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Republic of the Philippines


Tarlac City


In partial fulfillment of the requirements of

MBA 505 - Marketing Management

Submitted by:

Potenciano J. Rendon Jr., CPA

Mikah Ysabel C. Dimla

MBA Students

Submitted to:

Atty. Wilmark J. Ramos

Faculty In-Charge

March 14, 2024

Table of Contents

A. Background Summary
 Total Industry Trends
 Potential Market and Segments
 Major Competitors and Analysis

B. The Company’s New Product

 Product Specification/ Description
 Primary Selling Point/ Unique Selling Proposition
 Brand Name
 Positioning/ Potential Barriers

C. Entry Strategy
 Timing
 Roll-out Sequence

D. Marketing Plan
 Product/ Service Marketing Objectives
 Pricing Approach and Strategies
 Place/Distribution
Channel of Distribution
 Promotion
Pre-launch and During
Present Details

E. Miscellaneous Files
 Letter of Request
 Letter of Approval
 Presentation of Proposed New Product
A. Background Summary

 Total Industry Trends

Unfortunately, the owner has made it clear that they prefer not to share the
sales volume of the business with us. We've been informed by the owner that
access to sales volume data of the business is restricted. Despite our interest in
comprehending this aspect of the operation, they have explicitly stated that
sharing this information is confidential.

 Potential Market and Segments

The only way to maximize marketing budgets is to conduct a target market

study. The more information advocates have about their potential customers,
the better the company will be able to make decisions that will improve and
enhance its ability to communicate and connect with customers.

Rysmin Garments chose to locate their business office at blk 78 lot 28 Brgy.
Bangcu, Dapdap Bamban, Tarlac. Target market is PNP/Military/Armed Forces
uniform Supplier. Uniforms for PNP police and Military and Armed Forces
personnel. According to the Philippine National Police (PNP), there is currently
220,000 personnel, and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is composed
of the Philippine Army, Philippine Navy, and Philippine Air Force which has a
total active strength of 140,000 with more than 360,000 personnel in reserve

Rysmin Garments potential market is to develop specialized uniforms with

compartments for equipment, long-lasting materials, and designs that can be
altered to fit various responsibilities in the field could be one way to investigate
a potential new market for uniforms for the military for criminology students.
This could serve criminology students taking part in training exercises,
fieldwork, or simulations. Validating the validity of this market potential could
involve working with colleges and universities or training facilities, as well as
doing market research to determine the preferences and demand of
criminology students. Furthermore, obtaining feedback from prospective clients
and establishing connections with criminology professionals may yield insightful
information for marketing and product development strategies.
Proposing a partnership with other universities could involve reaching out to
criminology departments or relevant academic programs to discuss potential
 Major Competitors and Analysis

The Rysmin Garments conducted research on its direct and indirect

competitors. Businesses that provide similar or substitute services are regarded
as competitors of the project under consideration.

Tailoring is one of the fastest ways of making money in our country today.
However, there are numerous challenges involved in this type of business that
needs to face and some of these are competition and competitors. These days,
there are several available Tailoring in the local area that are retailing and, they
produced many products/garments. Some operate tailoring at a major level,
and there are small to medium enterprises which are also competitive like the
Paulhanz military supply and trading, Glenns Garments, and Kirara’s Garments
& Military needs, and another one the Tactical Gear an online shop that offers
general needs of the military, but their pricing are a bit expensive compared to

To be different, unique, and consistent with their quality product and service
speed is one of the competitive advantages that they should embrace. Rysmin
Garments is producing good quality Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force
uniforms that are a perfect fit for their dear customers. Rysmin Garments have
skilled workers in terms of garments most of them are experts in sewing as
they are in this kind of industry for a long time. The advantage over the
competitors, even though they are just small business enterprise is that they
ensure that the product is in a good condition, well packed, and the good
quality the quality checker is on guard during the production process for the
customer’s satisfaction and so that they will turn back to them whenever they
want again. Another, they do not usually do rush and the garment is worth the
fee. They also have online platforms to connect with the local far areas, and
also they do deliveries and offer free shipping for every minimum order.

B. The Company’s New Product

 Product Description

Introducing the Customized Inspired Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force

uniform for Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology student, by proposing a
partnership with other universities could involve reaching out to criminology
departments or relevant academic programs to discuss potential collaborations.
By this new product plan investor can customized their design for each school
of the uniform for Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology student this is also to
conform on the law under the Republic Act 493 prohibition the wearing of
uniform of military and police personnel by those who are not in the service of
the AFP and the PNP. Currently, the Philippine National Police (PNP) is
observing Oplan Tamang Bihis for the proper wearing of uniforms. This will
equip students with the career preparation, skills, knowledge, and experiences
necessary to succeed in their chosen careers in law enforcement or the
Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force, providing a solid foundation for their future
professional endeavors.

Presenting Range Ready Apparel: for enduring, cozy outfits made especially for
the firing range industry. The new product design uniforms enable workers and
customers to concentrate on safety and accuracy with their tactical features,
customizable alternatives, and safety considerations. Partnering with shooting
range businesses not only enhances their operations but also expands the
Rysmin Garments sales opportunities. Having Collaboration to offer customized
uniforms, increasing brand exposure and driving sales growth for both parties.

 Primary Selling Point/ Unique Selling Proposition

The business provides the best Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force uniforms
and bespoke designs. The company’s primary purpose is to provide a tailor
straight to their client’s homes, removing the need for them to travel vast
distances in search of the best tailor or uniform that will match their demands.
Because it provides online access and communication as well as convenient
access for customers’ purchases with optional sizes and designs, the firm will
appeal to any professional.

The unique selling proposition of their Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force
tailoring business reside in their commitment to precision, durability, and
customization. Offering meticulous tailoring services to ensure that each
uniform fits perfectly, providing comfort and mobility for military personnel,
PNP, Navy etc. in any situation. The business crafted uniforms from the highest
quality materials, rigorously tested to withstand the demands of Military/PNP,
Marine, and Air force operations and maintain their appearance and
performance over time. They understand that every Military/PNP, Marine, and
Air force unit has unique requirements. That’s why they offer a wide range of
customization options, from insignias and patches to specialized features
tailored to specific roles and environments. Rysmin Garments offer Exceptional
Service by providing personalized service and attention to detail at every step
of the process, ensuring that each client receives the highest level of
satisfaction and support.
 Brand Name

The company name Rysmin Garments was formed by the Executive Owner Mr.
Matthew Mallari by using his mothers name Ryan Minnie and the word
Garments to be specific with the product/service that they offer. It is registered
in the Department of trade and industry (DTI).

 Positioning/ Potential Barriers

Some potential barriers for a Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force tailoring
business include regulatory compliance, competition, fluctuating demand,
supply chain challenges, technological advancements, economic factors, and
international trade restrictions. Navigating these barriers requires careful
planning, industry expertise, and strategic partnerships to overcome challenges
and position the Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force tailoring business for long-
term success.

C. Entry Strategy

 Timing

Timing strategies around the school year of Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology
student can be essential for a Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force tailoring
business targeting this demographic. Before the School Year it is needed to
conduct market research before the school year begins to understand the
needs and preferences of Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology student. Develop
tailored uniforms and promotional materials well in advance to be ready for the
start of the school year. Build partnerships with universities, criminology,
marine and aircraft departments, and student organizations before the school
year starts to facilitate distribution and promotion. Develop branding and
marketing campaigns to target Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology student and
generate awareness before they return to school. Launch teaser campaigns
and promotions before the school year starts to generate anticipation and
excitement among students. By aligning timing strategies with the school year
of Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology student, a Military/PNP, Marine, and Air
force tailoring business can effectively target this demographic and capitalize
on opportunities for growth and expansion.

 Roll-out Sequence

As we introduce customized Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force uniforms to

universities and colleges catering to Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology student,
a strategic roll-out plan is essential for success. Firstly, we must meticulously
identify our target universities and colleges. By focusing on institutions with
renowned criminology programs, we ensure that our efforts are directed
towards a receptive audience. Factors such as enrollment size, geographic
location, and academic reputation will guide our selection process.

By prioritizing Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology student in new product

development and aligning strategies with their academic calendar, the
Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force tailoring business can effectively meet their
needs and establish a strong presence within this target demographic. Once
our target institutions are identified, the next step is to design customized
uniforms tailored specifically to meet the needs and preferences of Aircraft,
Seaman, and Criminology student. These uniforms must not only exude
durability and functionality but also offer ample customization options to cater
to the diverse tastes of our audience. Engagement with our target universities
and student organizations will be a pivotal aspect of our roll-out strategy.
Through presentations, demonstrations, and campus events, we will foster
excitement and anticipation for our customized uniforms, effectively generating
buzz within our target market.

D. Marketing Plan

 Product Marketing Objectives

To establish the company as the trusted supplier of tailored uniforms for the
military by emphasizing accuracy skilled work, high-quality products, and
dedication to satisfying the distinctive requirements of Military/PNP, Marine,
and Air force personnel. By means of specific promotional dedication, the
business aim to broaden awareness of the brand, generate results in, and
establish contracts with Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force units and
government agencies, leading to revenue development while developing long-
term partnerships within the Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force sector.

The store will provide distinctive courtesy services in order to differentiate

itself. These product/services are: Client mailers to keep customers informed
about new product uniform introductions and specials, Items must be ordered
specifically, A registry for things on customers’ “wish lists” that can be picked
and kept on file at the store. Those purchasing gifts for the client can see this
list, which will be updated as purchases are made, Clients can place an item on
“hold” for up to five days, The business will have its own vehicle to lessen the
burden on our dear customers so, the product will be delivered right in front of
their doors.

 Pricing Approach and Strategies

The goal of the pricing policy is to keep prices at or above those of

competitors. This is due to management’s perception of the store as a broad
specialty store, as well as a desire to acquire and maintain a high-quality
inventory, service reputation, and image.

Rysmin Garments ensures that prices are balanced with quality, aiming to be
perceived as offering good value by customers. This approach entails
competitive pricing based on value. While their products/garments are priced
reasonably, they are not necessarily the lowest in the local market.
Consequently, their pricing strategy is competitive across various product
ranges but does not solely rely on low prices to overshadow other advantages
of doing business with the company, such as the availability of Military/PNP,
Marine, and Air Force uniforms at reasonable prices, coupled with excellent
service and punctual delivery.

Moreover, they acknowledge the importance of price flexibility in achieving

success. The company is willing to offer discounts, freebies, allowances, free
shipping for online customers, and promotional prices to boost operating
capacity utilization, minimizing or eliminating idle capacity and associated
To maintain profitability while being competitive and satisfying client needs, a
military tailoring company could use a pricing approach that involves cost-plus
prices, affordable prices, and value-based pricing. Furthermore, attracting
clients and fostering confidence can be achieved by providing upfront pricing
and volume discounts.

Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force Armed Forces uniforms (Subcon) prices are
presented below:

 Place/Distribution


Rysmin Garments is located at Blk 78 lot 28, Brgy Bangcu, Dapdap Bamban

The said location was chosen by the Executive Owner because of its low-cost
lease, accessibility to the target market, and vicinity to commercial
establishments. The stall will be leased on a monthly basis for Php25,000.00,
excluding water and electricity.

Channel of Distribution

The channel of distribution of the company’s product/service procedure is to

bridge the gap between the producer of a product and the user of it, and
pursue the satisfaction of the customers small, pleasant acts and standard
operating procedures combine to make a big impact when correctly executed
as a whole.
Distribution channels for a Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force tailoring business
typically include direct sales to military units, government contracts, authorized
dealers, e-commerce platforms, trade shows, and Military/PNP, Marine, and Air
force exchanges.

 Promotion

To capture the interest of their dear customers to try and purchase

products/garments they are giving free shipping as well as discounts for
wholesales. The business will be having an online platform like websites and
social media account and page to connect and promote quickly with the

For Direct customers, they always have ready-made and sample uniforms
allowing direct customers to test and use them comfortably. They also have
Customer/Co-supplier referral incentives this is a way to encourage current
customers to refer new customers directly to our store. As the business is
expecting to have its competitors our pricing will be adjusted to catch
customers attention.

Pre-launch and During

Business promotion is an essential component of any company’s success

because it allows the company to expand its customer/client base and open
new doors of opportunity. Advertising finances are set aside to inform
customers about the company and the services it provides. The following
sections discuss the promotional strategies for the company in order to achieve
the market share.
The following are promotional strategies to make the business known within
the local area:


o Print Media

This means of an advertisement does not only promote the company but
also help them to find the great quality uniform at just affordable price.
Banners, tarpaulin – will be hung within the local area.

*printed Materials costs

=1,600.00 (400*4) Tarpaulin
= 520.00 (260*2) Banner

o Social media advertising

The business will be having an online platform and marketplaces like

websites and social media accounts and pages to connect and promote
quickly with their customers.

* Facebook ad costs 400.00 per 1,000 Impressions

* Instagram ad costs 400.00 per 1,000 Impressions


o Store Display

Store will be displaying for marketing tools to entice customers to come

in and increase their likelihood of purchasing our product. For the direct
customers, they have ready-made and sample uniforms allowing the
direct customers to test and use them comfortably.

* Display the sample uniform in the mannequin.

Present Details

Time the official launch of the Military/PNP, Marine, and Air force tailoring
business to coincide with the start of the school year to capitalize on the
increased demand and interest from Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology

o Special Promo

Offer special promotions and discounts during key periods, such as

back-to-school season or before major academic events, to attract
students and drive sales.
o Engagement: Engage with Aircraft, Seaman, and Criminology student
through campus events, guest lectures, and student organizations to
promote the brand and solicit feedback.

o Adaptation: Remain flexible and adapt strategies based on feedback

and changing trends throughout the school year to ensure continued
relevance and success.
E. Miscellaneous Files

 Letter of Request
 Letter of Approval

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