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Watts to Amps Calculator

Electric power in watts (W) to electric current in amps (A) calculator.

 Watts to Amps
 Amps to Watts
Current type Direct Current (DC) Alternating Current (AC) - Single phase Alternating
Current (AC) - Three phase
Power (watts)
mW W kW
Voltage (volts)
mV V kV
Power factor (≤1)
= Calculate × Reset ⇅ Swap
Current (amps)
Current (milliamps)
Amps to watts calculator ►
* Use e for scientific notation. E.g: 5e3, 4e-8, 1.45e12

DC watts to amps calculation

The current I in amps (A) is equal to the power P in watts (W), divided by the
voltage V in volts (V):
I(A) =
P(W) V(V)
P = 200W, V = 40V
200W 40V
= 5A

AC single phase watts to amps calculation

The phase current I in amps (A) is equal to the power P in watts (W), divided by
the power factor PF times the RMS voltage V in volts (V):
I(A) =
P(W) PF × V(V)
The power factor of resistive impedance load is equal to 1.
P = 2000W, V = 110V, PF = 0.8
2000W 0.8×110V
= 22.72727A

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