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Curves for the Cage (Quick and Sexy

Wolves Book 4) 1st Edition Zoey

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Table of Contents

~ Acclaim for Zoey Thames ~

Look for these titles from Zoey Thames

Copyright Warning

~ Dedication ~
















~ About the Author ~

~ Coming Soon ~

~ Also by Zoey Thames ~

More Romance from Etopia Press

Excerpt from Curves for Fighters by Zoey Thames

~ Acclaim for Zoey Thames ~

For Curves for Fighters

“The passion felt real and the twists were unexpected.

I found their relationship fun and intense. And the
combined chemistry between these men and Ruth
was hot.”
–Manic Readers
Look for these titles from Zoey Thames

Now Available

Quick & Sexy Wolves

Curves for Three (Book One)

Curves for Fighters (Book Two)
Curves for Shifters (Book Three)
Curves for the Cage (Book Four)

Coming Soon

Curves for Cowboys (Book Five)

Curves for the Cage
Quick & Sexy Wolves Book Four

Zoey Thames
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EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or
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infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI
and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of
$250,000 (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/).

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and

incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not
to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons,
living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely

Published By
Etopia Press
1643 Warwick Ave., #124
Warwick, RI 02889
Curves for the Cage
Copyright © 2017 by Zoey Thames
ISBN: 978-1-944138-81-3
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews.
First Etopia Press electronic publication: January 2017
~ Dedication ~

For Kyle and Sharon and their dog Ponzo


Dixie Campbell’s night had been going just

peachy until Pierre Bouchard opened his mouth and
insulted her boots.
As a Mirage Confidential chauffeur, she’d been
dispatched to pick Mr. Bouchard, a billionaire online
transport entrepreneur, and the MMA fighter he was
sponsoring and take them to the MGM Grand casino.
A big Mixed Martial Arts cage-fighting tournament
was happening this weekend in Las Vegas. Mr.
Bouchard would be requiring Mirage services the
entire weekend of the tournament. She would even
get her own room at the casino so she’d be on hand to
drive him whenever necessary.
And Pierre Bouchard was a gorgeous chunk of
man-candy. His dark, designer suit was filled out by a
body she could tell was well muscled and would be
delightfully hard as steel if a girl were to run her
tongue down the ridges of his abs. Not that she had
been thinking anything like that. And if a stray, horny
thought had flashed into her brain, that only meant
she really needed to get laid.
But it certainly didn’t help that Bouchard had
dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, with a chiseled
jaw and a short, stylish beard. He was classically
handsome. Her nipples tightened right along with her
core when an unexpected fantasy of the man naked
and hard and parting her thighs suddenly shoved its
way into her mind. Complete yumgasm. She
normally wasn’t given to fantasizing about the
wealthy and powerful clients she drove around, but
damn, this man had presence. Even more than usual
for an alpha werewolf.
All her excitement soured when Bouchard,
fresh off his private jet, frowned as he looked her over
and asked, “Are pink cowboy boots part of the
standard Mirage chauffeur uniform?”
She’d been asked the question plenty of times,
but always by someone who seemed charmed by the
contrast of her pink cowgirl boots and her dark
chauffeur uniform. Mr. Bouchard seemed offended by
them. What a great way to start off a working
weekend with a client. She could already tell it would
be a long one.
Despite his boot-hate, she gave him a bright
smile. “Just for me, sir. I like to show a little bit of
Vegas flair for visitors.”
He snorted. It was the first time she’d ever had
a werewolf snort at her like a horse.
Yes, indeedy. It was quickly shaping up to be a
very long weekend.
Because it was standard practice for Mirage
drivers to review company portfolios on clients, she
knew Pierre Bouchard was an alpha wolf for a new
pack in Seattle. The pack was a small one he’d started
less than two years prior, but was growing fast. The
billionaire alpha wolf had made his fortune creating
the popular Social2Drive app and service, competing
in the online taxi and app business. Even though it
amused her that Bouchard still relied on high-end
transportation services like Mirage Confidential
instead of his own company taxi service, she knew he
was a controversial figure. After that boot comment,
she only hoped he was a good tipper to make the
weekend worth it. She had a feeling she’d be biting
her tongue quite often.
Before either of them could say another word,
a very large man moved toward them carrying
several huge suitcases, garment bags, and laptop
cases. He had to be at least six foot six and sported
shoulders wider than a refrigerator. In fact, he was
big enough to be a refrigerator dressed in a nice suit.
His arm muscles bulged, but the weight of all the
things he carried didn’t seem to bother him. His hair
was so short it was nearly shaved, and his eyes were
quite a pretty shade of blue. She noticed right away
that his nose had been broken several times by the
slightly crooked look. While he certainly wasn’t
unpleasant to stare at, he was no Pierre Bouchard-
level handsome. Although he did tower over the
other man.
When the big man looked at her, he gave her
the sweetest smile. “I like her boots, Pierre.” His voice
was a deep rumble with the slightest hint of a
Southern accent. Northern Alabama maybe?
Tennessee? “It’s different. I always appreciate
Bouchard glanced his way and actually seemed
amused. “Mackey, if I’d have known you had a thing
for boots, I’d have bought myself a pair years ago.”
“Never too late,” Mackey said, laughing and
nudging Pierre. A little nudge from the big guy
nearly had the billionaire stumbling off balance.
Dixie felt an instant liking for the big guy who
was clearly not a bodyguard and had to be the MMA
fighter that Bouchard sponsored. Anyone who liked
her boots earned points right off the starting line.
Also, he had the body of a god. A big man like that
had to have a cock as long as her forearm, right? A
cock that got so hard it could pound nails. Or was she
forgetting the line between fantasy and reality again?
Screw reality. Fantasy was always more fun
It took a second for her to shake away her lust-
dazed and rambling thoughts. When she did, she
realized she still had a job to do and she’d better get
on it.
She hurried toward the big man Bouchard had
called Mackey. “Here, sir. Let me help with those.”
Mackey smiled gently as he looked down at
her. God, he was big. Standing near him was like
staring up at some kind of mythical creature…like a
frost giant who bench-pressed boulders or something.
He kept the bags out of her reach. “No, ma’am.
I truly appreciate the offer, but they are heavy and I
don’t mind. Keeps me in shape.”
“Don’t tire yourself out, Mackey,” Bouchard
cut in. “You have a bunch of fights to win. Let the
help do their job. It’s what we’re paying for.”
Mackey glanced his way and frowned. “Now
you just settle down, Pierre. You know a gentleman is
always a gentleman, even when he’s rich and in
She grinned up at him, as warm butterflies
fluttered in the pit of her stomach. “He’s right though.
It is part of my job.”
“Don’t worry yourself about that. We always
pack more than we need anyhow. And by ‘we,’ I
mean Pierre. Just show me where to put them.”
Pierre’s expression darkened into a frown.
“Excuse me for wanting to look good for your
victory.” He glanced at his Rolex. “We should get to
the casino soon. We only have a couple more hours to
weigh in.”
Dixie led the way to the limo and opened the
trunk. Mackey dutifully followed along behind her
and loaded the luggage into the limo.
He held out a huge hand to her when he was
done. “Name’s Mackey Mackay. Pleased to make
your acquaintance.”
Her brief hesitation was only because his hand
was bigger than both of hers, even when placed side
by side. But then she cursed herself for a coward and
grabbed his hand for a shake. His huge paw
enveloped her tiny one. He was very gentle, even
though she could sense the great strength in those big
“Pleased to meet you as well,” she replied,
unable to help her smile, which was a hundred
percent real smile, not one of the necessary
“professional” ones she’d been flashing at Bouchard
earlier. “Mackey Mackay? That has a nice ring to it.”
He chuckled. The sound was like standing next
to the rumbling engine of a semi. “Mama thought it
would be easier to spell. I always told her, ‘Mama, I’m
big, but I ain’t stupid.’ Then she’d whap me for
saying ‘ain’t.’”
That surprised a laugh out of her. She always
found men who had a sense of humor to be endlessly
sexy…and judging from the bulges beneath his suit,
this man had enough muscle to compete in any of
those bodybuilding contests.
Which was a whole new level of sexy.
Bouchard cleared his throat dramatically.
Crap, the client with the checkbook was waiting. She
quickly shut the trunk and hurried around to open
the limo door for him. But after she opened and held
it while standing at formal attention, he only looked
her over again. He paused for so long she began to
wonder what his issue was now.
“You’re bigger than our last driver,” Pierre
Bouchard said in a clipped voice. He kept his gaze
meeting her gaze, but she knew what he was talking
about. She was curvy, and her chest was one of the
curviest parts of her.
She could have been offended, outraged, hurt,
but she only turned the wattage on her smile all the
higher. If this jerk thought to shame her about her
body just because she came from a long line of bigger,
curvier women, he was in for one hell of a surprise.
She’d heard it all before. To her, it was water off a
duck’s back. And it had been that way, ever since the
day in her high school senior year when she’d
decided she would never give other people the power
to hurt her with words again.
So it was easy to put some return sass in her
voice to go along with her smile. “I’m more beautiful
than your last driver too, but let’s not hurt her
feelings by mentioning it, shall we?”
The big fighter laughed. He slapped Pierre on
the back, causing the man to stumble a step. “That’s
what you get for being rude. She has a fighter’s spirit.
We’re lucky.”
“Perhaps she should get in the ring instead of
you. She can wear her boots,” Pierre quipped,
smirking at Mackey.
Mackey shrugged at her apologetically.
“Travel makes him cranky.” He climbed into the limo,
which tilted noticeably on its springs.
Pierre turned to look at her, his gaze
narrowing. “I must warn you, Miss…”
“Dixie Campbell. I’m pleased to serve you,
“Indeed. Dixie, is it?” He glanced at Mackey
inside the limo. When he looked at the other man, the
expression on his face softened, a warm smile just
barely showing on those full lips of his. In that
moment, he looked like a regular, movie-star-
handsome, nice guy human being. But his look
soured again when he turned back to her and he
practically growled, “I’m going to warn you…Dixie.
I’m hard to please.”
“Well, Mirage Confidential excels at pleasing
the hard to please.”
His smirk deepened. “Spare me the marketing
shtick. I get enough as it is. Just remember what I
said. And get us there on time.” He climbed into the
She shut the door, careful not to slam it.
Careful to keep the smile on her face.
She was especially careful not to wish it was
already Monday, the tournament over, and the
obnoxious Mr. Pierre Bouchard on his way back to
Seattle after leaving her a generous tip for all she’d
had to endure.
Those kinds of wishes would only get her into
trouble. And trouble was exactly what she didn’t

Pierre grabbed a crystal glass and poured

himself some of the Dom Pérignon as soon as he had
himself settled in the limousine. He needed the
alcohol to steady his nerves. Right now, he was a
nervous wreck about the tournament and…other
He couldn’t afford to appear weak. Ever.
Showing nerves would be a sure sign of weakness in
an alpha and a leader. So he was grateful for the
calming effect of the Dom Pérignon. Mirage
Confidential always provided the very best for their
clients, ensuring everything was high-end and
perfect. Both were reasons he was happy to pay their
premium prices.
Thinking about the limo company had him
thinking about their chauffeur again. He could easily
close his eyes and call to mind Dixie Campbell, her
pink boots, flawless skin, heart-shaped face, and the
oh-so-tempting way her breasts filled out her
uniform. He shook his head, driving off the thoughts
of her before they could distract him even more.
He hadn’t meant to be such a dick to the lady.
So far, it had been one hell of a long day, ending with
a tiring flight. So yes, Mackey was right. He was
cranky. Besides, he was worried about the
tournament and that always made him snappish.
As always, he was far more worried than
Mackey seemed to be, which annoyed him to no end.
So he’d been in no mood for Dixie Campbell and her
look-at-me pink cowboy boots. After he’d noticed her
responding to Mackey’s easy charm and his in-
perfect-shape body, Pierre had been a little jealous.
Hell, why lie about it? He’d been a lot jealous.
While he had no trouble courting women or men
when he wished, he didn’t like it when the ladies or
the fellas zeroed in on his lover. He was a bit of the
jealous type, he could admit it.
Mackey belonged to him.
The two of them had been lovers for almost
three years now, ever since Pierre had found Mackey
fighting in a local street-level werewolf brawl-
tournament for chump change wagers. He’d brought
Mackey out of that life and into the big time. Now
Mackey Mackay was a star, fighting other
werewolves and shifters in MMA battles that
everyone—humans, shifters, demigods, you name
it—loved to watch on pay-per-view.
At first the whole thing was a side project for
him, something he found enjoyable when he was sick
of the problems with Social2Drive and all the
changing regulations with online transportation
services. But soon enough he’d found himself falling
for the heavy weight fighter and his easy Southern
charm. The man was a real gentleman…and that
always melted Pierre’s heart. Probably because Pierre
knew that he himself was such a bastard much of the
He had to be. To run a company and run a
pack, you had to be a bastard.
But Mackey was his shelter from all of that. He
was kind. Caring. Gentle. And seeing the public fall in
love with him had made Pierre feel good. In some
strange way, it was almost as if the public also loved
Pierre by adoring Mackey. Maybe because he’d
brought Mackey out of obscurity and into the world
and made people happy. It was foolish, feel-good
nonsense…but that didn’t mean he didn’t think that
way sometimes.
Pierre took another sip of champagne and tried
to regain his focus. None of that mattered right now
anyway. Besides, the upcoming tournament wasn’t
the only reason for his nerves. It was his wolf.
His inner wolf had responded to Miss Dixie
Campbell and responded hard. So much so, that it
had taken every bit of self-control he possessed to
keep from sweeping up the curvy chauffeur in his
arms and carrying her off with him somewhere more
private. That disturbed him. Not only was this the
exact worst time for his wolf to react the way it would
to a mate, but she had been hired to drive them for
the entire weekend. So that meant he’d be dealing
with his reaction to her on top of all the stress of
seeing Mackey compete. His wolf already thought of
Mackey as his mate. So what kind of craziness was
One thing was certain, it was craziness he did
not need right now. Mackey was his mate. End of
story. Mackey would win this tournament, then they
could return to Seattle, and he never had to think
about Dixie and her obnoxious disregard for uniform
codes ever again.
“You should be kinder to people,” Mackey
chided gently. “Especially people just trying to do
their jobs.”
“I’ll make sure to tell her I’m sorry with a fat
tip after you win this tournament.”
The other man shook his head, frowning.
“What’s wrong? You’re usually not like this. I mean,
we both know sometimes you have to act all alpha,
but that comment about her was way out of line.”
He gritted his teeth and for once said nothing.
He’d hated himself from the moment those words
popped out of his mouth, but he couldn’t very well
take them back. He hadn’t meant them the way
they’d come out either. He’d meant it…as a
compliment. Her curvy figure had caught his
attention right away—that hourglass shape, those full
breasts, thick thighs, and an ass that was an ass
worthy of the name. But he’d also been annoyed at
his body’s reaction to her. While he sometimes
enjoyed other women and men in bed with him and
Mackey for threesomes, for the last year or so, he’d
only been interested in Mackey. Exclusively. Their
threesomes had dwindled and finally stopped. Maybe
that was because Mackey was his mate and perfect for
him. So why had she affected him that way? It was
enough to frustrate any sane man.
He realized he should respond to what Mackey
had said, though. Otherwise Mackey might think he
was ignoring him or pouting or something. A
distraction, in other words.
“You’re right,” he grudgingly admitted. “I was
over the top. A bastard. Like usual. Forget about it. I
promise to make it up to her. Now, can we focus?
Maybe on something important like the fight?”
“Fighting isn’t important,” Mackey said
placidly. “It’s just a thing I’m good at.”
He watched as Mackey opened a package of
sardines. The big man loved sardines. It was a strange
quirk. He loved sardines so much that Pierre often
teased him about being some kind of cat shifter and
not a werewolf after all. But Pierre made sure Mirage
stocked them in their limo because he didn’t want
Mackey to want for anything.
“Fighting might or might not be important,”
Pierre said, “but winning is important. You’ve trained
too hard to lose this now. Your fans are depending on
Mackey put another sardine on a saltine and
popped it into his mouth. “I’ll make the fans proud,
don’t worry. We owe them. But don’t let this put you
in one of your moods, Pierre.”
He bristled. “What moods? You mean the
moods that allow me to run a billion dollar
international business or the moods that allow me to
hold together my wolf pack?”
Mackey looked at him. There was no anger in
his eyes, only a directness and, beneath that, concern.
“I mean the moods where you’re rude to a young
woman who is only doing her job the best she can. I
think she’s sweet. And she’s pretty. My wolf likes
“Why are we talking about her again?” he
replied in a rush, trying to ignore what Mackey had
said about his wolf liking the human chauffeur. That
was trouble he also really didn’t need right now. “I
already groveled to you about how sorry I was and
how much of a bastard I was. I’ll take care of it. Give
her a huge tip. Buy her a small Japanese car.
Whatever. Now I need you focused on winning this
“I don’t like it when you don’t treat others
with the same respect you give me. You’re better than
that, Pierre. We both know it. My wolf thinks she’s
something special.”
“What does that even mean?” he snapped. “My
wolf thinks every piece of tail that crosses his path is
special. She’s pretty enough. But she’s only here to do
a job. After Monday, we’ll never see her again.”
“If you think she’s pretty, maybe you should
tell her so. Maybe you hurt her feeling with the way
you were acting. You just met her. She doesn’t know
you well enough to understand you can’t control your
mouth or the words that sometimes spill out of it.”
“I speak my mind. I am the alpha. Don’t forget
Mackey looked at him gravely and nodded.
“I’ve never forgotten. But maybe that just means we
expect you to be better than we are. So prove it.”
Listen to this. He was being upbraided like a
naughty schoolboy. If it hadn’t been Mackey doing it,
he never would’ve tolerated it. It stung. And it stung
because Mackey was right… “Look, can we just focus
on the tournament now? You’re right. I’m wrong.
Let’s move on.”
Mackey’s smile was gentle, and his eyes kind.
The big man had the sweetest smile Pierre had ever
seen, and it rarely failed to soothe him. Children
loved him too. Everyone loved him. He even got
along with the other shifters he battled in the ring.
Pierre would never admit it, but sometimes he
wondered—just wondered in the dark and idle hours
of two in the morning—what it might be like to be
loved by everyone the same way.
But that wasn’t how you ran a wildly
successful business. That wasn’t how you protected
your pack.
Mackey reached out and laid a hand on
Pierre’s shoulder, then drew him into a kiss. His lips
were soft and salty. Pierre closed his eyes and gave
himself to the kiss. For just a moment, all his tension,
stress, and worries disappeared.
Unfortunately, they were right there again
when Mackey finally drew away. He opened his eyes
to find the big man gently cupping his face and
staring in his eyes.
“Everything will be fine, Pierre.” He smiled
again, and Pierre’s heart did a painful little jag. “I
hope I didn’t taste too much like sardines.”
A surprised laugh escaped his mouth. God, he
loved this man. He could deny him nothing. “Just
salty. Don’t worry, I’ll kiss you whether you taste like
fish or fowl or even liver.”
“I knew you had the soul of a poet,” Mackey
replied, grinning. “I know how you hate liver, so that
means a lot.”
Pierre kissed him again. He couldn’t help it. It
was the only thing he could completely lose himself
in right now. Mackey was the one thing that
mattered. This business with his wolf and Mackey’s
wolf and the feisty little human chauffeur meant
nothing. It did not matter.
He wasn’t worried. Not at all.

Dixie smoothly navigated the traffic on Las

Vegas Boulevard on her way to the MGM Grand.
Traffic this time of evening was mostly normal cars,
trucks, and SUVs mixed in with limos and high-end
luxury and sports cars. She was used to it, and to the
crowds of tourists walking along the sidewalks,
moving between casinos. The lights and screens along
the Strip made the road almost as bright as day in
The privacy shield was up between her side of
the limo and the passenger compartment, and that
was just as well. They could use the intercom or
vidcam system if they needed her or wanted to
change their destination. This way she could be alone
to plan out the rest of her fascinating life without any
distracting male presence to bother her. And by
planning, she meant deciding what she would cook in
her Crock-pot for the day. What Netflix series to
watch next. And skimming through the weird replies
she’d been getting lately on her dating app. Replies
from men who apparently had no clue what the term
“gentleman” meant. She could experience all this
excitement while waiting for the one night a week her
girlfriends were free. Then they could all go out to
dinner, shopping, movies, or just sit around Patty’s
pool out in the suburbs and enjoy some sun, cocktails,
and girl talk.
She’d come to Vegas from Salt Lake City to
attend UNLV, but after getting her bachelor of arts in
Communications Studies, she’d had a hard time
finding a job in her intended field as a development
and fundraising officer. Too many recent graduates,
not enough jobs. That was why she was working as a
limo driver. Mirage Confidential specialized in VIP
clients, wealthy, famous, or part of the shifter
community such as alphas and the like. She had some
benefits and she was well compensated, but the rules
were pretty tight. If Mr. Bouchard decided to make a
fuss about her pink boots, she would be in trouble.
She’d have no option but to face the music. After all,
she was the one making the choice, taking the risk,
and breaking the dress code.
She just held out hope she could do a good
enough job this weekend to charm him into forgetting
about it.
Dixie cruised around to the side access roads
around the MGM Grand, past the self-parking garage,
making her way through a gated entrance to where
the VIP guests were dropped off. She glided up to the
curb. A valet and a bellman hurried over at once.
She parked and got out, moving around to the
back to open the door for her clients. Mackey climbed
out first, giving her a smile and a gentle “Thank you.”
Pierre came next, talking on his cell phone. From the
tense sound of his voice and clipped words, he was
dealing with some kind of business trouble or
complication. He glanced her way briefly and nodded
before charging toward the entrance at a fast walk.
Dixie closed the limo door and hurried to help
with the luggage at the trunk where Mackey was
waiting patiently. The bellman and the valet were
also waiting, looking a bit uncertain and intimidated
by the huge man.
She unlocked the trunk and reached for the
suitcases, but Mackey caught her hand in a
surprisingly gentle but firm grip. “Please. Let me.”
His skin was warm. She was very aware of his
touch, and her body seemed even more aware of him
than her brain. Her heart began to beat faster. Her
breath caught. Her nipples tightened.
She drew her hand away, almost jerking it free.
Then she blushed, because she didn’t want him to
think she didn’t want him to touch her…which she
did. Or at least she didn’t mind if he did. Touch her,
that was. And the whole thing was unexpected and
confusing and was it really hot this evening or what?
“It’s no problem, really,” she said quickly,
trying to cover for herself. “I do this all the time.”
He nodded. “I’m sure you do. But I was
brought up to be a gentleman, so I ask you to forgive
me if I’m overstepping.” He shrugged those powerful
shoulders and grinned. There was something so
friendly about his expression and tone, something so
guileless and charming, that even if he’d said
something totally risqué and inappropriate like You
look like you should be naked and wearing handcuffs on my
bed she wouldn’t have taken offense to it. Her skin
heated even more.
God, what was wrong with her today? General
horniness was making her brain melt. She’d always
believed horny brain melt was only a problem for
males. Apparently, it was highly communicable like
the common cold. Either that, or she really needed a
vacation. And maybe a good vibrator, especially if her
dating app was only going to suggest men with all
the charm and social skills of barn animals.
The bellman waited expectantly with a luggage
cart. Mackey effortlessly unloaded the luggage from
the back of the limo and piled it on the cart. When
that was done and the bellman was on his way into
the casino, Mackey turned back to her.
“Pierre told me you’re going to be staying here
at the hotel for the weekend in case we need a driver.
Would you like to come and watch the tournament?
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greater proportion than the greyish quartz, and the black, small-scaly
mica. “From the Mandara mountains.”
2. The same; with feldspar of dirty-yellowish colour. From the
Mandara range, and two similar varieties from the “hills of Dutchie
Zangia, Soudan.”
3. Similarly coloured variety, but of smaller grain. From the same
4. Large grained variety of the same; the feldspar of a yellowish
colour, and in a state of incipient decomposition, with little black
mica. Mandara.
5. Variety similar to the preceding; in a state of disintegration: the
feldspar decomposing into a reddish earth. From Quarra and
Zurmee, Soudan.
6. Granite, both fine and coarse-grained, almost entirely
composed of flesh-red feldspar, with indeterminable particles of a
black substance, apparently mica. “From the high ridges of Zurma.”
7. The same, small-grained, rather slaty, approaching to gneiss,
composed of greyish-white feldspar and quartz, with predominant
black small-scaly mica. From Nansarena, Soudan.
8. Portion of a boulder, chiefly composed of fine-grained dirty-grey
semicompact feldspar and some quartz; with disseminated particles
of magnetic iron ore (a syenitic rock). “Found near Agutefa.”
9. Greenish-grey mica slate, with little admixed quartz and
feldspar. “It forms the upper part of the ridges between Quarra and
Zurma, Soudan.”
10. Yellowish-grey, soft, and friable mica slate. “From between
Duakee and Sackwa, Soudan.”
11. A hard slaty mass, composed of brilliant silvery small scales of
mica, penetrated by, or mixed with, brown and yellow hydrous oxide
of iron. From the same.
12. White, massive, and irregularly crystallized fat quartz, stained
by oxide of iron. “From a vein in the rocks of Quarra and Zurmee.”
13. The same, out of the granite of the Mandara mountains.
13. a. Yellowish and bluish-white quartz in large grains, as gravel.
“From the bed of the river Yaou, seven days on the road to
14. Greyish-black close-grained basalt. “From the hills in the
Sebha district.”
15. The same; with rarely disseminated grains of decomposing
olivine. From the same.
16. The same; vesicular (basaltic amygdaloid), cells empty.
17. The same as the preceding, with disseminated granular
particles, and minute acicular crystals of specular iron, which also
mostly invest the irregularly shaped cells. “Benioleed; used for
18. The same, of a greyish-brown colour; cells elliptic, and partly
filled with carbonate of lime. “Black mountains near Sockna.”
19. Greenish and yellowish grey, fine-grained crumbling
sandstone. “Found with the gypsum of the hills to the northward of
20. The same, brownish-yellow; “occurring in beds near Om-el-
21. The same, reddish and yellowish, fine-grained, rather friable.
Wady Kawan.
22. Similar, reddish-brown variety of sandstone, but more friable
than the preceding. Tadrart ridge.
23. The same, of a colour between grass and leek-green, fine-
grained, very crumbling. “Traghen, under a gypsum crust; often in
beds of from ten to twelve feet. It has the appearance of some of the
soft sandstone in the mountain range near Tripoli.”
24. Yellowish-white friable sandstone, and fine sand, strongly
impregnated with salt. “Under a calcareous crust, Fezzan.”
25. Similar sand of a very fine rounded grain. “From the Wady, in
which is the Trona lake.”
26. Yellowish clayey sandstone, filled with small rounded quartz
grains and minute white particles of small univalve shells,
(Paludina?) “Gaaf.”
27. Fine and close-grained yellowish-white sandstone, of a thin
stratified structure, which is distinctly seen at the disintegrated parts
of the fragment. “Wady Katefa, under the basalt; forming fine
precipitous walls in the middle of the range.”
28. Brownish-red friable sandstone; the rounded grains of various
sizes, loosely united by clay. “Sandstone of the hills of Wady Ghrarbi.
There is a finer and tender species, and also a stratiform one; but my
specimens are lost.”
29. The same, of a similar colour, intermixed with yellowish, less
crumbling, and containing pebbles. “From the hills to the westward of
Hamera, on which the town is built.”
30. Sandstone of yellowish colour and fine-grained, faintly
variegated with purple. Aghadem.
31. The same, fine-grained, white, with linear purplish streaks,
being the edges of horizontal filmy depositions of iron ochre of that
colour. Wady Kawan.
32. A similar variety, exhibiting purplish-yellow and red
variegations, thoroughly impregnated with salt, which is also seen
efflorescent on the surface. “Hills of Wady Ghrarbi.”
33. Similarly coloured sandstone, in laminar fragments, passing,
by decomposition, into soft clay variegated with the same colours.
Wady Kawar.
34. Tabular fragment of very close-grained nearly compact
variegated sandstone; colours, purplish and two shades of yellow, in
irregular stripes. “Sebha district.”
35. Purplish-brown slaty sandstone, micaceous on the planes of
separation, passing into cream yellow and white clay-stone of the
same structure. “Aluminous slate (sic) in different states, forming a
considerable part of the mountain range, Tadrart, Tuarick country.”
36. A tabular fragment, like the preceding; micaceous on the rifts,
of reddish-brown colour, being thoroughly penetrated by oxide of
iron. Aghadem.
37. Yellowish sandstone, composed of round grains of quartz, with
white clayey cement, which, towards the surface of the rolled piece,
becomes quartzy. From ditto.
38. A similar large-grained variety, of reddish-yellow colour with
brown streaks, in which the cementing clay, become quartzy, is
scarcely distinguishable from the grains. “Forming the eastern
boundary of the hills near Traghen.”
39. A large fragment of the same quartzy sandstone, of yellow
colour, with red streaks and brown nucleus, nearly compact, so as to
exhibit on its conchoidal fractural surfaces the traces only of a
granular structure. “Strewed over the plain between Ghudwa and
40. The same, brownish-red, in the shape of a rolled amorphous
fragment, having acquired a uniform glossy surface like red jasper.
From ditto.
41. Yellowish variety of the same, the granular passing into
compact structure. “Thick exposed beds from Om el Abeed to
42. Yellowish-grey variety of the same, as perfectly compact
tabular fragments, having their surfaces studded with small
polymorphous bodies imitating the appearance of parts of secondary
fossils. From ditto.
43. The same as the preceding, having its surface marked by
small bivalve shells, converted into the mass of the sandstone. From
44. Sharp-edged fragments, of a variety like No. 39., of a deep
chocolate-brown colour and flat conchoidal fracture. “Between
Sebha and Timinhint; rocks about 250 feet high.”
45. The same, in which the quartz grains are very firmly cemented
by dark-red or brown siliceous iron-stone, sometimes enclosing
larger rounded grains and small pebbles; the whole forming a very
hard compact conglomerate with conchoidal shining fractural
surface. “From between Om el Abeed to Sebha, and near Zuela.”
46. Fragment of a mass of quartzy sandstone and compact brown
ironstone, externally stalactic reed-like, with black glossy surface.
“From the hills of Wady Ghrarby.”
47. Brown ferruginous sandstone, nearly compact, and with
drused cavities, enclosing yellowish nodules of magnesian
limestone. “Forms the upper part of numerous low hills, and the
surface of exposed parts on the road from Hamera to Zuela.”
48. A mass of yellow and brown ferruginous sandstone with
amorphous botryoidal surface, unequally penetrated by siliceous
brown oxide of iron, which produces the appearance of a mixture of
brown ochrey clay-ironstone. “Near Timinhint, forming the summit of
49. Wood-hornstone; dark brown, with lighter coloured centre,
being part of a cylindrical stem or branch of a dicotyledonous tree.
“From between Mestoota and Gatrone.”
50. Flint composed of conchoidal distinct concretions, some of
them forming nuclei; the layers of alternating brown and white
colours, irregularly curved. “Quantities strewed over the plain from
Temasta to Bonjem.”
51. Yellowish-grey flint passing into hornstone, in irregularly
angular pieces, with brown glossy corroded surface. “La Saila; hills
of silex and opal.”
52. White hornstone; a boulder with corroded glossy surface.
“Strewed in large quantities between Wady el Beny and Wilkna, and
on the summit of gypsum hills.”
53. Yellowish-white substance intermediate between hornstone
and calcedony, in angular pieces, with cream-coloured cacholong on
the surface. “On the way from Gatrone to Tegerhy.”
54. Brownish-red carnelian; a fragment, with irregularly botryoidal
yellowish decomposed surface. From ditto.
55. Several fragments of variously shaped rough sand tubes;
internal surface highly glazed. “From the sands near Dibla.”
56. Lithomarge, reddish-brown, here and there variegated with
bluish-green and greyish, in fragments with rather tuberculated
surface. “Aghadem, beds in the sandstone.”
57. The same, but penetrated by iron ochre, and much harder;
with small imbedded pyriform concretions. From ditto.
58. Brownish-red and yellowish-grey variegated slaty clay, very
soft and unctuous to the touch. From ditto.
59. Small-foliated amorphous gypsum, confusedly crystallized,
with adhering red marl. “From the curiously formed gypsum hills of
Bonjem to Hormut and Takui, with large quantities of opal on the
60. Some specimens of white, granular, and foliated gypsum; one
of the varieties composed of wedge-shaped laminæ. Bonjem.
61. Large-foliated white selenite. “Close to the Tchad, Kanem.”
62. Compact limestone, of bluish-grey colour, divisible into tabular
fragments. “Benioleed, under the basalt.”
63. Light cream-coloured nearly compact limestone, in tabular
fragments; fracture even, fractural surface slightly glimmering.
64. Fragment of a similar variety of limestone, with conchoidal
fracture. “Benioleed, lowest observable stratum except one.”
65. Compact limestone, of a reddish and cream yellow colour,
variegated with pale brown, of very close texture, and small-
conchoidal fracture. “Hills to the north of Benioleed.”
66. Fragment of a greenish-grey tabular magnesian limestone,
splendent on the fractural surfaces, the lustre produced by a curved-
lamellar, though (in one direction) apparently compact structure. “On
the ridges between Meshroo and Tegerhy.”
67. Yellowish-red, close-grained, nearly compact limestone, here
and there with minute scales; external exposed surface uneven,
glossy. “Temedetan, forming thick strata.”
68. Rolled fragment, of a reddish-yellow variety of magnesian
limestone, with glossy surface, and of earthy fracture, including
some dark-coloured grains, (oxide of manganese?) “Found in the
deserts, sometimes finely dendritic.”
69. Light cream-coloured hard (magnesian) limestone, with earthy
uneven fracture; the exposed surface shining, partly corroded, partly
smooth. “Hills of Gaaf.”
70. A similar variety. “From the Assoud, Wady el Malagi.”
71. A rolled fragment of yellowish-grey compact limestone
(magnesian), of even and dull fracture; the surface shining, wrinkled
by decomposition. “To the north and south of the Wells of Mafrass.”
72. The same variety as the preceding, in the shape of a large
conical lump, with uneven and corroded glossy surface, enclosing
rounded pieces of the same limestone. From ditto.
73. A similar variety of magnesian limestone, forming a botryoidal
group of more or less globular concretions, from upwards of half an
inch to half a line in diameter, and intimately grown together with
each other. “Meshroo and El Wahr.”
74. Yellowish limestone, of curved-lamellar structure. “Forming
veins in the basaltic rocks in Agutefa.”
75. Brownish-yellow limestone, in stalagmitical irregular layers.
“On the desert, between Mushroo and El Wahr.”
76. Another fragment, apparently part of a large stalagmitic
nodule, in layers on a yellow granular mass of carbonate of lime.
From ditto.
77. Greyish-brown and hair-brown fibrous limestone, in tabular
pieces; the fibres perpendicular, or in an oblique direction to the
horizontal planes, straight or slightly curved. In some specimens, the
hair-brown layer is sard-onyx and onyx-like, succeeded by a red and
a white stratum, the former generally in the form of a crust, with
superficial small acute rhombohedrons of carbonate of lime; in
others, the hair-brown layer is traversed by white veins. “Boundaries
of Fezzan and Tuarick country.”
78. Sulphate of barytes; a group of bluish and brownish prismatic
crystals, (var. rétrécie of Haüy), covered by red marle.
79. Common salt, in white, opaque, granular aggregations,
externally stained by ferruginous clay. “Road between Hamara and
80. A saline incrustation, of yellowish-white colour, partly solid, in
thin tables, partly in powder, composed of carbonate, muriate, and
sulphate of soda. “Near Germa.”
81. Carbonate of soda (trona), thick-fibrous foliated, in crusts of
the thickness of one-fourth to one-third of an inch, indistinctly
crystallized on the upper surface. “From the trona lakes in Wady
82. The same, studded on the upper surface with small limpid
cubical crystals of muriate of soda. From ditto.
83. Carbonate of soda, of yellowish and greenish-grey colour, in
masses with diverging radiated fracture. Kanem?
84. A rolled piece of nearly compact brown ironstone. “Upper
strata from Aghadem to the southward of El Wahr.”
85. Compact brown ironstone, of dark brown colour; an irregularly
tubercular nodule, with surface, particularly that of the old fractural
planes, glossy, the recent fracture exhibiting a dull earthy surface.
“From plains to the southward of Bonjem.”
86. Compact brown ironstone, of deep chesnut-brown colour, in
rounded oblong pieces of from one-half to upwards of an inch in
diameter, the whole glossy as if varnished; fracture even, earthy.
From ditto?
87. Fragment of compact brown ironstone, mixed with much
quartzy matter. Wady Kawar and Aghadem.
88. Massive and granular brown ironstone, mixed with much
yellow iron ochre and sand. “In loose masses or crusts, on the top of
the ridges between Sockatoo and Kashna, and on the low hills
around Sockatoo.”
89. Fragments of clayey brown ironstone with ochrey nodules.
“Wady Shiati hills.”
90. A mass, mixed, of brown ironstone and red and yellow iron
ochre. “From the soil of Wady Sandalion, Tuarick country.”
91. Cubic fragments of common galena, (sulphuret of lead).
Kanem, Soudan.
92. Pure tin, cast in moulds, in the form of thick wire. Brought from
I conclude this long letter with mentioning a specimen of Roman
cement, taken from the ruins of Ghirza, which, in parts where the
admixture of small stony fragments is not observable, has very much
the appearance of, and might easily be mistaken for, a granular-
crystalline variety of tertiary limestone. It has unquestionably
undergone a transformation: a circumstance which may, in some
measure, serve to justify the remark of Lepère—“C’est le temps seul
et non l’art qui manque à la pétrification absolue de nos mortiers et
cimens; nos neveux diront de nos constructions ce que nous disons
de celles des anciens.”
I have the honour to be, my dear Sir,
Yours very faithfully,
Charles Konig.
To Major Denham, &c.

[126]Three very interesting bivalve shells, distinct, it appears,
from the other species of the genera to which they respectively
belong, have been discovered in the above-mentioned river by
Major Denham. The first, a species of Ætheria, I distinguish as

Ætheria Denhami: testa irregulariter rotundato-oblonga, ad

cardinem gibbosa, utriusque valvæ callo cardinali basim versus
oblique truncato.
Hab. in Africæ interioris fluvio Gammaroo.

The form of the cardinal callosity to which the semi-internal

ligament is attached affords a distinction sufficiently characteristic
of the species: its oblique truncating plane, which extends
towards the rather indistinct umbo, is, in the closed state of the
shell, in partial contact with that of the corresponding and similarly
formed callus of the other valve. The general form of the shell is
oblong or rounded, but appears to be subject to considerable
variation: one of the specimens before me exhibits the exterior of
Lamarck’s A. transversa, which latter is no doubt a casual variety
only of the other species described and figured by that naturalist.
These shells are externally furnished with a blackish-brown
epidermis; beneath this a white film is deposited, on the removal
of which a beautiful pearly naker appears, similar to that of the
internal surface of the valves. The blistered appearance of the
interior of both the valves is constant in all specimens, and may,
as intimately connected with the structure of the shell, be
considered of sufficient importance to be admitted into the
distinctive character of the genus.
Lamarck, imagining that these shells live at the bottom of the
sea, named the genus, as he says, after one of the daughters of
Oceanus. Though the Ætheriæ are now well known to be fluviatile
shells, the emendators of zoological nomenclature may still be
exonerated from framing a new name for this genus, since the old
one is derivable from the original locality of its species; a part of
central Africa having, according to Pliny, been anciently known by
the appellation of Ætheria.
The second shell, a new species of Iridina, may be thus
Iridina Oudnæi: testa transversa ovato-lanceolata
tumidiuscula, cardine stricto sub-edentulo, basis margine sinuato.
Hab. cum priore.

This species is very distinct from E. elongata in form and in the

hinge line being without crenulation; and from E. nilotica, which it
resembles in the latter of those characters, it differs by its form,
inferior thickness, and iridescence. The length of the specimen
before me is 4⅔, its greatest breadth at the umbo nearly two
inches. Placed on the basal edge, which is concave, the anterior
side presents a considerable slope from the umbo to the exterior
margin, which gives the valves a tapering or ovate-lanceolate
form. The external epidermis, of a greenish-brown colour, exhibits
slightly undulating striæ of growth. The interior surface is slightly
uneven-undulated, white, with delicate opalescent colours, green
and faint pink; the former chiefly disposed in spots. The muscular
impressions are more slightly marked than in the other species.
For the third shell, which I considered as a new species of
Anodon, I propose the name of

Anodon Clappertoni: testa transversim oblonga, antice in

extremo cardine acute excisa.
Hab. cum antecedentibus.

The notch at the anterior extremity of the hinge being always

acute, never obtusangular or rounded, I have confined myself to it
in the distinctive character of this species, which differs in several
other respects from Anodon purpureus and rugosus of
Swainson, to both of which it is, however, nearly related. The size
of the shell, in the several specimens before me, varies from 1½
by ¾ of an inch to 3 inches by nearly 1½. Its form is transverse-
oval, with a slight slope at the anterior end. The hinge margin is
straight. Epidermis olive-green, appearing of a reddish-brown
colour, owing to the pink colour of the surface underneath, which
latter in one specimen passes into bluish-green at the umbones.
Muscular impressions three; one of them, at the anterior end,
oval, and continued in a faint tapering form towards the hollow of
the umbo; of the two other impressions, which are both stronger
marked, the one nearest to the edge of the valve is oval, with a
small rounded sinus at the inner border, and close to it a smaller
irregularly oval mark with notched margin: the two principal marks
are connected by the edge of the impression of the mantle, the
smaller mark being placed within the line. The tinge of the internal
surface is pink, imperfectly painted over as it were with white. The
several specimens, in different stages of growth, exhibit all these
characters; there is, however, among them a single valve of
rather larger dimensions and more rounded than the rest, with a
fine bronze-coloured internal surface like that of Iridina nilotica.
Whether this is to be considered as a distinct species, or only as
a variety indicative of the full grown state of the shell, I must leave
to the decision of conchologists more experienced in
discriminating the ambiguous species of this genus.

Thermometrical Journal kept at Kouka in Bornou.

Fah. Thermometer.
Date. Winds.
6 a.m. Noon. 3 p.m.
March 1823.
15 E.N.E. 70 98 103
Sunday, 16 S.S.E. 75 95 102
17 S.S.E. 78 99 104
18 E.N.E. 77 104
19 S.E. 98
20 E.N.E. 78 95 101
21 N.E. 82 100 105
22 E.N.E. 80 97 100
Sunday, 23 N.E. 78 90 94
24 N.E. 79 94 97
25 E.N.E. 79 97 101
26 E.N.E. 79 100 103
27 E.N.E. 79 101 103
28 E.N.E. 82 97 98
29 E.N.E. 80 97 100
Sunday, 30 N.E. 80 94 97
31 E.N.E. 80 94 96
1 N.E. 77 98 101
2 N.E. 80 95 100
3 S.E. 80 99 101
7 N.E. 80 99 102
8 N.E. 80 99 103
9 E.N.E. 78 98 102
10 E.N.E. 77 97 99
11 N.E. 72 100 100
12 N.E. 78 104 107
Fah. Thermometer.
Date. Winds.
6 a.m. Noon. 3 p.m.
Sunday, 13 N.E. 84 100 105
14 E.N.E. 82 100 105
15 N.E. 87 103 105
16 E.N.E. 86 95 105
17 E.N.E. 87 99 106
18 E.N.E. 86 103 109
19 N.E. 88 102 106
Sunday, 20 E.N.E. 87 102 107
21 E.N.E. 85 100 100
22 E.N.E. 86 102 103
23 E.N.E. 85 102 103
24 N.E. 83 101 103
25 E.N.E. 85 103 102
26 N.E. 85 103 103
Sunday, 27 N.E. 86 102 102
28 N.E. 83 101 103
29 E.N.E. 81 103 103
30 E.N.E. 82 103 103
1 E.N.E. 85 106 106
2 N.E. 85 103 105
3 N.E. 83 105 98
Sunday, 4 E.N.E. 81 99 99
5 E.N.E. 82 95 96
6 E.N.E. 81 102 102
7 N. 86 104 103
8 N.E. 71 99 96
9 N.E. 81 99 96
10 N.E. 85 95 94
Sunday, 11 N.E. 86 101 95
12 Calm. 81 99 95
13 W.S.W. 75 98 98
14 W.S.W. 75 95 98
15 W.S.W. 74 97 97
16 W.S.W. 72 92 95
17 S.W. 74 97 98
Fah. Thermometer.
Date. Winds.
6 a.m. Noon. 3 p.m.
Sunday, 18 W.S.W. 74 96 99
19 W.S.W. 73 96 99
20 W.S.W. 76 95 99
21 W.S.W. 74 102 100
22 W.S.W. 73 100 100
23 W.S.W. 84 104 101
24 S.W. 76 96 96
Sunday, 25 S.W. 73 96 96
26 S.W. 81 98 100
27 S.W. 76 99 100
28 S.W. 80 98 99
29 W.S.W. 81 97 102
30 W.S.W. 82 100 102
31 W.S.W. 80 100 102
Sunday, 1 W.S.W. 76 97 97
2 W.S.W. 80 97 96
3 W.S.W. 81 99 99
4 W.S.W. 81 99 100
5 W.S.W. 80 99 100
6 S.W. 80 98 98
7 S.W. 75 95 100
Sunday, 8 S.W. 78 98 98
9 S.W. 79 95 97
10 S.W. 78 89 90
11 W.S.W. 75 89 93
12 W.S.W. 79 87 95
13 W.S.W. 80 95 95
14 W.S.W. 81 97 97
Sunday, 15 W.S.W. 82 99 97
16 W.S.W. 81 97 96
17 W.S.W. 81 99 101
18 W.S.W. 80 97 99
19 W.S.W. 79 89 93
20 W.S.W. 78 92 93
21 W.S.W. 77 92 95
Fah. Thermometer.
Date. Winds.
6 a.m. Noon. 3 p.m.
Sunday, 22 W.S.W. 78 98 99
23 S.W. 81 95 87
24 S.W. 76 95 87
25 S.W. 80 97 96
26 S.W. 81 94 95
27 S.W. 87 96 98
28 S.W. 81 97 92
Sunday, 29 S.W. 82 96 97
30 S.W.
July. 1 S.W. 82 97 99
2 S.W. 81 92 92
3 S.W. 82 93 94
4 S.W. 74 85 84
5 S.W. 78 89 94
Sunday, 6 S.W. 78 89 96
7 S.W. 78 89 91
8 S.W. 78 90 92
9 W.S.W. 81 87 92
10 W.S.W. 77 92 95
11 W.S.W. 75 85 97
12 S.W. 75 85 88
Sunday, 13 S.W. 71 79 82
14 S.W. 72 82 89
15 S.W. 75 83 90
16 S.W. 76 87 90
17 S.W. 72 84 93
18 S.W. 76 83 89
19 S.W. 75 86 90
Sunday, 20 S.W. 74 87 89
21 S.W. 72 83 86
22 S.W. 73 84 87
23 S.W. 73 86 89
24 S.W. 74 84 90
25 S.W. 73 83 87
26 S.W. 71 84 86
Sunday, 27 S.W. 80 86 89
Fah. Thermometer.
Date. Winds.
6 a.m. Noon. 3 p.m.
28 S.W. 76 86 90
29 S.W. 73 84 87
30 S.W. 76 85 95
31 W. 76 85 92

Fah. Thermometer.
Date. State of Weather.
6 a.m. Noon. 3 p.m.
Aug. 1 Rain all night. 75 82 86
2 73 78 79
3 Sunday. Rain in
evening. 74 80 82
4 78 82 83
5 76 82 84
6 Rain much. 73 77 78
7 74 78 81
8 Rain. 76 80 81
9 75 81 82
10 Sunday. Rain, loud
thunder. 74 77 80
11 76 81 83
12 Rain and thunder all
night. 79 83 85
13 75 80 81
14 76 80 85
15 Rain, thunder, vivid
lightning. 77 84 87
16 76 82 85
17 Sunday. 78 83 85
18 77 84 86
19 Rain and thunder during
the night. 79 85 86
20 Rainy day. 78 84 85
21 75 82 83
22 Much rain. 74 79 83
23 Morning cloudy. 74 80 84
Fah. Thermometer.
Date. State of Weather.
6 a.m. Noon. 3 p.m.
24 Sunday. Drizzling rain. 76 83 85
25 Night violent. 75 77 79
26 Night. 75 78 79
27 All night. 74 78 79
28 Day and night, showers. 73 77 79
29 Rain. 74 78 80
30 75 80 82
31 Sunday. Rain, much
thunder. 74 78 80
Sep. 1 74 79 81
2 76 84 86
3 79 85 89
4 80 85 88
5 Morning. Rain and
thunder. 80 80 81
6 78 83 84
7 Sunday. 78 85 86
8 Rain. 79 80 81
9 78 83 85
10 Night, hurricane, east. 80 86 88
11 South. 78 85 87
12 80 86 88
13 79 85 87
14 Sunday. 78 86 89
15 80 86 89
16 81 87 89
17 Cloudy afternoon. 81 88 89
18 80 85 87
19 Hurricane, east and a
half south. Strong 3
p.m. 80 87 85
20 80 84 87
21 Sunday. 78 85 87
22 79 87 89
23 78 86 88
24 80 88 90
25 82 89 92
Fah. Thermometer.
Date. State of Weather.
6 a.m. Noon. 3 p.m.
26 Violent storm, noon wind
N. hail and rain. 80 89 90
27 76 86 89
28 Sunday. 80 86 88
29 81 87 91
30 80 86 91
Oct. 1 Rain and wind in night. 80 87 91
2 78 84 85
3 80 85 88
4 Wind, thunder. 81 87 90
5 Sunday, rain and wind. 80 86 88
6 79 87 89
7 80 88 90
8 80 89 93
9 79 89 92
10 Breeze N.W. 78 89 91
11 77 90 92
12 Sunday, 79 92 94
13 78 92 94
14 79 91 93
15 77 92 93
16 83 92 94
17 81 92 94
18 80 90 93
19 Sunday, 81 92 94
20 79 92 94
21 80 92 94
22 81 93 95
23 75 90 92
24 76 85 88
25 77 87 90
26 Sunday, 77 88 91
27 78 90 92
28 78 90 91
29 79 91 93
30 78 88 90
Fah. Thermometer.
Date. State of Weather.
6 a.m. Noon. 3 p.m.
31 79 89 92
Nov. 1 78 87 90
2 Sunday, 76 89 91
3 75 88 89
4 76 88 90
5 77 87 89
6 77 88 90
7 76 87 90
8 75 86 88
9 Sunday, 76 88 90
10 77 86 89
11 79 87 88
12 76 88 90
13 74 87 89
14 74 86 88
15 73 87 89
16 Sunday, 74 88 89
17 74 83 86
18 75 85 87
19 75 86 88
20 75 85 87
21 75 86 88
22 69 78 81
23 Sunday, 71 79 81
24 69 77 79
25 68 78 80
26 67 79 81
27 66 78 80
28 65 77 79
29 66 77 79
30 Sunday, 67 79 80
Dec. 1 66 79 81
2 67 78 80
3 66 79 81
4 65 78 80
5 67 80 82

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