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BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment

Answer Paper

Training Package: Diploma of Leadership and
Due Date: Week 4 Assessment Type:

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1. The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in

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BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
Please put your answer below:

Activity 1A

1. Slack is a business messaging network that connects people with the information they need to
do their jobs effectively. The method in which employees of a company communicate with one
another has been fundamentally changed as a result of Slack.

2. Slack revolutionises the method in which companies work with one another. carry out your
duties effectively and uninterruptedly. You need just connect to the internet. Within no time at
all, significant conversation will become lot less complicated. Everyone is allowed to send out a
message, so there is no need to wait for employees to show up to a meeting. This is very possible
as a result of the sagging. As a direct consequence of this, the organisation is able to keep to its
commitments and achieve its goals on schedule. The process of putting an organization's
strategy for reaching its goals into action is made much easier.

Activity 1B

I hope everyone had a good night!

Good morning to everyone on the team!

Me: Slack is the topic I'd want to talk about today.

Okay, team member

Slack is a business messaging network that connects people with the information they need to do
their jobs effectively. The method in which employees of a company communicate with one another
has been fundamentally changed as a result of Slack.

Participants on the team include: In what ways would it be beneficial to us?

Me: Slack is contributing to the enhancement of how companies work with one another. carry out
your duties effectively and uninterruptedly. You need just connect to the internet. Within no time at
all, significant conversation will become lot less complicated. instead of waiting around for staff to
show up to a meeting

A message may be sent by anybody who wants to. This is very possible as a result of the sagging.

As a direct consequence of this, the organisation is able to keep to its commitments and achieve its
goals on schedule. The process of putting an organization's strategy for reaching its goals into action
is made much easier.

Team Member: All right, some of us aren't quite sure how to make use of it.

When we decide to use it in our company, our employees will get training on it.

A member of the team said that this seems promising.

Okay, well, I appreciate your time today.

BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
Activity 2A

To reduce the amount of time spent on paperwork and produce income, their primary objective
is to secure new customers. They may recommend a certain mobile app that would serve this
function, or they could choose to create their own website. They have access to a large number
of individuals all around the world, which gives them the ability to expand their customer base
via any manner.
 Developers’ interviews
 Colleagues
 Magazines/journals
 Online articles

Activity 2B

 Colleagues
 Supervisors
 Industry experts
 Current or former partners

To: Marketing Firm

Mr. David,

I hope everything is going well for you. I work at ABC Books (affiliated bookstore). We are
creating an online website to attract more clients and save them time.
As a result, we need your assistance in promoting and marketing our website. I know you have
an excellent reputation in the market and sound marketing and promotion practises. I hope you
can see my point of view. Please contact me through email for further information and a pricing

ABC Company Manager

Activity 2C
1. The flow of traffic (including number of visitors, origins, new visitors vs. returning visitors)
Interactions in business (e.g. inquiries, downloads, purchases)
Suggestions for improvement
Customer's time spent
Revenue per visitor and cost per visitor (RPV)

2. Collaborate, Communicate, Connect - The digital workplace emphasises individuals' capacity

to work successfully by collaborating, communicating, and connecting with others. The
purpose is to foster fruitful business ties and promote information exchange within the firm.
BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
 Getting into a new market
 Making it simpler to reach a particular market
 Increasing efficiency and simplifying current processes
 Communication across longer distances, including foreign nations, becomes faster and
 Organizational restructuring issues
 Organizational resistance to change
 a lack of necessary digital capabilities
 Regulatory restrictions

Activity 2D

Get a firm grasp on your company's goals and aspirations. This is an absolutely necessary step in
running a successful organisation. in arguing your position, It has to illustrate that your strategy
is closely associated with the overarching objectives of your firm. It is more probable that you
will get support from key stakeholders if you are consistent. For instance, in this circumstance,
your organisation needs to strengthen and encourage collaboration. Therefore, in order to
accomplish that goal, you need construct a business case keeping this in mind.

Adapted to the people you will be communicating with or who will be reading the business case:
consider the people with whom you will interact. in addition to determining whether or not the
content is relevant to them. It is pointless to try to engage a business owner in conversation on
topics such as the satisfaction of employees and customers or performance, for example. due to
the fact that it will not be directly affected Before you can confidently buy or support something,
the individual you are attempting to convince must first evaluate the return on investment. You
need to get to know them first, including their interests and their objectives.

Carry out research when you are conceiving of the concept. It is really necessary to be ready. and
regardless of whether you are or not This will be shown in the case that you present/speech that
you give. You are going to need the confidence and assistance of the stakeholder group. As a
consequence of this, you need to make sure that everything is taken care of. There was not a
single error, and nothing of vital importance was missed.

Change management in the workplace Once you have the backing of management, you need to
consider how you want to manage the employees and the people side of the organisation. How,
for instance, can you ensure that people will make use of newly developed technology? Also,
what type of training would be needed for this position? Because the use of technology
represents a significant departure from standard business practises, it is essential that you be
aware of the ways in which technology may influence both individuals and the workplace.

Talk to someone in your firm or in your sector who has knowledge and experience in
this field, or create or read business cases to get guidance or support. They may be able
to provide you with some sample case studies or support that will aid you in developing
your business case and achieving success with it.

 Purpose
 Context
BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
 Goals and objectives
 Approaches
 Strategic fit
 Project costs
 Business benefits plan
 Results
 Project approach
 Dependencies
 Risks
 Assumptions
 Business case sign-offs.

Problem It becomes difficult to communicate with all employees at the same time.
Product Slack, Team, Zoom, and other communication platforms
Alternatives It may be difficult to train all employees to use Slack.
Risk If employees become accustomed to this platform, their productivity may
increase, resulting in an increase in company revenue.
Recommendatio It becomes difficult to communicate with all employees at the same time.

Activity 3A

To start things rolling, the whole team at ABC has to get familiar with the updated website that the
firm just launched. Give them information on the website you're promoting. How does it work? how
to monitor important websites for consumer orders and comments, as well as how to promptly
resolve any queries or complaints that may be presented by consumers, if any are raised at all.
When introducing new platforms or technologies, it is of the highest importance to provide
personnel with the required training. their Therefore, prior to putting it into use, they had to have a
comprehensive grasp of how it functions. They are required to have knowledge on a wide range of
subjects, such as the people, processes, and technology involved, as well as the risks and marketing

Activity 3B

Roleplay guide

In order to increase the number of customers, you should let all of the necessary stakeholders know
that you will shortly be launching a new website in an attempt to do so. Do you believe yourself to
be one of the other factors for this specific reason? The staff employees should get extensive training
in both costing and market research. This is of the highest importance. If the staff has been given
enough training, they will contribute often to the website in the form of answers to various

How many people currently working at the location are offering aid to those who need it? Which
strategies should be used so that individuals might become more skilled?
How exactly would the use of this new system benefit from the utilisation of various forms of
technology? What kind of efforts do you plan to put into promoting your website? During the
BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
meeting, each component will have its own round of discussion, and comments from stakeholders
will be taken down and recorded.

Inform your stakeholders that you will soon be releasing a new website with the objective of
increasing your client base, and that in order to achieve this objective, you believe that educating
your staff, in addition to other factors such as price and marketing, is extremely vital. You should
also mention that you will be releasing the new website with the goal of increasing your client base.
If the employees have gotten sufficient training, then they will be able to make contributions to the
website in the form of regular responses. How many members of the staff are there right now to
assist visitors at the site? Which approach should rather be used for the purpose of instructing
them? How the implementation of brand-new software will benefit from the use of various forms of
modern technology How will you go about advertising your website? What type of work do you have
planned? During the meeting, all of the components will be discussed, and feedback from those
whose opinions matter will be taken into account.

Activity 3C
Digital imitative: Develop and launch the website
Action Timeframe People Resources
Developing 6 months Marketing manager 6000
Training 3 months All employee Computer
Marketing 1 month Marketing staff Flyer, poster

Activity 3D

1. Training in a classroom setting (becomes easier to engage all employees), Online training using
platforms such as Zoom or Team (which helps save time), teaching workers by giving them
handouts (which employees may read at their own pace), etc. Training conducted apart from the
main location (sending personnel to different locations for training).

2. Assuring them that providing input will result in the firm receiving more ideas, which will, in
turn, result in the company generating more revenues and an increased share for the

Summative Assessments

BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
Section A: Skills Activity

1. Diary
As a result of taking this training, I am now actively driven to learn new things in my career so
that I may assist other people in improving their digital literacy.
It goes without saying that I am equipped with the knowledge and experience required to
compile, analyse, and provide comments on material that has been gleaned from a broad variety
of different sources.
I am able to develop media for a specialised audience by adhering to the laws of the workplace
and using language that is easy to understand in order to efficiently communicate specific
information, requests, and directions.
My background has equipped me with the skills necessary to provide information to key
employees in a way that is appropriate, comprehensive, and completely understandable. To
ensure that I have a complete comprehension of the prerequisites, I make it a practise to pay
attention and enquire often.
I work in conjunction with other people to accomplish the goals that we have set. Participate
actively in the effort to promote healthy interpersonal connections among the members of the
group. Maintain an active participation in the decision-making process and be willing to take on
leadership responsibilities as needed. Utilizing a plan that is geared towards problem-solving is
the most effective line of action to take when unexpected events occur.
After analysing your alternatives and deciding which ones are feasible, break down difficult
problems into components that can be solved.

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

Slack is a messaging network for businesses that connects employees to the resources they
need to carry out their responsibilities. Slack has fundamentally altered the way in which
employees of a company communicate with one another by bringing everyone under a single
roof where they may collaborate as a cohesive unit.
Slack makes it simpler for individuals working inside an organisation to collaborate with one
another. function in a way that is both continuous and unbroken. Establishing a connection to the
Internet is all that is required. In a very short amount of time, significant communication will
become a great deal easier. We came to the conclusion that, rather than waiting for staff
members to show up to a meeting, we should... We opened up the opportunity for anybody to
broadcast their message to the whole globe. As a result of the slumping, this situation has
become a distinct possibility. As a direct result of this, the company is able to accomplish its
goals and achieve its deadlines in a timely way. The execution of organisational strategies that
are directed towards the achievement of goals will be made considerably easier. - The internet
programme known as Basecamp gives users the ability to collaborate on projects and keep lines
of communication open with one another while doing so. During the course of an event, we
make use of it to keep a record of all of the tasks, deadlines, files, discussions, and
announcements that take place.

2. It is necessary for the organisation that employees effectively fulfil their ultimate
objectives and goals within the specified time period in order to successfully complete the
company's goals. This is because the organization's goals are dependent on the
employees' individual success. As a result of this, the company recommends using Slack
as a method of communication and recommends utilising other websites for more fruitful
BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
interactions with clients. When it comes to infractions of business regulations, such as
breaching company rules, missing deadlines, and other similar offences, they have a
policy of zero tolerance.

There are a number of software applications available, including Slack, WebEx, Zoom,
GoToMeeting, and Microsoft Team, amongst others, that facilitate collaborative work. These
days, working together is one of the most typical ways that any of these diverse platforms
might be put to use.

Problem When trying to interact with all of the staff at the same time, it might be tough.
Product Slack, Team, and Zoom, in addition to other modes of communication
Alternatives It could be challenging to teach all of the staff how to utilise Slack.
Risk It is possible that an increase in corporate income will arise from an improvement
in employee productivity after they have grown acclimated to using this platform.
Recommendatio When trying to interact with all of the staff at the same time, it might be tough.

5. Make it a priority to provide them with the necessary education at the appropriate time.

Even though the application is becoming simpler to use, it is still not particularly user-friendly
even if it is getting better. And today's population is characterised by their mastery of technology
and addiction to digital media. On many fronts, having the suitable exercise routine is really

Have a detailed training plan as well as an all-encompassing strategy, and check to see that the
acquisition of new knowledge has been a primary priority from the very beginning. Employ a
method that is well-organized and meticulously prepared if you are instructing staff on how to
utilise a new piece of software or system.

Instruction in software that is not only effective but also up to date and fascinating

 The fact that the information is pertinent to the workers aids in the memorisation process for
that information. Adults are best able to acquire new information and store it in long-term
memory when they are able to immediately put that information to use, along with the skills
they have developed.
 An appealing layout: a customer will not be taken on the journey that the majority of users
are expecting if they purchase a product that includes features such as a sixty-page book,
three-hour lectures or virtual sessions, chatbots, and coaches, among other things. Adults
who actively participate in their own education have a better overall learning experience.
They act in accordance with the things that they "see." In this instance, the approach known
as "tell-show-do" is the one that is used.

Increased levels of immersion lead to not just increased levels of participation but also increased
levels of healing.
It certifies a structure that provides users with the option to see demonstrations of the system
and provides them with ample of opportunities to practise using it. The practise mode may also
be monitored to provide users, particularly those who may have difficulty using the system, with
a comprehensive and clear study of a great deal of the component parts of the system. It's
possible that this will be helpful in chartering efforts in a certain direction.

6. The first step is to do research on digital technology and undertake some analysis of it.
For example, if it's a website, you should optimise it for search engine optimisation and
BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
social networking at the same time. After that, it will be important to establish a plan for
content marketing and to promote the technology across a variety of different social
media networks.

Knowledge may be obtained through a wide variety of sources, including scholarly articles,
newspapers, internet blogs, social networking sites like Facebook and search engines like
Google, and so on.

Section C: Performance Activity

When formulating a plan for the practical application of the use of digital technology, we need to
ensure that all of the relevant factors are taken into consideration. Before anything else, the
employees need to be made aware of its importance.
Business Utilize the opportunity-risk matrix in your analysis. People are able to work
together more effectively because to the proliferation of communication devices
like mobile phones. The Slack app must be downloaded and installed on Android-
based handsets. Even while it has the capability to improve interaction with other
people via a number of different channels, there is still a possibility that
individuals may not embrace this programme.
Information Employees need to get all of their questions answered regarding a new piece of
technology before they can become acclimated to using it. Explain to them in great
detail how to make use of the technology and what potential benefits it may
Rewards The distribution of incentives to workers is one strategy for enhancing their
motivation and engagement. A business case will be presented to the appropriate
Problem In spite of the fact that it is difficult to talk with all of the employees at the same
time, we need to get this done as quickly as possible so that we may launch the
new website.
Alternatives. Zoom, Team, and so on are some examples.
Risk The implementation of Slack for the whole team can prove to be a difficult task.
Recommendatio As employees get more used to using this platform, it is possible that employee
n productivity may increase, which in turn may lead to an increase in income for the

BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges

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