ChE300C-Alkalinity and Acidity of Water

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Course Code: ChE 300C


Alkalinity and acidity of water


1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
2. Theory.................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1. Causes of acidic water............................................................................................................. 4
2.2. Treatment of acidic water....................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Alkalinity of water ................................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Factors affecting alkalinity of water........................................................................................ 6
2.5. Risk and side effects of drinking alkaline water...................................................................... 6
3. Experiment........................................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Determination of Acidity......................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1. Objective ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2. Apparatus: ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.3. Reagents:......................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.4. Procedure: ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.5. Observation and calculations: ......................................................................................... 8
3.1.6. Results and Discussion: ................................................................................................... 8
3.2. Determination of Alkalinity ..................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1. Objective ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2. Apparatus: ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.3. Reagents.......................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.4. Procedure ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.2.5. Observations and calculations ........................................................................................ 9
3.2.6. Results and Discussion .................................................................................................... 9
4. Reading Material ................................................................................................................ 10


1. Introduction
Wastewater treatment is a process used to remove contaminants from wastewater and
convert it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle. Once returned to the water
cycle, the effluent creates an acceptable impact on the environment or is reused for various
purposes (called water reclamation). The treatment process takes place in a wastewater
treatment plant. There are several kinds of wastewater which are treated at the appropriate
type of wastewater treatment plant. For domestic wastewater (also called municipal
wastewater or sewage), the treatment plant is called a sewage treatment plant. For industrial
wastewater, treatment either takes place in a separate industrial wastewater treatment
plant, or in a sewage treatment plant (usually after some form of pre-treatment). Further
types of wastewater treatment plants include agricultural wastewater treatment plants and
leachate treatment plants.

2. Theory
The acidity of water is typically measured using the pH scale, which ranges from 0 to 14. A pH
of 7 is considered neutral, while pH values less than 7 indicate acidity, and pH values greater
than 7 indicate alkalinity or basicity. Natural water sources, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans,
typically have a pH value between 6.5 and 8.5. However, the pH of water can be affected by
various factors, such as human activities, natural processes, and geological features. Human
activities that can contribute to acidity in water include industrial processes, mining activities,
and agricultural practices. These activities can release acidic substances, such as sulfuric acid
and nitric acid, into water sources, leading to acidification. Natural processes, such as volcanic
activity, can also contribute to water acidity by releasing gases that dissolve in water and form
acids. In addition, geological features, such as rocks and soils, can release acids into water
The acidity of water can have significant effects on aquatic life, as many aquatic organisms
are sensitive to changes in pH levels. In addition, acidic water can also corrode pipes and
infrastructure, which can lead to costly repairs. Acidic water is extremely corrosive and can
cause detrimental plumbing damages and incur astronomical repair costs. Furthermore,
acidic water also leaches heavy metals from eroding pipes, exposing your water to copper,
zinc, and even lead. Acidic water is any water with a pH value of 6.5 or less. pH is measured
on a scale between 1 and 14, with 7 representing the neutral value. Acid water occurs
naturally, as rain falls to earth soft and slightly acidic. As it absorbs minerals and dissolves
solid materials, the pH of the water can rise. Water with a pH value higher than 7.5 is
considered basic, or alkaline. Mineral-rich alkaline water is touted by many for its perceived
health benefits and fresh spring water taste. The acidity of water can be identified using
titration, which involves the gradual addition of a known amount of a strong base, such as
sodium hydroxide, to the water until the pH reaches a neutral value. The amount of base
required to neutralize the acid can be used to calculate the concentration of the acid in the


2.1. Causes of acidic water

Water becomes acidic when it combines with carbon dioxide during the process of
precipitation. During the hydrologic cycle, water from sources like the ocean, lakes, and
streams evaporate. As the moist air rises, it cools and condenses into water vapor, creating
clouds. This process is a natural form of water filtration. When water evaporates, it is stripped
of water hardness, bacteria, and minerals. The water distillation process mimics this principle
to purify water. Since all of the minerals have been vaporized, this water is now soft and
When the clouds return the water back to the earth’s surface in the form of precipitation, like
rain and snow, carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves into the rainfall. This forms a weak carbonic
acid and lends water a mild acidity. The average pH of rainwater is around 5.6. When it hits
the earth and seeps through layers of rock and sediment, the pH will adjust depending upon
the environmental conditions it encounters. If the rain is falling on calcium-rich limestone, it
will absorb high mineral content and likely become hard water. However, if it seeps through
a rock bed of something like granite, the water will stay acidic. Metamorphic and igneous
rocks lack the calcium to buffer the pH and neutralize the acid in the water. This means many
wells are likely to have acidic water, as they are often accessing shallow groundwater for their
water supplies. Water can also become acidic if from chemical runoffs or mine drainage sites.

2.2. Treatment of acidic water

The acidity of your water will dictate the method of acid neutralization required to raise your
pH to a neutral value. There are several methods, each with varying strength, employed to
eliminate acid water.

• Calcite
The most common way to attack acidic water is with a whole-house acid neutralizer. Acid
neutralizers usually use calcite to raise the pH of the water before it enters your household
plumbing and wreaks havoc on your pipes. Calcite is crushed white marble media that’s rich
in calcium and very high in alkalinity. Acid neutralizer tanks are installed at the water’s point
of entry into your home. The acid neutralizer’s tanks are full of calcite, and when the water
enters the tank it makes contact with pH-adjusting media. Water is a universal solvent, and
upon contact with the calcite media, it will begin to dissolve it. This introduces calcium and
alkalinity to the water, raising pH and neutralizing the acidity.
In addition to being inexpensive, calcite is self-limiting. This means calcite only acts to elevate
the acidic water to neutral, non-corrosive status and does not run the risk of overcorrection.
However, calcite also has basic limitations. Its efficacy is heavily reliant on the amount of
contact time the water has with the media. If water is churned through the tank at a rapid
pace, the pH adjustment will be minimal. Additionally, because of its self-limiting properties,
calcite can only effectively raise pH about one point. If your water has a pH value of around
6, calcite will appropriately boost your water’s pH level.

• Magnesium oxide (FLOMAG and Corosex)


If your water has a pH level of around 5.5, calcite will need assistance in boosting the pH and
neutralizing the acidity. Magnesium oxide, sold under trade names like FLOMAG and Corosex,
corrects pH by neutralizing the free carbon dioxide in the water. A calcite and Corosex
combination can raise pH around a point and a half. However, unlike calcite, Corosex can
quickly overcorrect if too great a quantity is added. The manufacturer's recommendation is
to create a hybrid blend of about 80-90% calcite and 10-20% magnesium oxide. Furthermore,
too much magnesium oxide can produce unfortunately side effects. Just like milk of magnesia,
too much magnesium oxide can produce a laxative effect. It goes without saying that it is best
to use the Corosex media judiciously and avoid that outcome.

• Soda ash and caustic soda

Acidic water with a pH level in the low fives or high fours presents a unique challenge. No
longer is an acid neutralizer tank system with calcite or Corosex a viable solution. Water this
acidic demands a chemical injection system to raise pH to a comfortably neutral zone. This
uses a chemical pH adjuster called soda ash. These systems use peristaltic pump technology
to inject the water with a dissolved mixture of the soda ash before it enters your home and
runs its ruinous course of corrosion. Chemical injection systems are high maintenance and
require dedicated attention. However, if your water is that acidic, it is necessary to protect
your health and your home. If the pH is as low as four, the only acid neutralizer you can use
is caustic soda. With an alkalinity level of 14 (the highest alkaline value), caustic soda is the
only thing potent enough to move the acidity out of so low a range.

2.3. Alkalinity of water

Alkalinity refers to the ability of water to neutralize acids. It is a measure of the water's
buffering capacity and is related to the concentration of carbonate, bicarbonate, and
hydroxide ions in the water. In natural water systems, alkalinity is mainly contributed by the
presence of dissolved carbonates and bicarbonates. These compounds can react with acids
to neutralize them and maintain the water's pH at a relatively stable level.
The alkalinity of water is usually expressed in terms of "alkalinity as CaCO 3," which is the
amount of acid (in terms of equivalent calcium carbonate) required to bring the water's pH
to a certain level. The common units used for alkalinity measurement are milligrams per liter
(mg/L) or parts per million (ppm).
Water with low alkalinity may be more susceptible to pH changes caused by acid inputs, such
as acid rain. On the other hand, water with high alkalinity can contribute to the formation of
scale deposits in pipes and appliances, which can reduce their efficiency and lifespan.
Therefore, it is important to monitor and control the alkalinity of water in various


applications, such as drinking water treatment, industrial processes, and agricultural


2.4. Factors affecting alkalinity of water

• Geology and Soils
The water system accumulates carbonates if the water passes through soil and rock
containing carbonate minerals, such as calcite (CaCO3). Waters with limestone and
sedimentary rocks and carbonate-rich soils are high in alkalinity. Waters with igneous rocks
(such as granite) and carbonate-poor solids are low in alkalinity.

• Changes in pH
Since pH and alkalinity are closely related, changes in pH can also affect alkalinity. This is true,
especially in a poorly buffered stream.

• Sewage Outflow
The effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) can increase alkalinity to a stream.
The wastewater from our houses also contains bicarbonate and carbonate from the cleaning
agents and food residue that we put down our drains.

2.5. Risk and side effects of drinking alkaline water

In general, drinking alkaline water is safe. However, it can still cause side effects on the human
body. Some of the side effects can include lowering the acidity level of the stomach. With this,
it can help kill the bacteria in the body. It can expel unwanted pathogens in the bloodstream.
In addition, excessive alkalinity in the human body can cause skin irritations. It can also lead
to gastrointestinal issues. Furthermore, it can agitate the normal pH level of the body. This
can lead to metabolic alkalosis, a health condition that can cause symptoms like vomiting,
nausea, muscle twitching, hand tremors, confusion, and tingling in the face.
Metabolic alkalosis can lead to a decrease in calcium levels in the body. As such, it can damage
bone health. But the most common cause of hypocalcemia is not because of drinking alkaline
water. It has an under-active parathyroid gland.


3. Experiment
3.1. Determination of Acidity
3.1.1. Objective

▪ Determine the acidity of the given samples using titration.

3.1.2. Apparatus:
▪ Burette
▪ Conical flask
▪ Pipettes.

3.1.3. Reagents:
▪ Standard sodium hydroxide (0.02N)
▪ Phenolphthalein indicator.
▪ Methyl orange indicator.
▪ Carbon dioxide free distilled water.
▪ Acetic acid

3.1.4. Procedure:
1. Take 100 ml of distilled water in a beaker and add few drops of acetic
acid in water to introduce acidity. Check pH of sample and transfer it into
a conical flask.
2. Add few drops of methyl orange indicator in sample.
3. If color changes to reddish/orange, it indicates mineral acidity is present.
If color changes to yellow, it indicates mineral acidity is absent.
4. If color changes to yellow, add phenolphthalein indicator and titrate
sample with NaOH. Color changes to reddish/orange. Note down the
volume of NaOH.
5. If color changes to reddish/orange, add few drops of methyl orange.
Sample turns to reddish/orange. It indicates sample has methyl orange
6. Proceed with titration until the color changes to yellow.
7. Note down the volume of the NaOH added.
8. Add few drops of phenolphthalein indicator and proceed with titration
until the sample changes its color from yellow to orange.
9. Note down the total volume of NaOH.
10. Same procedure to be repeated by other group member and perform
error analysis.


3.1.5. Observation and calculations:

Sample Volume Methyl orange indicator Phenolphthalein indicator
details of the Initial Final NaOH Initial Final NaOH
sample Used used
(ml) (ml) (ml)

𝑚𝑔 𝐴 × 𝑁 × 50 × 1000
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑦( ) =
𝑙 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒(𝑚𝑙)
A is titrant used and N is normality of solution.

3.1.6. Results and Discussion:

Mention total acidity of different samples and compare results with literature value.

3.2. Determination of Alkalinity

3.2.1. Objective

▪ Determine alkalinity of the given samples using titration.

3.2.2. Apparatus:
▪ Burette
▪ Conical flask
▪ Pipette

3.2.3. Reagents
▪ Standard Sulfuric acid (0.02N).
▪ Phenolphthalein indicator.
▪ Methyl orange.
▪ Calcium carbonate

3.2.4. Procedure
▪ Take 100ml of water in conical flask and add 0.08 g of calcium
carbonate to introduce alkalinity.
▪ Check pH of sample. If pH is less than 8.3, only methyl orange titration
will take place. Otherwise, if pH is greater than 8.3, both
phenolphthalein and methyl orange titrations will take place.


▪ If pH is less than 8.3, add few drops of methyl orange indicator and
titrate sample with H2SO4 till color changes from yellow to
reddish/orange. Note down the volume.
▪ If pH is greater than 8.3, add few drops of phenolphthalein indicator.
The sample turns to pink.
▪ Titrate it against 0.02N standard sulfuric acid till the solution turns
▪ Note down the volume of sulfuric acid added.
▪ Add few drops of methyl orange indicator. The sample turns
▪ Resume the titration till the color of the solution turns orange.
▪ Note down the volume of sulfuric acid added.
▪ Same procedure to be repeated by other group member and perform
error analysis.

3.2.5. Observations and calculations

Sample Volume Methyl orange indicator Phenolphthalein indicator
details of the Initial Final H2SO4 Initial Final H2SO4
sample Used used
(ml) (ml) (ml)

mg A × N × 50 × 1000
Phenolphthalein alkalinity( ) =
l Volume of sample
A is volume of H2SO4 for phenolphthalein titration.
B is volume of H2SO4 for methyl orange titration.
(A + B) × N × 50 × 1000
Total alkalinity =
Volume of sample

3.2.6. Results and Discussion

Compare phenolphthalein alkalinity and total alkalinity of both samples and compare values
with literature.


4. Reading Material
1. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann. Ruth Weiner, Robin Matthews Environmental
Engineering, Second Edition Chapter 4-7.


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