BKN-PLT-SOP-004 Condition Monitoring

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Revision Status

Issue Revision Initiated Site President

Date Checked By
Rev. Description By Manager Director
May 10,


DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................................................. 2

TUJUAN & RUANG LINGKUP ....................................................................................................... 3
DEFINISI ..................................................................................................................................... 3
PROSEDUR ................................................................................................................................. 4
1. INFORMASI UMUM ........................................................................................................ 4
2. KETENTUAN CBM RATING & PELAKSANAANNYA ............................................................ 4
REFERENSI .................................................................................................................................. 6


TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. 2

PURPOSE & SCOPE ..................................................................................................................... 3
DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 3
PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................. 4
1. GENERAL INFORMATIONS .............................................................................................. 4
2. POLICY OF CBM RATING AND EXECUTION ...................................................................... 4
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 6

Condition Monitoring 2 BKN-PLT-SOP-004




Procedure (SOP) ini bertujuan untuk:

This procedure (SOP) aims to:
 Menjelaskan kebijakan perusahaan sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan program condition based
monitoring (CBM).
Describe the company policy which relates to the implementation of the condition based monitoring
(CBM) program.
 Sebagai guideline untuk proses monitoring kondisi komponen pada equipment Departemen Plant
dalam kerangka pengelolaan preventive maintenance yang lebih efektif dan efisien.
Act as a guideline for the process of monitoring the condition of the components/ equipment in the
Plant Department within the framework more effective and efficient preventive maintenance
 Memberikan panduan garis besar alur proses pelaksanaan program condition based monitoring
(CBM) mulai dari melengkapi data matrix CBM, analisa dan trending data, investigasi dan follow up
data CBM serta pencatatan perbaikan yang telah dilakukan sebagai bagian dari historical data
Provide guidance outlining the process flow program execution of condition based monitoring (CBM)
from the CBM matrix complete data, analysis and trending of data, investigation and follow-up data
CBM well as recording improvements that have been undertaken as part of the historical data


Condition based monitoring (CBM) - adalah suatu proses pemantuan parameter kondisi yang menjadi
indikasi dari kerusakan yang sedang terjadi pada suatu komponen yang dilakukan secara regular dan
terjadwal yang dilanjutkan dengan analisa dari seluruh data pendukung yang tersedia untuk mendeteksi
kondisi dan performance terkini dari komponen dan memperkirakan umur efektif komponen tersebut
(component life).
Condition-based monitoring (CBM) - is a monitoring process of parameters for conditions which are
indicative of damage that is happening to a component. This is done regularly and scheduled with analysis
of all the data available to support detecting conditions and performance of the components and estimate
the effective life of the component (component life).
Schedule Oil Sampling (SOS) - adalah pengambilan sample oli secara berkala sesuai jadwal yang telah
ditentukan sebagai salah satu tool perawatan yang diperlukan untuk mengetahui tingkat keausan dari
part bagian dalam (inner part) sehingga deteksi kerusakan kerusakan dini pada komponen bisa diketahui.
Schedule Oil Sampling (SOS) - is oil sampling according to the schedule that has been determined as one
of the tools necessary care to determine the rate of wear of the inner parts so that the detection of damage
to the components can be known.
Onboard monitoring system (OMS) - adalah suatu system yang terpasang pada peralatan untuk
memonitor kondisi aktual berbagai parameter pada peralatan/komponen. Data ini kemudian didownload
dan diolah sehingga bisa menampilkan rekaman fault history serta trend analisis yang membantu
Departemen Plant dalam melakukan perencanaan kegiatan preventive maintenance dan perbaikan
Onboard monitoring system (OMS) - is a system installed in the equipment to monitor the actual
conditions of various parameters of the equipment/components. This data can be downloaded and
processed so that it can display the fault recording history and trend analysis that help the Plant
Department in planning preventive maintenance and repair of equipment.

Condition Monitoring 3 BKN-PLT-SOP-004


Program Pemeriksaan Mesin (PPM) - adalah satu program perawatan eguipment yang dilakukan secara
berkala dengan melakukan pengukuran dan diagnostic serta pelaksanaan minor repair dan adjustment
untuk kondisi abnormal (tidak sesuai standar) yang sifatnya mendesak, yang ditujukan untuk
mempertahankan performance unit sesuai dengan standar.
Engine Inspection Program (PPM) - is an equipment maintenance program which is carried out
periodically by measuring and diagnostics as well as implementing minor repairs and adjustments for
abnormal conditions (not according to standards) that are urgent, which are intended to maintain the unit
in accordance with performance standards.
Program Pemeriksaan Undercarriage (PPU) - adalah satu program perawatan eguipment yang dilakukan
secara berkala dengan melakukan pengukuran terhadap komponen undercarriage untuk mengetahui
tingkat keausan komponen, sehingga waktu penggantian/rebuild komponen dapat diperkirakan untuk
perencanaan persediaan sparepart.
Undercarriage Inspection Program (PPU) - is an equipment maintenance program which is carried out
periodically by measuring the undercarriage components to determine the level of wear of the
components, so that schedules for replacement / rebuild components can be pro-actively estimated for
spare parts inventory planning.


Proses pelaksanaan condition based monitoring (CBM) mencakup:

The Condition Based Monitoring execution process contains:
 Schedule oil sampling (SOS)
 On-board monitoring system (OMS)
 Program pemeriksaan mesin (PPM)/Machine Checking Program
 Program pemeriksaan undercarriage (PPU)/Undercarriage Checking Program
 Program pemeriksaan attachmant (PPA)/Attachment Checking Program
 Magnetic plug rating
 Filter cut rating
 Cylinder rating
 Penggunaan oli, coolant dan grease/Oil, coolant and grease usage
 Konsumsi fuel/Fuel consumption
 Data pareto/Pareto data
 Historical breakdown
Aktivitas pemantuan ini di lakukan oleh CBM planner, dibantu oleh maintenance engineer HO dan
koordinasi dengan planning engineer di head office.
This monitoring activity is conducted by CBM planner, assisted by a maintenance engineer HO and in
coordination with the Planning Engineer at the head office.



2.1 Ketentuan CBM Rating

CBM Rating Policy
Semua hasil condition based monitoring (CBM) diinput ke CBM matrix data base dan rating sistem
kondisi komponen pada CBM matrix yang dibagi menjadi 4 kondisi dengan kode sebagai berikut:

Condition Monitoring 4 BKN-PLT-SOP-004


All the results of condition based monitoring (CBM) are input to the CBM matrix database and the
rating system for CBM matrix component conditions are divided into four conditions with the
following codes:
 A – Normal (kondisi komponen normal)
A - Normal (normal component conditions)
 B- reportable (belum disarankan action perbaikan)
B- reportable (not recommended for corrective action)
 C- Abnormal (direkomendasikan dilakukan action perbaikan)
C - Abnormal (recommended for corrective action)
 X- Critical ( STOP peralatan dan lakukan perbaikan segera)
X - Critical (STOP equipment and make repairs immediately)
CBM matrix adalah suatu data base di file excel untuk menyimpan record status kondisi terakhir
komponen dan semua sumber monitoring yang digunakan dan diringkas dalam satu format guna
membantu Planner maupun setiap orang mengetahui status komponen. CBM planner
bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan matrix selalu up to date.
CBM matrix is an Excel database to save the records of the last condition of component status and
all monitoring resources are used and summarized in a format to help the Planner and all relevant
people knowledgable of the status of the component. The CBM planner is responsible for ensuring
the matrix is always up to date.
2.2 Ketentuan pelaksanaan CBM
CBM Execution Policy
Monitoring Proses:
Monitoring Process:
 Schedule Oil Sampling (SOS)
Pengambilan SOS dilakukan setiap periodical service dan pada saat component failure.
Schedule oil sampling (SOS)
SOS is done every periodical service and at the time of component failure.
 On-Board Monitoring System (OMS).
Hal ini dilakukan setiap periodical service dan pada saat component failure. Ada beberapa On-
board monitoring system (OMS) meliputi:
This is done every periodical service and at the time of component failure. There are some on-
board monitoring systems (OMS) including:
1. Komatsu: VHMS,Komtrax
2. Caterpillar: VIMS,TPMS,ET
3. Hitachi: MIC,HMS
5. Mercedes: STARD
6. Keestrack
 Program Pemeriksaan Mesin (PPM)
PPM dilaksanakan setiap interval 2000 jam operasi bersamaan waktunya dengan schedule
periodic service. Untuk hasil PPM yang tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi, perbaikan dan
adjustment segera pada saat itu juga untuk mengembalikan ke standard.
Machine Inspection Program (PPM)
PPM conducted at every interval of 2000 hours of operation and carried on concurrently with
the periodic service schedule. For PPM results that are not appropriate with specifications,
repair and adjustment are carried out immediately to return to the standard.
 Program Pemeriksaan Undercarriage (PPU)
PPU dilaksanakan secara periodik pada peralatan yang menggunakan track dengan interval
pemeriksaan sebagai berikut:
Undercarriage Inspection Program

Condition Monitoring 5 BKN-PLT-SOP-004


Undercariage Inspection Program carried out periodically on equipment that uses a track with
inspection intervals as follows:
1. Dozer : setiap 500 jam
Dozer : every 500 hours
2. Exavator, Crushing, screener : setiap 1000 jam
Exavator, Crushers, Screener : every 1000 hours
Pelaksanaan PPU dilakukan oleh Foreman atau dedicated mekanik setelah terlebih dahulu unitnya
dicuci atau komponen undercarriagenya dibersihkan.
Undercariage Inspection Program execution is carried out by a Foreman or a dedicated mechanic
after the units are firstly washed or the undercarriage components are cleaned.
 Program Pemeriksaan Attachment (PPA)
PPA dilakukan setiap periodical service. Untuk perbaikan yang critical dan mendesak di mana
tidak bisa ditunda lagi, maka perbaikan dilakukan pada saat service itu juga setelah mendapat
persetujuan dari Superitendent.
Attachment Inspection Program
Attachment Inspection Program is conducted during every periodical service. For critical and
urgent repairs which can not be postponed, corrections are made at the time of service after
Superintendent approval is given.
 Magnetic Plugs
Magnetic plugs dilakukan setiap periodical service. Lakukan evaluasi selalu terhadap hasil dari
magnetic plugs.
Magnetic Plugs
Magnetic plugs are checked every periodical service. Always evaluate and record (using
photographic records of abnormal conditions) the results of magnetic plug checks.
 Cylinder Rating
Cylinder rating dilakukan setiap periodical service dan pada saat komponen failure.
Cylinder Rating
Cylinder ratings are done every periodical service and at the time of component failure.
 Filter Cut Rating
Filter cut dilakukan setiap periodical service dan pada saat komponen failure.
Filter Cut Rating
Filter Cut Ratings are done every periodical service and at the time of component failure.
Photgraphic records are filed for abnormal conditions.


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