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1. Each of the following is a characteristic of whole blood, except a A) temperature approximately 38 degrees Celsius.

B) viscosity about the same as water. C) pH of 7.4. D) bright red color if taken from an artery. E) dull red color if taken from a vein 2) Which of the following statements concerning red blood cells is false? A) Red cells are biconcave discs. B) Red cells lack mitochondria. C) Red cells have a large nucleus. D) Red cells are specialized for carrying oxygen. E) Red cells can form stacks called rouleaux. 3) The average lifespan of a red blood cell is A) 1 week. B) 1 month. C) 4 months. D) 6 months. E) 1 year. 4) The function of hemoglobin is to A) carry oxygen. B) protect the body against infectious agents. C) aid in the process of blood clotting. D) carry nutrients from the intestine to the bodys cells. E) both A and C 5) The waste product bilirubin is produced from A) globin chains of hemoglobin. B) portions of heme molecules that contain iron. C) portions of heme molecules that do not contain iron. D) iron found in hemoglobin molecules. E) abnormal proteins found in red blood cells.

6) Most of the iron that is removed from degraded hemoglobin is A) excreted by the kidneys. B) excreted by the liver. C) excreted by the intestines. D) recycled to the bone marrow. E) stored in yellow bone marrow. 7) _____ are immature erythrocytes that are sometimes found in peripheral blood samples. A) Erythroblasts B) Normoblasts C) Myeloblasts D) Band cells E) Reticulocytes 8) Erythropoiesis increases when A) oxygen levels in the blood increase. B) oxygen levels in the blood decrease. C) carbon dioxide levels in the blood increase. D) carbon dioxide levels in the blood decrease. E) protein levels in the blood increase.

9) A person with type A blood has A) a agglutinins on their red blood cells. B) A agglutinogens in their plasma. C) B agglutinogens on their red blood cells. D) b agglutinins in their plasma. E) the ability to receive AB blood cells.

10) All of the following are true of neutrophils, except that they are

A) granular leukocytes. B) phagocytic. C) also known as polymorphonuclear leukocytes. D) important in coagulation. E) active in fighting bacterial infections 11) White blood cells that release histamine at the site of an injury are A) neutrophils. B) eosinophils. C) basophils. D) lymphocytes. E) monocytes. 12/ The white blood cells that are important in producing antibodies are the A) neutrophils. B) eosinophils. C) basophils. D) lymphocytes. E) monocytes. 13) Platelets are A) large cells that lack a nucleus. B) small cells that lack a nucleus. C) large cells with a prominent, indented nucleus. D) small cells with a many-shaped nucleus. E) fragments of large megakaryocyte cells. 14) The main event of the platelet phase is A) vascular spasm. B) activation of fibrinogen. C) clot retraction. D) formation of a platelet plug. E) contraction of platelets.

15) The extrinsic pathway of coagulation is activated by the A) sticking of platelets to damaged tissue. B) activation of a proenzyme exposed to collagen. C) release of tissue factor by damaged endothelium. D) release of heparin from the liver. E) conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. 16) The common pathway of coagulation begins with the A) sticking of platelets to damaged tissue. B) activation of a proenzyme exposed to collagen. C) release of tissue factor by damaged endothelium. D) activating of a clotting factor that converts prothrombin to thrombin. E) activation of a clotting factor that converts fibrinogen to fibrin. 17) Blood returning to the heart from the systemic circuit first enters the A) right atrium. B) right ventricle. C) left atrium. D) left ventricle. E) conus arteriosus. 18) The right ventricle pumps blood to the A) lungs. B) left ventricle. C) left atrium. D) systemic circuit. E) right atrium. 19) The bicuspid or mitral valve is located A) in the opening of the aorta. B) in the opening of the pulmonary trunk. C) where the vena cavae join the right atrium. D) between the right atrium and right ventricle. E) between the left atrium and left ventricle. 20) The following is a list of vessels and structures that are associated with the heart.

1. right atrium 2. left atrium 3. right ventricle 4. left ventricle 5. vena cavae 6. aorta 7. pulmonary trunk 8. pulmonary veins What is the correct order for the flow of blood entering from the systemic circulation? A) 1, 2, 7, 8, 3, 4, 6, 5 B) 1, 7, 3, 8, 2, 4, 6, 5 C) 5, 1, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 6 D) 5, 3, 1, 7, 8, 4, 2, 6 E) 5, 1, 3, 8, 7, 2, 4, 6 21) The first blood vessels to branch from the aorta are the _____ arteries. A) pulmonary B) coronary C) circumflex D) carotid E) subclavian 22) The pacemaker cells of the heart are located in the A) Purkinje fibers. B) SA node. C) AV node. D) wall of the left ventricle. E) both the left and right ventricles. 23) Depolarization of the ventricles is represented on an electrocardiogram by the A) P wave. B) T wave. C) S wave. D) QRS complex.

E) PR complex 24) The first heart sound is heard when the A) AV valves open. B) AV valves close. C) semilunar valves close. D) atria contract. E) blood enters the aorta. 25) During the isovolumetric phase of ventricular systole, the A) atria are contracting and the ventricles are relaxing. B) atrioventricular valves and semilunar valves are closed. C) blood is ejected into the great vessels. D) all of the above E) B and C only 26) During the cardiac cycle, the A) P wave of the ECG occurs between the first and second heart sounds. B) QRS complex of the ECG precedes the increase in ventricular pressure. C) the stroke volume is ejected during atrial systole. D) second heart sound coincides with the QRS complex of the ECG. E) both A and C

27) The volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called the A) end-diastolic volume. B) end-systolic volume. C) stroke volume. D) cardiac output. E) cardiac reserve. 28) Each of the following factors will increase cardiac output, except A) increased venous return. B) increased parasympathetic stimulation. C) increased sympathetic stimulation. D) increased heart rate.

E) both B and D 29) According to Starlings law of the heart, the cardiac output is directly related to the A) size of the ventricle. B) heart rate. C) venous return. D) thickness of the myocardium. E) end-systolic volume. 30) During ventricular systole, the A) atria are contracting. B) blood is entering the ventricles. C) AV valves are closed. D) pressure in the ventricles declines. E) ventricles are relaxed. 31) The visceral pericardium is the same as the A) mediastinum. B) parietal pericardium. C) epicardium. D) myocardium. E) endocardium. 32) Each of the following contain OXYGENATED BLOOD EXCEPT: A) LEFT VENTRICLE B) PULMONARY ARTERY C) AORTA D) PULMONARY VEIN E) RIGHT SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY 33) The pulmonary semilunar valve guards the entrance to the A) aorta. B) pulmonary trunk. C) pulmonary veins. D) right ventricle. E) left ventricle. 34) The myocardium is primarily composed of _____ tissue.

A) elastic B) fibrous connective C) epithelial D) cardiac muscle E) smooth muscle 35) The muscular layer of a blood vessel is the A) tunica intima. B) tunica externa. C) tunica media. D) tunica interna. E) tunica adventitia 36) The only blood vessels whose walls permit exchange between the blood and the surrounding interstitial fluids are the A) arteries. B) arterioles. C) veins. D) venules. E) capillaries 37) Blood from the brain returns to the heart by way of the _____ vein. A) carotid B) azygos C) subclavian D) internal jugular E) external jugular 38) Branches off the aortic arch include the A) right and left subclavian arteries. B) left subclavian artery. C) left common carotid and right axillary arteries. D) brachio and right axillary arteries. E) both A and C

39) The blood vessel that branches to form a right common carotid and a right subclavian artery is the _____. a) Right axillary artery b) ascending aorta c) superior sagittal sinus d) brachiocephalic artery e) thoracic aorta 40) The blood vessel that supplies blood to the liver, stomach, and spleen is the _____. a) superior mesenteric artery b) inferior mesenteric artery c) great saphenous vein d) celiac artery e) popliteal artery 41) Which of the following DECREASE blood pressure? a) vasoconstriction b) decrease in vessel length c) increase in peripheral resistance d) increase in blood viscosity e) increase stroke volume 42) The inferior mesenteric artery supplies blood to the: a) large intestine and rectum b) small intestine c) stomach d) spleen e) urinary bladder 43) Each of the following would activate chemoreceptors EXCEPT: a) increase in H+ concentration of blood b) increase in blood pH c) decrease in blood oxygen levels d) increase in blood carbon dioxide levels 44) Baroreceptors are located in: a) carotid sinus b) right atrial wall c) aorta d) A and B e) A, B, and C 45) Phil Physiologys baroreceptors detect an elevation in his blood pressure. Which of the following will occur to compensate for this elevated blood pressure and to bring his blood pressure down? a) inhibition of the cardioinhibitory center

b) stimulation of the cardioacceleratory center c) vasodilation d) all of the above The vessel that collects blood from the overlying structures of the head and neck is the _____.

a) internal carotid artery b) external carotid artery c) internal jugular vein d) external jugular vein 47) Which vessels carry blood AWAY from the heart? a) arteries b) veins

Which of the following contains the greater volume of blood?

A) the normal blood volume of the arterial system B) the normal blood volume of the venous system C) Neither is greater 49) If a person has a blood pressure of 120/80, their pressure in their arteries when the ventricles were relaxing is: A) 120 mm B) 100 mm C) 80 mm
D) cannot be determined from this information

50) Blood pressure in veins is lower than that in arteries. A) True B) False Answers: 1-B; 2-C; 3-C; 4-A; 5-C; 6-D; 7-E; 8-B; 9-D; 10-D; 11-C; 12-D; 13-E; 14-D; 15-C; 16-D; 17-A; 18-A; 19-E; 20-C; 21-B; 22-B; 23-D; 24-B; 25-B; 26-B; 27-C; 28-B; 29-C; 30-C; 31-C; 32-B; 33-B; 34-D; 35-C; 36-E; 37-D; 38-B; 39-D; 40-D; 41-B; 42-A; 43-D; 44-E; 45-C; 46-D; 48-B; 49-C; 50-A

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