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Career choice is a pivotal decision in an individual's life, shaping their future professional

path and personal fulfillment. Among Grade Twelve students, this decision-making process is

particularly crucial as they stand at the threshold of transitioning to higher education or entering

the workforce. The factors influencing career decisions among this group are complex and

multifaceted, encompassing socio-economic, cultural, and personal aspects. Understanding these

factors is essential for educators, policymakers, and parents to provide the necessary support and

guidance to students as they navigate this critical phase of their lives.

Socio-economic factors, such as parental income, education level, and occupation, play a

significant role in shaping students' career choices (Lee, 2019; Wang et al., 2021; Brown &

Jones, 2020). Students from higher-income families may have access to more resources and

opportunities, enabling them to explore a wider range of career options. Conversely, students

from lower-income backgrounds may face more significant barriers, such as limited access to

education and training programs, which can impact their career aspirations. Additionally,

parental education level and occupation can influence students' perceptions of different

professions and career paths (Smith, 2018; Kumar & Prakash, 2022).

Cultural background also plays a crucial role in shaping students' career choices. Cultural

beliefs and values regarding education, work, and gender roles can influence students'

perceptions of suitable careers (Brown et al., 2020; Garcia & Martinez, 2019). For example, in

some cultures, certain professions may be more highly valued or considered more prestigious,

leading students to aspire to careers in those fields. Furthermore, cultural norms regarding gender

roles can impact the types of careers that students feel are acceptable or attainable based on their


Access to career guidance and exposure to different professions are also significant

factors influencing career choices among Grade Twelve students. Students who have access to

career counseling and guidance programs may have a better understanding of their interests,

skills, and the educational requirements for different careers. Similarly, exposure to different

professions through internships, job shadowing, or mentorship programs can broaden students'

horizons and help them make more informed career decisions (Kumar & Prakash, 2022; Patel &

Shah, 2020).

Academic performance and individual aspirations are also important considerations in

career decision-making among Grade Twelve students. Students who perform well academically

may have more opportunities for further education and training, opening up a wider range of

career options. Additionally, students' personal interests, values, and goals play a significant role

in shaping their career aspirations and the paths they choose to pursue (Brown et al., 2020; Lee

& Kim, 2017).

In conclusion, the career decision-making process among Grade Twelve students is

influenced by a myriad of factors, including socio-economic background, cultural beliefs, access

to guidance, and individual aspirations. Understanding these factors is essential for stakeholders

to provide the necessary support and guidance to students as they navigate this critical phase of

their lives. This study aims to delve deeper into these factors, providing valuable insights that

can inform interventions and support mechanisms to help students make informed and fulfilling

career choices.

Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the socio-economic factors affecting career path among grade

twelve students in terms of the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 Sex;

1.2 Age;

2. What is the socio-economic factors in terms of:

2.1 Financial Income Level;

2.2 Educational Level of Parents;

2.3 Occupation of Parents;

3. What is the career path of the respondents in terms of:

3.1 Knowledge-based;

3.2 Skill-based;

3.3 Entrepreneur-based;

4. Is there a significant relationship between socio-economic factors and career path?

Theoretical Framework
The theory of Socio-Economic posits that the choices individuals make regarding their

careers are influenced by their socio-economic background, which includes factors such as

parental income, level of education, and occupation (Lee, 2019; Smith, 2018). Students from

families with higher income may have greater access to resources and opportunities, allowing

them to explore a wider range of career options. Conversely, students from lower-income

backgrounds may encounter more significant obstacles, which restrict their choices and impact

their career aspirations.

According to Cultural Capital Theory, cultural beliefs, values, and norms play a crucial

role in shaping students' perceptions of various professions and career paths (Brown et al., 2020).

Cultural factors have the ability to influence which careers are perceived as desirable or

achievable, leading students to aspire to careers that align with their cultural values and


Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) places emphasis on self-efficacy beliefs,

expectations of outcomes, and personal goals in the process of making career decisions (Brown

et al., 2020). SCCT suggests that students who possess a belief in their ability to succeed in

specific careers and have well-defined goals are more inclined to pursue those careers.

Ecological Systems Theory offers a broader framework for comprehending the factors

that influence career decisions among Grade Twelve students. This theory suggests that students'

career choices are influenced by multiple levels of their environment, including their family,

school, community, and the wider social and economic contexts. By taking into account these

various levels of influence, this theory aids in explaining the intricate interplay of factors that

shape students' career aspirations and choices.

In conclusion, these theories provide a comprehensive framework for understanding how

socio-economic factors impact the decisions Grade Twelve students make regarding their career

paths. By considering the interplay of individual, cultural, and environmental factors, this

framework can assist educators, policymakers, and parents in developing strategies to support

students in making informed and fulfilling career choices.

Theoretical Paradigm


Demographic Profile:
1. Sex
1. Knowledge-Based
2. Skill-based
1. Financial income level
3. Entrepreneur-based
2. Educational level of
3. Occupation of parents

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Significance of the Study

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