD coding. Recent work on in the biomedicine domain, such as ClinicalBERT
ICD coding concentrates on the benchmark tasks (Alsentzer et al., 2019), BioBERT (Lee et al., 2020),
presented by Mullenbach et al. (2018), which ex- BlueBERT (Peng et al., 2019), and PubMedBERT
tracts ICD codes from the free-text discharge sum- (Gu et al., 2021) tend to achieve higher perfor-
mary generated at the end of each hospital stay. mance (Dai et al., 2022; Ji et al., 2021) as compared
Mullenbach et al. (2018) also publicly release their to language models such as BERT (Devlin et al.,
data preprocessing codes and train/dev/test data 2019) and RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) which are
splits, and these were followed by later works for trained on general domain corpora, as the models
comparability of result. have been adapted to the specialised language used
In recent years, state-of-the-art work on the ICD in clinical notes. Among the range of pretrained
coding problem commonly used methods based language models available for the biomedicine do-
on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or re- main, better performance was achieved when a
current neural networks (RNNs) for text encoding. specialised token vocabulary is used (Gu et al.,
CAML (Mullenbach et al., 2018) uses a single con- 2021; Lewis et al., 2020) and when the pre-training
volutional layer along with “per-label attention” to corpora is closer in nature to those used for the
extract representations for each label from the con- downstream task (Gururangan et al., 2020). Very re-
volution output. MSAttKG (Xie et al., 2019) im- cently, Huang et al. (2022) identified the restricted
proves the performance further by using a densely capacity of the [CLS] token as a potential limiting
connected convolutional network with variable n- factor, and showed how using all tokens in the label
gram features, and incorporating knowledge graphs attention step leads to state-of-the-art performance
to capture relationships between medical codes. Ef- on the MIMIC-III-Full problem. However, they do
fectiveCAN (Liu et al., 2021) uses a deep convo- not report results on the MIMIC-III-50 problem.
lutional approach, with a “squeeze-and-excitation”
module that repeatedly compresses and then de- While transformer-based language models have
compresses the convolutional features. LAAT (Vu been very successful on short sequences of text
et al., 2021) uses a bidirectional LSTM to encode (BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and RoBERTa (Liu
the texts, with a per-label attention step on the out- et al., 2019) use a maximum sequence length of 512
put to get the final classification. MSMN (Yuan tokens), challenges arise when attempting to apply
et al., 2022) uses the same architecture as LAAT, it to longer text sequences due to the quadratic com-
with an additional step of extending code descrip- putational complexity of the self-attention mecha-
tions from the Unified Medical Language System nism. Experiments conducted by Gao et al. (2021)
(UMLS) with synonyms, and using an attention show that transformer models require 3x more pro-
layer with a separate head for each code synonym. cessing time compared to CNNs, making it more
Researchers using transformer-based models for tedious to explore different hyperparameters and
text encoding experienced difficulties in matching modelling strategies. Various modifications have
state-of-the-art performance. Ji et al. (2021) ap- been proposed to the transformer architecture to
ply a range of different transformer-based mod- reduce computation costs, in models such as Trans-
els but found that none of them outperformed formerXL (Dai et al., 2019), LongFormer (Beltagy
their reimplementation of a simple CNN-based et al., 2020), and BigBird (Zaheer et al., 2020),
model. Pascual et al. (2021) similarly found it however domain-pretrained models for these archi-
difficult to achieve competitive performance and tectures are relatively scarce. Most transformer-
concluded that better methods of handling long in- based models for the ICD coding problem adapt
put sequences are required to improve the models the hierarchical transformer (Zhang et al., 2019),
further. Gao et al. (2021) also find that a sim- which splits the text into chunks that are encoded
ple self-attention network with far less parame- separately with the pre-trained language model,
ters outperformed BERT-based models on many and then feeds the output of the [CLS] token into a
second transformer to allow interaction of informa- sitional Embeddings (Rev-PE) and Reversed Tem-
tion across chunks. poral Sequence Embeddings (Rev-TE), which start
To the best of our knowledge, there has been no from 0 for the last chunk (or document) and are
prior work that attempts to extend the ICD coding then incremented with each preceding chunk (or
task with other clinical documents. document). Category Embeddings (CE) capture
the category of the note, with a unique index for
3 Approach each CATEGORY code. All learnable embeddings
use values initialised from a N (0, 0.1) distribution.
Our Hierarchical Transformers for Document We hypothesise that these embeddings can help the
Sequences (HTDS) model is based on the hierar- model to factor in chunk meta-information which
chical transformer architecture (Zhang et al., 2019), may be relevant for classification.
with additional adaptations specifically to handle Step 4 - Second Transformer: The embeddings
document sequences. Figure 1 provides an illus- are added together (token embeddings + meta-
trated diagram of the full HTDS model architecture. information embeddings), then concatenated across
We process documents using the following steps: all the chunks and given as input to a second trans-
Step 1 - Preprocess and Chunk: The text in former with Ne encoder layers. This allows for
each document is sequentially tokenized and split information from each chunk to interact with all
into chunks, each containing up to Tc tokens. Every the other chunks and the use of only a small num-
new document or clinical note always starts a new ber of layers in this second transformer will keep
chunk. the computational requirements feasible. The out-
From these tokenized chunks we select up to Nc put is an updated embedding of each token, with
chunks for processing. If more than Nc chunks are dimensions (Nc x Tc ) x He .
available, various prioritisation strategies can be Step 5 - Label Attention: A label attention
considered to select which chunks to use as model layer is applied. We train learnable embeddings
input. In our main model we use a strategy that αl for each label (α = [α1 ...αNl ] has dimen-
prioritized diversity in the categories of notes used. sions Nl x He , where Nl is the number of labels)
To do this, we select the last note by timestamp which are applied against the chunk embeddings
of each category, and then the second last note of (H = [h1 ...hNc ]) in an attention step as follows:
each category, and so on until Nc chunks of text
are selected.
Step 2 - Encode with Language Model: The A = sof tmax(HαT )
chunks are encoded using the pre-trained language
model, producing an output of dimension Nc x Tc x V = HT A
He , where He is the dimension of the hidden state
in the pre-trained LM. Dim(A) = (Nc × Tc ) × Nl
Step 3 - Add Chunk Meta-Information: Meta- Dim(V ) = He × Nl
information of each chunk is added. These are
learnable embeddings, retrieved via index lookup, The i-th column in V would be an independent
with size He . Positional Embeddings (PE) capture representation, of dimension He , for the i-th label
the positional index of the chunk, and are num- for classification.
bered from 0 for the first chunk until N-1 for the Step 6 - Generate Final Classification: A clas-
last chunk. Temporal Sequence Embeddings (TE) sification layer is applied. We take σ(Wl vl ) to get
capture the temporal order in which the documents the probability of label l, where Wl is a learnable
were captured, and are indexed in running order weight matrix of dimension He for label l, vl is the
from 0 for chunks belonging to the first document l-th item of matrix V, and σ is the sigmoid activa-
and incremented with each subsequent document. tion function. To obtain the final classification we
We noted that this indexing approach would often apply a threshold t for positive classification that is
assign varying indices to the last chunk or docu- optimised for micro-F1 on the validation set.
ment, as the number of chunks and documents for
4 Experiment Setup
each case would vary. This might limit the ability
of the model to identify the last chunk or document Dataset: For our experiments, we use the MIMIC-
of the text. Hence, we also include Reversed Po- III (Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care)
Step 2 -
Step 1 - Chunk Encode Step 3 - Add chunk Step 4 - Second
Step 5 - Label Attention Step 6 - Final
for LM Encoding with LM meta-information Transformer
Classification Layer

Doc 1 Token Encodings

(512, 768)
Label 1 Encoding
PE (0) (1,768)
Tokenised Chunk 1 Language (1, 768)
(512, 768) Model* Rev-PE (2) (1,768)
TE (0) (1,768)
+ Label 2 Encoding
(1, 768)
Rev-TE (1) (1,768) Label
CE (0) (1,768)
Label 3 Encoding
Text (1, 768)
Q = Label Classification
Token Encodings Encoding
Tokenised Chunk 2 Language (1536, Embedding
(512, 768)
(512, 768) Model* 768)
PE (1) (1,768) K = V = Chunk ...
Rev-PE (1) (1,768)
TE (0) (1,768)
+ Encoder
Rev-TE (1) (1,768)
Label 50 Encoding
Doc 2 CE (0) (1,768)
(1, 768)

Token Encodings
Tokenised Chunk 2 Language
(512, 768)
(512, 768) Model*
PE (2) (1,768) Label Final
Rev-PE (0) (1,768)
+ Embeddings
L1 L2 L3
p1 p2 p3
* Shared TE (1) (1,768)
Rev-TE (0) (1,768) ... ...
CE (1) (1,768) L48 L49 L50 p48 p49 p50

Figure 1: HTDS Model Architecture. The document sequence is first split into chunks (Step 1) and encoded with a
pre-trained language model (Step 2). Meta-information of each chunk is then added to the token encodings (Step
3) before a second transformer is applied to allow attention of information across chunks (Step 4). Finally a label
attention layer is applied (Step 5) and the outputs are used for classification (Step 6).

Mean SD note) of all notes rather than just the discharge sum-
Discharge Summaries maries, (2) we do not remove punctuation as we
Total Documents 1.1 0.4 found that performance drops when punctuation is
Total Words 1896 929 excluded. Each record represents one hospital stay
Total Tokens 3594 1760 (uniquely identified by the HADM_ID value) and
contains the texts and ICD codes linked to that hos-
All Notes pital stay. There are 8066, 1573 and 1729 records
Total Documents 33 59 in the train, dev and test sets respectively, giving us
Total Words 10442 21334 a total of 11368 records.
Total Tokens 21916 46461 During the data cleaning process, we noticed that
the train set contains clinical notes tagged under
Table 1: Summary statistics: Amount of text contained
in clinical documents per hospital stay, measured in the category "Nursing/Other", but no clinical notes
terms of total number of documents, words, tokens (us- were tagged in this category in the dev and test sets.
ing the RoBERTa-PM-M3-Voc tokenizer). For our experiments we grouped "Nursing/Other"
and "Nursing" into a single category.
Table 1 shows summary statistics of the dataset.
dataset (Johnson et al., 2016), which contains multi- In general, discharge summaries are far longer than
modal information on patients admitted to criti- other documents, with an average of 1724 words
cal care between 2001 and 2012 at the Beth Is- per document as compared to the overall average
rael Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Mas- of 316 words per document. However, the text in
sachusetts. To limit computational costs, we focus discharge summaries only accounts for less than
on the MIMIC-III-50 problem, which limits the 20% of the words generated in each hospital stay,
problem to the top 50 ICD codes by frequency. suggesting the possibility that the other notes might
To construct the task dataset, we follow Mul- carry additional information that can improve ICD
lenbach et al. (2018) preprocessing steps, with a coding accuracy. We also provide the number of
few exceptions: (1) we keep the text and meta- tokens produced when the text is tokenized with
data (specifically the datetime and the category of the RoBERTa-PM-M3-Voc (Lewis et al., 2020) to-
kenizer, and we see from the numbers that most Hyperparameter Values
hospital stays involve text data that is beyond the Optimization
512-token maximum of a single transformer lan- Peak Learning Rate 1e-6 to 1e-4 (5e-5)
guage model. Number of Epochs 10-50 (20)
We also note that the amount of text in each hos- Early Stopping Pa- None, 3, 5, 10
pital stay can vary widely and has a right-skewed tience Threshold
distribution. There is a notable proportion of longer Effective Batch Size 1-64 (16)
hospital stays which generate substantially more
documents and text as compared to the rest. The Language Model
90th percentile for Total Words and Total Docu- Pre-trained LM PubMedBERT,
ment Count across all notes is 20556 and 72 respec- RoBERTa-base-
tively. For these hospital stays, the effects of the PM-M3-Voc,
note prioritisation strategy on model performance RoBERTa-large-
would be more prominent. PM-M3-Voc
Task Definition: We investigate two variations Tokens per chunk, Tc 512
of the ICD classification task on this dataset. For Max Chunks, Nc 1-48 (32)
Task 1, the notes that are available for modelling
are restricted to discharge summaries only. Some Second Transformer
hospital stays (11% of stays) have multiple dis- Encoder Layers 0, 1, 2
charge summaries, typically because of addenda, Attention Heads 8, 12
and in these cases we keep all of them. This would Table 2: Hyperparameter search space. Bolded text
be equivalent to the MIMIC-III-50 task attempted indicates hyperparameters used in the HTDS model.
by past works. For Task 2, all notes in each hospital
stay are available for use in modelling. This vastly
increases the number of documents (from an aver- the note selection strategy to maximise diversity
age of 1.1 to 33 per hospital stay) and the number of document categories (detailed earlier in Section
of words (from an average of 1896 to 10442) to be 3) was applied for 45% of samples which have
considered. Task 2 uses the same data splits and more than 32 chunks of text. The model has 136M
labels as Task 1, allowing us to compare the results parameters in total.
to assess whether information from the additional These hyperparameters were selected to max-
notes is able to improve performance. imise Micro-F1 on the dev set, with a few excep-
For both tasks, we use the same evaluation met- tions to manage training and computation costs: (1)
rics as defined by Mullenbach et al (Mullenbach while using the larger RoBERTa-large-PM-M3-Voc
et al., 2018) and then subsequently followed by model was found to achieve better performance,
other researchers: micro-F1, macro-F1, micro- we kept to the smaller RoBERTa-base-PM-M3-Voc
AUC, macro-AUC, and Precision at k=5. model; (2) while increasing the maximum num-
ber of chunks Nc in general leads to better perfor-
Implementation and Model Hyperparame-
mance, we limit our model to a maximum of 32
ters: Pytorch was used for the implementation
of our models, and NVIDIA Tesla A100 80GB
Training models that take text across all clini-
GPUs were used for finetuning. Hyperparameters
cal documents as inputs, compared to using only
were tuned manually; Table 2 details the search
the discharge summary, requires substantially more
space and final hyperparameter values used for
computational resources. With A100 GPUs, 15.5
the HTDS model. The pretrained language model
samples are processed per second when training
was initialised to the RoBERTa-base-PM-M3-Voc
on discharge summaries only1 , and 4.9 samples
(Lewis et al., 2020) model checkpoint, which was
are processed per second when training with all
pretrained on texts in PubMed, PubMed Central,
clinical documents. To speed up the model op-
and MIMIC-III physician notes. The second trans-
timisation process, we apply the 3-phase 1cycle
former uses 1 encoder layer with 8 attention heads.
Texts are tokenized into chunks of Tc =512 to- TrLDC (Dai et al., 2022), which we consider to be a
comparable model in terms of architecture, processed 7.4
kens and a maximum of Nc =32 chunks were used samples per second when training on discharge summaries on
as model input. With these values for Tc and Nc , NVIDIA V100 GPUs.

Micro F1 Macro F1 Micro AUC Macro AUC P@5
CNN-based Models
CAML (Mullenbach et al., 2018) 63.3 57.6 91.6 88.4 61.8
MSAttKG (Xie et al., 2019) 68.4 63.8 93.6 91.4 64.4
EffectiveCAN (Liu et al., 2021) 71.7 66.8 94.5 92.0 66.4
RNN-based Models
LAAT (Mullenbach et al., 2018) 71.5 66.6 94.6 92.5 67.5
MSMN (Yuan et al., 2022) 72.5 68.3 94.7 92.8 68.0
Transformer-based Models
Hier-PubMedBERT (Ji et al., 2021) 68.1 63.3 90.8 88.6 64.4
TrLDC (Base) (Dai et al., 2022) 70.1 63.8 93.7 91.4 65.9
TrLDC (Large) (Dai et al., 2022) 71.1 65.5 94.1 91.9 66.4
Our Models
HTDS (Discharge Summaries) 72.60.3 66.61.2 94.50.1 92.60.3 67.40.3
HTDS (All Notes) 73.30.3 67.90.4 95.00.2 93.20.2 68.20.2

Table 3: Performance of models on the MIMIC-III-50 test set. Models are sorted by Micro-F1 within each category.
Metrics are averaged across 5 replications. Subscripts indicate the standard deviation across runs. Bolded values
indicate the best score achieved for each metric.

learning rate scheduler for superconvergence as of Ji et al. (2021), however even with a large-sized
described in (Smith and Topin, 2019). The learn- model their performance still fell slightly behind
ing rate (LR) progresses via cosine annealing from the best-performing CNN-based and RNN-based
1/25 of the peak LR to the peak LR (5e-5) in the models. When using only discharge summaries,
first phase (30% of iterations) and then goes back HTDS achieves state-of-the-art performance in
to 1/25 of the peak LR in the second phase (30% terms of Micro-F1, the primary metric used for
of iterations). Finally in the third phase (40% of comparison. It also exceeds past CNN-based and
iterations), LR is annealed to 1/1000 of the peak Transformer-based models on all metrics of inter-
LR. The AdamW optimizer is used, with an ef- est.
fective batch size of 16 achieved through gradient
accumulation. The model is trained for up to 20
epochs with an early stopping patience threshold of When including all clinical documents, as com-
5. With this setup, training is stopped at around the pared to including only discharge summaries, the
14th epoch on average. We note that this is at least performance of HTDS improves on all metrics of
50% less (in terms of number of epochs) compared interest (all differences are statistically significant
to past works on the MIMIC-III-50 problem where at p<0.05), including an additional 0.7% increase
transformer-based models would be trained for 30 in Micro-F1. Comparing against all other models,
epochs or more (Dai et al., 2022; Ji et al., 2021; we see that the model achieves state-of-the-art per-
Pascual et al., 2021). formance in terms of all metrics except for Macro-
F1. We hypothesize that the modelling of code
5 Results synonyms in MSMN (Yuan et al., 2022) helped to
increase its performance on rarer ICD codes and
5.1 Main Results
hence achieve a higher Macro-F1 score, but also
Table 3 shows the results when our models are note that steps used to improve performance by
evaluated against the MIMIC-III-50 test set, as well incorporating synonyms based on UMLS concepts
as comparisons against published works. We report could also be adapted into our model to achieve
the averaged metrics across 5 training replications. similar improvements.
As we can see from the table, prior works
with transformer-based models faced challenges
in achieving competitive performance on this prob- Put together, our results demonstrate the value of
lem. Dai et al. (2022) managed substantial im- including clinical documents beyond the discharge
provements with the TrLDC model over the work summary in modelling.
5.2 Ablation Experiments Micro F1
To analyse the effect of various components and HTDS (All meta embeddings) 74.0
hyperparameter choices on model performance, we Ablate CE 73.9
start with our main model and then ablate or vary Ablate PE+Rev-PE 73.9
individual components one at a time, keeping all Ablate TE+Rev-TE 73.8
other components constant, and evaluate their per- Table 5: Performance when metadata embeddings are
formance on the development set. We share our varied on the development set.
results in this section.
For all ablation experiments, we report the im-
pact on Micro-F1, the primary metric of interest, et al., 2022). In Table 6, we show the results when
averaged across 5 replications. only the [CLS] token is used as an aggregate rep-
Quantity of Text Input: Table 4 shows how resentation of each chunk, and see that there is a
performance varies as the quantity of text is varied. sizeable decrease in performance.
The quantity of text used as input has a substantial
impact on the compute requirements of the entire Micro F1
model architecture. When Nc is reduced 16, 7.5 HTDS (All token representations) 74.0
samples are processed per second when training CLS token representation only 71.7
on A100 GPUs, an increase of 0.5x as compared
to 4.9 samples per second for HTDS which uses Table 6: Performance when the embeddings used for
Nc =32. However, as we can see from the results chunk representation are varied on the development set.
of this ablation experiment, reducing the quantity
of text input leads to a substantial drop in model Second Transformer: The second transformer
performance. in Step 4 allows tokens from each chunk to attend
to tokens from other chunks. While earlier studies
Micro F1 (Dai et al., 2022; Ji et al., 2021) include this second
HTDS (Max 32 Chunks) 74.0 transformer, it also adds to the computational costs
Max 16 Chunks 73.0 of the model due to the quadratic complexity of
Table 4: Performance when the quantity of text input is the attention step and (Huang et al., 2022) show
varied on the development set. that the second transformer can be dropped if the
encodings of all tokens (rather than just the [CLS]
Metadata embeddings: Table 5 shows how the token) are kept for the label attention step.
performance varies as the metadata embeddings Our ablation experiments in Table 7 provide
used in the model are varied. The ablation of each some additional insight on this. When consider-
of the embedding types in isolation results in small ing only the discharge summary, the second trans-
but consistent decreases in model performance. It former can be dropped without substantial impact
is possible that the model compensates by learning on performance. However, when modelling the
to capture some of this information from the text sequence of all clinical documents, ablating the
itself without explicit embeddings. Indeed, past second transformer leads to a noticeable decrease
works have observed that the clinical notes in the in performance, suggesting that the information
MIMIC-III dataset have a high degree of structure in other documents can help further refine token
and templating (Liu, 2018). Nevertheless, in our ex- representations before classification.
periments the overall best results were obtained by
using the combination of all the proposed metadata Micro F1
embeddings. HTDS (Discharge Summaries) 73.2
Chunk Representations: In a traditional hierar- Ablate 2nd Transformer 73.3
chical transformer, only the encoding of the [CLS]
token is kept and used as an aggregate representa- HTDS (All Notes) 74.0
tion of the chunk. However, recent works have sug- Ablate 2nd Transformer 73.6
gested that the [CLS] token might have insufficient
Table 7: Performance when second transformer is ab-
capacity to capture information for the large num- lated on the development set.
ber of labels in the ICD coding problem (Huang
Note Selection: In around 45% of admissions, 6 Conclusion
tokenizing the text in all available clinical notes
will produce more than 32 chunks of 512 tokens. In As we work towards automated ICD coding, it
those cases, we would need to select which chunks would be helpful to build models that can consider
are used as inputs to our model. Table 8 shows our information that is captured across the patient’s
results. We considered the following strategies to EHR record, rather than just the discharge sum-
prioritise which chunks to use: mary (which may not always be exhaustive). Such
an approach would also be more similar to a real-
• By timestamp: We select the first or last 32 life setting, where clinicians consider all available
chunks by the timestamp of the clinical notes. information for ICD coding, rather than informa-
Taking the last chunks achieved far superior tion in a single document.
performance. In this paper, we demonstrated the HTDS model,
• By category: We select first the discharge sum- which is an adaptation of the hierarchical trans-
mary2 , then notes of a certain category (Ra- former model that considers the text and meta-
diology/Nursing/Physician), and then other data from the entire clinical document sequence
notes until 32 chunks of text are selected. Our for ICD coding. While transformer-based models
results indicate that the differences in perfor- have faced difficulties achieving competitive per-
mance are mostly marginal, suggesting that formance on the ICD coding problem in the past,
there could be multiple possible strategies that with HTDS we show that these challenges can be
achieve close to optimal performance. overcome. When evaluated on the MIMIC-III-50
test set using only discharge summaries, HTDS
• Prioritise diversity: We select first the last exceeded the prior state-of-the-art performance in
note by timestamp of each category, and then terms of Micro-F1 score. When all clinical docu-
the second last note of each category, and so ments were considered, the performance of HTDS
on until 32 chunks of text are selected. This improved further on all performance metrics of
maximises the diversity (in terms of categories interest, and exceeded prior state-of-the-art perfor-
of notes) used as inputs to the model. This mance in all metrics except for Macro-F1. The
approach was found to have the highest score results demonstrate the value of including clinical
on the development set, and hence used for documents beyond the discharge summary in the
HTDS. ICD coding problem.
Possibilities for improving performance even fur-
Micro F1
ther are plenty. These include: using a large-sized
HTDS (Prioritise diversity) 74.0
language model or using overlapping text chunks
to reduce fragmentation in the initial encoding step
Prioritise First 68.4
(Dai et al., 2022), considering other transformer ar-
Prioritise Last 73.8
chitectures for long texts (Beltagy et al., 2020; Dai
et al., 2019; Zaheer et al., 2020), smarter strategies
Prioritise Radiology 73.8
for chunking the input text to reduce fragmentation,
Prioritise Nursing 73.7
further improving the strategy for selecting which
Prioritise Physician 73.8
text to use as model input (possibly going down to
Table 8: Performance when note selection is varied on text-level rather than document-level approaches),
the development set. and incorporating methods to better model rare
ICD codes (Vu et al., 2021; Yuan et al., 2022).
Approaches for improving the computational effi-
In general, we also note that the effects of note se-
ciency and training time of the model can be consid-
lection strategies would be more pronounced when
ered to help to reduce GPU resource requirements,
the maximum number of chunks Nc for model in-
and enable the testing of more models and hyper-
put is smaller, as it would result in a greater propor-
parameter settings. Going even further from here,
tion of text being excluded.
we could consider multi-modal models that use in-
Our exploratory tests find that the discharge summaries formation across the entire EHR database for ICD
contain the most relevant information. We note also that
prior work achieved good performance with just the discharge coding.
summaries, without the need for other notes. We hope that our findings will encourage future
studies that tap on the full breadth and depth of have affected our evaluation metrics.
information available in modern EHR databases
today in order to further push the limits of perfor- Ethics Statement
mance on the ICD coding problem in future. No conflicts of interest are declared by the au-
thors. Clinical data in the MIMIC-III database
Limitations is de-identified through removal of identifying
data elements and date-shifting in accordance with
Although applying HTDS on the full clinical docu-
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
ment sequence in each hospital stay helped to push
Act (HIPAA) standards, and protected health infor-
performance on the ICD coding problem further
mation was further removed from clinical notes
as compared to the prior state-of-the-art, we note a
using dictionary look-ups and pattern-matching
few limitations to our work.
(Johnson et al., 2016). The use of the data is in ac-
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cordance with the MIMIC-III data use agreement.
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