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Sub-major: TESOL

Student’s full name: TON NGUYEN QUYNH

Date of Birth: 08/05/2001
Class: K26A5
Internship Supervisor: LE THI ANH TUYET,

HANOI - 2023




2.1 What I Have Done
2.2 New Skills Acquired and Skills Improved
2.3 Classroom Skills Employed
2.4 Problem Encountered
2.5 Lesson Learnt


1. Based On The Actual Internship Experience, I Have The Following
Recommendations To Help Improve The Program.
2. Knowledge and Skills Required.
3. Suggestions for Students Who Will Practise In Teaching In the Future.



FACULTY OF ENGLISH Independence - Freedom - Happiness
--------------------------- ------------------------------------


Student’s full name: TON NGUYEN QUYNH HOA

Date of birth: 08/05/2001
Student code: 19A71010007
Class: K26A5
Field: English language

Week Date Activities Notes

1 19/12/2022 1. Read lesson plans for reference.

2. Read 3 documentaries about: “How to use the
communicative approach” and "Lesson planning”.
3. Learn how to write a lesson plan and practice.
4. Get assignments and lectures for the next session
(prepare a lesson plan and Powerpoint to present
teaching for 20 minutes).

26/12/2022 1. Interns take turns to teach in 20 minutes. (reading

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Teacher give comments (strong points and weak
4. Reflection:
- Prepare carefully all the knowledge before
teaching (check pronunciation, grammar, the
meaning of words).
- Teacher asks students to have more
communication with the other students while
teaching by moving around the class.
- Unnecessary teacher talking time should be
reduced when teaching.
- When teaching new grammar, the teacher
should give the context first.
- Teaching new grammar structures by using
examples could be more uplifting for students
so that they can memorise them in a longer

2 28/12/2022 1. Interns take turns to teach for 20 minutes.

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3.Give comments (strong points and weak points).
4. Reflection:
- Pay more attention to the design of the slides
when teaching vocabulary (no-grid line).
- How to share a screen with sound.
- When teaching new vocabulary, using more
illustrations as well as examples can be more
exhilarating for students.
- Check the games carefully before showing
them before class since this can lead to
- Avoid using the games that do not have the
connective function between students in the
- Write a detailed lesson plan in the correct

29/12/2022 1. Interns take turns to teach for 20 minutes.

(grammar: the present simple tense)
2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).
4. Reflection:
- Pay attention to the way that you impart the
knowledge to the students (in the easiest way).
- Slides should be more detailed and more
- Should not use an index finger to point
- Use more types of grammar exercises (even
including games) so that students can
memorise the knowledge in a longer time.

3 4/1/2023 1. Interns take turns to teach for 20 minutes. (listening

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).
4. Reflection:
- Should impart all the skills as well as the tips
to students before they do it.
- Should not use the power point in playing
- Should not use the question: “Do you
- The presentation as well as the posture while
writing on board should be taken into
- The hand-writing letter on board should be
clean and tidy so each student can jot it down
into their notebooks correctively.

5/1/2023 1. Interns take turns to act and give the solutions for
the pedagogical situations.
2. Each situation will be acted by one group and
tackled by the others.
3. Teacher observes and evaluates the way each group
solves the problems.
4. Reflection:
- Pay more attention to how to solve the
pedagogical situations in a proper way.
- Should not tackle the problems in the way that
affects the individual backgrounds which can
cause misunderstandings.
- Talking with students and having an open
mind enable teachers to get insight into the
problems that students confront.

4 9/1/2023 1. Teach a 45-minute lesson (global success 7, Unit 4:

Music and Art, Lesson 1: Getting started).
2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).
4. Self-assessment:
- Should prepare and run through the lesson
- Pay attention to the important grammar
structures which need to be underlined in the
lesson plan.
- Reduce speed when modelling pronounce new
- Lesson plan should have each point separated
by using bullet points.
- The hand-writing letter should be clean and
tidy on the board so that each student can jot it
down correctively.
5. Reflection:
- Use Canva when creating Powerpoint. (more
vivid illustrations).
- Some effective warm-up activities and time
- Should call students from different corners so
that they can focus on the lesson.
- Pay more attention to students’ pronunciation
- Should use Vietnamese when describing hard
11/1/2023 1. Interns take turns to teach for 45 minutes.
2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).
4. Reflection:
- Pay attention to the words on the slide so that
students at the back of the class can see it
- Pay attention to settling the order of the class
when teaching.
- Use a four-people group in stage production to
have students do the exercise as well as the
games in a more connective way.

5 30/1/2023 1. Interns take turns to teach for 45 minutes.

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).
4. Reflection:
- Make a worksheet for students to practise.
- Check the connection between the computer
and the plug before starting teaching so that
the lesson could be more smooth.
- Using simple words in explaining the meaning
of the vocabularies as well as the grammar
structures, especially the hard ones.
- Make a short instruction before starting a new
- Be confident.

1/2/2023 1. Interns take turns to teach for 45 minutes.

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).
4. Reflection:
- Pay attention to mispronunciation.
- Reduce mistakes on slides.
- Pay more attention to students’pronunciation
- Pay attention to the tone and the pitch of the
voice which can draw the student’s attention.

6 6/2/2023 1. Interns take turns to teach for 45 minutes.

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).
4. Reflection:
- Pay more attention to the posture while
writing on the black board.
- Pay attention to the comments and the
answers of the students.
- The atmosphere of the lesson should be more
positive and interesting to draw the
- Remember to summarise the lesson before
handling the homework for students.

8/2/2023 1. Interns take turns to teach for 45 minutes.

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).

7 13/2/2023 1. Interns take turns to teach for 45 minutes.

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).

15/2/2023 1. Interns take turns to teach for 45 minutes.

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).

8 20/2/2023 1. Interns take turns to teach for 45 minutes.

2. Other interns role-play students to support their
friends; the teacher observes and evaluates.
3. Give comments (strong points and weak points).
4. Summary of the internship course.


(signature and full name) (signature and full name)

Ton Nguyen Quynh Hoa


After studying nearly four years in Hanoi Open University, I finally decided to
choose my favourite specialty which is teaching. As a result, my peers and I started to
take part in the internship course held by the English Department of Hanoi Open
university. The purpose of this report is to describe the tasks that I had completed
during an approximately 2 months internship period at Hanoi Open University.

The internship course is a professional teaching that offers meaningful, practical

work related to many future teachers. It is a purpose activity for the interns set in the
work environment to be acquainted with the connection between theoretical and
practical knowledge. Besides, internships in this intern course had the opportunity to
practise all the knowledge they had learnt and improve their ability to handle the
situation in class.

In this course, I had an opportunity for career exploration and development. I had
learned various valuable experiences about the foundation of knowledge to become a
good teacher. There were many skills like creating lesson plans and worksheets,
communicating with students, time management in lessons, applying many efficient
technological skills in teaching an online course.

From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate and want to express my deepest thanks to
my supervisor Le Thi Anh Tuyet, M.A who is always enthusiastic and dedicated to
take care of us and give us valuable knowledge and advice during the internship
course. Finally, I want to show my gratitude to all of my friends who are always
supporting me in the whole course, and I believe that we had an amazing time

An overview of the knowledge during the internship at Hanoi Open University:

- How to design lesson plan and worksheet (aims, objectives, procedure, etc,..);
- Classroom management methods;
- Technological skills (powerpoint, slideshows, etc,..);
- Time management in a lesson (teaching talking time, student talking time,
unnecessary teacher talking time, etc..);
- Creating games during a lesson (purpose, time management in a game);
- Sharing experience of teaching English (from supervisor and all interns).


2.1 What I Have Done
I began the intern course on 19Th December 2022, and I completed it on 20th
February 2023 (approximately 2 months). During this course, I had three main
projects: a 20-minute lesson (Global success 6, unit 4: My new school, Reading
comprehension); a 20-minutes lesson (Global success 6, unit 6: Our Tet holiday, A
closer look: Listening skills); a 45-minute lesson (Global success 7, unit 4: Music and
Art, Getting started). Besides, I also supported all interns' lessons (role-play student
and give comments).

I have done my study in the internship course followed by the following schedule:

Week 1:

SESSION 1 (19th December 2022)

- Read and download lesson plans for reference (from Mrs. Le Anh Tuyet);
- Read and download 2 documentaries about: “How to use the communicative
approach” and “Lesson planning”;
- Revise some teaching methods and class management skills;
- Learn how to write a lesson plan and practice;
- Prepare some lesson plans based on the sample one.

SESSION 2 (26th December 2022)

- Interns take turns to teach a 20-minutes lesson (following numerical number, the
lesson in Global Success 6);
- Other interns role-play students to support their friends; the teacher observes and
- All give comments (strong points and weak points).
→ After one week, I recalled the knowledge related to English teaching (how to
design a lesson plan; time management; class management). Besides, I got used
to creating Powerpoint to prepare for a 20-minute lesson plan. Moreover, I
learned many experiences from teacher’s and internships’comments; prepare
carefully all the knowledge as well as the slides before teaching (check
pronunciation, grammar, the meaning of words); the teacher should have more
communication with students by moving around the class so that students could be
aware of and focus more on the lesson. When teaching grammar, the teacher should
also give the context first and the unnecessary talking time should be eliminated
when teaching.

Week 2:

SESSION 3 (28th December 2022)

- Interns take turn to teach a 20-minute lesson;

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends; observe and take notes
strong points and weak points to give comments;
- All join in the discussion between supervisor and other interns about the lesson
plan and Powerpoint;
- Interns practise delivering a lecture in class.

SESSION 4 (29th December 2022)

- Interns take turns to teach a 20-minute lesson;

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends; observe and take notes
strong points and weak points to give comments;
- All join in the discussion between supervisor and other interns about the lesson
plan and Powerpoint;
- Interns practise delivering a lecture in class.
→ After two weeks, I had received many knowledges and experiences in English
through observing other internships’ lessons: pay attention to the design of the
slides when teaching vocabulary (no using grind-line); use more illustration
when teaching vocabulary; use more common expressions and more types of
grammar exercise, write a detailed lesson plan before teaching and use Canva
since it creates colourful and more vivid slides.

Week 3:

SESSION 5 (4th January 2023)

- In this session, I had to teach a 20-minute lesson in Global Success 7 (Listening

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends; observe and take notes
strong points and weak points to give comments;
- All join in the discussion between supervisor and other interns about the lesson
plan and PowerPoint.
- My experience in preparing this lesson: I wasted a fund of time on creating the
lesson plan since it was difficult to take the sound into the slides in Canva. It took
me three days to complete it.
- My experience in teaching this lesson: I have to prepare the computer as well as
the plug to make sure they were all ready before the lesson. I also made some
mistakes in pronunciation and took consideration in my facial expression while

SESSION 6 (5th January 2023) Tình huống sư phạm

- The supervisor will divide the class into many groups with each group having three
- Each group will have its own pedagogical situation to tackle. The situation is
represented on slides and each group has to come up with its own solution.
- All join in the discussion between supervisor and other interns about the solutions
of the problem;
- The idea to tackle the problem will be provided after the discussion and the
supervisor as well as the other interns will choose the best and the most proper
- My experience in navigating the pedagogical problems is that I have to pay more
attention to how to solve the issue in the most proper way which is not able to
affect the sensitive individual backgrounds because it can cause misunderstandings
between teacher and students. Having the trust of students by talking and sharing
the obstacles that they confront is the best way to find the connection between
students and teacher.
→ After 3 weeks, I have an opportunity to practise teaching in front of the class. I
became more and more confident and got used to speaking in front of many
people. After hearing all the comments from my supervisor and friends, I
received many experiences in teaching, paying more attention to time
management and pronunciation as well, using Vietnamese when describing
hard words. I am also awake to how to solve a hard pedagogical situation in the
most proper way.

Week 4:

SESSION 7 (9th January 2023)

- In this session, I had to teach a 45-minute lesson in Global success 7, Unit 4:

Music and Art, Getting started;
- My experience in preparing lessons: After hearing all the comments and tips from
the supervisor and the other interns, I did my work more easily. I made my lesson
plan first and then created the powerpoint later by using Canva. I did everything
more quickly than that in the previous lesson. It took me only 2 hours to finish it
all; I also started doing the lesson plan in the correct form with underlined words
and sentences which are significant according to the instruction of the teacher.
- My experience in teaching this lesson: I felt more confident and did not feel
nervous when talking in front of the class. I also did not call two students who sat
near together to answer my lesson’s questions and slowed the teaching speed.

SESSION 8 (11th January 2023)

- Interns take turns to teach a 45-minute lesson in Global success;

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends; observe and take notes
strong points and weak points to give comments;
- All join in the discussion between supervisor and other interns about the lesson
plan and Powerpoint;
→ After four weeks, I knew more clearly all the knowledge and the methods when
preparing a lesson plan and Powerpoint. By practising teaching twice a week, I
felt more confident when speaking in front of the whole class. Besides, I gained
some experiences; preparing the lesson plan more carefully and clearly, how to
stand and write the board in the right gesture and have the proper words while
calling out students to give the answers.

Week 5:

SESSION 9 (30th January 2023)

- Interns take turns to teach a 45-minute lesson;

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends;
- Teacher observe and take notes of strong points and weak points to give
- All join in the discussion between supervisor and other interns about the lesson
plan and Powerpoint;

SESSION 10 (1st February 2023)

- Interns take turns to teach a 45-minute lesson;

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends;
- Teacher observe and take notes of strong points and weak points to give
- All join in the discussion between supervisor and other interns about the lesson
plan and Powerpoint;
→ After five weeks, I knew more clearly about all the knowledge and the methods
when preparing a lesson plan and Powerpoint. By practising with my interns
after five weeks, I was able to know how to engage the student’s concentration
as well as the interest in studying. I also took into consideration how to settle
and manage the whole class while teaching.
Week 6:

SESSION 11 (6th February 2023)

- Interns take turn to teach a 45-minute lesson;

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends;
- Teacher takes note of strong points and weak points to give comments;
- All join in the discussion between the supervisor and other interns about the lesson.

SESSION 12 (8th February 2023)

- In this session, I had to teach a 45-minute lesson in Global success 7, Unit 5: Food
and Drink, Looking back 2 - project;
- My experience when preparing this lesson: Because I gained a lot of experience
from teaching three previous lessons, I finished everything easily and quickly.
Although I had some problems while creating games for students on slides, it did
not affect my teaching.
- My experience when teaching this lesson: My lesson focused on practising reading,
so I had to give clear instruction to all students. Besides, when teaching this lesson,
I find it hard to help students to memorise all of the new words (terminology) about
Food so I integrated more illustrations for them;
- Teacher observe and take notes strong points and weak points to give comment;
- All join in the discussion between the supervisor and other interns about the lesson.

Week 7:

SESSION 13 (13th February 2023)

- Interns take turn to teach a 45-minute lesson;

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends;
- Teacher takes note of strong points and weak points to give comments;
- All join in the discussion between the supervisor and other interns about the lesson.

SESSION 14 (15th February 2023)

- Interns take turn to teach a 45-minute lesson;

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends;
- Teacher takes note of strong points and weak points to give comments;
- All join in the discussion between the supervisor and other interns about the lesson.

Week 8:

SESSION 15 (20th February 2023)

- Interns take turn to teach a 45-minute lesson;

- Other interns role-play students to support their friends;
- Teacher takes note of strong points and weak points to give comments;
- All join in the discussion between the supervisor and other interns about the lesson.
→ After finishing this internship course, I earned many valuable experiences,
knowledge, methods and tips in English teaching. I appreciated that I had an
opportunity for career exploration and development. Through this course, I could
develop myself and become better.

2.2. New Skills Acquired and Skills Improved

2.2.1 New Skills Acquired
During this intern course, I had an opportunity for career exploration and
development. I had learned various valuable experiences about the foundation of
knowledge and skills to become a good teacher. How To Write a Lesson Plan

- A successful lesson plan addressed and integrated the key components:
learning objectives, learning activities and assessment to check for student
- A lesson plan provides you with a general outline of your teaching goals,
learning objectives and means to accomplish them.
- Before writing a lesson plan, I need to answer these questions: “Who are your
students? What do your students already know? What is the best way to get
your students to learn?”.
- Write a lesson plan following these steps: identify the objectives, determine the
meets and needs of your students; plan your resources and materials; plan time
management; plan teacher’s activities and student’s activities; evaluate the
→ This skill enables me to know how to write a lesson plan more easily and
quickly. Create Warm-up Activities

After finishing this course, I realised the importance of doing warm-up
activities before class. It enables students to be more active and relaxed before
studying. By attending this internship course, I am aware of more and more
experience in creating warm-up activities. There are many games I can use for
this part: guessing games, matching, slap the board, puzzle and to name but a
few…And I found a fund of websites that can help me to create many gripping
warm-up activities like Quizzi, Kahoo and so on. Time Management Skills

Time management skills are very significant in a good lesson. Working as a
teacher requires excellent time management skills. These skills enable me to
avoid the lack of time in the stage practising, specifically. It also helps me
allocate time for each part of the lesson logically. Correcting Students’Mistakes

After finishing this internship course, I found that overcorrection should not
be overused in English class. Correction at the wrong time can make students
afraid of studying and lose their confidence. Monitoring the Class

This skill helps me know how to observe the whole students when they are
studying and doing exercise. It also helps me to check the understanding and
concentration of students in the lesson. Communication Skills

After finishing this internship course, I found having communication as well
as interaction important since they enable students to have a relaxed feeling
while studying. These are experiences I take about how to convey the
knowledge to all students in a lesson:
- Prepare carefully all the knowledge I would say to students.
- Try to give instructions in the most obvious way.
- Reduce unnecessary teacher talking time.
- Try to communicate with a positive attitude, friendly and gorgeous.
- Avoid using a fretty tone, negative attitude and index finger when
communicating with students in class.
- Use body language (smile, raise hands, etc).

2.2.2 Skills Improved Teamwork Skills
During this internship course, all the interns learned how to work and support
together. We shared lots of experiences about the lessons and technology,
documentaries, and comments. By their comments and support, I found out my
weak points and strong points so that I can enhance my abilities, it helps me
develop myself everyday. I believe that we had an amazing time together. Presentation Skills

At first I found my presentation skills quite fast and I was not confident while
presenting in front of the whole class. I found that presentation skills are the
ones I need in delivering knowledge to all students. In my experience, the
following steps can make the presentation excellent:
- Preparing all the lessons carefully.
- Running through them several times.
- Being confident and believing in yourself.
- Using body language and eye contact. Technological Skills

After finishing this internship course, I can create a Powerpoint for a lesson
more quickly. I also know some websites that can help me to design slides and
games such as Canva, Slide Go, Kahoot and so on. Besides, I learnt how to
share screens with sounds and insert pictures into my Powerpoint. These skills
help me a lot in saving my time. English Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)

By preparing the knowledge in each lesson carefully and receiving the
comments from the whole class, my English skills improve significantly. I also
paid more attention to my pronunciation as well as my grammar while
speaking. By attending the lessons of the other interns, I also earned a fund of
knowledge from my friends and teacher which made me a more confident

2.3. Classroom Skills Employed

2.3.1 English Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)
The main task of the teacher is conveying all the knowledge of a lesson to
students by sharing tips, instruction and experiences. From that, students can
learn and improve themselves. So I believe that English skills have played a
vital role in the classroom.

2.3.2. Presentation Skills

Effective presentation skills are important since it provides interest and

curiosity for the students. In order to have the gripping presentation skills,
communicating with confidence is the key factor that can motivate the
audience to listen. Communication in a confident way enables the teacher to
share the knowledge more clearly and draw the attention of the whole class to
the lesson so that students can get insight into the lesson more quickly.

2.3.3 Time Management

To avoid running out of time, the teacher should set a time limit for each part
of the lesson by writing a lesson plan.

2.3.4 Problem-solving
During the lesson, some unforeseen situation might happen, for example:
students make noise in the class and deprive the privacy from the studying
students. The teacher must be the one that needs to improve the ability to
handle the situation skillfully and gently. The gentle way the teacher tackles the
problem can make the relationship between teacher and students become closer
and also help create a positive environment in class.

2.3.5 Technological Skills

Proficient use of technology in teaching will make teacher’s lessons more
attractive and interesting. It can help students learn new knowledge more
quickly and feel interest in lessons. Besides, it can help a teacher save a lot of
time in preparing a lesson.

2.4 Problems Encountered

During this internship course, I found out my strong and weak points. I
realised that I need to develop myself more because I have some difficulties in
teaching. Here are some obstacles that I confronted:

2.4.1. Time Management

According to what I have achieved, it is quite easy for me to estimate and give
a time limit for each part of the lesson. Time management somehow can be
affected by many factors like technological errors or students’problems. If I am
not able to manage time in a proper way (especially between each part), my
lesson will run out of time.

2.4.2 Teacher Talking Time and Student Talking Time

It proves that students' talking time should be the priority and the teacher's
talking time should be limited as much as it can since students are the main
character of the lesson and teacher should concentrate on them. According to
my experience, the teacher’s talking time are too much compared to the
→ Solution: reduce the unnecessary teacher talking time (for example: don’t
say “I would like you to open your notebook” but say “open your book”);
try to give brief and clear instructions; encourage students to join in the

2.4.3 Solving-problem
By attending the internship course at Hanoi Open University, it was a
valuable time that I earned real experience in navigating real problems. Though
I still lack the experience in solving the situations gently and skillfully, I keep
figuring out and finding the best solution for each situation. All the problems
were created by interns and teachers, not by real students in a real context.

In a real situation, somehow the problems could be more serious.

→ Solution: I should get more advice from teachers and friends and gain
more experience in solving problems by reading books and practical

2.4.4 Making Mistakes

When teaching in the lesson, I found that I still have some mistakes that need
to be improved day by day. Firstly, the teaching speed which is too fast.
Secondly, the hand-writing and presentation on the board should be developed
as well.
→ Solution: I should prepare the lesson more carefully and practise the
hand-writing in order to make it legible so that the students can get insight
into what I am teaching.

2.5 Lesson Learnt

In this course, I had the opportunity to explore and build my career. I had
learnt various valuable experiences about the foundation of knowledge to
become a good teacher from my teacher and other interns. Here are experiences
I learnt from this course:

- In an ESL class, teacher’s talking time should be reduced;

- The pace of teaching should lowed so that students can catch up;
- Prepare carefully all the knowledge before teaching (check
pronunciation, grammar, the meaning of words);
- Teachers should encourage students to study by warm-up activities
since it enables students to have a relaxed and stimulating mood to
- When teaching vocabulary, the teacher should give more illustrations as
well as the context.
- Pay more attention to time management as well as hand-writing on
- Use more common expressions and avoid using advanced words.
- Avoid over-correction;
- Write a detailed lesson plan;
- Slides need to be exactly;
- Prepare and run through the lessons a few times before teaching;
- Reduce the speed when modelling pronounce new words;
- Encourage students to take part in lesson activities;
- Make short and clear instructions;
- Motivate students in the right way;
- Use some websites to create games and slides that can make the lesson
more gripping;
- Ready to deal with unexpected problems;
- Create a positive and relaxed atmosphere in class.

Besides the positive and optimistic experience that I earned in this internship
course, there are still some obstacles that I confront. According to what I have
achieved, I had no chance to encounter real experience in a real situation and
students. Somehow, though teaching directly in front of students could be more
intricate compared to teaching in the internship course. Despite facing my
difficulties, I still keep striving for better performance in teaching so that I can
deliver knowledge to students as best as I can.

Thanks to the teacher’s guidance and other interns’comments, I learnt a fund

of valuable and useful experiences and effective methods in teaching. These
experiences will be the concrete foundation for me to become a good teacher
and develop my career skills and help me make the acquaintance of the work
and working environment in the future.

In conclusion, I had an opportunity for career exploration and development due to
this internship course. I had learnt various valuable experiences about the foundation
of knowledge to become a good teacher. There were so many valuable skills that I was
able to learn like; communicating with the students, preparing the lesson plan
carefully before teaching; delivering knowledge in the most clear and understandable
way for students, time management in lessons, applying efficient technological skills
in teaching courses, etc.

Furthermore, it was such a pleasure that now I can tackle unexpected problems
during lessons and improve my qualities.
I am so obliged that I have a chance to learn and practise with teachers and other
interns which will have a good influence on my career in the future. I am aware of the
strong points and the weak points of my teaching by receiving the comments from the
whole class so that I can improve myself. Since I realised that I want to be a teacher,
this course enables me to recognise myself correctly and I suppose that it will help me
a lot in my future career.

On the other hand, though there are still some obstacles that I need to overcome like
having no chance to experience the real situation with the students, I aspire to enhance
my ability so that I can go a long way with this career with my passion and dedication.

1. Based on the Actual Internship Experience, I Have the Following
Recommendations to Help Improve the Program:
- The curriculum is based entirely on theory and students have no opportunity to
practise. My recommendation is to create a lesson that learns along with the
practice, avoiding learning too much theory and lack of experience.
- Besides expertise, many soft skills are of importance to a student's future
career. Education programs should include soft skills courses. For example,
computer skills courses, presentation skills courses, social skills courses and so
- The curriculum should concentrate on the quality of education but the
achievement of education.
- For the internship course at Hanoi Open University, the program should have
some practical sessions at school for interns to earn real experiences from a real
situation in class.

2. Knowledge and Skill Required

As I have mentioned above, students should have more chances to acquire
more knowledge from these domains since it is a must-need for their career in
the future: presentation skills, computer skills, social skills, communication
skills and so on.

Unfortunately, soft skills should take precedence over the school curriculum
which is very essential for working in the real context but these skills are not
taught in school. I suggest that universities and teachers from all schools should
teach these skills while students are studying.

3. Suggestions For Students Who Will Practise in Teaching in the Future:

- Get insight into yourself and the future career;
- Study with confidence and positivity;
- Eager to learn and explore;
- Not afraid of making mistakes;
- Willing to listen to and receive the advices as well as the recommendations
from teacher and friends to improve yourself;
- Take note carefully all the comments and advices;
- Take care and support your classmates.


Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc



Họ và tên sinh viên: Tôn Nguyễn Quỳnh Hoa

Lớp: K26A05 Khóa: 2019-2023 Khoa: Tiếng Anh.
Trong thời gian từ ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2022 đến ngày 20 tháng 02 năm 2023
Tại: Khoa Tiếng Anh, trường Đại học Mở Hà Nội
Địa chỉ: 301 Nguyễn Trãi, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
Sau quá trình thực tập của sinh viên, giảng viên hướng dẫn nhận xét, đánh giá như
1. Đánh giá quá trình thực tập tại đơn vị thực tập

2. Thực hiện báo cáo thực tập và nhật ký thực tập

3. Kết quả đạt được sau khi thực tập

... ......................................................................................................................................
Nhật ký thực tập (10%): Bằng số............. bằng
Báo cáo kinh nghiệm thực tập (20%): Bằng số............. bằng
Ngày......tháng......năm .......


(Ký, ghi rõ họ và tên)

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