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Enfant Cheri Study Centre, Inc.

P5 Alegria, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur

4th End-Quarter Exam

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and analyze each question and write your answers in your
answer sheet. You are only given 1 hour to answer this test. For questions and clarifications, ask
the proctor/teacher.

I. Multiple Choices. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is determined by climate?

A. Precipitation and pressure C. Temperature and pressure

B. Temperature and pressure D. Temperature and amount of cloud

2. The amount of precipitation at a particular location is affeccted by ___________.

A. Ocean currents C. Prevailing winds and mountain ranges

B. Elevation of location D. Direction from which the wind is blowing

3. The measure of distance north or south of the equator is called ___________.

A. Altitude C. Hemisphere

B. Climate D. Latitude

4. In general, as latitude increases, ___________.

A. Sea level decreases C. Temperature increases

B. Air pressure increases D. Temperature decreases

5. Precipitation usually falls on the ___________ side of the mountain.

A. Eastward C. Westward

B. Leeward D. Windward

6. What event is believed to have caused climate change?

A. Volcanic activity C. Extinction of dinosaurs

B. Melting of ice caps D. Slow drifting of continents

7. Which is probably cause of extinction of dinosaurs?

A. Climate change

B. El Niño

C. Flood

D. Slow drifting of continents

8. The influeance of _____________ helps explain why desert can border an ocean.

A. Mountain ranges C. Prevailing winds

B. Ocean currents D. Temperature

9. The increase of greenhouse gases leads to ____________.

A. Cooler climate C. Precipitation

B. Global warming D. Prevailing winds

10. The warm water current that flows from west to east across the Pacific Ocean near the equator is
the _____________.

A. Global wind C. Prevailing winds

B. Ocean currents D. El Niño phenomenon

11. Which of the following does NOT affect the temperature of a region?

A. Altitude C. Prevailing winds

B. Latitude D. Proximity to ocean currents

12. Why do polar regions have cooler climates?

A. These regions are largely bodies of water. C. Earth’s crust in these regions is denser and
B. Fewer volcanic eruptions occur in these
places. D. These regions receive less radiant energy
from the sun.

13. Why is Baguio generally cold compared to lower-lying areas despite being similarly located near
the equator?

A. Baguio is surrounded by large bodies of C. The air in Baguio is less dense; therefore, it
water. holds less heat.

B. Baguio receives less radiant energy from D. Baguio is located in high altitude where the
the sun. air temperature is low.

14. How do prevailing winds affect the amount of precipitation in a region?

A. The strength of prevailing winds dictate the C. Varying moisture content of prevailing winds
amount of cloud formation in a region. dictate the amount of rainfall in a region.

B. The weakness of prevailing winds dictate D. The number of directions from which these
the amount of cloud formation in a region. winds blow affect the humidity of a region.

15. Which of the following os true about prevailing winds?

A. Warm air can hold less moisture than cold C. As air rises, it cools and becomes less able
air. to hold moisture.

B. Prevailing winds blow equally from all D. Their strength and speed is what affect the
directions. precipitation in an area.

16. Which of the following is true about mountain ranges?

A. The leeward side of a mountain has a wet C. The leeward side of a mountain has more
climate. precipitation,

B. The windward of a mountain receives moist D. The windward side of a mountain has less
air. precipitation.

17. Which of the following is NOT a natural factor that causes a major climate change?

A. Gradual drifting of continents B. Variation in the sun’s energy output

C. Shifts in the ocean and wind currents D. Changes in Earth’s position relative to sun

18. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of upwelling?

A. It maintains ocean temperatures at cooler C. It bring nutrients from the ocean bottom to
levels. surface.

B. It propels marine organisms into the ocean D. All of the above


20. Which of the following does NOT affect the climate of a region?

A. Altitude C. Mountains ranges

B. Longitude D. Ocean currents

21. What are galaxies made of?

A. Millions of stars C. About one hundred stars

B. Moons and planets D. Two stars orbiting each other

22. The most common element in an average star is ______________.

A. Carbon C. Hydrogen

B. Helium D. Nitrogen

23. The color of the star is an indicator of its _____________.

A. Composition C. Size

B. Inner temperature D. Surface temperature

24. The brightness of a star as it appears from the Earth is its _____________.

A. Absolute magnitude C. Luminosity

B. Apparent magnitude D. Parallax

25. Stars _____________ are visible throughout the year.

A. On the horizon C. Inside other galaxies

B. Over the North Pole D. In the larger constellations

26. How were constellations originally named and identified?

A. By their location from Earth’s horizon C. Mathematically, with numbers and

B. In groups of very distant, bright, or old stars
D. As people or animals the may have

For numbers 27-30, refer to the diagram below. Earth is shown in two positions and two
diffirent constellations (A and B).

27. Which constellation will people see when Earth is in position 1?

A. Constellation A C. Bothe A and B

B. Constellatkion B D. None of the above

28. The reason for your answer in item 27 is that _________________.

A. The constellations are not visible on Earth

B. The constellations are always visible from D. Light from the sun enables people on Earth
Earth to see the constellations

C. Light from the sun will block the view of the

other constellation

29. How long will it take before the othe constellation can be seen from Earth?

A. 1 month C. 6 months

B. 3 months D. 12 months

30. Constellations seem to move across the sky. This apparent movement is caused by Earth’s

A. Changing seasons C. Motion on its orbit

B. Rotation on its axis D. Position on the orbit

31. Which of the following is true?

A. The sun is not a star nor a planet. C. Light emitted by stars is seen real-time on
B. The sun is the only star in the Milky Way.
D. All stars will eventually stop producing
energy and die.

32. Which of the following characteristics is NOT used to define a star?

A. Brightness C. Mass

B. Color D. Shape

33. Wht determines the luminosity of a star?

A. Size and shape C. Surface temperature and size

B. Distance and size D. Shape and surface temperature

34. Which term refers to the true brightness of a star?

A. Luminosity C. Absolute magnitude

B. Actual magnitude D. Apparent magnitude

35. Stars that emit the same amount of light often have diffirent apparent magnitude of brightness
because of diffirences in ____________.

A. Age C. Distance from Earth

B. Shape and size D. Atmospheric composition

36. Which of the following is true about stars?

A. Stars of same size will always have equal C. A white dwarf is the smallest kind of star
masses. ever discovered.

B. A star with large magnitude number will D. A blue star has a brighter surface
appear dim. temperature than a red star.

37. Which constellation does NOT appear to travel in an eternal circle around the North Pole?

A. Draco C. Ursa Major

B. Orion D. Ursa Minor

38. Which star group in the Philippines id the counterpart of Orion amd whose name pertains to
trapping device used by hunters?

A. Balatik C. Moroporo

B. Bingwit D. Sibat

39. What is the thirtheenth constellation?

A. Ophiuchus C. Sagittarius

B. Pisces D. Scorpio

40. Which of the following are incient practices and beliefs associated with star patterns or groups in
the sky?

A. Star groups represented gods that governed C. The position of stars and star groups
the lives of various ancient soldiers. determined the best time to plant, fish, or hunt.

B. The patterns of stars symbolized core ideals D. All of the above

and values that molded many cultures.

II. Identification. Identify the terms/concept.

_____________________41. This refers to the two bright stars in the cup of the Big Dipper,

_____________________42. This, together with luminosity, defines the brightness of stars.

_____________________43. This refers to a large system of stars and other heavenly bodies of
which Milky Way is an example.

_____________________44. They are remnants of an open clusters of stars that keep moving in one
direction despite not being bound together by gravity.

_____________________45. These are patterns or group of stars that remain together or have
changed very little over thousands of years.

_____________________46. This is the last star in the handle of the Little Dipper, also referred to as
the North Star.

_____________________47. This pertains an apparent change in the position of the star in the sky
due to the change in Earth’s position as it revolves around the sun.

_____________________48. These are constellations through which the sun passes through as it
moves along the ecliptic.

_____________________49. This is a characteristic of a star that is determined by the size of the

star and its surface temperature.

_____________________50. This is the kind of star with the highest surface temperature.

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