4th Final Exam in Reled

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● The Agony in the Garden

Jesus’ First Prediction Jesus’ agony in the garden expressed what
death represented to Him. The thought of His
In the first prediction, Jesus simply announced
impending Passion filled Jesus with mental
that He would suffer, die, and rise again after three
anguish, inner death, and sorrow. Thrice, He
days, but He did not give any details about this. The
sought the comfort of His friends, but they were
apostles did not understand Jesus’ words at all. (See
asleep, overcome by their own grief (Lk 22:45).
Mk 8:31-33 for more biblical reference.)
His only recourse proved to be His heavenly
Jesus’ Second Prediction Father. In His prayer, Jesus accepted His
Father’s will. This perfect loving obedience
In the second prediction, the mood was more brought Him the strength to carry through the
intense. There was a hint of betrayal in the phrase “to Passion. Prayer is at the heart of the Gethsemane
be handed over to men.” The apostles were very quiet. scene.
(See Mk 9:30-32 for more biblical reference.)
Jesus’ Third Prediction ● The Betrayal of Judas and the Arrest of
Jesus (Mt 26:47-56; Jn 18:1-14)
In the third prediction, Jesus included specific Judas, one of the twelve who had turned a
details of His suffering: the mocking and scourging. traitor and had become a hired spy, pointed out
Jesus was described as walking ahead of the apostles, Jesus to the temple guards and Jewish
suggesting the intensity of His desire to fulfill His authorities by kissing Him.
mission. The apostles were completely bewildered, yet
they followed Jesus because they loved Him. ● Jesus’ Death on the Cross
The Institution of the Eucharist (Lk 22:14-20) After Jesus’ terrible scourging, Pilate
handed Jesus over to the soldiers to be crucified.
The Last Supper is the new Passover meal. Crucifixion was the most painful from the death
Like all practicing Jews, the apostles were all aware of widely used in the early centuries of the Roman
the meaning of the Passover meal and its significance, Empire. Roman citizens could not be crucified.
expressed in the symbolism of its various elements like Only slaves, foreign traitors to the state, and
the slain Paschal lamb, the unleavened bread, the bitter criminals of the worst kind could be executed in
herbs, and the cup of wine. But at the Last Supper, the this manner.
apostles realized that something even more significant
was taking place. MEANING OF JESUS’ DEATH TO THE
The New Commandment of Love
Jesus also declared His new commandment of For Local Romans: Jesus’ death meant the end of
love during the Last Supper event as described in the another routine execution of a troublemaker.
Gospel of John–“I give you a new commandment: love For Jewish Leaders - Jesus’ death was designed
one another. As I have loved you, so you also should
to be the end of their fears that Jesus would
love one another. This is how all I will know that you
are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (Jn
supplant them.
13:3435). For Jesus’ followers (before) - Jesus’ death was
The institution of the Eucharist, the Death on initially the devastation of their faith in Him.
the Cross, and our present celebration of the Sacrament
To Jesus Himself - His death crowned His earthly
of the Eucharist can only be summarized in one word–
ministry as the greatest act of love for us and for
our salvation.
Uniting Jesus in His Passion
To Present- day Disciples of Jesus (Us) - Jesus
All four Gospels give extensive accounts of died for our sinfulness; He died to show us how to
Jesus’ Passion and Death. We call these accounts the overcome sin and its effects on our broken world
Passion narratives. Some details in the Passion and to empower us to fight sin; conquered what is
narratives differ among the books since the accounts
evil and brought us new life.
came from different sources and points of view, but
the main idea and events are unmistakably clear. The NOTE: “INRI” is an abbreviation for the Latin IESUS
events of Jesus’ Passion are discussed below. NAZARENUS REX IUDAEORUM “Jesus of Nazareth, King
of the Jews.” These four letters were sometimes referred to
as the sacred monogram, perhaps they originated as a kind C. The Risen Lord Appears to Two Disciples on
of vague parallel to the Tetragrammaton, YHWH (cf.
the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-31)
Bringing Out Evidence for the - The two disciples recognized the Risen Christ
Resurrection only during the breaking of the bread.
Resurrection is Jesus’ passage from death to a D. The Risen Lord Appears before the Apostles
new glorified life. It is the central event in God’s (Luke 24:36-43)
plan of salvation.
- Jesus appeared to the apostles who were hiding
CFC 629:Christ’s Resurrection, as an event, is in the cenacle room/upper room.
both historical and trans-
historical. - Jesus greeted them with the words “peace be
with you.”
It is historical in terms of the testimonies of the
witnesses of the Risen Christ, E.Jesus Appears before Thomas (John 20:24-
the empty tomb, etc. It 29)
surpasses and transcends history - Thomas exclaimed the words “My Lord and my
(trans-historical) because the God” after he touched the hands of Jesus.
Resurrection is Jesus leaving the
historical conditions of time and CCC651 "If Christ has not been raised, then our
space. No one claimed to have preaching is in vain, and your faith is in
seen the event and no one vain."521 The Resurrection above all constitutes the
described how it took place. No confirmation of all Christ's works and teachings.
one, in fact, can explain what All truths, even those most inaccessible to human
“risen glorified existence” is. reason, find their justification if Christ by his
Resurrection has given the definitive proof of his
HISTORICAL EVIDENCE OF JESUS’ divine authority, which He had promised.
CCC652 Christ's Resurrection is the fulfillment of
1. The Empty Tomb the promises both of the Old Testament and of
2. The Resurrection Appearances Jesus himself during his earthly life. The phrase
"in accordance with the Scriptures" indicates that
A. The Risen Lord and the Women at the Tomb Christ's Resurrection fulfilled these predictions.
(from the Synoptic Gospels)
CCC 655 Finally, Christ's Resurrection and the
- The women went to anoint Jesus’ body on Easter risen Christ Himself is the principle and source
Sunday. of our future resurrection: "Christ has been
- They found that the stone sealing the tomb had raised from the dead, the first fruits of those
been rolled away. who have fallen asleep. . . For as in Adam all
die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.
- The body of Jesus was gone. "The risen Christ lives in the hearts of his
faithful while they await that fulfillment. In
- A message was given that Jesus had risen.
Christ, Christians "have tasted. . . the powers of
B. The Risen Lord Appears before Mary the age to come" and their lives are swept up by
Magdalene (John 20:11-18) Christ into the heart of divine life, so that they
may "live no longer for themselves but for him
- Jesus was transformed when He appeared to
who for their sake died and was raised.
Mary; hence, Mary did not recognize Him.
This conviction of the disciples on
- Jesus called Mary’s name. The Word of God
Jesus’ Resurrection is based on the historical
penetrated her heart allowing her to recognize the
witness of the apostles. It is their concrete
Risen Christ.
historical witness to the reality of Jesus’
- We need faith to recognize the Risen Christ in Resurrection that a) changed their life
our lives. completely, 2) grounded the beginnings of the
church; and 3) inspired the writing and
formation of the New Testament and instituted
the observance of Sunday as the Lord’s Day.

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