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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

DAY 1 (PUSH) Mo, Th

During the Push Workout Combining carbohydrates with protein before "Goal setting is the secret to a compelling future."
or Push Day, you will workouts can help improve performance and
train your push muscles. recovery. Staying hydrated is also important and Tony Robbins
PUSH DAY In general, this includes certain supplements such as creatine or caffeine can
the triceps, shoulders, be beneficial.
and chest.
It is recommended to consume a full meal 2-3 hours
before your workout. For meals eaten closer to your
workout, choose simpler carbs and some protein.

I know you don't like 1 - Elliptic I need not fear. Fear is the killer of the mind. Fear is
cardio, but this isn't the small death that brings total destruction.
HEATING cardio, it's just a warm-up
and it's necessary.

Week Phases Duration Intensity /10 recovery

1-12 1 05:00 6 02:00

Don't forget to start all CALENTAMIENTO 2 - Flexibility / Shoulders Pectorals

your exercises with an Serie de aproximacion
ACTIVO Stretching
active warm-up.
Remember that this
consists of doing for two
MUSCLE TRAINING sets the same movement
that you will perform, only
with approximately half of
the final weight with - Keep back straight - Head up - Chest out
which you will do your
effective repetitions.
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery
1 - 1-2-1 5-6 4-7 01:30

3 - Rubber Band open Y This is the exercise you TRABAJO MUSCULAR

do lying on your stomach
on the bench
5 reps of each letter

3 sets
- An elastic around your hands, open your arms at
your hips, keeping the elastic stretched, move your
arms up to about 45 ° in front of you, Move your
arms down keeping the tension. Keep your shoulder
blades together.

Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery
1 - 1-2-1 5-6 4-7 01:30

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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

4 - Dumbbell Chest Press Lying On The 5 - Incline Dumbbell Press 6 - Inclined Dumbbell Fly Neutral Grip

- Keep your back flat on the bench and abs tight - - Keep back flat on the bench and abs tight - Keep
- Lying on the ground, back flat on the floor, hold Starting the exercise with the dumbbells at the chest arm slightly bent - Neutral or hammer grip
dumbbells with elbows and shoulders at 90°. Push level, raise the dumbbells, keeping the forearm
the dumbbells vertically and make them touch above under the dumbbells and push vertically - Pronation
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery
the chest. grip
1-12 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-12 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00 1-12 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

7 - Standing Low Cable Crossover The software does not have the images that should 8 - Triceps Rope Pressdown
be, I put them only for reference, but remember that
these exercises must be done one hand at a time

- Standing with your feet slightly apart, hold the - Keep the abs tight and back straight. Do extensions
cable's handles (or elastic) on each side, in a of the elbows. Neutral grip on rope.
supination grip. Elbows slightly bent, lift your hands
crossing them in front of you at the height of your
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery
shoulders. Go back to the starting position and
repeat by alternating the position of the crossed 1-12 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00
hands in front of you. Keep your back straight and
your abs tight.

Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-12 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

9 - Cable Triceps Extension Supination Grip 10 - Cable Triceps Extension ISOMETRIC This is mandatory right
STRETCHING after your training session

- Keep back straight, abs tight and knees bent. Keep - Standing, feet shoulder width apart, body inclined
elbow close to you. Supination grip (palm toward forwards, hold the cable bar in a supination grip
you). (palms of hands up) on the upper pulley. Keeping
elbows in place, do extensions. Keep your back
straight and your abs tight.
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-12 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-12 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

11 - Band lat / teres major stretch 12 - 1 Arm Latissimus Dorsi Stretch As I told you before, I
know you don't like
cardio, but it's necessary
CARDIO and I'm not here to give
you just things you like,
but things that benefit
- Attach a resistance band onto a solid structure, it - Standing, take the band in one hand. Tilt the body
should be about 2 feet above shoulder height. Place forward and rotate the trunk on the side of the
your hand through the other end of the band from suspended arm. Hold for a few seconds and repeat.
the bottom and then wrap your thumb and forefinger
around the top. Do not grip too hard, try to keep your
Week Sets Duration recovery
grip relaxed. Making sure that there is tension on the
band, keep your back straight and hinge at the hips 1-12 3 00:30 01:30
allowing your chest to sink towards the floor. While
doing this allow the band to distract and flex the
shoulder. You should feel the stretch on the outside
of the armpit, moving down the side of the body.
Hold for 30 seconds while rotating in and out of the
stretch slowly (30 seconds each).

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-12 3 00:30 01:30

13 - Treadmills The following stretches 14 - Pec Minor Stretch (doorway)

are entirely at your
discretion. I personally
consider that they should
be done after training, by
STRETCHES TO this I mean a lot after
DO AT HOME training, not immediately
I'm not preparing you for a marathon, I just want you - For this exercise, when arm is in the doorway have
after your training,
to move. Walk at a good pace. the elbow at 90° and the shoulder above 90°. Then
preferably at night before
have the thorax extended and shoulder externally
sleeping or at least 2
rotated to isolate the pec minor. With all this in mind
Week Phases Duration Intensity /10 recovery hours after having
have the scapula in neutral position or set down in
1-12 1 15:00 6 01:30 position so it will also isolate the pec minor without
pulling the scapula back.

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-12 4 00:30 00:30

15 - Shoulder Stretch On Wall 16 - Flexibility / Shoulder Stretching 17 - Internal External Rotator / Free or

- The arm flat on a wall at an angle of about 30°, - Place the arms parallel to the ground at the height
stretch the shoulder by turning the upper body. of the neck and pull on the elbow with the opposite - Keep back straight - 90° angle at shoulder and
hand - Alternate elbow
Week Sets Duration recovery
Week Sets Duration recovery Week Sets Duration recovery
1-12 4 00:30 00:30
1-12 4 00:30 00:30 1-12 4 00:30 00:30

"Si no arriesgas nada, arriesgas aún más".

—Erica Jong

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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

DAY 2 (LEG) Tu, Fr

Your leg day workout is Combining carbohydrates with protein before "Be brave. It defies orthodoxy. Stand up for what you
crucial to achieving a workouts can help improve performance and believe in. When you're in your rocking chair talking
symmetrical and recovery. Staying hydrated is also important and to your grandchildren many years from now, make
LEG DAY engaging physique. certain supplements such as creatine or caffeine can sure you have a good story to tell."
Ready to grow? Here's be beneficial.
your mass-building leg
workout! It is recommended to consume a full meal 2-3 hours
before your workout. For meals eaten closer to your
workout, choose simpler carbs and some protein.

These exercises are 1 - Wall-sit quadriceps strengthening 2 - Iso Squat & Towel
designed to be done in
MORNING the morning before doing
HOMEWORK any activity, preferably
the first thing you do right
after waking up.

Standing, back against the wall with your feet hip - Standing, feet shoulder-width apart placed on a
width apart and knees bent to the recommended towel, take a half-squat position (knees at about
angle. Maintain the position keeping your knee in 90°). Holding the towel firmly, pull vertically upwards
line with your second toe. and hold the tension for the time recommended by
your instructor. Keep your back straight, head
straight and abs tight.
Week Sets Duration recovery

1-12 4 00:30 01:00

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-12 4 00:30 01:00

TRAINING 3 - Leg Curl On Machine On the first day it may be necessary for you to do the
next exercise at 60 to 65% instead of 70 to 75%, as it
would be the first time you would do it completely.

The other days it will be important to increase by

2.5% every two weeks to be able to push your 1rm to
the maximum.
Place the ankles under the supports. Do knee bends
keeping an angle of 90 ° at the ankles. Keeping
your back straight and your abs tight.

Week Sets rep. Note recovery
Es solo un
el peso debe
4 12 ser alrededor 6 01:00
del 60% de tu

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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

4 - Inclined Leg Press Machine 5 - Landmine Sumo Squat 6 - DB Goblet Squat to Bench

- Keep back straight - Head up - Chest out - Hold the end of the bar with both hands and your - Keep your back straight, abs tight and head up.
arms straight and close to your body. Squat down Your feet shoulder width apart, take the extremity of
while keeping the arms straight and close to you. Go a dumbbell between your hands. Squat down so that
Week Sets rep. Perceived Exertion recovery
back up to starting position. Keep your back straight your buttocks just touches the bench behind you.
1-12 4 8 7 to 7.5 02:00 and abs tight. Keep your knees in line with your shins.

Week Sets rep. recovery Week Sets rep. recovery

1-12 4 8 01:30 1-12 4 8 01:30

7 - Petersen Step Up 8 - Hip Raise Feet On Bench 9 - Lying Ball Hip Abduction on Wall

- Place a step near a wall. Standing on one foot on - Lay on your back, place your feet on the edge of - Keep your back flat on the floor and abs tight. Place
the step (foot near the edge of the step), extend the the bench. Lift the pelvis until your thighs are aligned a ball between the wall and the knee. Push outward
ankle and maintain the position. While keeping the with your body. Keep your back straight and your on the ball with the knee.
heel of the free foot aligned with the toes of the foot abs tight.
of the supporting leg, lower the heel to the floor and
come up to the starting position. Lower the heel onto Week Sets Duration Note recovery
Week Sets rep. recovery Exertion
the step and repeat the movement. To facilitate
balance, use the wall as needed. Keep your head 1-12 4 8 01:30 OPTION
above the supporting foot. Make the movement in 4 00:30 7 to 7.5 WITHOUT 02:00
control. MACHINE

Week Sets rep. recovery

1-12 4 8 01:30

10 - Abductors Machine 11 - Squeeze Swiss Ball / Inner Thigh 12 - Adductors Machine

- Sitting with the back resting on the backrest, open - Keep back flat on the floor and abs tight. Sit with the back resting on the backrest, open and
and close the legs with the supports on the outside close the legs with the supports on the inside of the
of the legs. Work in control. legs. Work slowly and in control.
Week Sets Duration Perceived Exertion recovery

1-12 4 00:30 7 to 7.5 02:00

Perceived Perceived
Week Sets rep. Note recovery Week Sets rep. Note recovery
Exertion Exertion


4 8 7 to 7.5 02:00 4 8 7 to 7.5 02:00

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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

13 - Kettlebell Calves Raise 14 - Dead Bug CARDIO

- Keep your head up above your feet. Make ankles - On the back, hips, knees and shoulders at 90°.
extensions with a kettlebell in each hand. Alternate extending one leg and the opposite arm.
Keep your back straight and abs tight.

Week Sets rep. recovery

Week Sets rep. recovery
1-12 4 8 01:30
1-12 4 8 01:30

15 - Elliptic "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in The performance of the
getting up every time we fall." stretches is entirely at
your discretion. I
personally consider that
STRETCHING they should be done after
training, by this I mean a
(NIGHT lot after training, not
HOMEWORK) immediately after your
Week Phases Duration recovery training, preferably at
night before sleeping or
1-12 1 30:00 02:00 at least 2 hours after
having trained.

16 - Psoas Stretch 17 - Flexibility / Calf Stretching 18 - Knee Flexion Extension on SB

- Keep your back straight and abs tight - Bring the - By pushing on the wall to put pressure on the heel - In runner position, roll the ball with the foot, from
hips under the body - Bend forward keeping the to keep it on the ground, stretch the calf by flexing back to front and front to back, keeping the knee
body straight the leg and lengthening it. high (parallel to the ground). Keep your back
straight, abs tight and head up.

Week Sets Duration recovery Week Sets Duration recovery

Week Sets Duration recovery
1-12 4 00:30 00:30 1-12 4 00:30 00:30
1-12 4 00:30 00:30

19 - Hamstring Stretch with Rubber Band

- Hold the ends of an elastic around your foot. The

goal is to flex the hip by approaching the knee to the
chest while straightening the knee as much as
possible (extension of the knee). Hold a few

Week Sets rep. recovery

1-12 4 8 - 12 00:30

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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

DAY 3 (PULL) We, Sa

El día de tracción es un Combinar carbohidratos con proteínas antes de los "La vida no se trata de encontrarte a ti mismo. La
componente crucial de entrenamientos puede ayudar a mejorar el vida se trata de crearte a ti mismo".
cualquier régimen de rendimiento y la recuperación. Mantenerse
acondicionamiento físico hidratado también es importante y ciertos George Bernard Shaw
completo, ya que se suplementos como la creatina o la cafeína pueden
dirige a la compleja ser beneficiosos.
musculatura de la parte
superior e inferior de la Se recomienda consumir una comida completa 2-3
espalda, así como a los horas antes de su entrenamiento. Para las comidas
PULL DAY bíceps y antebrazos. que se comen más cerca de su entrenamiento, elija
carbohidratos más simples y algo de proteína.
Estos movimientos
construyen los músculos
de la espalda y la parte
superior del cuerpo,
incluidos los dorsales, las
trampas, los romboides,
la columna vertebral
erectora y los bíceps.

WARM UP 1 - Elliptic "La duda mata más sueños que el fracaso".

Suzy Kassem

Week Phases Duration recovery

1-12 1 05:00 00:30

No olvides comenzar 2 - Dumbbell Bent Over Row 3 - Seated Cable Row Neutral Grip
todos tus ejercicios con
un calentamiento activo.
Recuerda que esto
consiste en hacer para
ENTRENAMIENTO dos series el mismo
MUSCULAR movimiento que
- Keep your back straight and parallel to the floor, - Keep your back straight, knees slightly bent and
realizarás, solo que con
abs tight and your head straight - The palms of your abs tight. Pull, keeping the arms close to the body.
aproximadamente la
hands facing backward (pronation grip), pull the Palms facing inward (neutral grip).
mitad del peso final con
load up, keep your elbow aligned with the shoulder -
el que harás tus
Lift up until your elbow is about at 90 degrees
repeticiones efectivas. Week Sets rep. recovery

1-12 3 8 - 12 01:30
Week Sets rep. recovery

1-12 3 8 - 12 01:30

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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

4 - Lat Pulldown Inclined Pronation Grip 5 - One Hand Lat Pull Down On Pulley 6 - Cable Lat Pull Down Arms Straight

- Keep back straight - Pronation grip - Hold the handle with a neutral grip (palm of hand - Place your hands with a wide grip on the bar
inwards) pull by bringing the elbow close to your (hands outside the shoulders), pronation grip. Bring
body. Keep your back straight, abs tight and head the bar to the thighs keeping the arms straight. Keep
Week Sets rep. recovery
up. your back straight, abs tight and your knees slightly
1-12 3 8 - 12 01:30 bent.

Week Sets rep. recovery

Week Sets rep. recovery
1-12 3 8 - 12 01:30
1-12 3 8 - 12 01:30

7 - Standing Cross Cable High Shoulder Fly 8 - Seated Inclined DB Biceps Curl 9 - Dumbbell Biceps Curl

- Sit on a bench inclined at about 45°, hold a - Keep back straight, abs tight and knees slightly
- Standing in front of the machine, feet slightly in a dumbbell in each hand. Do flexions and extensions bent
split position, knees slightly bent, hold the cables of the elbows, supine grip (palms facing forward).
crossed in a pronation grip (palms of hands down). Week Sets rep. recovery
While keeping your elbows slightly bent, pull the Week Sets rep. recovery
arms on each side aligned with the shoulders palms 1-12 3 8 - 12 01:30
of hands down. Keep your back straight, your 1-12 3 8 - 12 01:30
shoulder blades stable and your abs tight.

Week Sets rep. recovery

1-12 3 8 - 12 01:30

10 - Supine Bb Biceps Curl Elbow Back "Tu talento determina lo que puedes hacer. Tu
motivación determina cuánto estás dispuesto a
hacer. Tu actitud determina qué tan bien lo haces".

Lou Holtz

- Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the bar in

a supine grip (palms facing forward). Keep your back
straight, abs tight and knees bent. Bend your elbows
by pulling your elbows back.

Week Sets rep. recovery

1-12 3 8 - 12 01:30

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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

En este caso a diferencia 11 - Band lat / teres major stretch 12 - 1 Arm Band Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
ESTIRAMIENTO de los otros días, aquí si
te recomendaría que
ISOMETRICO Y realices los estiramientos
ACTIVO inmediatamente después
de tu rutina.
- Attach a resistance band onto a solid structure, it - Standing, take the band in one hand. Tilt the body
should be about 2 feet above shoulder height. Place forward and rotate the trunk on the side of the
your hand through the other end of the band from suspended arm. Hold for a few seconds and repeat.
the bottom and then wrap your thumb and forefinger
around the top. Do not grip too hard, try to keep your
Week Sets Duration recovery
grip relaxed. Making sure that there is tension on the
band, keep your back straight and hinge at the hips 1-12 3 00:30 00:30
allowing your chest to sink towards the floor. While
doing this allow the band to distract and flex the
shoulder. You should feel the stretch on the outside
of the armpit, moving down the side of the body.
Hold for 30 seconds while rotating in and out of the
stretch slowly.

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-12 3 00:30 00:30

Como te dije antes, sé 13 - Treadmills "No encuentras un vida feliz. Tú la haces".

que no te gusta el cardio,
pero es necesario y no Camilla Eyring Kimball
CARDIO estoy aquí para darte
solo cosas que te gustan,
sino cosas que te

Week Phases Duration Intensity /10 recovery

1-12 1 30:00 6 01:30

The performance of the 14 - Pec Minor Stretch (doorway) 15 - Shoulder Stretch On Wall
next stretches are entirely
at your discretion.
Personally I consider they
should be done after
STRETCHES TO training, by this I mean a
DO AT HOME lot after training, not
- For this exercise, when arm is in the doorway have - The arm flat on a wall at an angle of about 30°,
immediately after your
the elbow at 90° and the shoulder above 90°. Then stretch the shoulder by turning the upper body.
training, preferably at
have the thorax extended and shoulder externally
night before sleeping or
rotated to isolate the pec minor. With all this in mind
at least 2 hours after you Week Sets Duration recovery
have the scapula in neutral position or set down in
have trained
position so it will also isolate the pec minor without 1-12 4 00:30 01:00
pulling the scapula back.

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-12 4 00:30 01:00

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SAMUEL by Aldo Ojeda

16 - Latissimus Dorsi Stretching 17 - Neck Trapezius Stretch "Siempre es demasiado pronto para abandonar

– Norman Vincent Peale

- On your knees, lower your chest against your - To stretch the left trapezius, take the wrist of the left
thighs. Lengthen your arms with your palms up to hand with your right hand behind your back, pull
the sky. Hold the position for a few seconds. down, while leaning your head to the right, hold the
position. Repeat on other side.

Week Sets Duration recovery

Week Sets Duration recovery
1-12 4 00:30 01:00
1-12 4 00:30 01:00

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