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Name: Yulianis Lezcano. ID:4-826-2422.

Analysis of the history: Seven People Dancing
By Langston Hughes.

- Plot:
The story "Seven People Dancing" by Langston Hughes revolves around a gathering in Marcel's
apartment in Harlem. Seven people, including three couples and Marcel, are dancing to music
played by a big combination. Marcel, a colored man and a fairy, hosts parties in his apartment to
make money by selling drinks and renting rooms. The narrative explores the dynamics among the
characters, their interactions, and the ambiance of the party.

- Characters:

1-Marcel: The host of the party and a fairy, described as muddy brown and not good-looking. He is
comfortable with his identity and his role in the party, despite being different from the others.
2-Joan: A white girl brought to the party by Claude. She is described as attractive and not a tramp.
Her presence in Harlem, especially at an apartment where rooms are rented to couples, is unusual
and raises questions about her motives.
3-Claude: Joan's companion, a slight, young, golden-skinned boy with intellectual appeal. He brings
Joan to Harlem for the first time, indicating a certain level of familiarity with the area.
4-Dark, Handsome Man: A very dark, very handsome man, approximately thirty-eight years old. He
dances with a woman described as the color of green tea in an off-white cup. Marcel likes him, but
he does not reciprocate the feeling.
5-Green Tea Woman: A woman of color who dances with the dark, handsome man. She does not
return his affection, which creates tension between them.
6-Other Couple: A nondescript couple at the party who receive little attention from the narrator.
They seem unremarkable and insignificant in the narrative.
7-Narrator: The unseen observer who provides insights into the characters and their interactions at
the party.

- Setting:
The story is set in Marcel's apartment in Harlem during a cold November night. While it is cold
outside, the apartment is warm and filled with music from a big combination. The setting creates a
contrast between the chilly exterior and the cozy interior where the characters engage in dancing
and socializing.
- Conflict:
The main conflict in the story revolves around the tensions and dynamics among the characters,
particularly Marcel, the dark, handsome man, and Joan. Marcel's identity as a fairy and his hosting
of parties in Harlem, where mixed couples are welcomed, challenge societal norms and provoke
varying reactions from the other characters. Additionally, Joan's presence as a white girl in Harlem
raises questions about race, identity, and acceptance within the community. These conflicts simmer
beneath the surface as the characters interact and dance, adding depth to the narrative.

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