Development Eolic Generation Under Economical Uncertainty: Ramos-Robles, Irizany-Rivera, Ieee

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8' International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa,

September 12-16,2004

Development of Eolic Generation Under

Economical Uncertainty
Carlos A. Ramos-Robles, Agustin Irizany-Rivera, Member, IEEE

Absfract- Development o f a wind farm in the east coast clearly establishes a permitting process and facilitates the
of Puerto Rico has the potential of being au attractive negotiation of a purchase power ageement Another uncertainty
economic proposal. This is so because the best wind is the assessment of land value for the purpose of eolic
resource of Puerto Rico is located on its east shore. generation since there is no experience on how to determine this
Reliable wind data is available for several sites io the east value and land is a precious commodity on a relatively small
coast, but important information in evaluate the economic and heavily populated island [lo]. In the end, a financial risk
feasibility of the wind farm can only be estimated or is assessment will be required by potential investors considering
unavailable. For example, land values, an unclear the wind alternativeto produce electricity.
permitting process, lack of a legal framework, and no The objective of an economical analysis of any project is to
precedent in the Island of a purchase power agreement for determine whether the expected energy payments are suficient
a wind generation project makes any economic evaluation to pay the debt on the project and provide an adequate rate of
an uncertain one. retum.
In this case study we use Present Worth (PW) economic This case study is an initial step in the economical analysis of
analysis estimating the values of uncertain parameters and eolic generation for Puerto Rico. The Monte Carlo analysis is
perform sensitivity analysis for such parameters. Also, we presented as an easy to understand and effective technique for
perform Monte Carlo simulation to do financial risk engineering managers to measure risk. Also the logistic for
assessment. The results show under what conditions is selecting probability distributions to represent sensitive
viable to develop a wind farm in the east coast of Puerto parameters is shown.
Rico. For the interested reader references [I I]and [I21 show other
analytical and simulation approaches to analyze risk.
Index Term- Pucrto Rico, economic analysis, sensitivity
analysis, Montc Carlo simulation, risk assessment, tiind power 11. THE pOT€NTlAl OF WIND ENERGY IN PUERTO NCO
A new energy policy for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rim
was announced on December 22, 1993 [Z,31. Factors within
I. INTRODUCTION the context of Puerto Rico's physical, social, and economic
environment were considered while developing the policy and
. revolve around their energetic needs. It is
he welfare and socioeconomic development of modem
five areas of concem were identified:
important for modem countries to have a reliable electric power Eficient distribution of electrical energy.
source with continuous capacity to provide all of the present and Use of fuels other than oil.
future demand for electric energy at a reasonable cost. The Increased use of renewable technologies to generate
island of Puerto Rico has a developing economy that is electricity.
constrained by its electric energy needs, [I]. It is desired that the Modification of consbuction regulations.
additional electric power for Puerto Rico be derived b m Public education.
diverse, dependable, non-polluting sources appropriate for the This energy policy addressed the need for energy and
environment and economy of the island, [2,3]. Electric power. identified potential energy sources. The sources were
generated h m wind turbines appears to he an attractive categorized into short-, medium-, and long-term options for
alternative for Puerto Rim. application based on their feasibility for Puerto Rico. The
Although there have been a number of wind measurement renewable energy technologies were categorized as long-term
projects in Puerto Rico, [4-91, and the wind data is publicly solutions.
available, there has been no successful initiative to develop an Renewable energy technologies are considered new in Puerto
eolic generation project on the island despite the high price, as Rico although there are renewable technologies in operation for
compared to US prices, of fossil fuel generated electricity. A more than 50 years in different locations around the world.
major obstacle bas been the lack of a legal framework that Issues concerning the design, cost, safety, operating and
technical procedures to maximize reliability, appropriate
maintenance procedures, and development of appropride
This work m-as supported by the University of hem Riw - Mayaguez. infrastructure and transportation for the new technologies all
CA. Ramor-Robles is pursuing his Masfen degree in Electrical
Engineering at the Univenily of hem Rico, Mayagocq PR 00681 (e-mail:
affect the ultimate commercialization of potential energy
wlos.rmor~.upnnedu). SOWceS.
A.A. khnyRivera is Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering a1 the Puerto Rico is considering various renewable and non-
UniversLy of Puerto Rico, Mrtyagoeq PR 00681 (e-mail renewable energy technologies that can contribute to meet some

Copyright Iowa State University, 2004

71 1
of the projected 1,200 MW of future elecbic power demand [2]. Wind energy avoids some external or societal costs
None of the renewable technologies being considered is likely associated with conventional resources. These costs are the
to meet that demand by itself. The most important of the trade deficit from importing foreign oil and other fuels, and
technologies under consideration are: the health and environmental costs of pollution. It has been
Fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil. Non- shown that wind energy is a reliable resource that provides
Renewable more jobs per dollar invested than any other energy
Biomass. Renewable technology, [16, 171.
Wind power. Renewable Wind farm projects can’t be developed if there is no
Solar energy. Renewable economic benefit. No bank or money lender will loan money
Hydroelectricenergy. Renewable for a project without an adequate minimum attractive rate of
The disadvantage of wind is that it has a low energy density return (MARR)[15]. To develop a project investors need the
compared with the fossil and nuclear fuels [2]. guarantees of, an appropriate incentive and an adequate
Wind power in Puerto Rico may be feasible on small scale payback period. For this type of project the average payback
using state-of-the-art wind turbines. Land availability period is 7 years.
constraints and practical physical access to acceptable sites may Wind turbine technologies has evolved greatly in the last 20
limit the overall applicability of this technology in Puerto Rico. years and the cost of energy from the wind has dropped by
Wind power through the United States is rated on a scale of one 85% to the point that the price of electrical energy produced is
to seven based on wind speed and power density, [13]. around 4 to 6 cents per kWh in places with proper conditions
The exposed points and capes along the north coast of Puerto to install wind turbines [13, 181. These costs are competitive
Rico, as well as most of the east coast and the windward coast with the direct operating costs of many conventional forms of
of Culebra, Vieques, and Mona Islands, have Class 3 winds. electricity generation now. The prices are expected to drop
Cape San Juan on the northeast coast have class 4 winds. The even further over the nest IO years [13, 181. Incentives like
high-peaks and the ridges of the central mountains have class 3 the federal production tax credit and net metering provisions
winds, with isolated peaks having class 4 winds. Figure 1 available in some areas improve the economics of vzind
shows a wind resource map of Puerto Rim made by the energy [18, 191.
National Renewable Energy Laboratories(NREL). The most influential factors on the nrice of wind generated

Factors such as environmental acceptance, consistency with electricity are the wind speed of the location, the land value,
existing land uses such as agriculture, and planning flexibility legal framework, and loan agreement. In Puerto Rico there
(short conshuction lead time and benefits associated with the are no realistic local incentives or tax deductions to reduce the
modular nahue of the wind farm) promote renewable energy use capital costs of the project and thus promote a wind farm
in Puerto Rico. project.
The Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978
(PURPA), established that any qualiking individual can
install a wind generator and the local electric utility must
purchase the excess power, power not used by the owner,
produced. PURPA intended to create a market for clean,
renewable, electric-generating technologies by guaranteeing a
buyer for the excess power [20]. With PURPA, small power
producers meeting specific criteria are guaranteed purchase
and interconnection. Many states now permit net metering, in
which the utility must buy wind power generated by
homeowners at the same retail rate the utility charges. Net
metering allows the customer’s meter to turn backward while
wind energy is supplied to the grid by their wind turbine.
According to [21] PURPA does apply to the electric power
utilities in Puerto Rico.


The power available in the wind varies with the cube of the
FigI.PuertoRicoWlndMap:AnnualAverageWlndPower[14]. wind velocity as expressed by equation 1 [22],
P =- p 3 A (1)
where, P is the power in watts, A is the area, in meters,
The electric power industry is highly capital intensive. It is
through which the wind is passing, p is the density of the air
probably more capital intensive than any other sector,
1.225 Kgm3 at 15.55 OC and 101,325 Pa, and v is the speed
particularly in developing countries. The planning and proper
of the wind in meters per second.
financial and economic evaluation of projects is important for
Is critical to have a precise measure of the wind speed for
rationalizing investment and achieving economic efficiency
the location where wind turbines will be installed. A 10%

deviation on wind speed turns into over 33% deviation on method, a method used to compare different economical
available power. Since wind velocity varies it is necessary to alternatives [I 11.
capture this variation in the model used to predict energy To evaluate a wind project we use the following procedure:
production. This is usually done using probability functions 1. Define the economic alternatives. Select between
to describe wind velocity. these alternatives or do nothing.
The Weibull probability dislrihution [22, 231 has been found 2. Determine the study period, e.g. the life of the
to be a very accurate model to describe wind velocity project.
variation. Once we have the wind velocity probability 3. Provide estimates of the cash flow for each
function the next step is to determine how much energy is alternative. This is the most important part, poor
available, during a time period, to capture with a wind turbine. estimates can result in the selection of an altemative
The Energy Probability Function (epf) per unit of area is that is not the best.
plotted using the following equation: 4. Specify the time value of money or interest rate.
5. Select a measure of feasibility, In our example the
= _ 1 p'f(v)(hours)(dws) (2)
Area 2 measure of feasibility is a positive value of present
where e(v) is the epf, f(v) is the Weibull pdf and the product worth.
hours-days represents the number of hours in the period of 6. Compare the alternatives based on highest present
analysis. The units of e(v) are \Nlllm*/mis. worth.
ARer plotting the epf the next step is to integrate the 7. Perform sensitivity analysis for parameters whose
expression, as shown in Equation 3 to obtain the total energy variation can affect the outcome.
for the given period per unit of area (m')). The limits of 8. Select the preferred alternative.
integration are denominated by the minimum wind speed and Risks encountered in a wind farm project can be divided in
the maximum wind speed measured. market and technical risks. Market risks include demand
'"' e(") growth, wind speed deviation l?om prediction, the price of the
E / A r e a = J-h (3) land, cost of money, and tariffs. Technical risks include the
,mn Area breakdowns and non-availability of wind turbines, changes in
where e@) is the epf and the Area is a constant. technology, and prospects of future environmental legislation
The energy available is not the same energy that the wind and enforcement. During the implementation of the project
turbine will capture. Bet2 law [24] states the theoretical there are also the risks of cost overrun and delays in
maximum of kinetic energy in the wind that can be converted implementation [IS].
to mechanical energy using a wind turbine is 16/27 (or 59%). Step seven of our evaluation procedure shows that
A more direct way to calculate the energy captured is using sensitivity analysis should be performed. Sensitivity analysis
the wind turbine power curve. It gives the output power of a is performed when there is uncertainty on one or more
wind turbine for any specific value of wind speed. The power parameters of the present worth analysis. The objective of the
curves vary with the turbine models and ratings and are given sensitivity analysis is to help make decisions knowing:
by the manufacturers. How possible errors in the estimates of one or more
Using the turbine power curve data the average energy parameters can affect the outcome of the economic
captured that can be obtained from the turbine can he feasibility measure.
estimated. Using the following equation
Potential changes in the altematives preferences.
= p,a,cd
(period- hours) (4) To perform sensitivity analysis we use single parameter
where E,,,.,e is the energy captured and converted into sensitivity graphs. These graphs show the effect deviations on
electric energy (kWh), Pra,d is the rated power in the power individual parameters have in the project outcome.
curve at the average wind speed calculated, and the period in The final step of our economic analysis is a risk analysis
hours is the time period of analysis. using Monte Carlo simulation, [I], IS]. Monte Carlo permits
The power available in the wind, per unit sweep area, may to develop approximated solutions when a physical
also be estimated using Equation 1 and the average wind experiment or the use of analytical approaches is either too
speed for a given site. It has been found that the use of burdensome or not feasible and it is desired to analyze
arithmetic mean velocity tends to underestimate the electric situations involving risk. The following steps are used when
energy production. A case study made in Kappadaguda, using Monte Carlo simulation:
India, [22], suggests that the root mean cubic wind speed, I . Define the problem and collect data. This data can
equation 4.2 below, produces a better estimate of actual he selling price, investment, useful life of the project,

energy production. salvage value, operating costs.
2. Prepare input data. Input data includes the Probability
,v =J If(V)V'dV (5) distributions of the collected data, time patterns, and
initial investment conditions.
3. Decision rules and program. Randomly select sets of
V. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS input data according to their probability of
Economics is the most important part of the installation of a
wind farm. Our analysis will be based on the present worth

4. Simulate. Determine a merit measure for each set of
5. Repeatedly sample until a clear pattern of investment
risk appears.


The NPW is positive making the project is feasible for the

assumed economic conditions, Figure 3 shows the project has
a simple payback period of 2 years.
The nest step in this economical analysis is to perform a
sensitivity analysis of the parameters shown in Tables 11, 111
and IV. For purpose of this example only a few of this
parameten where selected. Table VI shows the selected
parameters and the expected NPW for 20% changes in each of

Probability UAVc URMC ,.E I Area ER,, 1Area YWr: 0 It015 16 to 25

Distribution (ds) fds) (kWb/m') (kWb/m') Revenue: 0 $2,695,077 $2,695,077
N o d I 6.50 I 7.33 1500.87 2173.41 EXIK!3Ys: -$700,000.00 -$2,329,656 6498,226
Weibull 1 6.46 I 7.33 1472.16 2168.03 Net Cash Flow: -$700,000.00 5365,421.00 $2,396,851.00
Net Annual Worth $19,517
Net P e a t Worth $39,033

Before Tares Cash Flow

$1,400kW installed
0 & M Costs
Down Payment
Loan Terms

-s1,o~.Ow -
Revenues are given by the product of the price of the YUrS
available eleceic energy and the established price of this
energy. Expenses are the capital cos< divided in the initial Fig. 2. Net Cash Flow Dingnun.
loan down payment, annual loan payments, operation and
maintenance costs and land right costs. Cumulative Before Taxes Cash Flaw

TABLE m. ~ o t aRevenues.
$1" "I*I on" -
Electricalenergy for sale (kwh): 1 30,281,765.98
Average cost of electricity (Skwh): I $0.089
Eleetriol Energy Aooual Gross Revmuc 1% I 52,695.077.17

With all relevant information about revenues and expenses

calculated the net cash flow of the project can be obtained.
Table V shows a summary of the net cash flow of the project.
The annual loan payment, Net Annual Worth (NAW) and the
Net Present Worth (NPW) are calculated.

The sensitivity analysis shown is called a single parameter parameters of the problem. The expression for the generation
sensitivity analysis, where only one parameter is varied at a of random normal values is given in [I I]. The expression for
time and all other conditions remain equal (ceteris paribus generating random uniformly distributed values for the
assumption). Base values are shown in Tables 11, 111 and IV. triangular and other empirical distribution can he obtained
This permits the study of a particular relationship, e.g. MARR using the Inverse Transform Technique [XI.
vs. NPW, in a simplified setting. Table VI11 shows an example of the Monte Carlo
Figure 4 show a single parameter sensitivity graph for simulation for the first 3 trials. After 1,000 Monte Carlo
M A F X , energy price, energy for sale and O&M costs. The simulation trials the expected mean value for the Net Present
most sensitive parameters are MARR, energy price and energy Worth (NPW) is $482,063 with a standard deviation of
for sale. MARR can be ignored because it is a parameter $637,605. From the average NPW vs. Number of Trial
relative to what the investor think is a proper yield for his or graphic it is shown that afier 500 trials the NF'W stays very
her investment on the project. close to the NPW expected mean value of $482,063.
We now perform a risk analysis using Monte Carlo
simulation. Since the most sensitive parameters are the energy
price and energy for sale these parameters are modeled using
probability distributions. The probability distributions can be
triangular, normal, uniform or of any other empirical form. M h i m m = 10.05kWh

Mode =$O.IOkWh
Single Parameter Sensitivity Graphic Monte Carlo simulation provides us with a risk analysis

It 1 tool but a measurement of risk is still needed. The most
popular measurements of risk used are:
1 . The Coefficient of Variation
2. The Probability of a negative outcome of NPW
The coefficient of variation is the standard deviation of the
projected returns of NPW divided by the expected value [27].
Assuming a positive expected value of NPW, the lower the
coefficient of variation, the lower the project risk.
Percent Change
Fig. 4. Single Parameter Sensitivity Graphics. -$265,363

When using the probability of a negative outcome of NPW

generally, the project is considered safe when this probability
is less than 0.2 [27], but of course the critical value of this
measure of risk is subjective since every decision maker bas a
different degree of aversion to risk.
TABLE M.Monte Carlo Simulation Results
NPW Eipecfed
NPW Eipecfed Value
Value (Mean):
(Mean): I 6482,063.
Standard Deviation: I $637,605.
Minimum Present Worth: I -1801,099
In this example we assume a normal distribution for the I Maximom Present Worth I $2,216,059 ,
energy for sale for simplicity of calculations. The normal
distribution closely resembles the Weibull distribution which
was used for the wind and energy distribution. A triangular
distribution is used to model the energy price. We assume the Based on the coefficient of variation and the probability of
maximum price can not exceed the current local energy price outcome of a negative NPW this project may be risky, but
there is a greater chance of obtaining a positive income as is
of $0.13kWh, the minimum price will be no less than the
avoided cost of the local utility of $ O . O S k W h , and the mode is given by the expected NF'W mean value of $482,063.
the power expected price, $O.lOkWh. Table VI1 shows a
summary of the parameters, distributions, and the distribution Table X shows the results if measured wind speed where
parameters. adjusted to hub height using Prandtl one-seventh power Iaw
Monte Carlo simulation requires random rninibers based on 1281.
the probability characteristics given for the different

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