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I- Concept in sequence stratigraphy

I-1 Accommodation
I-2 Base level

II- Deposit sequence

II-1 Seismic structure of sedimentary bodies
II-2 Constitution of a stratigraphyc sequence

III- Representation of a deposit sequence

III-1 Base level variation
III-2 Sedimentary procession lithologic facies

The variation in the marine level is none other than the alternation between the rise and
the decline in the sea level. This alternation is more marked by the rise in marine water.
Many studies of the relative variations in the marine level were carried out on the ribs of the
Atlantic (Delibrias et al., 1971, Mariette, 1971) and the Mediterranean (Laborel et al., 1994,
Vella, 2004). This work is based on a set of radiocarbon dating made from a varied material:
coastline pear, sea vessel, shells. None of these witnesses is used to estimate the position of
the marine level on the ribs of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. However, the observations
available on the Continental shelf testify to a low marine level (regression), located 100-120
m under the current level. Then, the transgression (rise in the post-ice-level marine level)
has been important to an important pace. A similar trend is also observed on the neighboring
coasts of England (Waller et al., 1999). It seems that the raised gear speeds are quite variable
by the coastal regions considered. On the Mediterranean facade, weak marks allow very
accuracy reconstruction of variations in the relative marine level, through biological
indicators (Laborel et al., 1994, Vella and Provonsal, 2000). The balanes (small crustaceans)
thus offer a precision of ± 20 cm, while the Duclico deep ouccicolts of the Rhone Delta and
the Lithophyllum Lichenoides cannons allow to position the relative marine level with an
average precision of ± 35 cm. These studies thus show a regular level of the marine level
relative to a speed of about 2 mm / year also due to global warming. The elevation continues
without significant oscillating at a slower pace, estimated at 0.7 mm / year.

The purpose of this is to highlight the place or place sedimentary packing according to
the rise or decrease in the level of the mother. As a result, we will talk about sequential
stratipture concepts, deposits and deception of a deposit sequence.
English terms Termes français
1 abyssal abyssal
2 activity mouvement
3 aggradation aggradation
4 animals animaux
5 anomaly anomalie
6 Atlantic atlantique
7 avarage Moyenne
8 bed fond
9 belt zone
10 boron bore
11 bowls bassins
12 consecutively successivement
13 continental continentale
14 crust croute
15 crystallite cristallite
16 crystallizing cristallisant
17 crystals cristaux
18 deep-sea pélagiques
19 deformity déformations
20 deposit dépôts
21 depth profonde
22 dip immersion
23 dorsals dorsales
24 dressing accommodage
25 eggshell coquille
26 emerge emmerger
27 environment environnement
28 euphotic euphotique
29 fossil Fossile
30 fringe bordure
31 global planetaire
32 gravity pesanteur
33 hole lacune
34 immersed immergée
35 intertidaly intertidale
36 inversion inversions
37 lagoon lagon
38 laterite laterite
39 level niveau
40 limnology limnologie
41 litoral littorale
42 macle macle
43 macrofauna macrofaune
44 macroscopic macroscopique
45 marginal marginal
46 margine marge
47 marine marin
48 midst milieu
49 migration migration
50 mud limon
51 mudston mudston
52 neretic néritique
53 norten Boreal
54 obduction Obduction
55 ocean Océan
56 oceanic Océaniques
57 offlap Offlap
58 oil Huile
59 overlapping t
60 pacific Pacifique
61 packston Packstone
62 permeability Perméabilité
63 perspicacity Pénétration
64 pervious Permeable
65 petroleum Pétrole
66 phase Phase
67 photic Photique
68 plankton Plancton
69 pole Poles
70 press Pression
71 regress Regression
72 relief Relief
73 rock Roche
74 salver Plateau
75 sea Mer
76 seashore Rivage
77 seismic Sismique
78 sequence Sequence
79 settling Sédimentaire
80 sheet Plaques
81 slant Pente
82 stratum Couches
83 structure Structure
84 subduction Subduction
85 succession Succession
86 surface Surface
87 swim Nagger
88 tabular Tabulaire
89 terrace terrasse.
90 texture relief
91 tidal tidal
92 tide marée
93 tier étages
94 tilted inclinée
95 transgression transgression
96 variation Variations
97 vegetation végétaux
98 wackeston wackeston
99 water eau
100 worldly Terrestre

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