Research 2

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In Partial fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Degree of Bachelor of Physical Education

Cheriel Sumayang
Daisy Jane Vertudez
Jadehel Cabilan
Lovely Magaling


The culture of the Philippines is a big reflection of the country's complex history.

Despite the influences of the other superior countries that resulted to colonization,

Philippine culture is still distinct from their colonial rulers' culture that has been retained

and is clearly seen in their way of life, beliefs and customs, Filipino culture is very

evident and has been largely appreciated and even applauded in many parts of the world.

Traditional Filipino Games or traditional games in the Philippines are games

commonly played by children, usually using native materials or instruments. In the

Philippines, due to limited resources of toys of Filipino children, they usually come up on

inventing games without the need of anything but the players themselves. With the

flexibility of a real human to think and act makes the game more interesting and

challenging (Wikipedia, 2016).

The traditional children's game is a key piece for children to understand their

emotions and how these modify their behavior and how to learn to express them in an

appropriate. “When we talk about traditional games, we refer to those games that, for a

very long time, continue to endure, passing from generation to generation.

These games have evolve through many years until such time that only children

from the rural areas are the ones who were still playing and recognizing the traditional
street games. Most of the children nowadays are spending their childhood playtime on

Internet cafes or with their handheld gadget game consoles instead of socializing with

other children playing the traditional street games that for years is a culture and a norm

for a typical Filipino child. It seems like they are estranged by their own tradition and

have no knowledge of what is the importance of playing this games. In fact these

traditional street games reflect how the children's way of living helps him/her to develop

his/her social interaction towards others unlike playing internet games that is more virtual

and completely leave behind traditional entertainment or try to learn the games and

simply have fun with it.

Dickie Aguado, executive director of Philippine NGO Magna Kultura Foundation

(Arts and Culture), says that traditional Filipino games are "very much alive in the

Philippines". In many urban and rural areas, a majority of Filipino children play outdoor

street games, as most of them have little access to technology. Games such as patintero,

tumbang preso, piko, sipa, turumpo, and many others, are played daily. One of the main

reasons why some children stop playing Filipino games is because Western sports (e.g.

basketball or volleyball) are featured in local barangays and in schools. With a lack of

organized sports activities for Filipino street games, Filipino children may adapt to

modernity by abandoning their childhood games.


Traditional games can be defined as those games that we have learned from

generation to generation and that despite undergoing some changes have endured over

time, they reflect the society in which they are played and constitute the heritage cultural,
they are a way of interacting and living together, of coming into contact and dialogue

with others.

A game is structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and

sometimes used is an educational tool, Games are distinct from work, which is usually

carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic

or ideological elements. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are

also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports or games) or

art (such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong,

solitaire some video games). Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and

interaction, Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both.

Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, otherwise perform

an educational, simulation, or psychological role (Wikipedia, 2016).

According to Santos et al (2019), it has been many centuries since the games that

are traditionally played as a kind of entertainment have become popular in the Philippines

as a form of entertainment, and they have been a part of Filipino culture for many



This study focuses on the “The Importance of the traditional games in promoting

physical exercise among selected 4 th Year BPED Students in Zamboanga Del Sur

Provincial Government College, Aurora SY 2024-2025, with predetermined factors

presented in the next page. As shown in figure 1, the independent variable is the
Traditional Games, the dependent variable is physical exercise, while the moderating

variable are the age, gender, and grade level.

Traditional Games

 Patintero Physical Exercise

 Luksong Tinik
 Tumbang Priso


 Age
 Gender
 Grade level

Figure 1. The Schematic diagram shows the relationship between the independent variable and

dependent variables to the moderating variable.


This study aims to determine the importance traditional games in promoting

physical exercise of the selected 4th year students in Zamboanga Del Sur Provincial
Government College, Aurora Campus. Specifically, the research aims to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 gender

1.3 grade level

2. What are the factors that will affect the popularity of the traditional Filipino games?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the traditional games and physical exercise?


The null hypothesis were formulated for question number 3.

There is no significance relationship between the traditional games and physical exercise.


The primary purpose of the study would be a great importance to the following:

Zamboanga Del Sur Provincial Government College, Aurora. This study will serve as a

guide in executing future plans for the school's activities.

Students. This study will inspire them to recall and indulge themselves again to these

ignored recreational activities.

Researcher. This study could be interesting because they will know how many students

are still interested of traditional games.


This study aims to determine the importance of traditional games in promoting

physical exercise among selected 4th BPED students in Zamboanga Del Sur Provincial

Government College, Aurora. Data will be gathered specifically in selected Senior High

School students SY 2024-2025 located at Poblacion, Aurora, Zamboanga Del Sur. The

researchers will conduct a training and survey focusing on the 4 th Year BPED students to

complete the selected respondents needed.


Luksong Tinik – is a popular game in the Philippines. It is originated in Cabanatuan,

Nueva Ecija, played by two teams with equal numbers of players.

Patintero – also known as harangang-taga or tubigan, (International translate: Escape

from the hell or Block the runner) is a Filipino traditional children’s game. It is the one of

the most popular outdoor games played by children in the Philippines.

Physical Exercise - movements and activities done to keep your body healthy or make it


Traditional Games – are games that are played across multiple generations, usually using

native materials or instruments. In the Philippines, due to limited resources for toys,

children usually invent games that do not require anything but players.
Tumbang preso – also known as tumba lata (knock down the can) or bato lata (hit the can

with a stone or slipper), is a Filipino traditional children’s game. The game involves

throwing a slipper at a can or bottle. The game is usually played in backyards, parks or in

streets when there is little traffic in an area.



This Chapter presents the local and the foreign literature and studies that will help in

strengthening the claim and the importance of the present study.

“Development of Physical Fitness Materials based on Traditional Games for Junior

High School”

It is carried out to obtain in-depth information about: the development and

application of physical fitness teaching materials based on traditional games and knowing

the effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness.

James Tangkudung 2019

“Traditional games to reinforce the character of students in terms of educational

qualifications: a meta- analysis”

Traditional games are rich in noble values that are able as learners' character

boosters. This study analyzed the role of traditional games on strengthening the character

of learners reviewed from the level of education. The research method used is a meta-
analysis by checking ten national journal articles formulated with the Glass formula. The

results showed that traditional games have a very strong influence on strengthening the

character of middle school education learners.

Hendra Mashuri 2022

“Traditional Games Body and Movement”

In the contemporary age traditional games could be a way to debate and establish

a comparison of knowledge carriers to communicate methodologies of good practices

adopted and experiences in the use in the protection, conservation and safeguarding of

cultural heritage. Traditional children's games could be goal of project to incorporate

elements of traditional children's (outdoor) games in of an intelligent, interactive


Carmen Palumbo 2019



This chapter discuss the research design, research setting, research respondents,

research instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical technique of data used in the


Research Design

To achieve the goal of this study, the researchers will use quantitative-

comparative method to collect the data and information of Traditional games in Aurora

National High School. Quantitative-comparative method is a useful approach in research

as it allows researchers to compare and analyze quantitative data across different cases or

groups, generate generalizations and predictions, control for extraneous variables, make

efficient use of resources, and gain contextual understanding of the phenomenon being

studied. In this study, the comparative method will apply to test the difference

Research Environment
The researchers will conduct the study at Aurora National High School. It is

located at Barangay Bliss Balide, Aurora Zamboanga Del Sur. This study focus on the

selected senior high school students of Aurora National High School as the subjects in

determining The importance of traditional games in promoting physical exercise among

high school students.

Research Respondents

The research subject of this study are the selected Senior High School students

from grade 11 to grade 12, enrolled in the academic year 2023-2024.

Sampling Design

The researchers will use simple random sampling. The total number of

participants is determine using a random sampling procedure who are Senior High

students at Aurora National High School.

Research Instruments

The researchers designed a self-administered questionnaire for the data-gathering

process the importance of traditional games in promoting physical exercise in Aurora

National High School. The survey questionnaire validated by the research adviser. This

was used because it gathers data faster than any method. Besides, the participants were

the Senior High School students particularly they are very literate, they could read and

answer with ease. The questionnaire contains the following parts. The first part is the
demographic profile of the participants. The remaining part of the questionnaire is based

on knowledge given and created by the researchers.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to conduct the study, the researchers will write a letter to the office of the

administrator of Aurora National High School. It is located at Barangay Bliss Balide,

Aurora, Zamboanga Del Sur to obtain permission to conduct this research from the

campus administrator. As soon as the approval is secure, the researchers approach the

respondents individually to conduct our questionnaire regarding the respondent’s

perceptions on the Influence of an Integrated Health and Physical education program

using the questionnaire-checklist.

Statistical treatment

Descriptive statistical procedures were used to present the frequency distribution,

mean, range, percentage, and ranking were used to answer the objectives of this study.

To present the profile of the participants, the statistical tools that were used are

frequency distribution, percent and cumulative percent

To present the sources of information regarding the factors that affect the

popularity of traditional Filipino games 3.1 scale used simple ranking to evaluate.

To determine the importance traditional games in promoting physical exercise in

Aurora National High School, the statistical tools that were used are frequency

distribution, range and weighted mean.

The data gathered from the participants wore recorded, tallied, classified,

tabulated, and interpreted using descriptive statistics. Percentage was used to describe the

respondent's demographic profile in terms of age and socioeconomic status. The formula

was presented below.

Percentage (%) = f



%=Percentage Distribution

F= the sum of frequency

F-Total number of Frequency

Thus, weighted mean will be used to determine the level that could lead to find the

importance of traditional games in promoting physical exercise in the selected Senior

High School students in Aurora National High School.


W= weighs (3, 2, 1)
X=number of participants per factor and popularity

N=the total number of participants

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