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Lecture 4
Cavite Mutiny


 Cavite Mutiny is the rebellion of the native Filipino soldiers and laborers of the cavite arsenal
against the harsh policies of Governor General Rafael Izquierdo
 Governor General Rafael Izquierdo abolished the tax exemption

Governor General Rafael Izquierdo

blamed the liberal government of
the former Governor General
Carlos Ma de la Torre for allowing
the people to became radical
against the Spanish Government.
Cavite Mutiny

 Governor General Rafael Izqueirdo blamed the liberal government of the former governor
general Carlos ma de la torre for allowing the people to became radical against the Spanish
 Cavite mutiny lead to the execution of Mariano Gomez, jose burgos, jacinto Zamora and other
natives. And the imprisonment of several creoles.
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Jose Montero Y Vidal

 Jose Montero Vidal is a Spanish historian and the author of Historia General de Filipinas
published in 1895.
 Reason of uprising: abolition of the privileges of the native soldiers
 Events: The soldiers wanted to assassinate their officers, their masters and the escort of the
captain general at malacanang and dispose the governor general. The rebels will start the
rebellion upon the firing of the rockets from the walls of the city.
 January 20, 1872: The rebels started the mutiny
 The assault headed by P. Felipe Ginoves in January 22, 1872
 The rebellion failed because the people of Cavite mistook the fireworks in the fiesta in Sampaloc
manila as the signal to start the rebellion

Rafael Izquierdo

 The governor general who replaces Carlos ma de la torre

 He refused the proposal of building school for the arts
 He abolished the exemption from the payment of the tribute tax and obligation t work of the
workers in the arsenal of Cavite
 The native clergy encouraged the indios to join the rebellion because God was with them
 The rebels made the signal agreed upon by means of lanterns, but the native civilians in bacoor
although they tried it, failed because of the vigilance of the Spanish navy that had placed there a
gunboat and armed vessels

Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera

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 He is a prominent member of the organization of the creoles friend of governor general Carlos
ma de la torre
 Advocate of the establishment of school for the arts
 In January 20, 1872 uprising in the fort san Felipe Cavite
 The commanding officer and other Spanish officers in charge of the fort were assassinated
 La Madrid took part in this uprising
 Few soldiers participated the attack
 No further disturbance on peace or insubordination in any kind
 The uprising among soldiers in Cavite was used as powerful lever by the Spaniards and by the

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