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c JPT Review Center, Inc. REVIEW TEST O1 Name: ‘School Reviewer RASONABVE, VENEUE G- ‘e Raffy Cueva Ai ae Fundamentals of Plumbing and Sanitary Systems ‘D+ A.verical pipe that collects sewage from fadures such a water closet, urinal, wash basin, floor drain, etc. wa hortzonial branches. = . ator etting € baking supply poe - ACR ATOR UOTE 4. water serice pipe - grate WER VETER © 3. Wastewater which comes fom discharge of laundry trays, lavatories, bathtubs, of. 1. lack water . grey water ¢ contaminated water hard water 4. Aword that is synonymous with hub; itis the enlarged end portion of a pipe into which another pipe of the same or Siferent size may be inserted into. 2. spigot 6. In a building, it consists of water service pipe, bulding supply pipes and the essential branch pipes, valves and all ‘other appurtenances for the supply of water. ‘a. walor and waste service system ———— '. water pipeline system ‘2. wator Supply and distribution system <6. building water service and sewage piping system } 7. A kind of trap seal loss recuting from change in temperature. It usualy happens when ficure isnot always, sed. 1. backpressure . evaporation «. siphonage 4. capillary action © 8. Which typeof venting sytem i used to provide vntation to two (2) fature traps usually placed side-by-side or back- to-back? ‘Individual vent i. common vert ©. ccul vent 4. loop vent Dk 9. entity the kind of rap shown below. 10. The folowing are examples of plumbing fadures EXCEPT aural bibldet trap 1. foor drain 1D 11,A vertical length of sof or waste stack atleast eight fet in height (@ storey height, wihin which the horizontal branches fom one storey oF floor of the building or stucture are connected tothe stack. ‘a fature branch B.beanch drain « branch pipe 4. branch intrval 12. Where may a cleanout be omited? ‘2. atthe uppor end of every horizontal so or waste branch B. atthe base of stack Catt mfrom afeaure < 1.5 (uo ueeo) d. at 15 meters or less length of horizontal run of waste and sol pipe | (0 13, Which of the folowing conditions qualifies. the tom “battery of fotures”? ‘a fadures of similar type and class such 28a group of water closets, lavatories, urinals, ec. Dtwo or more fires connecied to @ common branch .fiatues thal are adjacent io each other Gal of these 14. Identity type ot valve shown below. ‘a. gate valve ball valve check valve 1. globe valve 15. A device used in a fiure such as water closet and urinal which discharges a predetermined quantity of water for flushing purposes. This device is actuated by direct water pressure from branch pipes. dently plumbing device as shown below. © ejector vont 4. looped vent 18. It refers tothe continuous exchange of water within the hydrosphere, between the almosphere, ground surface, '. almospheric cycle © hydrological yee / aATER CYCLE. 4. meteorological cycle A. 18, A.kind of faucet with external heads provided at its ‘uilett© which a hose may be attached. Figure shown Dolow. ‘hose bbb ball valve ©. compression faucet .selt-losing faucet D 20. The process of removing suspended matter in water ‘along with some discoloration using hydrated sulfate ‘commonty called alum to form a gelatinous substance; the ‘rooess is also known as Nocoulation 2 Maton | aration 6, ultraviolet iradlation «coagulation AA. 21. What is the most common type of water distnbution System which depends on the pressure tom the water 2. direct (pressure) system b.hydropneumatic sytem ©. upfeed and gravity dstrbuion system 4. upfeed (pump) system D 22. Awater treatment process whereby salt content in wate is removed thereby rendering water potable. The process {is done by heating seawater then pumping water ito low pressure vessels whore water is parialy vaporieed. We ‘por is then condensed and tumed into potable water What do you call this process? ©. condensation 4. desalination / OBSALINATE B 23. In he coliform group of bacteria, e. co is present in fecal ‘matter as well these bicds and other animats. What i 6 in the abbreviation @ eli? ‘a entamoeba escherichia excreta ‘enzyme [A 24. Thal part ofthe drainage system that exes fom the fend of the building drain and conways is discharge to the Public sewer, privale sewer, individual sewage disposal ‘system, or other appropriate point of disposal, 2 building sewer building rain «building storm drain . building sewage pipe [A 25. Any pipe which conveys the discharge of war close, ‘urinals oF fixtures having similar function, with oF without the discharge from other fixtures to the building dain or builsing sewer. 2. soi pipe , waste pipe ©. building drain 4. building sewer 1D 26. What property of water is characterized by its ability to ‘tick and pull sel gether. It can be demonstrated on a dipping tap where water clings to its orifice and forms tiny lobules that stretches before i fll. 2. capil action i. dissohing ability of water .absorpion 4. surface tension 2%. Where do you instal a fushometer vive? urinal bathtub 6 lavatory 4. bidet [D 28A vertical pipe which conveys only wastewater or quid ‘waste ree from fecal mater. 2. waste pipe b sollpipe sol stack waste stack 29. A suction created by the Now of quid in pipes; pressure less than the almospheric pressure, a. baciow », backpressure ©: siphonage flow pressure 1h 20. sng o device designed and consucted to provide, ‘when propery woreda. lu sel whch, provers Bao nd passage of fil i and” gares out trata ied he Bow ot semape Sr meiner trou mp Ping © pipe ite 1) 31. Which ofthe folowing devices, methods or contraption "can prevent backtow in ether water supply or drainage system? a check valve ©. backfow praventor © air break 6. allof these (, 3% Gutta, downspouts, lenders, catch basins, junction ones, area drains, etc ae components of what system in plumbing? 5. santaty drainage system water supply systom ©: torm dainage system 4. ventlation system C33. The following are components of @ basic plumbing sysiem EXCEPT 2. fatures babes uly box 4. fangs {9 34. Which ofthe folowing tures has a ult in trap? ' lavatory floor dain © kitchen sik 4. waterioset 99. general team vch refers to the process of removing "contaminants fom water It involves several processes that intended to render raw water into potable and safe ‘water for consumption, . 23. water purification ». water fitraton 6. waler softening 4. water desalination © 36. Kdentty typeof valve shown onthe lef. This type of valve has a ocular disk that fis against the valve seat 2. gate valve . globe valve _ @. oat valve — 4. foot valve A D ® 9 o 9 37. A source of waler which can be made by excavating, ‘digging, boring oF drilling into ground for the purpose of ‘blaining wator. Water obtained from this source is ‘Scoumuiated in aoquifere resulting from percolation and ‘absorption through ground. a.woll Da ver, stroams or lake «precipitate 6. Surface run-off 38. A porton of the sanitary drainage system installation ‘designed to provide and maintain balanced atmospheric [preszure within the systom thereby preventing trap seal loss, backpressure, siphonage, backlow, retardation of {ow and uit ate eetereraion ‘2. sol piping system venation system «storm drainage system ‘6. sewage disposal system 39. A water supply pipe that extends vertically one ful storey ‘or more to convey water {0 fixture branches or group of ‘tures, a. uppipe riser «stack pipe 4. water stack 40. A kind of faucet having one end that extends ‘downwards abou! three inches Tong. This type of Face! is used in fatchon sinks and drinking fountains. Went valve as shown below. a. self-closing faucet '. compression faucet ©, centerset faucet 1d. gooseneck 41. A watertight compartment fi into ‘which the discharge of ‘Sanitary plumbing system or part thereof, designed and consinucied 10 rein solds, digest ‘organic matter trough period of detention and to alow the Tiguid to discharge into the sol outside of the tank through a system of open joinied sub-surface piping or seepage pit 2. seepage pit cesspool septic tank 4. privy vault 42. The instalation of pants of the plumbing system which Gan be completed prior to installaion of fixtures of fishing, This includes drainage, water supply and vent piping and other necessary pipe supports. ‘a roughingin i. mocleup instalation ©. pro-nstallation setting 43, Which of the following isa violation or contradotory tothe ‘basic plumbing principles? ‘2. plumbing system shall be maintained in a sanitary and ‘serviceable condition ©. water closet may be located in an unit or unventiated €. plumbing fitures shall be designed and adjusted to use ‘tinimum amount of water for flushing 4. all premises intended for human habitation shall be provided with ample and wholesome amount of water 144, A kind of sewer system where both sanitary waste and ‘storm water are drained into, 2. sanitary sewer waste Sewer €. storm sewer 4. combination sewer caulking d.allof these |, Modified True or False: On the answer card, shade A it siatement A only Is true, B, if statement B only is tue, Cit both statements are ie and D if both statements are false. 46. CTA Pumbig is considered an art and slonoe of stating in pulang pipes, ngs, tres, equipment and other fppuronances for benghg water ana removing quid {nd huidbome wastes TB. tt also includes the installation of water closets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, ele. a7 B FA Atwaste pines are waste stacks. 778. All waste stacks are waste pipes. ; 1s isso Cyd ke dln ina we EB. Wastowater conveyed ffom lavatories is known as ‘brown water p ‘A. A tcap i nok necessary in any type of fixture such as. lavatory, or dain, ete © B. Traps allow ihe passage of foul ai. 0, C1 A,S0t pips conveys discharge from water closets and ‘otures having simlar function, hence, # contains fecal ‘{ 8 Waste pioe receives discharge from lavateries, kitchen sin, oO drain, et, does not cary fecal mater. ~ 51 CfA Ventilation system is an integral component of sanitary srainage system, 8. Ventiaton sysiem allows the free and smooth flow of wastewater inside pipes. 82, DF A ariness is characterized wih the absence of minerais FB. One method of increasing hardness is using the process. ‘known a8 Zeoile process. A pA tration i ated of water realment used in moving suspended particles, come bacteria and color. FB. Aeration is @ kind of fitration process. 54 A. Stack is @ plumbing word that is aplly used in both BF © sanitary drainage and water supply system. B, Stack refers to a vertical line of soil, waste and vent pipe. 56. CT A Backtow may occur bah in sanitary drainage and watar supply system, TB. Itmay be caused by positive or negative pressures. 66. “TA The ter nr fr ap gooenac. C7 8. P-eap tte a aria ap a. A Water nas the abity to abso heat 4B Raleo as the abity to dsslve some substances, se. ATA Incnidual vot is 2 tnd of vent that is deslgned to ‘rove venation ta singe trap. is usualy tached tthe dain sie of he bap. B.A.unit vent is used to ventilate two or more fixture traps 9. CTA The presence of bacteria is a biotgial property of ‘water ‘TB. Escherichia coli (e. col) is a kind of bacteria that is ‘resent in fecal matter of humans as well as birds and ther animals «0 A +t A.Water can be obaind rom wots vers, aks, ec F 8. Surface water comes from aque, a -7'A Aap shout nae n every tre ect se A ‘with integral trap. F B.A water coset should be provided with an exposed tap 62, C1 AA swashing mactinn shoud have is in connected o sn iret waste aston TB. it should have an air break (drainage). es 71 Choration is Kind of testment method that uses ¢ |“ shome orden water 48. Tis meta coect ne psa! us of water oe TAA gang of waleinsts whose drain pipes are C1 “cometed to Simic nonzontt branch my ‘be oneslred abate of tures, 4 0 maybe comeded sock os, 1° A An ebow is akin offing 4 BL Mimny be made of dierent kinds of mateal such a8 paste G1. Clee ©. +114 Water may be ois dec rom th water main by C © “ret pressure meted 8. may also be conveyed to upper foos ofa bung ‘using pun. o, A Pressure in water sppiy fated by a erence a C7 "creation known a head T 8. Pressure is aifected by the force of gravity 68, BE A Backoressure is caused by negative pressure, {Bt may result to water contamination due to cross CT A:tmvatory shouts have an ar gap “T_B. This is done inorder to avoid cross connection. oY 0, CC. 1"A capa action way nub apse may be ost. 1B. This phenomenon occurs when wastewater tends to go ‘up against the pull of gravity such as the water seal n'a trap, 1. ® A Techricaty, «Noor dain & nt considered a Rare “1B. Trap attached toa drain is considered a fate B 7A change of crecton can be atsned using coping or Ff ‘socket. T 8 Wye branch is considered a sanitary fiting a c A. Cleanout is an important part of the drainage system sbeaith wer ston we ater poe beaae 5 8. Cemout shen be ped at epee ot han Senege oe 7 Tp oa dae oo, dep sl a ‘common seal. - 2" deep 1. CTs “8. Common seai has a depth of 2inches 7, B FA, sale lnk consider mantary 20 fa at igetin process ug mate concord 8. septic ank shold nave an it and an out I Problem Solving: Use appropriate formulas in solving for the required quanities based on the given parameters and data, ‘A bldg, with an occupant load of $0 isto be provided with a ister and an overhead Water tank If the rate of consumption per person per day is 0.20 eu, m, caleuate the following C. 76. Totat water demand ‘25,000 . 20,000 ©, 10,0008 4. 5,0004, 50 X 0.20 X tovoli took 9 77, Banta of spherical overhead wate tank using eta 220m b.270m ©.280m 4.320m 7% alate te volume of cise if total demand \nereased by 20 percent fr contingency, 26,0001 12,0008, ©. 24,0001, 4. 30,000 Ow KL = 12,000 79. What is the width of the rectangular tank it ts assumed ‘depth is 2.0 meters and rabo of length lo width is L=2a, ‘excluding airspace. 215m 164m 173m 4.182m £80. Calculate its length, 25m b.30m €325m 435m 0 End of Ove

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