ST Rev GD 7

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1.Draw the circuit diagram with two cells, one bulb, switch and ammeter.
Practise similar diagrams

2.Write the function of the each of the following:

Switch: To control the current in a circuit
Ammeter: To measure the current
Cell: source of current in a circuit
Bulb: Source of light in the circuit
Buzzer: it produces sound
3.Which particle makes the metals conductors?
4.Name the subatomic particles?
Protons, electrons and neutrons
Protons -positive
Electrons are negatively charged Neutrons – no charge
5.Why do metals conduct electricity?
Because the electrons are free to move
6.Why is wood an insulator?
Because the particles are not free to move.
Distinguish between conductors and insulator?
conductor insulator
1. Conducts electricity does not
2. Particles are free to move
2.not free to move
Example: metals
Example: wood, plastic, rubber

Write any two ways to make a bulb brighter in the circuit?

1.Add more cells
2.Remove one bulb.

Chemical Reactions:
1.Reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid to give magnesium chloride
and hydrogen.
i)Write the word equation for the reaction.
Ans: magnesium + hydrochloric acid → magnesium chloride + Hydrogen
ii)which gas is given out during the reaction.
Ans: Hydrogen
iii) How do you know that a reaction has taken place?
a) Colour changes
b) Gas is given off
c)Heat produced
d)Cloudiness observed
iv)Write a test for hydrogen gas?
Ans: show a burning splint which ‘’POPS OUT’’.
2.Calcium carbonate(CaCO3)+ Hydrochloric acid(HCl)→ calcium chloride
(CaCl2)+ carbon dioxide(CO2)+ water(H2O)
i)write the reactants. Ans: Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) ,Hydrochloric acid(HCl)
ii)write the product Ans: calcium chloride (CaCl2), carbon dioxide(CO2),

iii)write a test for carbon dioxide.

Ans: Pass carbon dioxide through lime water. Lime water turns cloudy.
3.Write the products of the following reaction.
Sodium + oxygen →sodium oxide potassium + oxygen→potassium oxide
Magnesium + oxygen →magnesium oxide
Calcium + oxygen →calcium oxide
Zinc+ oxygen →Zinc oxide

Potassium + water →potassium hydroxide

4.Name the elements present in the following:
CO2 ----------------------- ----------------------(c=1, o=2)
NH3 -----------------------, -----------------------
H2O ----------------------,------------------------
MgCl2 --------------------,----------------------

5.When a metal is added to acid it bubbles and gives of a gas.

What is the name of the gas?
6.Complete these:
Zinc+ --------------------acid→ zinc chloride + -------------------
--------------------+ sulfuric acid → magnesium sulphate + ------------------
ALSO ---
Revise from the learner’s book,
Book let and revision book let.
Read the topics in the text book.
Refer to the study materials uploaded in the flip class.
Good Luck!

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