Locomotion & Movement MOCK

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Biology at Ease

Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

1. Intercostal muscles occur in :

A. Abdomen

B. Thigh

C. Ribs

D. Diaphragm

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

2. The type of joint between the human skull bones is called :

A. Cartilaginous joint

B. Hinge joint

C. Fibrous join

D. Synovial joint

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

3. Which of the following tissue is originated from mesoderm?

A. Spinal cord

B. Muscles

C. Brain

D. Digestive tract

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

4. Global head of myosin molecule act as :

A. ATPase

B. CTPase

C. TTPase

D. GTPase

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

5. Hydra uses_______for capturing its prey.

A. Cilia

B. Tentacles

C. Flagella

D. Pseudopodia

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

6. Which of the following disease is an autoimmune disorder?

A. Gout

B. Myasthenia gravis

C. Arthritis

D. Osteoporosis

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

7. Which of the following muscle is primarily involved in locomotion?

A. Smooth

B. Cardiac

C. Tendon

D. Skeletal

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

8. Which of the following is the correct description of a certain part of a

normal human skeleton?

A. Parietal bone and the temporal bone of the skull are joined by fibrous

B. B. First vertebra is axis, which articulates with the occipital condyles

C. C. The 9th and 10th pairs of ribs are called the floating ribs

D. Glenoid cavity is a depression to which the thigh bone articulates.

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

9. Which of the following items gives its correct total number?

A. Types of diabetes-3

B. B. Cervical vertebrae in humans-8

C. C. Floating ribs in humans – 4

D. Amino acids found in proteins - 16

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

10. Which of the following cells use flagella for locomotion?


B. Ovum

C. Alveoli


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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

11. Which one of the following component is the part of pectoral girdle?

A. Acetabulum

B. Hilum

C. Sternum

D. Glenoid cavity

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

12. Calcium is important in skeletal muscle contraction because it

A. Detaches the myosin head from the actin filament

B. Activates the myosin ATPase by binding to it

C. Binds to troponin to remove the masking of active sites on actin for


D. Prevents the formation of bonds between the myosin cross bridges

and the actin filament

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

13. The skeleton of head is called:

A. Hyoid

B. Skull

C. Ossicle

D. Cartilage

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

14. Select the correct statement with respect to locomotion in humans.

A. A decreased level of progesterone osteoporosis in old people.

B. Accumulation of uric and crystals in joints causes their inflammation

C. The vertebral column has 10 thoracic vertebrae

D. The joint between adjacent vertebrae is a fibrous joint

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

15. How many pairs of ribs are present in the human body?

A. 12

B. 24

C. 13

D. 15

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

16. Number of cervical vertebrae in camel is :

A. More than that of rabbit

B. Less than that of rabbit

C. Same as that of a whale

D. More than that of a horse

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

17. How many vertebrae are present in a vertebral column of adult


A. 26

B. 30

C. 20

D. 14

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

18. The type of muscle present in our

A. Heart is involuntary and unstriated smooth muscle

B. Intestine is striated and involuntary

C. Thigh is striated and voluntary

D. Upper arm is smooth muscle and fusiform in shape

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

19. Osteoporosis, an age-related disease of skeletal system, may occur

due to

A. Accumulation of uric acid leading to inflammation of joints

B. Immune disorder affecting neuromuscular junction leading to fatigue

C. High concentration of Ca** and Na

D. Decreased level of estrogen

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

20. The floating ribs play an important role for the protection of

A. Buccal cavity

B. Testes

C. Kidneys

D. Ovaries

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

21. The clavicle articulates with ________ of scapula

A. Acromion process [2003]

B. Glenoid cavity

C. Acetabulum cavity

D. Ball and socket joint

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

22. The U-Shaped bone present at the base of buccal cavity is

A. Skull

B. Hyoid

C. Incus

D. Stapes

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

23. How many vertebrae are arranged in a vertebral column of adult


A. 24

B. 26

C. 32

D. 20

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

24. First seven vertebrae of the vertebral column constitute

A. Thoracic vertebrae

B. Coccyx

C. Cervical vertebrae

D. Sacral vertebrae

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

25. The articulation of the lower limbs with the axial skeleton occurs by
the means of

A. Pectoral girdle

B. Pelvic girdle

C. Appendicular skeleton

D. Occipital bone

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

26. Which one of the following bone is NOT involved in the formation of
coxal bone?

A. Ulna

B. Ilium

C. Ischium

D. Pubis

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

27. _______ has flagella for locomotion.

A. Amoeba

B. Spermatozoa

C. Leucocyte

D. Marcrophages

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

28. Which one of the following structures contract and relax rhythmically
to produce movement?

A. Flagella

B. Cilia

C. Muscles

D. Pseudopodia

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

29. The muscle is specialized tissue which is originated from

A. Endoderm

B. Mesoderm

C. Ectoderm

D. Yolk sac

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

30. Vertebrochondral ribs are

A. 1st to 7th pairs of ribs

B. 8th, 9th and 10th pairs of ribs

C. 11th and 12th pairs of ribs

D. 9th and 11th pairs of ribs

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

31. Cells of Human body exhibits how many types of Movements?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 2

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

32. Passage of Ova through the female reproductive tract is an example

of :

A. Flagellar movement

B. Amoeboid movement

C. Ciliary movement

D. Muscular movement

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

33. For locomotion in humans, select the correct statement:

A. Accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints causes inflammation

B. The vertabral column has 10 thoracic vertebrae

C. The joint between adjacent vertebrae is a fibrous joint

D. Decreased level of progesterone causes osteoporosis in old people

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

34. Which of the following movement is responsible for maintenance of

water current in the canal system of Sponges:

A. Ciliary movement

B. Flagellar movement

C. Amoeboid movement

D. Muscular movement

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

35. Mark the wrong feature of visceral muscles:

A. Located in the inner walls of hollow visceral organs

B. Do not exhibit any striation

C. Rough in appearance

D. Involuntary muscles

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

36. What does the glenoid cavity articulate?

A. Scapula with acromion

B. Clavicle with scapula

C. Humerus with scapula

D. Clavicle with acromion

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

37. A sustained muscle contraction characterised by a lack of relaxation

between successive stimuli is known as?

A. Spasm

B. Fatigue

C. Tonus

D. Tetanus

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

38. In humans, which is the joint found between the sternum and the

A. Angular joint

B. Fibrous joint

C. Cartilaginous joint

D. Gliding joint

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

39. Assertion: Visceral muscles are also called as smooth muscles.

Reason: Visceral muscles do not exhibit any striation.

A. Both Assertion and Reason are True & Reason is Correct explanation
of Assertion

B. Both Assertion and Reason are False

C. Assertion is True but Reason is False

D. Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not Correct
explanation of Assertion
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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

40. Identify the type of muscle based on the following characters:

Striated, involuntary in nature, it’s cells assemble in a branching
pattern to form a muscle.

A. Skeletal muscles

B. Smooth muscles

C. Visceral muscles

D. Cardiac muscles

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

41. Identify A, B and C id the given diagram choose the correct option.

a. A- Sternum, B- Vertebral column, C- Ribs

b. A- Ribs, B-day Vertebral column, C- Coccyx
c. A- Ribs, B- Sternum, C- Coccyx
d. A- Sternum, B-Ribs, C- Vertebral column

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

42. The given figure shows an actin (thin) filament. Identify the labelled
parts A, B and C and select the correct option.

a. Tropomyosin Troponin F- actin
b. Troponin Myosin Tropomyosin
c. Troponin Tropomyosin Myosin
d. Tropinin Tropomyosin F- actin

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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

43. Identify the labelling (A-F) correctly

a. A- Neural spine, B- Coccyx, E- Thoracic vertebra

b. C- Sacrum, D- Cervical vertebrae, F- Lumbar vertebra
c. B- Sacrum, D- Cervical vertebra, F- Lumbar
d. A- Inter- vertebral disc, B- Sacrum, E- Lumbar vertebra
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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

44. Study the following flowchart and fill up the blanks by selecting the
correct option.

a. Thoracic skeleton Limbs Skull Ribs

b. Appendicular skeleton Skull Ribs Limbs
c. Appendicular skeleton Limbs Ribs Skull
d. Lumbar skeleton Limbs Skull Ribs
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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

45. Anatomical unit of muscle represent by?

a. C b. A
c. B d. D

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

46. In the given diagram of skull, what does “I” represent?

(a) Frontal bone (b) Temporal bone

(c) Occipital bone (d) Parietal bone

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

47. Consider the diagram given below and identify the parts labelled as
1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively.

a. Femur, llium, Tibia, Pubis, and Sacrum

b. Pubis, Tibia, Femur, llium and Sacrum
c. Llium, Femur, Tibia, Pubis, and Sacrum
d. Pubis, Femur, Tibia, llium, and Sacrum
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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

48. Select the correct statement regarding specific disorder of muscular

or skeletal system.

a. Muscular dystrophy – Age related shortening of muscles.

b. Osteoporosis- Decrease in bone mass and higher chances of fractures

with advancing age.

c. Myasthenia gravis- Autoimmune disorder which inhibits sliding of

Myosin filaments.

d. Gout- Inflammation of joints due extra deposition of calcium.

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

49. Each sarcomere is formed by

(a)2 ‘A’ bands 2 ‘I’ bands

(b) 2 ‘A’ bands 1 ‘I’ bands

(c) 1 ‘A’ bands 2 ‘I’ bands

(d) 1 ‘A’ bands and 2 half ‘I’ bands

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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

50. Select the correct optiom

(a) 8th 9th and 10th pairs of ribs articulate directly with the sternum.

(b) 11th and 12th pairs of ribs are connected to the sternum with the
help of hyaline cartilage, ology

(c) each rib is a flat thin bone and all the ribs are connected dorsally to
the thoracic vertebrae and ventrally to the sternum.

(d) There are seven pairs of vertebrosternal, three pairs of

vertebrochondral and two pairs of vertebral ribs.
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Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology

1) C: Ribs 11) D: Glenoid cavity 21) A: Acromion process

12) C: Binds to troponin to remove 22) B: Hyoid
2) C: Fibrous join the masking of active sites on actin 23) B: 26
3) B: Muscles for myosin 24) C: Cervical vertebrae
13) B: Skull 25) B: pelvic girdle
4) A: ATPase
14) B: Accumulation of uric acid 26) A: Ulna
5) B: Tentacles crystals in joints cause their 27) B: Spermatozoa
6) B: Myasthenia gravis inflammation
28) C: Muscles
15) A: 12
7) D: Skeletal 29) B: Mesoderm
16) C: Same as that of a whale
8) A: Parietal bone and the 30) B: 8th, 9th and 10th pairs of ribs
17) A: 26
temporal bone of the skull are 31) A: 3
18) C: Thigh is striated and
joined by fibrous joint 32) C:Ciliary movement
9) C: Floating ribs in humans —4 33) A:Accumulation of uric acid
19) D: Decreased level of estrogen
crystals in joints cause
10) A: Spermatozoa 20) C: Kidneys
34) B: Flagellar movement
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Biology at Ease
Locomotion and Movement MOCK NEET Biology
35) C: Rough in appearance 49) (d) 1 ‘A’ bands and 2 half ‘I’ bands
36)C: Humerus with scapula
50) (d) There are seven pairs of
vertebrosternal, three pairs of
38) C: Cartilaginous joint vertebrochondral and two pairs of vertebral
39) A: Both Assertion and Reason are True & Reason ribs
is correct explanation of Assertion
40) D: Cardiac muscles
41) d. A-Sternum, B- Ribs, C- Vertebral column
42) d. Troponin Tropomyosin F- actin
43) B-Sacrum, D- Cervical vertebra, F- Lumbar
44) b. Appendicular skeleton Skull Ribs Limbs
45) b. A
46) (b) Temporal bone
47) d. Pubis, Femur, Tibia, llium, and Sacrum
48) b. Osteoporosis- Decrease in bone mass and
higher chances of fractures with advancing age
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