INTRO-POF-Feb 25 2024

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6th Sunday of Easter

May 5, 2024


Good morning dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

Today, the Lord Jesus continues to develop last Sunday’s
idea of union with Him as a condition to bear fruits of
holiness in our lives. He does so by emphasizing that
keeping his “Love Commandment” is the practical way to
show the reality of our union with him and to bear fruit.
There is a life-giving relationship between union with
Jesus and fruitful ness, fruitfulness and love, love and
obedience to God’s Commandments. The Eucharist we are
about to celebrate is a manifestation of our union with the
Lord and among ourselves. It is also a most effective way to
strengthen such union whenever we proclaim God’s Word,
participate in shared prayer, and receive Holy Communion.
Together with our mass presider, we will begin the
holy sacrifice of the mass. Please all rise.
6th Sunday of Easter
May 5, 2024
P –Our life has meaning only if it is characterized by love – a love patterned after
the love of the Blessed Trinity for us. Aware of the preciousness of this gift, let us
implore the Lord, saying:

All– God of love, hear our prayer!

C –For all Christians of all denominations: In their common love for Jesus may
they find the inspiration to love one another as he commanded us and to seek
the unity for which Jesus prayed, let us pray! R.

C –For the Holy Father and all the bishops: May they always be united by the
bond of love as Jesus is united with the Father, let us pray! R.

C –For all the peoples of the earth: May they understand that only through
brotherly love patterned after the example of Christ can they experience genuine
progress and lasting peace, let us pray! R.

C –For our community and each of its members: May we preserve and increase
the atmosphere of fraternal love by overcoming selfishness and all forms of
dishonesty, let us pray! R.

C –For all religious women and men, and seminarians, may they grow in their
own vocations through their human, pastoral, spiritual and community
formation, leading them to be credible witnesses to the Gospel. Let us pray! R.

C –For all the faithful who celebrate the Flores de Mayo in honor of Mary Most
Holy: May they imitate the sincerity and purity of our Blessed Mother’s love for
all, let us pray! R.

P –Lord Jesus, may all our actions be done out of love and with love, and thereby
make present on earth the love that binds you to the Father and the Holy Spirit,
forever and ever.
All – Amen!

5th Sunday of Easter

April 28, 2024
Good morning dear brothers and sisters in Christ! “I

am the vine, you are the branches,” Jesus tells us in today’s

Gospel passage. This is not a way of speaking but a

wonderful reality, for at our baptism we have been grafted

onto him. It is thanks to our deep union with Jesus that we

can enjoy God’s salvation and produce the fruits worthy of

our new life in him. Jesus’ statement that “apart from him

we can do nothing” may hurt our pride, but it is the sober

truth. Only those who accept it in all humility and live

accordingly can experience the joy of being God’s children

and are in the best position to produce an abundance of

fruits unto eternal life.

Together with our mass presider, we will begin the

holy sacrifice of the mass. Please all rise.

6th Sunday of Easter

May 5, 2024

5th Sunday of Easter

April 28, 2024

P –In Baptism, we have been united to Jesus Christ and
have become part of his mystical body. He is the vine, we
are the branches. Our life depends on our remaining united
with him. Therefore, we confidently pray:
All – Source of our life, hear us!
C – That the Church may always be a prosperous vine,
bearing fruits of holiness, justice, and peace, let us pray! R.
C –That all the baptized may remain united with the Lord
by living according to the Gospel principles and values, let
us pray! R.
C –That all the lay faithful may preserve their union with
Jesus through the offering of their daily activities and
fervent prayers, let us pray! R.
C –That all those who receive holy Communion may
strengthen their union with Christ through a life of service
to their neighbor, let us pray! R.
C –That all those who are at the point of death may cling to
Jesus as their sole source of hope and salvation, let us
pray! R.
P –Lord Jesus, full of trust in the help of your grace, we
renew our commitment to reject whatever can separate us
from you and our neighbor. Keep us one with you as you
are one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and
All – Amen!
4th Sunday of Easter
Good Shepherd Sunday
April 21, 2024
Good morning dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Today

is “Good Shepherd Sunday,” a day of special prayer for

priestly, religious and missionary vocations. We honor and

thank, first of all, Jesus, the “Senior Good Shepherd” who laid

down His life for the salvation of all human beings. But we

also honor, thank and pray for the “junior good shepherds”

who were chosen and sent by Jesus himself to minister to our

spiritual needs. It is also our duty to pray that many more may
heed the invitation of the Senior Good Shepherd and respond

to it with generous faithfulness.

Together with our mass presider, we will begin the holy

sacrifice of the mass. Please all rise.

4th Sunday of Easter

Good Shepherd Sunday
April 21, 2024
P –We are the flock guided and protected by Jesus, the Good
Shepherd who gave his life for us. Full of confidence in his
compassionate love, let us pray to him:
All –Jesus, Good Shepherd, hear our prayer!
C –For the Church, God’s flock on earth: May she always be an
example of unity, solidarity, and love under the care of God’s
representatives. Let us pray! R.
C –For all the leaders of the Church – the Pope, the bishops, the
priests: May they be good shepherds, totally devoted to the
welfare and eternal salvation of their flock. Let us pray! R.
C –For all the lay faithful: May they love their shepherds and
experience God’s loving care through them. Let us pray! R.
C –For all parents, teachers, and other people responsible for
others: May they always be con scious of the importance of their
role and fulfill it with generous dedication. Let us pray! R.
C –For the young Catholics called to the priesthood or the
religious life: May they respond generously to the Lord’s
invitation and devote their lives to the good of God’s people. Let
us pray! R.
P –Most loving Jesus, you laid down your life to protect us from
the attacks of the Evil One, and to lead us to the pasture of
eternal life. Grant that we may be appreciative of the salvation
you earned for us. May we always follow you, our Divine
Shepherd, who live and reign for ever and ever.
All – Amen!

3rd Sunday of Easter

April 14, 2024 (Year B)

Good morning dear brothers and sisters in Christ! In this third

Sunday of Easter, we continue to meet the Risen Christ. He sets the

hearts of his disciples at peace and opens their minds to understand the

message of the Scriptures concerning his destiny of pain and glory. The

Risen Lord continues to touch us and our lives as he did to his disciples

after the resurrection. But the invitation to touch him and see his

wounds and for us to recognize fully who he is for us came from him

first. We need to touch base with the real and the true. And It is only in

the light of the truth of the Resurrection that we are able to make sense

of the violent passion and death of Christ, along with so many realities
that we cannot accept, let alone understand. It is only in the light of his

resurrection and the eternal life he earned for us that we can come to

accept the trials of life with faith and patience. Only in the Risen Christ

can we make sense and oppose the many forms of death that threaten

our existence. In this Eucharist, let us pray with all earnestness: “Lord,

we touch you today.”

Together with our mass presider, we will begin the holy sacrifice of the

mass. Please all rise.

3rd Sunday of Easter

April 14, 2024 (Year B)

P –Our whole life should bear witness to the truth that we are saved by
Jesus’ death and resurrection. Aware of our inadequacy to do so, we

All – Lord, graciously hear us!

C –That the entire Church, under the guidance of its leaders, may never
grow weary of pro-claiming the Resurrection and bear witness to it, let
us pray! R.

C – That all those who suffer may find in the resurrection of Christ the
surest source of consolation and hope, let us pray!R.

C –That those who doubt the reality of Christ’s resurrection may be

helped to believe by the exemplary life of all the faithful, let us pray! R.
C –That all the victims of natural calamities and human violence may
experience the concrete support of all those who believe in the
resurrection of Christ, let us pray! R.

C –That all of us who are gathered here to celebrate the resurrection of

our Lord may experience its life-giving power in our daily activity, let us
pray! R.

P –Jesus, help us to overcome the deadly effects of our sinfulness and to

become signs of your resurrection to all our brothers and sisters. You
who live and reign forever and ever.

All – Amen!

2nd Sunday of Easter

Feast of Christ, King of Divine Mercy
April 7, 2024 (Year B)

Good morning dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

Today we celebrate the feast of Jesus, King of Divine

Mercy. This consoling devotion is centered on Christ’s

merciful love for sinners. We all need this devotion

because we all need to experience Christ’s forgiveness

and compassion. Likewise, we all have the duty to

become instruments of His mercy to our neighbor. In

this Eucharist, let us ask for the grace to be merciful.

Together with our mass presider, we will begin the

holy sacrifice of the mass. Please all rise.

2nd Sunday of Easter

Feast of Christ, King of Divine Mercy
April 7, 2024 (Year B)
P –We are among those who believe in the resurrection of Jesus even
though we never put our fingers in the nail marks in his hands, nor touched
his wounded side. Let us renew our profession of faith in the Risen Christ, as
we address our petitions to Him:

All – Our Lord and our God, hear us!

C –That both the universal Church and each local community may always
offer the edifying example of unity, sincere devotion, and care for the poor,
let us pray! R.

C – That our ecclesial organizations and institutions may become factors of

renewal in the Church and agents of evangelization in society, let us pray! R.
C –That those who, like Thomas, find it difficult to believe in the
Resurrection, may see its proof in the life of authentic Christians, let us pray!

C –That all Catholics may avail themselves of the sacrament of confession as

the ordinary means to experience the “power of the Resurrection” in their
spiritual life, let us pray! R.

C –That all of us may become active promoters of the peace of the Risen
Christ in our families and society, let us pray! R.

P –Lord Jesus, we thank you for the gifts of your resurrection, your presence
and the Holy Spirit. May they bring us ever closer to you, and make us signs
and instruments of the new life you gave us. You who live and reign forever
and ever.

All – Amen!


March 24, 2024 (Year B)
Dear brothers and sisters, since the beginning of
Lent until now, we have prepared our hearts by
penance and charitable works. Today, we gather
together to herald with the whole Church the
beginning of the celebration of our Lord’s Paschal
Mystery, that is to say, of his Passion and
Resurrection. For it was to accomplish this mystery
that he entered his own city of Jerusalem.
Therefore, with all faith and devotion, let us
commemorate the Lord’s entry into the city for our
salvation, following in his footsteps, so that being
made, by his grace, partakers of the Cross, we may
have a share also in his Resurrection and in his life.
Together with our mass presider, we will begin
the holy sacrifice of the mass. Please all rise.


March 24, 2024 (Year B)
P –Full of trust in the Lord’s compassionate love, let us present our
petitions to Him who is able to understand our difficulties and needs.

All – Merciful Father, hear our prayer!

C –That all believers may always welcome the Lord Jesus with open
hearts like those who welcomed him to Jerusalem, let us pray! R.
C –That the Holy Father, our bishop, and our priests may continue to
guide and encourage us with the holiness of their lives to be faithful to
Jesus, let us pray! R.

C –That all the members of the judiciary in our country may render
justice without delay, favoritism or corruption, let us pray! R.

C –That the victims of legal in justices may continue their quest for
justice with moral strength and be given their due, let us pray! R.

C –That we may realize that the suffering endured by Jesus was also
caused by our sinfulness and lack of repentance, let us pray! R.

C –That all those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of
the world may inflame the Church with their courage and missionary
enthusiasm. Let us pray! R.

P –Lord God, sustain us in our resolve to live as Jesus taught us. As we

share in his suffering, may we also come to share in his glory for ever
and ever.

All – Amen!

5th Sunday of Lent

March 16, 2024 (Year B)
Good morning dear brothers and sisters in Christ. We
are just one week away from the beginning of the Holy
Week and today’s readings talk to us about renewal,
au authenticity and interiority.
All three refer to the concept of repentance. If we
want the life of grace to grow within us, we must be
prepared to die to our pride and any other form of
negative passion. In a word, we refer to renewal. It is
only when we die to our lower selves that we can start
living unto the Lord. Then we become authentic and
active partners in the New Covenant.
Let this Mass be an occasion for all of us to look at
this very important aspect of our Christian lives – our
authenticity and interiority .
Together with our mass presider,
____________________we will begin the holy sacrifice of
the mass. Please all rise.

5th Sunday of Lent

March 16, 2024 (Year B)

P –Gathered together to celebrate Christ’s love unto death for all of us,
let us submit to him the needs and intentions of all mankind:
All – Lord Jesus, hear us!
C –For all the members of the Church, scattered throughout the world:
May they be credible witnesses of the Father’s love for every human
being. Let us pray! R.
C – For the Holy Father, our bishop, and parish priests: May they bravely
persevere in their service, even in the face of disappointments and
difficulties of all sorts. Let us pray! R.
C –For those who are undergoing persecution for the sake of the
Kingdom: May they remain faithful to their commitment to what is right
and just. Let us pray! R.
C –For social workers and all those involved in public service: May they
feel the support of the rest of the community in their efforts to form a
better society. Let us pray! R.
C –For those among us who are discouraged or afflicted in whatever
way: May they unite their sufferings to those of our crucified Lord. Let
us pray R.
C –That all those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of
the world may inflame the Church with their courage and missionary
enthusiasm. Let us pray! R.
P –Lord Jesus, grant us the strength and the faith that we need to
endure all trials in union with you till the end of our lives. You who live
and reign forever and ever.
All – Amen!

4th Sunday of Lent

March 10, 2024 (Year B)
Good morning dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today,
Laetare Sunday, we are invited to be joyful. Indeed, we should
rejoice not because everything is fine in the world and our lives,
but because GOD LOVES US IMMENSE LY. And this makes all the

As we proceed in our Lenten pilgrimage and approach the

dramatic days of the Holy Week, we are invited to focus on the
essence of it all: God’s merciful love for all human beings. His
love for us is eternal. It is patient and wise, kind and strong,
resourceful and constant. It is best exemplified in Jesus Christ,
the God-Man who laid down his life that every human being
might have life, life to the full.

This divine life is ours whenever we open our hearts to him

in faith and let him fill us up with the light and power of his
presence and grace. This is what we do now as we begin the
Eucharistic celebration with faith, hope, and love, and implore
God’s mercy on all mankind

Together with our mass presider,

____________________we will begin the holy sacrifice of the
mass. Please all rise.

4th Sunday of Lent

March 10, 2024 (Year B)
P –God’s constant love for us is the source of hope for our
salvation. Trusting in His merciful love, we pray:
All – Lord, graciously hear us!
C –For the Universal Church and all people of goodwill:
May they always respond promptly to God’s call to
conversion. Let us pray! R.
C –For the Holy Father and all our spiritual leaders, the
prophets of God in our midst: May all Christians hear their
call to an ever greater faithfulness. Let us pray! R.
C –For all parents and teachers: May they succeed in
leading their children and students to appreciate God’s
love and respond to it with constant fidelity. Let us pray! R.
C – For those who are entangled in the web of their bad
habits: May they, in the example of the saints, find the
encouragement they need to break their chains. Let us
pray! R.
C –That all those who risk their lives for the Gospel in
various parts of the world may inflame the Church with
their courage and missionary enthusiasm. Let us pray! R.
P –God of holiness and compassion, we thank You for Your
merciful love. Keep us faithful to our commitments and
make us instruments of Your saving love for our neighbor,
through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen!

Good morning dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
Today’s Gospel passage reminds us that Jesus Christ is
God’s most holy temple. It also reminds us of the
sacredness not only of all places of worship but also of
every human being, especially those who have been
baptized. We are God’s temples because He has imprinted
in us His most sacred image in creation, and has
consecrated us for His service at our baptism.
We desecrate ourselves whenever we commit sin. And
we desecrate others when we fail to respect their dignity
or lead them to commit sin. When this happens, Jesus
becomes even more indignant than when he drove the
traders out of the Temple area in Jerusalem.
In this Eucharist, let us renew our commitment to keep
all of God’s temples holy in every way and at all times.
Together with our mass presider,
____________________we will begin the holy sacrifice of
the mass. Please all rise.

3rd Sunday of Lent

March 3, 2024 (Year B)
P –Gathered together in the house of God to celebrate the most
sacred act of worship, let us present our petitions for the needs
and intentions of all mankind as we say:
All – Lord, make us holy!
C –That the people of God all over the world may always offer
the Eucharistic sacrifice with undefiled hearts, let us pray! R.
C –That all mankind may treasure the values enshrined in the
Ten Commandments and live by them, in perfect love for God
and neighbor, let us pray! R.
C – That the legislators may be guided by the wisdom of God’s
Law in formulating the laws of every civil society, let us pray! R.
C –That all human beings may be respected in their basic rights
and never be subjected to humiliating treatment or conditions,
let us pray! R.
C –That all of us may treasure the sacredness of our own persons
as well as that of others, and never defile it through sinful
actions, let us pray! R.
C –That those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts
of the world may inflame the Church with their courage and
missionary enthusiasm. Let us pray! R.
P –Lord of all holiness, You want to dwell in our hearts as in a
most precious temple. Renew in us the awareness of Your
sanctifying presence, cleanse us from all our impurities, and
reconsecrate us to Your service forever and ever.
All – Amen!

2nd Sunday of Lent

February 25, 2024 (Year B)
Good morning dear brothers and sisters in Christ. In this Second

Sunday of Lent, we are invited to reflect on the message of Jesus’

transfiguration and apply it to our lives. This event in the life of the Lord

is an encouragement to let our light shine by bringing out the best that

is in us – despite all the darkness that comes our way.

We are also challenged to remain steadfast in our faith even in the

midst of trials. The God who gave His only Son for us will surely protect

us from all evil and give us all the help we need.

Let this Eucharist be a profession of faith in God’s unfailing love for

us and a renewal of our commitment to live a “luminous life” while we

navigate through light and darkness down faith road!

Together with our mass presider, ____________________we will

begin the holy sacrifice of the mass. Please all rise.

2nd Sunday of Lent
February 25, 2024 (Year B)
Prayer of the Faithful

P –The splendor of the Trans figuration counteracts and helps us accept the sad

reality of the cross in the life of Christ, as well as in ours. Trusting in the unfailing

love of the Father for all of us, we pray:

All – Lord, we trust in You!

C –For the Church: May she faithfully accomplish her mission of proclaiming to all

nations that Jesus is the only Savior. Let us pray! R.

C –For the Holy Father, our Bishop and all other spiritual leaders: May they

constantly trust in God’s love even in the midst of afflictions and oppositions. Let

us pray! R.

C –For those who are undergoing severe trials: May they find in the Lord the

source of their consolation and strength. Let us pray! R.

C –For those who feel confused in the midst of so much darkness and

uncertainty: May they find meaning for their lives in the teaching and life of

Jesus. Let us pray!

C –For all of us: May we live this Lenten season in total avail ability to do what

God wants, in imitation of Abraham and Jesus Christ. Let us pray! R.

P –God our Father, Source of all strength and consolation, make us faithful to You

till death, following the example of Jesus Your Son, who lives and shines for ever

and ever.
All – Amen!

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