LP, Healt 5

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Republic of the Philippines


Zone II, Del Gallego, Camarines Sur


CONTENT STANDARD: The learner understands the nature and effects of the use and abuse
of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner demonstrates the ability to protect one’s health
by refusing to use and abuse gateway drugs.

LEARNING COMPETENCY: The learner discusses the nature of caffeine, nicotine and
alcohol use and abuse (H5SU-IIIc-9)

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to;
 determine the source, use and abuse of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol,
 give examples of products with caffeine, nicotine and alcohol,
 realize the importance of responsible ways of using products with caffeine, nicotine and

Topic: Use and abuse of products with caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.
References: Masigla at Malusog na Katawan Batayang Aklat ni Hrlen G. Gatchalian, et al.
Materials: Visual aids, marker, projector and laptop
Values Integration: Cooperation, self-confidence and self-control

Teachers Activity Learners Activity
Good afternoon class! Good morning ma’am!
Please everybody stand-up for our (Student will stand up)
opening prayer.
In the name of the Father and the Son In the name of the Father and the Son and the
and the Holy Spirit Amen…. Holy Spirit Amen….
Again, good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
How are you today? We are fine!
It’s nice to hear that.

Checking of Attendance
Now I am going to check your None ma’am
attendance, secretary whose absent

Checking of Assignment
Okay class did you answer your Yes ma’am we did
assignment? (Learners will pass their assignment forward)
Please pass it forward.

Recall of Previous Lesson Yes ma’am!

Class can you still remember our
discussion last meeting? It is about products that contains caffeine
It is al about… what?
Very good! Last meeting we
discussed about the products with
caffeine. Ma’am coffee
What are those, can you give some
example? Ma’am chocolate.
Very Good, any other products that
contain caffeine? Ma’am energy drink.
Correct! another one.
Excellent! You really did remember
our discussion last meeting.

Now class we are going to have a Yes ma’am, we love to !
little game, do you want to play a
Before that let group you first into
three groups. This will be the group,
that will be the group 2 and that will
be the group 3. Okay everybody
listen, We will call this game “Fix It,
Then Name It” I will give an
envelope, inside the envelope are
pieces of a picture, you have to fix the
picture and every member of the
group should with one word related to
the given picture, the first group to
finish will be our winner, but take
note you cannot repeat the word
given by your groupmate and if any Yes ma’am!
member fail to give a word then you
will lose a chance and it will be taken
by the next group. Is that clear?
Okay now here are you envelope, but
do not open it yet, when I say go
that’s the only time you will open the
Are you ready class? Yes ma’am we are ready.
Ready, set, go
Group 1 Group 1

Group 2 Group 2
Group 3

Did you have fun in our activity Yes ma’am, we have so much fun.
Now everybody settles down, (Learners will follow the teacher’s instruction)
rearrange your seast and be seated.

Presentation of Lesson Objectives

Okay, now class let’s see what we are
aiming for in this discussion.
Everybody please read. At the end of the lesson, the learners are
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to;
expected to;  determine the source, use and abuse of
 determine the source, use and caffeine, nicotine and alcohol,
abuse of caffeine, nicotine and  give examples of products with
alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol,
 give examples of products with  realize the importance of responsible
caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. ways of using products with caffeine,
 realize the importance of nicotine and alcohol.
responsible ways of using
products with caffeine, nicotine
and alcohol.
Thank you! Class you should be able
to do those thing after this lesson, is Yes ma’am!
that clear?

Lesson Proper
A. Activity
Now, class I will give you a warmup
activity. We will divide the class into (Learners will count one to three to determine
three groups, let’s count one to three their group number)
starting from you.

Every group will be given a task,

what you are going to do is to fill up
the table. You only have 5 minutes to
do your task, after you do your task
you will choose two representatives
to present your work in front of the
class, is that clear? Yes ma’am

Group 1 Group 1
Direction: Complete the table below. Direction: Complete the table below.
Ingredients Products Source Effect to Ingredients Products Source Effect to
containing human body containing human
the the body
ingredient ingredient
Cigarettes Tobacco Bring lung
Nicotine Nicotine disease
Group 2 Group 2
Direction: Complete the table below. Direction: Complete the table below.
Ingredients Products Source Effect to Ingredients Products Source Effect to
containing human body containing human body
the the
ingredient ingredient
Coffee Coffee Keep us
Caffeine Caffeine bean awake

Group 3 Group 3
Direction: Complete the table below. Direction: Complete the table below.
Ingredients Products Source Effect to Ingredients Products Source Effect to
containing human body containing human body
the the
ingredient ingredient
gin grapes drunk
Alcohol Alcohol

Okay class your 5 minute is already (Students will post their work on the board)
done, finish or not finish post your
work on the board.
Group 1 you may now present your (Group 1 present their work)
Okay very good group 1! let’s give (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
group 1 five claps.
Group 2 its your turn, kindly present (Group 2 present their work)
your work.
Okay good job group 2! let’s give (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
group 2 five claps.
Group 3 you can now procced in front (Group 3 present their work)
and present your output.
Okay, good work group 3! let’s give (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
group 3 five claps.

B. Analysis
Okay class, do you have an idea on Ma’am about Alcohol
what topic are we going to discuss Ma’am about Nicotine

That’s a good answer class., all of

those are correct! Today we are going
to discuss about the “The use and
abuse of product with Caffeine,
Nicotine and Alcohol”

Before we jump on to the conclusion

lets se first How are we going to be
affected by the following substances.
First is the Nicotine, where can we
find nicotine, what products contain
nicotine and what it does to our body?
Lets look at the work of group 1.

Group 1 Group 1
Direction: Complete the table below. Direction: Complete the table below.
Ingredients Products Source Effect to Ingredients Products Source Effect to
containing human containing human
the body the body
ingredient ingredient
Cigarettes Tobacco Bring lung Cigarettes Tobacco Bring lung
Nicotine disease Nicotine disease
According to group 1 what is the It came from tobacco ma’am.
source of nicotine?
How about product that contain Cigarettes ma’am
Very good!
What do you think nicotine does to Ma’am it makes us seek, it destroys our lungs.
our body?
Okay very good, now let’s see then
what Nicotine really is.
Everybody please read.

Nicotine Nicotine
Nicotine is an alkaloid that can be Nicotine is an alkaloid that can be found in
found in tobacco plant also known as tobacco plant also known as Nicotiana
Nicotiana Tabacum. Products that Tabacum. Products that contain nicotine is
contain nicotine is cigarettes and cigarettes and other product with tobacco
other product with tobacco content. content. Every stick of cigarettes contains 1mg
Every stick of cigarettes contains of nicotine. It can be associated with heroin
1mg of nicotine. It can be associated and cocaine which are dangerous drugs that
with heroin and cocaine which are causes addiction. When nicotine enters our
dangerous drugs that causes body specially brain it changes the natural
addiction. When nicotine enters our flow of dopamine which serves as the
body specially brain it changes the neurotransmitter that gives pleasure and
natural flow of dopamine which satisfaction. The effect of nicotine only last for
serves as the neurotransmitter that 1 minute and cause for an individual to
gives pleasure and satisfaction. The consume another.
effect of nicotine only last for 1
minute and cause for an individual to
consume another dosage resulting to
excessive use or addiction. It also
causes increase of blood pressure and
narrowing of arteries.

Okay very good class! Ma’am(Student raise their hands)

Did you understand what you just Ma’am the context say that we can find
read, who wants to share their nicotine products with tobacco content, and
understanding about the context just the main source of nicotine is tobacco plant,
raise your hand? and it changes the flow of dopamine in our
bodies and it causes addiction.

Very good!
Did you get it class? Yes ma’am.

Now let’s proceed to the work of

group 2.
Group 2 Group 2
Direction: Complete the table below. Direction: Complete the table below.
Ingredients Products Source Effect to Ingredients Products Source Effect to
containing human body containing human body
the the
ingredient ingredient
Coffee Coffee Keep us Coffee Coffee Keep us
Caffeine bean awake Caffeine bean awake
According to the answer of group 2,
what is the source of caffein? Ma’am Coffee bean
Very good!
How about product s that contain Ma’am Coffee
Correct! Ma’am it keeps us awake.
How about is effect?
Okay very good, now let’s see if their
answer are correct.
Everybody read.
Caffeine Caffeine
Caffeine is a medicine that can Caffeine is a medicine that can naturally get
naturally get from the seed and leaves from the seed and leaves off plant like, coffee
off plant like, coffee bean, cacao bean, cacao pods, etc. The product that
pods, etc. The product that contains contains high caffeine are coffee, soft-drinks,
high caffeine are coffee, soft-drinks, tea and energy-drinks. But some food like
tea and energy-drinks. But some food chocolate, candy, cereal, syrup, cola nuts and
like chocolate, candy, cereal, syrup, some chewing gum contains caffeine as
cola nuts and some chewing gum stimulant. The use of caffeine is to provide
contains caffeine as stimulant. The additional energy and alertness. But the
use of caffeine is to provide excessive use of products with caffein may
additional energy and alertness. But cause bad effect in our body specially in our
the excessive use of products with nervous system.
caffeine may cause bad effect in our
body specially in our nervous system.
Did you understand it, who wants to
share some insights about the
context? (Learner will raise their hand)
Just raise your hand. Ma’am caffein if an ingredient we can found
in coffee bean and cacao pod and other plants.
Products such as coffee, tea, chocolate,
energy drink contains caffeine, and if gives us
extra energy and alertness, but if we abuse it
might cause health issues specially in our
nervous system.

Very good!
Now class lets proceed to the work of
group 3. Group 3
Group 3 Direction: Complete the table below.
Direction: Complete the table below. Ingredients Products Source Effect to
containing human body
Ingredients Products Source Effect to the
containing human body ingredient
ingredient gin grapes drunk
gin grapes drunk Alcohol
Ma’am grapes
Okay class, what is the source of
alcohol according to the answer of
group 3?
Okay, very good! Ma’am gin, it makes us drunk.
How about the products containing
alcohol and what it does to our body?
Okay very good!
Now let’s see if those are correct.
Alcohol Alcohol is an extract from the fruits like
Alcohol is an extract from the fruits grapes or vegetables in the process known as
like grapes or vegetables in the fermentation. Alcohol is a drink with ethanol,
process known as fermentation. drink like beer, tuba, liquor and wine are
Alcohol is a drink with ethanol, drink example of drinks with ethanol or considered
like beer, tuba, liquor and wine are as alcohol. When people starts to drink alcohol
example of drinks with ethanol or without control is to be considered abuse. It is
considered as alcohol. When people used by some people to temporarily forget
start to drink alcohol without control their problems.
is to be considered abuse. It is used
by some people to temporarily forget
their problems.
Ma’am (Student raise their hands)
Okay who wants to share their
insights about the context. Just raise Ma’am alcohol is a kind of drinks came from
your hand. fruits or vegetables through fermentation and
Okay, go on. mostly use for events or to forgot problems

Okay very good! None ma’am

Now is it clear class, do you have any
question or anything to clarify?

C. Abstraction
Okay then if that’s all let’s sum it up. Ma’am caffeine came from coffee bean and
Okay class, what are the sources of cacao pod.
nicotine, caffeine and alcohol? Ma’am Nicotine came from tobacco plant.
Ma’am Alcohol came from fruits like grapes
and vegetables through Fermentation.
Ma’am cigarettes, and other products with
Okay very good! tobacco plant.
Can you give me products that Ma’am chocolate.
contain nicotine? Ma’am energy drink.
How about products with caffeine? Ma’am coffee

Ma’am beer
That’s correct! Ma’am wine
How about products with alcohol, or
drinks with ethanol? Yes ma’am it is important, because if we want
Excellent! to avoid those products or properly consume it
Another question, class do you think we should know what product contains
it is important to know the sources of nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. Also its source
nicotine, caffeine and alcohol and the so that we could warn other, and have enough
products that contain the three, and information about the product.
Yes ma’am, because if we abuse or consume
Excellent. to much of nicotine, caffeine and alcohol it
Now for the last question, do you would lead to addiction. Also, it will cause our
think it is important to responsibly health bad effects and illness.
use products with nicotine, caffeine
and alcohol, why? Yes ma’am
Okay excellent!
Class remember too much of anything
is always a bad thing, is that clear?

D. Application
Now class we are going to have
another activity. Now get back to the
group where you belong in our first
activity. I will give you 10 minutes to
do the task. Direction: Make a short poem about the
following, nicotine, Caffeine and alcohol. The
Direction: Make a short poem about poem should include products that contain
the following, nicotine, Caffeine and nicotine/caffeine/alcohol and what it makes us
alcohol. The poem should include to our body. For the last part of the poem
products that contain include how to responsible use it. . Present it
nicotine/caffeine/alcohol and what it in front of the class.
makes us to our body. For the last
part of the poem include how to
responsible use it. Present it in front
of the class. Group 1- Alcohol
Group 2- Nicotine
Group 1- Alcohol Group 3- Caffeine
Group 2- Nicotine
Group 3- Caffeine Yes ma’am

Is that clear class?

This is how I am going to grade your

(Learners will start doing their task)

You may now start.

Your 10 minutes is done, every body

sit properly. (Group 1 present their work)

Group 1 you may now present your (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
Okay very good group 1! let’s give (Group 2 present their work)
group 1 five claps.
Group 2 its your turn, kindly present (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
your work.
Okay good job group 2! let’s give (Group 3 present their work)
group2 five claps.
Group 3 you can now procced in front (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
and present your output.
Okay, good work group 3! let’s give
group 3 five claps.

IV. Evaluation
A. Direction: Complete the table below.

Substance Source Sample of product Effect to human body

(Give at least 1) (Give at least 1)
VI. Assignment
Make an essay minimum of 300 word about why we should responsibly use and
consume; Nicotine, Caffeine, Alcohol (Choose one topic only)

Isaac Napoles Villa Marisol Vega

Critic Teacher Demo Teacher

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