Techinsafety 0424

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Technology in Safety


Connected Safety: Five Steps to Drive a Smooth Transition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

What is a Gas Detection Wearable: Top Questions about Connected Safety Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Leverage Mobile Apps & Technology For Lone/Remote Workers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Tap into Expert Guidance on the Use of Direct Reading Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2023 Tech Trends: Latest Technology to Keep a Workforce Healthy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Tackle 2023 Resolutions with Connected Gas Monitoring Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
By: Ealat Chaachouh, Contributor

Connected Safety:
Five Steps to Drive a
Smooth Transition
Never has the industrial workplace seen current state to a future state—a top safety
such a rapid digital transformation, practice priority for Industrial Hygienists.
giving rise to a new generation of cloud-
connected safety devices to keep workers Managing Change
safe on the job. 74% of organizations con- New research indicates that when a coor-
sider digital transformation a top priority. dinated change-management program is
launched in tandem with a new technology
Building on advances in automation, com- rollout, employees feel prepared, equipped Building on advances in automation, communication and analytics, today’s wearables for gas detection
munication and analytics, today’s wearables and supported. In addition, studies show and lone worker safety have the capability to link employees to live, around-the-clock monitoring; enable
for gas detection and lone worker safety that projects backed by change management real-time information sharing; collect vital location data; and more. (photo courtesy Blackline Safety)
have the capability to link employees to are six times more likely to meet their objec-
live, around-the-clock monitoring; enable tives and five times more likely to stay on message across an organization about why to demonstrate progress. If people start
real-time information sharing; collect vital schedule. connected wearables are being introduced; to resist change, bring their concerns to
location data; support more informed deci- how the new devices will operate; what’s the forefront and help them see both the
sion making; and facilitate faster emergency The goal is to get employees committed to expected of users; and what benefits they individual and business perspective. Take
response. their organization’s connected safety pro- can expect. the time to listen, understand and address
gram. But exactly where do you start? Here concerns, so they feel heard. When small
Along with these new developments are five essential steps that I have found Provide vocal and visible leadership. wins happen, celebrate them. This will help
comes the need for updated, safety-related to be most effective in driving successful Executives and frontline managers must maintain momentum and encourage further
procedures, policies, behaviors and expecta- change management and ensuring wide- be front-and-center of the change, clearly innovation and change.
tions—to ensure workers embrace and use spread adoption of wearable technology articulating the rationale behind it and
the technology to its fullest potential—all across any organization. how the new connected safety technology Build a change network. Studies show that
with a clear understanding of how it can will improve safety outcomes. Research peer collaboration is a preferred method of
help provide peace of mind, maximize oper- Align on change approach. The first step is to shows that leaders who explain the pur- learning, with benefits that include higher
ational efficiency and, most importantly, ensure workers understand why the change pose (the “why” as well as the “what”) of engagement levels and a higher success rate.
save lives. is happening in the first place. They may the change—and connect it to the organi- Select a group of individuals from within
feel existing technologies and approaches to zation’s values—create stronger buy-in for your organization who represent each of the
In short, people are being asked to learn new safety are working fine, failing to recognize the change. areas affected by the change and who have
skills and work in new ways, making change all the advantages technology brings to the indicated they are passionate about ensuring
management—the application of processes table. An effective change-management pro- It’s also critical to keep employees updated the technology adoption succeeds. They will
and tools to help people transition from a gram starts by sending a clear, standardized regularly during the change process and become your Change Champions to serve

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as agents, advocates, ambassadors and cata- will use their device going forward. That’s to measure the rate of adoption; one of the POSITIVE CHANGE: CASE
lysts for change. Involve them in the process why it’s critical to follow a coordinated easiest ways to do that is by monitoring the
from the beginning, so they feel invested implementationprocessthatisbasedonchange- flow of data between installed connected
and will be well positioned to provide valu- management practices. To facilitate a seam- devices, including information about usage, A good change-management program
able feedback from their teams. Encourage less rollout and adoption of connected safety compliance and trends. starts by sending a clear, standardized
them to cheerlead, rally and inspire their wearables, Blackline Safety provides an message across an organization about
co-workers to get excited about using con- end-to-end onboarding and implementa- Some connected wearable gas detectors, for why connected wearables are being
nected safety wearables. They can also be tion process. Users are supported by client example, provide data by location, team or introduced; how the new devices will
instrumental in helping to organize and lead implementation coordinators who guide date range to show whether they are being operate; what’s expected of users; and
training sessions on how to properly use the them at every step, from introduction, con- regularly used, bump-tested and calibrated; what benefits they can expect.
technology, including a mix of self-serve, figuration, training and testing—through to or are experiencing false alarms—all of
virtual and on-site options to meet diverse feedback, analytics, go-live and follow-up— which can be used to determine successful NiSource Inc., one of the largest fully reg-
business needs. which includes customer care and technical uptake and indicate where more training or ulated utilities in the U.S., is an example
support. implementation support might be needed. of a company that successfully navigated
Invest in implementation. With any change management when implement-
technology implementation, a user’s first Close the gaps with data. Simply getting In one case study, a national refrigeration ing Blackline Safety lone worker and
impression matters. It will serve as the key the technology to go live without any hic- and cooling company found using ana- gas detection wearables. Their pro-
indicator for how much—or how little—they cups doesn’t equate to success. You’ll want lytics during early implementation stages gram, referred to as NiSAFE (Security/
unlocked awareness into the field for the Awareness/Foresight/Empowerment),
HSE managers; increased accountability guided the rollout of nearly 3,000 devices
for the area managers; and drove buy-in paired with 24/7 live monitoring through
from field technicians—as they felt heard Blackline’s Safety Operations Centre.
and supported. Post-training evaluations,
Some of the best practices identified by
employee engagement surveys and post-im-
the NiSAFE program included leveraging
plementation meetings are also useful ways
super users who trialed the technology
to gauge adoption and acceptance.
and collected input; holding early discus-
sions with leaders who would then pitch
The path to a robust connected safety pro-
the technology to employees; reiterat-
gram can seem daunting. By keeping your
ing the benefits of connected wearables
eye on the prize—benefits like improved
through direct messaging from leaders;
worker safety, real-time visibility, predic-
and gathering, listening and responding
tive and proactive safety, streamlined safety
to feedback in a timely manner. They also
processes and worksite safety—clearly com-
engaged with Blackline Safety on config-
municating what is changing and why, and
uration and sensitivity settings to ensure
involving employees at every step, you will
employee concerns about data privacy,
get there.
access and security were addressed.
[Ealat Chaachouh is the Manager, Client
Research indicates that when a coordinated change-management program is launched in tandem Implementations - North America, at
with a new technology rollout, employees feel prepared, equipped and supported. (photo courtesy Blackline Safety, a global leader in connected
Blackline Safety) safety technology.]

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Technology in Safety | Contents

What is a Gas Detection Wearable:

Top Questions about Connected Safety Technology
The number of workplace injuries remains latest safety innovations, such as gas detec- WHAT IS A GAS DETECTION WHAT IS THE DURABILITY
nearly unchanged year-over-year, with more tion wearables, can help provide the visibility WEARABLE? RATING OF THE ALTAIR IO 4?
than 2 million nonfatal workplace injuries and data-driven insights to help create A gas detection wearable, such as The ALTAIR io 4 was tested under the harsh-
and illnesses reported by private indus- adaptable, proactive safety programs and the ALTAIR io™ 4 Gas Detection Wearable, est conditions. It has the ability to survive
try employees in 2019.¹ And up to 90% establish a culture of behavior-based safety. is designed to be worn by each individual a 25 foot drop test, exposure to extreme
of workplace injuries can be attributed to worker, on his/her person, while on the temperatures, and the cutting-edge perfor-
human error.² But what is a gas detection wearable? What jobsite. With a wearable detector that can mance of industry-leading XCELL® sensors.
are the benefits of connected safety technol- simply clip directly on to apparel or other It has a dust and waterproof IP68 rating, and
While PPE has not traditionally had the ogy? Here are answers to those top questions: PPE, such as a fall harness, lone workers can was tested through a 60-minute tumble test
capabilities to help prevent human error, the be monitored in real-time to help provide and 60-minute vibration table test.
critical data points about on-site workers
to off-site safety managers, including emer- WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF
WHAT MAKES THE ALTAIR IO A connected work program for gas detec-
4 DIFFERENT FROM OTHER tion can provide the visibility that is needed
GAS DETECTORS? to manage large teams of workers and help
Compared to other portable gas detec- establish a behavior-based culture of safety.
tors and other MSA ALTAIR detectors, the Connected hardware and software solutions
ALTAIR io 4 was built to be connected from can provide real-time data such as worker
the ground-up. The ALTAIR io 4 device’s location and how the detector is being used
automatic CAT-M LTE cellular connectivity by each worker – which can all help inform
right out-of-the-box enables instant connec- safety training. With real-time visibility
tion to MSA Grid cloud-based software. of lone workers, safety managers can help
make sure those workers are protected, with
With the ALTAIR io 4, you no longer need instant alerts.
to involve IT teams or add a software service
separately; the technology simplifies safety WHAT IS THE MSA CONNECTED
rather than making it more complicated. The WORK PLATFORM?
device goes beyond only local alarm capa- The Connected Work Platform includes
bilities; its automatic integration with MSA’s hardware and software solutions to help
Grid cloud-based software means that safety build connections between workers and
managers have visibility of lone workers and worksites to provide actionable data that
remote worksites instantly.

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helps safety managers create safer and more 3 MSA+ subscription offerings HOW DOES MSA+ WORK? and firmware upgrades – with minimal capi-
efficient work environments. MSA+ is a subscription program includ- tal expense.
The ALTAIR io 4 drives the platform, ing hardware and software, that gives you
Included in the Connected Work making the connection between the device access to powerful cloud-based solutions The ALTAIR io 4 is available through an
Platform are: as a gas detectors and the software that enabling faster implementation, increased MSA+ subscription. Benefits include:
1 The ALTAIR io™ 4 Gas Detection Wearable provides the data and insights to help your warranty coverage and automatic software • Devices are always under warranty for
2 MSA Grid cloud-based software safety program. subscribers
• Minimal capex expense through monthly
or annual subscriptions
• New features and functionality are pushed
routinely to Grid software and your fleet
for instant—and ongoing—improvements
to your safety program


Based on what your safety program needs,
you can choose from three levels of Grid
software service – Grid Compliance Service,
Grid Fleet Manager, or Grid Live Monitor
– with pricing based on a 36-, 48-, or
60-month subscription plan.

Find out more about the ALTAIR io 4 Gas

Detection Wearable and MSA Connected
Work Platform here.

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ALTAIR io™ 4
The ALTAIR io 4 comes with fully integrated connectivity for real-time
visibility across your worksites from day one.

17-6661-MCP / 02.2024
By: Gen Handley, Contributor

Leverage Mobile Apps & Technology For Lone/Remote Workers

Whichever industry you’re in, chances are worker is a person performing their job in What They Face workers—saving employees from harm and
high that you will be required to work alone an environment or circumstances in which People who perform this essential work face the company from potential litigation. By
at some point. This might be in a remote assistance isn’t readily available or accessible occupational hazards that are unique to providing advanced safety apps and tools
location of a large facility/plant or a rural if they experience an emergency or require their lone and isolated circumstances, such to lone workers, you are demonstrating that
area. Regardless of your job, there may be support. as increased violence and harassment from the safety of your people is a top priority,
times when you’re alone and, as a result, members of the public or animals; and safety which is viewed favorably by others in your
more vulnerable to specific occupational While there are lone workers in almost every hazards that wouldn’t be typically danger- industry and future employees.
hazards. sector, some industries employ more than ous with a coworker nearby to help, such as
others, such as healthcare, agriculture, hotel unconsciousness from a fall. How to Stay Connected
The definition of a lone worker can entail and hospitality, as well as water and elec- Just as imperative as compliance, using
positions in virtually every industry and trical utilities—all areas that are essential If you’re alone and outside, it could be haz- mobile safety apps will maintain essential
is based on the core challenge of access to to healthy communities and jurisdictions. ardous. According to recent OHS research, connection between the lone worker and the
help in an accident or emergency. A lone slips, trips and falls make up about 30% of employer or safety monitor. Even for rural
lone worker accidents and emergencies. workers, that connection and communica-
tion can be maintained through satellite and
How Technology Can Help GPS devices, such as Globalstar.
Many positions require the employee to
work alone, and it can be difficult, if not But these channels, like mobile safety apps,
impossible, to have a coworker nearby— are almost pointless if staff are not ade-
especially in confined spaces and structures quately trained in their use—and if they’re
in a remote environment. The solution to not used regularly as part of operations and
this is using emerging technologies and the workplace culture. A connected com-
devices to track the safety of lone workers pany is safer and more cohesive, with all the
using innovations like satellite and GPS employees on the same OHS page, feeling
tracking and a safety app dedicated to lone safer when performing their various tasks
worker check-ins. and work.

According to the OSHA Act of 1970: “Each Perform thorough work and research to
employer shall furnish, to each of his employ- determine which types of communication
ees, employment and place of employment work best within the team and address your
which are free from recognized hazards that unique safety issues. Your people and your
are causing or are likely to cause death or company are worth it.
serious physical harm to his employees.”
[Gen Handley is Marketing and Growth
Proactively equipping lone workers with Coordinator for Tsunami Solutions Ltd.,
safety apps and technology demonstrates]
A lone worker is a person performing their job in an environment or circumstances in which emergency compliance, creating a workplace free from
assistance isn’t readily available or accessible. (© chitsanupong - recognized hazards that could harm these

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Tap into Expert Guidance on the

Use of Direct Reading Instruments
The proper use of Direct Reading Instruments (DRI) is key and limitations, sensor specificity, calibration and func- terminology, and several other take-away documents
to identifying dangerous environments in order to make tional tests, “reality checking” results, and recordkeeping • Personalized certificate upon successful completion of
real-time decisions that protect worker health and safety. and datalogging. You’ll also learn to identify whether the the online assessment
Improve your proficiency by learning the foundations of equipment you’re using is appropriate for the task at hand.
DRI use and how to avoid common misuses. AIHA University Certificate Programs are the first step in
What’s included: your journey to a successful career in the occupational and
AIHA University’s certificate program, Use of Direct Reading • Interactive knowledge checks throughout environmental health and safety (OEHS) field, awarding
Instruments, covers concepts that can be applied to any • Practical case studies on DRI use and misuse tangible proof of your technical knowledge and skills.
DRI, including hazard evaluation, chemistry for monitoring, • Practice module utilizing a real-world scenario
types of hazardous gas and vapor monitors, DRI functions • Customizable sample maintenance log, glossary of DRI Certificate programs like this allow you to learn the princi-
ples you need to advance your career
anytime, anywhere, without disrupt-
ing your busy schedule or draining
your savings. An added benefit for
those responsible for training is the
bulk purchasing program, which can
save you between 25-40% depend-
ing on your group size.

This certificate program displays just

one of the ways AIHA University
supports IH/OEHS professionals
in their pursuit of healthier work-
places and a healthier world. The
AIHA members who contribute
their expertise to develop our educa-
tion products and services put AIHA
on the map as a trusted resource
for scientific-based education and
training. Consider taking your seat
at the table by joining AIHA.

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Technology in Safety | Contents
By: Ronald D. Brown, MD, Contributor

2023 TECH TRENDS: Latest Technology

to Keep a Workforce Healthy
Infectious diseases like the flu, COVID-19, The best and easiest solutions for public threat of mass viral transmission is as con- This technology is perfect for routine cleans-
RSV and more continue to present emer- health prevention will always be the basics: temporary as ever. ing of high-traffic areas, including break
gencies for hospitals; epidemics for public washing hands, covering the mouth while rooms, offices, bathrooms, machinery, key-
health officials; and high absentee rates for sneezing, easy-to-find educational hygiene For a workplace hygiene solution to be boards and more. Companies should look
employers. But, as much as workplaces can signage and frequent surface decontamina- effective, it must be simple to use. There for systems that offer completely hands-off
spread disease—if operated smartly—they tion. While most hygiene techniques used are several new technologies that compa- cleaning and manual spot-cleaning nozzles
can also help fight against it. today date back a century, the lingering nies are using to safeguard themselves from to maximize potential use cases.
potential viral spread. Recent innovations
in hands-free, high-efficiency technology HEPA Filtration
can help workplaces lower viral risk, cut A 1994 government analysis of sick leave
employee sick leave and boost morale data for more than 3,000 workers found
overall. that 57% of all sick leave was attributable
to poor ventilation. Poor indoor air quality
No-Touch Decontamination can exacerbate allergies and asthma, caus-
Ensuring proper surface hygiene is an inte- ing headaches and fatigue, skin irritation,
gral part of a holistic safety plan—and one respiratory problems or an increased risk
of the easiest to mess up, due to a lack of of infection due to contaminants in the air.
personal motivation, ineffective technique
or general awareness. By minimizing the New advancements in “high-efficiency
human element, companies can reduce particulate air filtration” (HEPA) technol-
potential human error. ogy has become a necessary tool to fight
against airborne contaminants. All HEPA-
“No touch decontamination” (NTD) refers designated technology must be able to
to technology that enables a user to decon- capture over 99.97% of all particulate pollu-
taminate or disinfect surfaces without tion—including pollen, dust, mold, tobacco
any physical contact. Many systems are smoke and PM2.5 (among the smallest of all
deployed manually through a pressurized atmospheric particles). Many new air purifi-
or electrostatic sprayer, while others utilize ers also bundle their HEPA technology with
automated fogging or UV light processes UV technology to thoroughly capture air
that don’t require human involvement. and pass it through a filter exposed to UV-C
NTD systems often use hospital-grade dis- light for an additional level of purification.
One of the best ways to minimize potential contagion is to eliminate as many high-touch areas as possible; infectant to fill the interior of a treatment
door handles, elevator controls, light switches and touch-screens should be wiped down at least twice a area with a “fog” that traps pathogens on Workplaces that do invest in new air puri-
day to minimize health risks. (zaetsevgeniy – surfaces and in the air and kills them. fication systems need to make sure the unit

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cross-contamination. The more operations

or interactions that become automated or
touchless, the less probability workers may
unknowingly infect each other with a debil-
itating virus.

However, researching, investing and

installing new technology is only one part
of creating a better work environment. A
heavy investment in decontamination sys-
tems does not prevent a workplace from
Many businesses are switching to hands-free motion sensors to minimize physical interaction and indirect contact. Becoming a hands-free office allows practicing other routine safety measures.
businesses to take proactive measures to reduce cross-contamination. (Mark – Workplace safety needs intentional and
consistent effort to create the optimal envi-
is serviced correctly; the filters are changed found bacteria on doorknobs as soon as individuals. Hotels were some of the first ronment for employees to flourish.
regularly; and the unit is fit for the amount 15 minutes after the doorknobs were dis- businesses offering digital check-in, digital
of space it is actively purifying for the best infected. Door handles, elevator controls, room keys and voice assistants for turning About the Author:
performance possible. light switches and touch-screens should be Ronald D. Brown, MD, is the CEO of
on lights. Something as simple as an over-
wiped down at least twice a day to minimize AeroClave, a leading distributor of decon-
head light sensor can drastically reduce the
Hands-Free Motion Sensors any health risks. tamination systems that was founded in
amount of contact and optimize energy effi-
One of the best ways to minimize poten- ciency as a bonus. response to the 2003 SARS epidemic. He has
tial contagion is to eliminate as many In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, decades of experience in emergency medi-
high-touch areas as possible—before they many businesses are switching to hands- Hands-Free is Not Effort-Free cine, acting as the EMS Medical Director for
become a transmission source. Researchers free motion sensors to minimize physical Becoming a hands-free office allows busi- the Seminole County Department of Public
at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst interaction and indirect contact between nesses to take proactive measures to reduce Safety from 1985-2000.

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© Vladimir -
By: Dante Moore, Contributor

Bonus Content

Tackle 2023 Resolutions with

Connected Gas Monitoring Solutions
As we settle into the new year, safety man- your personnel and safety operators; visi- options to see readings instantly on a phone help to further increase situational aware-
agers and other emergency personnel have bility into your site; and more. Plus, don’t or laptop. ness and decrease emergency response
likely been reflecting on what goals they’d forget what type of impact you’d like your times by ensuring gas monitors always have
like to achieve—whether that’s improving gas detection program to have on your With an IIoT-connected gas detection pro- a reliable connection. This also puts you on
on last year’s accomplishments or ensuring yearly goals. gram, you and your safety managers can track to accomplish your 2023 goals.
they’re protecting employees in avoidable, also see where personnel are consistently
hazardous situations. Site Hazards: Improving facing hazardous exposure levels. If your While deep insights are important for your
Visibility, Communications team is equipped with monitors that can safety program, the ability to access real-
One easy way to accomplish your goals in Whether your organization currently has detect multiple gasses in an area prone to time data, such as gas readings or emergency
2023 is to create a reliable gas detection, a minimalist approach to its safety opera- volatile organic compounds (VOCs), for alerts, from anywhere is key in ensuring
maintenance and safety program connected tions or a mature model already in place, example, it can mark the location of expo- you aren’t leaving workers stranded with-
to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). having clear visibility into site hazards is sure by connecting to pre-placed beacons in out help.
An IIoT-backed gas detection program with key if you want to know not only where a your facility. This information is then sent
connected monitors and cloud-based soft- hazard occurred, but also who was affected. to the cloud in real time to indicate any haz- Maintaining the Fleet to
ware provides real-time site analytics and ards to safety managers. You can take this Improve Operations
worker status updates—so you can reduce By implementing an IIoT-enabled gas detec- a step further with gas monitoring devices When looking further into day-to-day oper-
risk; make smarter decisions; and react tion program, you can easily share alarms that feature connectivity options including ations, deciding on the right IIoT-backed
quickly if there’s an emergency to better and gas readings between workers and safety peer-to-peer, satellite, wi-fi and cellular. gas monitoring solution can be a difficult
protect your people and facility. managers in real time, making it easier task. In addition to considering on-site haz-
to quickly respond to gas hazards, panic These options can help you create a more ards, connectivity and monitoring options,
While creating an IIoT-connected gas alarms or man-down alarms. Depending robust safety program by enabling team you need to keep a few questions in mind
detection program will surely help improve on how robust your safety program is, safety members to look deeper into what’s hap- regarding your personnel and equipment.
various aspects of your safety program, it’s managers can even receive this informa- pening around their site with alarm reports For example, who exactly is using your
important to consider the entire picture tion directly to their own gas detector or highlighting who had which gas monitor; gas detectors—employees or general con-
of your facility. Think about day-to-day can implement remote, live-monitoring if they were exposed to any hazards; where tractors? Or does your team ever lose gas
operations; communications between the exposure came from; and more. This can monitors? Knowing these answers can help

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you determine what type of equipment you readiness, enhance visibility into worker
need, as well as how much. safety and site conditions, and respond
faster during emergencies. With connected
Ensuring that equipment is always ready gas monitors, you can easily adopt elements
to use, as well as to cut down on potentially that make sense for your business today and
lost monitors, your facility can turn to gas grow into more advanced capabilities as you
detection maintenance tools that show your see fit.
entire fleet, making it easy to track and
manage equipment. Overall, keeping teams connected through
IIoT-enabled gas monitors and robust
Certain solutions, for example, include cloud-based software can create a reliable
gas detection management software. This safety program to successfully tackle your
software provides clear visibility into your 2023 resolutions. Whether you’re respond-
process to better manage hazards, people ing quicker to gas hazards with real-time
and equipment from one dashboard. With visibility and alerts; identifying high-risk
this software solution in place, you can see areas; or simply knowing which monitors
everything you need across your entire are being used, gas detection programs
facility and process—including who is backed by IIoT networks and applications
assigned to each gas monitor, so you can are the key to staying connected and safe, no
find out what happened if it isn’t returned matter where workers are.
for any reason.
[Dante Moore is an Applications Engineer at
Successfully Tackle 2023 Resolutions Industrial Scientific Corporation and is spe-
By using a combination of IIoT-enabled cialized in helping companies find the right
devices and live monitoring solutions, you gas detectors for their applications. He can
can streamline operations, ensure device be reached at] The Ventis Pro5 gas monitor, from Industrial Scientific, has connected worker capabilities. It can detect
multiple gases simultaneously and includes a man-down alarm and panic button, gas alerts, a customized
message feature, Wi-Fi connectivity and more. (photo courtesy Industrial Scientific Corporation)

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A RDG Media, Inc. Publication

P.O. Box 529
Estero, FL 33929

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Technology in Safety | Contents

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