7 - Hobbies and Sports - 8 de Mayo

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English Department 7th Grade

Miss Tamara Miranda Larraín 8-05-2024

Hobbies and Sports


OA 3 To introduce the new unit To differentiate hobbies and sports

Sports and hobbies are two different types of activities that people enjoy. Sports are physical
activities that involve competition, while hobbies are activities that people do for fun and
relaxation. Some examples of sports include basketball, snowboarding, and tennis. Some
examples of hobbies include cooking, reading, and listening to music. Participating in sports
and hobbies can benefit a person's overall health and well-being by improving physical
fitness, reducing stress, and providing opportunities for social interaction and self-expression.

I. Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct words.
1. _______________ is a popular sport that involves shooting a ball through a hoop.
2. _______________ is a hobby where you can express your creativity by playing a musical
3. _______________ is a winter sport that involves riding a board down a snowy hill.
4. _______________ is a hobby where you can capture interesting moments with a camera.
5. _______________ is a sport that involves hitting a ball over a net using your hands or arms.

Word bank: basketball, play the guitar, snowboarding, take photographs, volleyball

II. Multiple Choice Questions: Choose the correct answer from the choices for each

1. Which of the following is a sport? c. Tennis

a. Cook d. Soccer
b. Read 4. Which of the following is an individual
c. Karate sport?
d. Listen to music a. Basketball
2. Which of the following is a hobby? b. Volleyball
a. Soccer c. Tennis
b. Judo d. Soccer
c. Watch movies 5. Which of the following is a combat
d. Figure skating sport?
3. Which of the following is a team sport? a. Karate
a. Archery b. Snowboarding
b. Gymnastics c. Tennis
d. Gymnastics

III. Open Ended Questions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. Explain the difference between a hobby and a sport.
2. Which sport or hobby do you enjoy the most, and why?
3. How can participating in sports and hobbies benefit a person's overall health and

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