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Gratitude Letter

Dear Grandpa,

Where do I start? I could go on and on about all the advice and leadership you have given me

throughout the years. Like it was yesterday, I remember you teaching me how to play sports at

the playground just as I was beginning to walk. You taught me just how important sports are and

how they are a microcosm of the “game that is life”. Learning how to stay positive when it gets

difficult, how to overcome adversity, how to work together and drop the internal ego’s we have

for a ultimate goal, and how to speak and listen to others for better results. Achieving goals and

overcoming obstacles helped myself and even your own children learn about themselves.

Helping to find a sense of belonging and accomplishment team dynamics as sports helped me

bring the same attitude and approach to the classroom, and in life of self-discipline, mental

fortitude, handling failure, cooperation, and so much more. Reflecting on something that seemed

so miniscule and everyday as a boy to both you and I, but It really is amazing and makes my

heart warm all the beneficial nature it had on me and so many others.

Another great moment that I laugh at now is when you taught me a valuable lesson on speaking

up for yourself and not letting someone disrespect you. When you shared a experience about

getting bullied in school and how you had to defend yourself, that night so many years ago on

the phone, hearing it from you as someone I looked as the second most important masculine

figure it my life was powerful for me. That call led to me confronting and ending myself getting

bullied and gave me confidence to speak out for when it happened to other people. As all of us

know, whether it’s in any level of school, at the train where someone yells as you because they
think its there “special seat”, or even at a new job where people think because your new they can

step all over you. I always think back to these lessons you helped instill in me and for that and so

much more that could go on forever, I am forever grateful. (380 words)

Love, MS (talk to you soon)

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