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A physical event with 3 aspects:

a. Physiological: the production of speech sounds by organs of articulation
b. Acoustic: the transmission of speech sounds
c. Auditory: the perception of speech sounds

The study of human speech sounds
A branch off linguistics studying the production, the physical nature, the perception and other
aspects of human speech sounds


Articulatory phonetics
Acoustic phonetics
Auditory phonetics

->3 parts pieces segment
->3 phoneme ( 3 đơn vị âm nhỏ nhất)

are sounds in which there is NO OBSTRUCTION to the flow of air as it passes from the larynx to
the lips
more sonorous

Produced with a narrow or complete closure in the vocal tract
voiced or voiceless
less sonorous
generally not syllabic
- Some consonants do not really obstruct the airflow more than some vowels
- Ex: /h/,/w/

A vowel: a voiced sound in which the air has a free passage through the mouth, and does not
produce any audible friction ( gồm Pure vowels/ monophthongs; diphthongs)
Pure vowels/ monophthongs: an unchanging sound in the pronouciation of which the organs of
speech do not perceptibly change the position throughout the duration of the vowel in a
syllable ( có 4 nguyên tắc phân loại)
 The raised part of the tongue
- Front vowels: front of tongue raised in dirrection of hard palate: /i:/-/ ɪ/-/e/-/æ/
- Central vowels: center raised toward palate: /ɜː/-/ə/-/ʌ/
- Back vowels: back raised in direction of soft palate /u:/-/ʊ/-/a:/- /
 The height of the raised part of the tongue

- Close/high vowels: 1 part of tongues comes close to palate without

touching it, and air passage is narrow but so much as to form a consonant: /i:/-/ ɪ/-
- Mid-open/ mid-close vowels: tongue half way between ít high and low position:
/e/-/ɜː/-/ə/-/ ɔː/
- Open/low vowels: 1 part of tongue is very low and air passage is very wide:/ æ/-/a:/-/
 The lip shape
 The vowel length

- These vowels are longer than short vowels
- The length might varies depend on context
- The mark (: )- two dots
- /i:/- beat,mean: more close/higher. More front lips are slightly spread
- /u:/ food, soon
- /a:/ card, half
- / ɔː/ board, torn
- / ɜː/ bird, fern

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