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Gu) musk he dreatedt * Equals E f Nai co thi blutaaal gcsal | i= Principle Pro ui & Urequals wort, ions & POP Iata price may Syste: oe a F Case laus. “The Peeeeaiet srights Gre qua nteed te Pro bee k ie beste beaman rights all ede Gre ch adaientad of Ladi aright Qight be equeliby, "Right to is equality meni Profechion faudltali etntina tion vl ai an Cashe, ace weligian Z! ge place of ~ beth Orvhele 14: “The Ste el lik tocforce laud er equal Pevsey eqs q pera law are Hho everlaes Pop stadia.” Te ® Eq i= by bore |qesnedeie Ss a Carabihy bef Jaws is 7 Necessary [oe | Al wowed eviliilicn ol palit, sucial order that Ao man is ieeeaae ie & that evi Pew son ba land wy v wwhalever be his Stabs or rank is byes be the ovdlinses law FOR EDUCATIONAL USE amenable to the bribed) | Kae furicdicts Cikzen humbles! Xo! Ever fo. Hee zl de 4 forime is ordinary minister under fhe clown — Some _veapa ibid bey Il v 7 Lov ever ack dene by hin. G) || Covel protester Ss favo. The of tre lew Chrare wel is die Pr fee bio iks Protech igin ae me. s Drevican Consk testion Shoulel dob lacs ane Lite. equal houtd that amo @. ey equally Jreated equals “The Quaran|: o Protection wrlies Pt ws againsE J bye b b- a ne Gu ¥ subshan ve Equol rolection arequiven, inal unequals hy Luell affirmative OA precechared actions Providing ! Ny ¥ ovtenihes aclihes. J prem Court bserved thal i li | The Peas Gata t feas " bligaki 'g preteches Necessary may €9 0! V J I everyons ciel 2 is So 2. 4. t Now ne economic e404 t c being yead aa State fo las by a techie, byinging in agen ~ Se 2 v * Equal oa ensure, Lhe b He [euss| FOR EDUCATIONAL USE [k “ee DNoctQINE GE REASONARLE CLASSIFICATION. | “The Supreme _Courk held thal the Praciple af £4 aliky doe nok fake away fron fhe” Stebe fhe power of classifiging persons por \ gikimate Pur poser. i equcl prokectic Joes nol enn nse hol Levert person mu Hoven axed egualls bub ik means that persone neler Is Sa eae laa vee eee ae [eM SER HH ane anne. tondard, Whol Harticle la probibils i “ Class legislation lee ome Clas. ificotion fen pe of lesislabian : by I 2 est a “ Teasonable. classifi Kon" a ee The wuprene Courk observed thal Hy dye 9 tern Canditions FOR EDUCATIONAL USE al ‘freakin ba he! yearonalales tnmnea furfin @ If “Whe cl ssiftcaton must ihe: Fousded an an ira ___llinkelNigible different: : igh. ishes 2 thal ~ are avouped _Jagether fre obhers J 1 J 7 Luwsho are left ouk ase Le group. Gi) Tet dif ferentio must have Heatteaesl relation fo dhe abject ight dey be Achieved ou the Ack. Whal is necessary ig thal thew. ) raust by Pe ee ses cree neat Cie | Joe classification Here Ghasld he ci | yalional nexus bebusses the basis of lassificatio & the abyeck f Like Uchabete: uarder Cons ideralion S| Ras OF CLASSIFICA TION. 1 Sian af cla fication ray | geagraphic T 2 lah lessification mens be bared eq the | itt exce in fime, 2 The Classification rraq be hered cn the cli ference. inthe Na bure the trade calling or accu akor tabich it Sought be be regulated toy the Legislation. 4 | Lb mex he based ciel or economic needs. at FOR EDUCATIONAL USE f=ii L [eveuineauencts quelifics bigar i also a | valid _hesic for clam fication wz) Audiciel AL i | aii “he ‘Suprenne Cour k™ i queaber of [ee ie Eater 2 cevieg inecctond ii cee Ge Machete nalare =< sccome dette (eee ecline Mpa peeeee | oak [tunderateed.” a I A) Q-K. Delmia _v- $B. “Jerdokar (18 5) = Il a ee eee ee ree gael Waco Loo Special Civtumsbences or ns | applicable ee Z nok applicahla ts ieteeee Hal Single jadividua! racy be treated I ae eine emits : l / a i ee oe of Faclig (2004) mae TTheve i aluays a pe sump io in tee Se eee el c Erachment — & bye burclen 13 tupan hina Tita —abtecka Gb ba chew Hhaf Hoan ame lil been a Clear _bransgverrian oF Hye rosikubio nel principles . [ FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ES “if a a 7 ae pits may he rebubted in Certain ae hot Shewing, Heb! there js no CIO ssiti cake I De musk aed teak the legislabaw lunderskencls and |! Crirrectly appreciabes the nesd al jks Ruin p pla ; E Nath heb 1953 | p il ed The Clansfication made toy the legi slahuve | need nok he Setentif ical perfert or logically Complete pee see Be Sain, omp T E) | “Ihe classification may he made __on aiff L I beanie q+ _geoq>s johic according be fe Lakipecks aes pabionel oc He ike. {| ™ | Jal Goclusian + I] Everyone i equal i th ex of- Jeune —_Fheve Caanak he preached ct f oa discrimina Hi lye been Th alike . Right 4 equuclibes is by f a a ower GI Ander “conshbubio [qucbenteed Ups ibs renideats Ld developing Sig & new facets being added oe pee Cover alll Ouspecks equell 4 FOR EDUCATIONAL USE. BGR diedrentne ton! a cannal be i -Precticed amongst Yeas tatho are plocs(i in imilay _ Sikwahon rab amo. a vilakoa t eq obits hrefence Vow ever one pecial foal & [ privileger cvanteed a a Certain Class of people fore Yeir uptiftmert 1¢ ook [| Covered Undew this article & is held valid ConsH}ubonally. TThevelewe , “equate runt te | becctedd yuclly 1 & Lanequrals unequally” (ete FOR EDUCATIONAL USE

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