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NAME:_______________________________________ DATE:__________________________


Physician’s Order Sheet


a. What is the route of administration for Reglan? _________________________________________

b. Which drugs should be administered at 10 P.M.?________________________________________
c. Identify the date digoxin is to be discontinued. __________________________________________
d. Identify the route of administration for heparin. _________________________________________

1. The prescriber orders 0.3 mg of the antiadrenergic drug clonidine. Examine the drug label below and
determine how many of these tablets you would give the patient.

2. Doctors order: Cephalexin 1 gram po TID for 7 days

a. How many capsules will be given in each dose?
b. How many capsules will be needed for 7 days?
3. The prescriber ordered Ceclor 250 mg po Q12h.The label reads 375 mg per 5 mL. How many mL will
you administer to the patient?
4. Doctors order: Potassium Chloride to be incorporated in 1L of PNSS
Stock dose: Potassium chloride 40 mEq/20 mL
How many mL of KCl will be incorporated to PNSS
5. Doctors order: Aminophylline 10 mg slow IV push BID
Stock dose: Aminophylline 25mg/mL
How many mL will be given?


A 94-year-old female patient has a medical history of long-standing hypertension and diabetes mellitus type II. She is
5 feet tall and weighs 115 pounds. She makes an appointment with her primary physician. Her current medications
are Inderal 20 mg tid, Isordil 20 mg tid, and one multivitamin per day.

Her physician examines her and finds the following symptoms: BP-220/132; P-110 irregular; R-32; T-100F. She
complains of urinary burning, has pedal edema + 3, and has gained 6 pounds. The physician orders 60 mg
furosemide stat IV, a chest x-ray, electrocardiogram and CBC. Within 30 minutes she begins to diurese, and in 1
hour she is sent home with the following orders:

Inderal 40 mg po tid
Lasix 20 mg q12h
K-Lor 20 mEq q12h
Isordil 20 mg qid
Multivitamin 1 qd
Zithromax 600 mg qd X 5 days
Glucotrol 0.01 g qd ac breakfast
Hydroxyzine 0.05 g hs prn
Trovafloxacin 0.1 g qd X 7 days

1. How many tablets of Inderal will you administer to the patient if each tablet contains 0.04 g?
2. Calculate the number of grams of Lasix the patient will receive per week.
3. Each packet of K-Lor contains 40 mEq. The directions state: Add packet to 4 oz of juice. How many milliliters equal
the dose of potassium?
Read the labels found at the end of this case study

4. How many tablets of azithromycin will you administer to this client?

5. How many tablets of trovafloxacin will you administer to the patient?
6. Determine how many tablets of glipizide you will administer ac breakfast.
7. Change the hydroxyzine order to milligrams, and determine the number of tablets you will administer.

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