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Republic Of The Philippines

Department of Education
Alfelor Senior Memorial College Inc.
Poblacion Zone II Del Gallego Cmarines Sur

Title: Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics 5

Time Frame: 50 minutes
Teacher: Rachel Ann Mendoza
Objective: At the end of this lesson learner are expected to;
 Determine proper and improper fraction
 Value proper and improper fraction through real life application
 Draw proper and improper fractions
Topic: Proper and Improper Fraction
Reference Material
Internet Chalk/Marker
Power Point Presentation
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
A. Motivation Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
Today we are going to have a little
game called cut me.

I will you give you a picture of a

pizza and I will say a number, and
you have to give the number of
sliced pizza I asked for and put it
into plate like this. The first group to
give the correct order will win the

First we have to divide the class

into three groups. This will be the
first group, this will be the second
group and that will be the third
group. Okay, now you can go with
your groupmates quietly. Is that Yes ma’am
clear? Yes Ma’am
The Group who got the most points
will be the winner of the game.
Each group will have eight slices of
Okay let’s start.

I want to order 3 slice of pizza

Very good!

I want to order 5 slice of pizza


I want to order 7 slice of pizza

Great job!

Next, I want to order 1 slice of

Very good!

For the last 1, I would like to order 1

whole pizza

Did you enjoy class? Yes ma’am

Okay now go back to your seat and

settle down.

Now class before we continue, I

would like to introduce you some

Let’s read it together.

Fraction-A number that indicates Fraction-A number that indicates
that one number is divided by that one number is divided by
another. another.
Denominator- The number in the Denominator- The number in the
fraction that is below the line. fraction that is below the line.
Numerator- The number in the Numerator- The number in the
fraction that is above the line. fraction that is above the line.
Fraction Bar- is the visual Fraction Bar- is the visual
representation of fraction, it is the representation of fraction, it is the
line between numerator and line between numerator and
denominator. denominator.

Okay class after this lesson you are

expected to.
 Determine proper and
improper fraction
 Value proper and improper
fraction through real life
 Draw proper and improper

First group please read the first  Determine proper and

bullet. improper fraction

Thank you!
This group please read the second  Value proper and
bullet. improper fraction through
real life application
Thank you!
Now everybody read the third bullet.  Differentiate proper and
improper fractions
Thank you!

B. Presentation Now class I am going to show you

two pictures, but before I show you
the picture I have a question and we
are going to answer the question
after you see the picture.
The question is…
Which picture has greater
denominator and which picture has
greater numerator?
Please everybody read the question. Which picture has greater
denominator and which picture
has greater numerator?
Thank you!
Now here is the picture

Picture A


Picture B


In picture A we have 2 over 3 or 2

third and in picture B we have 8
over 3 or 8 third
Now can you answer the question? Yes Ma’am
Okay who wants to answer just raise
your hand. Ma’am picture A has a greater
denominator and picture B has
greater numerator.
Very Good let’s give him a Barangay

Clap, Clap, Clap

Stump, stump, stump Clap, Clap, Clap
Yeheyyy! Stump, stump, stump

C. Discussion Now we are going to discuss about

proper and improper fraction.

First let’s read the meaning of proper

and improper Fraction.

Please read the definition of proper


Proper Fraction- It is the fraction Proper Fraction- It is the

whose numerator is smaller than fraction whose numerator is
denominator. smaller than denominator.
Thank you!
Lately, I show you two pictures
Picture A and picture B
Which picture do you think is an
example of example of proper
fraction according to its definition? Picture A ma’am.
Correct, picture A is a proper
fraction because the denominator is
3 which is greater then the
numerator which is 2.

When we are going to do it in a

figure proper fraction only uses 1

This is two third when we put it in
the figure.

Okay, lets have another example

What fraction is this? One fourth

Very good and one fourth is an
example of proper fraction.
Now do you understand proper
fraction? Yes Ma’am
Okay then let’s see what is the
definition of Improper fraction.

Please read the meaning of improper


Improper Fraction- a fraction Improper Fraction- a fraction

which numerator is greater than the which numerator is greater than
denominator. the denominator.

In the picture lately picture B is the

improper fraction, because 8 is the
numerator and its greater than 3
which is the denominator. When we
put it in figure we uses two or more


This is how we put 8 third into

shaded figure. Now let’s have
another example.

What fraction is this?

Very good, it seven fourth or seven Ma’am it’s seven fourth.
over 4, it’s an example of improper
fraction because the numerator is
seven and it’s greater than 4.

Now class, do you know what is

proper and improper fraction?
Yes ma’am
Okay that’s good to hear.
Let’s check if you really listen to our
discussion well.
D. Generalization What is proper fraction again? It is the fraction whose numerator
is smaller than denominator.
Very good!
How about improper fraction. a fraction which numerator is
greater than the denominator.

How about in drawing it into shaded Ma’am proper fraction only uses
figure, what is the difference one figure while improper
between the two? fraction uses 2 or more figures.

Now for the last question, how are Ma’am in pizza like our game
you going to use it in real life lately
Excellent you really did listen
I think you are ready for an activity.
E. Application Now we are going to have a group
But first we have to form two
groups. This will be the first group
and this will be the second group.
I want everybody to cooperate, and
do the task quietly. When you done
you have to present your work in
front of the class and choose 2
representative to present your group
work, is that clear? Yes ma’am
You have 10 minutes to do the task.

But before you start this is how I am

going to grade each group.
3 2 1
Timeliness The task is The task is Didn’t finish
done before done but a the task in
the given few seconds the given
time ends late after the time.
given time
Presentation The methods The methods The task is
and and not
understanding understanding presented
of the process of the task is properly
is clearly presented
stated with with small
confidence error
and clarity
Cooperation Everyone in Most of the Some of the
the group member in member of
cooperate the group the group
cooperates cooperates

Group 1
Direction: Put a circle on the box if
the fraction is proper and put heart if
its improper fraction

1 1
3 3
6 6
4 4
9 9
2 2
5 5
4 4
6 6
8 8

Group 2
Direction: Draw the figure of the
given proper and improper fraction

1. Proper fraction.
4 1.
2. Improper Fraction
2. 5
Now present your work

( The representative will present)

Evaluation Answer the following.
Determine if the fraction is proper fraction or improper fraction. Write
your answer only.

3. 3

II. Draw the figure of the given fraction.


Assignment Direction: Draw the figure of the given fraction and determine if it’s
proper or improper fraction.


3. 3

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