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Hooke’s Law, Stress-Strain Relationship

SUBMITTED BY : M.J. Arleen Mefie



SESSION : 2023-2024


I, M. J.ARLEEN MEFIE, of class XI A do hereby declare that this

project is my original work. I extend my appreciation and gratitude to my

Physics teacher for her wholehearted support and guidance for the successful

completion of the project.

Name of the Student : M.J. Arleen Mefie



This is to certify that the Project entitled To Study the Hooke’s Law,

Stress – strain relationship is authentic work carried out under my

supervision as part of the CBSE Curriculum of Class XI Physics and that it is

as per the guidelines issued by CBSE. To the best of my knowledge, the Project

is original, and a bona fide work undertaken by

M.J.ARLEEN MEFIE of class XI A during the academic year 2023-24.

Name of Physics Teacher : Mrs. Ramya

Signature :


To Study the Hooke’s Law, Stress-Strain Relationship


Hooke’s law states that the strain of the material is proportional to the

applied stress within the elastic limit of that material. In the 19th-century, while

studying springs and elasticity, English scientist Robert Hooke noticed that

many materials exhibited a similar property when the stress-strain relationship

was studied. There was a linear region where the force required to stretch the

material was proportional to the extension of the material. When the elastic

materials are stretched, the atoms and molecules deform until stress is applied,

and when the stress is removed, they return to their initial state.


1. Acknowledgement 2

2. Certificate 3

3. Objective 4

4. Action plan 5

5. Topic 7

6. Theory 11

7. Conclusion 12

8. Bibliography 13


To Study the Hooke’s Law, Stress – strain relationship


Stress and strain take different forms in the situations. For small

deformations the stress and strain are proportional to each other. This is known

as Hooke’s law. Thus, stress∝ strain stress = k × strain where, k is the

proportionality constant and is

known as modulus of elasticity.

Hooke’s law is an empirical law

and is found to be valid for most

materials. However, there are

some materials which do note exhibit this linear relationship. The relation

between the stress and the strain for a given material under tensile stress can

be found experimentally.

In a standard test of tensile properties, a test cylinder or a wire is

stretched by an applied force. The fractional change in length (the strain) and

the applied force needed to cause the strain are recorded. The applied force is

gradually increased in steps and the change in length is noted. A graph is

plotted between the stress (which is equal in magnitude to the applied force per

unit area) and the strain produced. A typical graph for a metal. Analogous

graphs for compression and shear stress may also be obtained.

The stress-strain curves vary from material to material. These curves

help us to understand how a given material forms with increasing loads. From

the graph, we can see that in the region between O to A, the curve is linear. In

this region, Hooke’s law is obeyed. The body regains its original dimensions

when the applied force is removed. In this region, the solid behaves as an

elastic body .In the region from A to B, stress and strain are not proportional.

Nevertheless, the body still returns to its original dimension when the load is

removed. The point B in the curve is known as yield point (also known as

elastic limit) and the corresponding stress is known as yield strength (σy) of

the material.

If the load is increased further, the stress developed exceeds the yield

strength and strain increases rapidly even for a small change in the stress. The

portion of the curve between B and D shows this. When the load is removed,

say at some point C between B and D, the body does not regain its original

dimension. In this case, even when the stress is zero, the strain is not zero. The

material is said to have a permanent set. The deformation is said to be plastic

deformation. The point D on the graph is the ultimate tensile strength (σu ) of

the material. Beyond this point, additional strain is produced even by a reduced

applied force and fracture occurs at point E. If the ultimate strength and fracture

points D and E are close, the material is said to be brittle. If they are far apart,

the material is said to be ductile.

As stated earlier, the stress-strain behavior varies from material to

material. For example, rubber can be pulled to several times its original length

and still returns to its original shape. Fig. shows stress-strain curve for the

elastic tissue of aorta, present in the heart. Note that although elastic region is

very large, the material does not obey Hooke’s law over most of the region.

Secondly, there is no well-defined plastic region. Substances like tissue of

aorta, rubber etc. which can be stretched to cause large strains are called


Materials Required

1. Vertical Hanging Spring

2. Ruler

3. Different Masses

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1. Hang the spring on a vertical plane.

2. Measure its initial length.

3. Hang one mass.

4. Record the new length.

5. Calculate the difference between the initial and new lengths.

6. Repeat the procedure with different masses while recording the new lengths.

7. Record the extension by subtracting the new length from the initial in each


8. Plot a graph of the extension, x, versus the mass.

9. Calculate the spring constant from the slope of the graph.


1. When a graph between stress and strain is plotted for a wire, it is observed

that stress directly proportional to strain and Hooke’s law is followed.

2. Hooke’s Law only applies to materials being stressed to their elastic limit.

3. If stress is increased, a large strain in the wire is seen but the wire returns to

its original length when load is withdrawn.

4. The region between elastic limit, and fracture limit is called plastic region.
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1. Hooke’s Law is applied only in the elastic region.

2. Hooke’s Law gives accurate results only for solid bodies if the forces and

deformations are small.

3. Hooke’s Law is not universal law.

Application of Hooke’s Law

1. It is used in breathing (lungs), skin, spring beds, diving boards and cars

suspension systems.

2. It is used as a fundamental principle behind the manometer, spring scale and

balance wheel of the clock.

3. It is also used as the foundation for seismology, acoustics and molecular



1. Kinks should be removed from experimental wire before starting


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2. Diameter of wire should be measured at different positions and along two

mutually perpendicular directions at every position.

3. Two-minute wait should be made after gently adding or removing weight.

4. Load should be increased or decreased in regular steps.

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Hooke’s Law Applications

 It is used as a fundamental principle behind the manometer, spring scale,

and the balance wheel of the clock.

 Hooke’s law sets the foundation for seismology, acoustics and

molecular mechanics.

Hooke’s Law Disadvantages

 Hooke’s law ceases to apply past the elastic limit of a material.

 Hooke’s law is accurate only for solid bodies if the forces and

deformations are small.

 Hooke’s law isn’t a universal principle and only applies to the materials

as long as they aren’t stretched way past their capacity.

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