Encina, Marian Angela R.

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Marian Angela R.


BS Psychology 1-B

The Impact of Stress on Mental and Physical Health

Stress is the body's response to environmental changes, affecting physical, mental, and emotional

well-being. It is a natural human reaction experienced by everyone, leading to restlessness,

anxiety, and tension, as described by the Language Board Dictionary Third Edition. Different

forms of stress can originate from various sources, triggering positive and negative impacts on

the body's responses and behaviors when faced with challenges or alterations in circumstances.

The impact of stress on mental and physical health can manifest in various ways. Forgetfulness

can occur during chronic stress, affecting brain stimulation and memory recall. Physical

symptoms such as chest pain, headaches, upset stomach, and high blood pressure may arise from

prolonged stress. Additionally, increased breathing rate and tension in breathing muscles can be

observed, leading to headaches and elevated blood pressure as common physical signs of stress.

Mentally, stress can cause a lack of concentration, confusion, an inclination towards negative

thinking, and constant worry. Making decisions and problem-solving may become challenging

due to excessive stress levels. Emotionally, individuals under stress may experience irritability,

impatience, anger, fear, anxiety, self-doubt, and emotional withdrawal, potentially leading to
depression. Furthermore, stress hormones can disrupt hormonal balance, resulting in menstrual

irregularities or cessation.

Recognizing emotional cues and physical symptoms of stress is crucial in addressing its effects
on overall well-being. By understanding the sources and manifestations of stress, individuals can
implement strategies to manage and alleviate its impact on mental and physical health. It is
essential to seek support and engage in coping mechanisms to navigate stressful situations
effectively and maintain a healthy balance in response to environmental changes.

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