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EDUC 5312-Curriculum and Instructional Design

Classroom Observation Assignment

Observation Form 2

Observation Date: 04/29/24 Observation Time:

Teacher Observed: Video Subject/Grade Level: 10th grade, ELA/social studies.

School Observed: Video Observer: Ms. Munira Nulwala

For the things you observed, place a check. Please explain further about the checked item

directly below the section. Provide overall comments and reflections at the end.


___ On Task ___ Off Task ___ Engaged ____ Learning Successfully

Explain: The students were seen following instructions and directions. They actively

participated in whole group and small group discussions sharing opinions and ideas. The students

also completed the assigned task of reading or watching audio visual and reflecting on those

respectively. The active participation and answering to the teacher’s questions displayed

successful learning.


__ Modeling __ Question/Answer __ Lecture __ Monitoring Groups

__ Listening __ Problem-Solving __ Evaluating ___ Reading To Students

__ Modifying __ Integrating Content __Guiding Cooperative Groups

Explain: The teacher employed various strategies to engage and support her students throughout

the lesson. Firstly, she utilized a thought-provoking question to capture the attention of the class,

setting the stage for active participation. Throughout the session, she continually posed questions

to gauge comprehension of instructions, fostering whole-group discussions that encouraged

collaborative learning.

During small group activities, the teacher diligently supervised each center, ensuring that

students remained on task and providing assistance as needed. She demonstrated a proactive

approach to addressing individual challenges by guiding students who encountered difficulties

with their task worksheets, offering personalized support to facilitate understanding.

Moreover, the teacher exhibited attentive listening skills, attentively acknowledging students'

opinions and ideas as they shared them. She maintained an ongoing feedback loop, recognizing

and appreciating student participation while steering the direction of learning to reinforce

understanding of the material.

In instances where students lacked necessary technological resources, the teacher adeptly

problem-solved by offering alternatives, such as providing access to school laptops.

Additionally, she flexibly adjusted group compositions to address imbalances, ensuring all

students had equitable opportunities for collaboration and learning.

Lastly, the teacher ensured clarity and focus by reading aloud essential questions, rights, and

pertinent reading materials, guiding students' attention to key concepts and facilitating

comprehension. Through her multifaceted approach, the teacher created an inclusive and

dynamic learning environment conducive to student engagement and academic growth.


___ Manipulatives ____ Workbooks __ Overhead Projector __ Smart Board

___ Chalkboard ____ Maps __ Computer __ Projector

___ Books ____ Other Audiovisuals __ None

Explain: She employed the projector to display questions and discussion prompts, while

computers and audiovisual aids were stationed at various centers for task execution.

Subsequently, students were tasked with crafting reflections on both the audiovisual material and

the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights document, which had been provided

to them.


___ Small Groups _____ Whole Group _____ Pairs _____ Individuals

Explain: At the outset, the teacher initiated engagement by posing a thought-provoking question

to capture the class's attention, sparking lively discussions where students could express their

agreement or disagreement with the statement, offering explanations for their positions.

Subsequently, small groups were employed to carry out activity tasks at different centers,

fostering collaborative learning experiences. As the learning session ended, students worked

autonomously on their reflections.


__ Worksheet ___ Listening _____ Writing ___ Reading _____ Performing

___ Journaling ___ Discussing ___ Centers ___ Homework

___ Research ___ Investigation ___ Laboratory ___ Using Technology

Explain: Students were presented with various resources for reflection, including audiovisual

clips, photographs, documents, and political comic strips. Engaging in center-based activities,

they delved into these materials and were tasked with crafting reflective responses upon

completion of the assignments.


___ Stated Expectations for Behavior __ Positive Reinforcement

___ Redirection of Inappropriate Behavior ___ Encouragement of Students

___ Self-disciplined Students ___ Effective Time Management

___ Materials Ready ___ Enthusiasm for Teaching/Learning

Explain: I didn't see any need for strict discipline measures because the teacher's instructions

were clear, keeping the students focused and involved. She had everything prepared, like activity

packets and group assignments, along with the necessary technology ready for use.

The teacher valued every student's input, actively encouraging participation by addressing them

by name and asking probing questions during whole-group discussions. It seemed the students

understood the class expectations well, showing self-discipline and awareness.

The teacher managed time effectively, giving verbal cues before activities ended and using

transitional words like "next" and "then" for smooth transitions. Her positive attitude, confident

demeanor, and well-planned lessons reflected her passion for teaching.

Throughout the observation, students remained engaged on task, and eager to participate,

demonstrating their enthusiasm for learning.


Throughout the video, several effective teaching strategies and positive ideas were evident. One

notable approach was the teacher's use of themed weekdays, such as 'Wordy Wednesday,' which

fostered an enthusiastic learning atmosphere. Moreover, she adeptly intertwined social studies

and English Language Arts by selecting a historical book to explore different genres and writing

styles, whether persuasive, descriptive, or informative.

During whole group discussions, the teacher skillfully utilized story elements as discussion

prompts and assessment tools, facilitating further engagement and evaluation. Grouping students

according to their abilities and preferences, as well as employing various learning modalities

such as audio-visual aids, reading, writing, and listening, ensured a tailored and comprehensive

learning experience.

Students were observed honing critical thinking, analytical, listening, and reasoning skills during

both whole and small group discussions, reflecting the lesson's content. Particularly

commendable was the teacher's ability to connect lesson content to students' personal

experiences before extrapolating to broader societal contexts. For instance, she initiated a

discussion on sacrificing personal and familial benefits for the greater good, gradually

transitioning to the examination of American Rights' relevance and applicability.

However, an area for improvement was the lack of visual aids, such as documents or

photographs, during whole group discussions. For instance, when analyzing political documents
and comic strips, projecting these materials would have enhanced comprehension and enriched

group reflections, fostering a more comprehensive understanding among all students.

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