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Template 1:

In recent years, the issue of ______ (topic). People reckon that _____ (lập đề hoặc
paraphrase đề). This essay aims to discuss some significant merits and the major demerits
associated with this phenomenon.
On the one hand, it is important to highlight that _____ (topic) offers several benefits. The
first notable upside is that _______ (1st advantage). An example of this is that _______,
(provide an example or evidence). Besides, the second remarkable positive aspect is that
____ (describe the second benefit). The potential reason is that _____ (provide an
explanation or supporting details). Lastly, another prominent advantage is that ______ (3 rd
advantage). This means that _____ (explain why this advantage is significant or
On the other hand, it is also evident that there are several detrimental drawbacks related to
this topic. The primary disadvantage is that _____ (describe the main drawback). For
instance, _____ (provide an example or evidence). Another serious drawback is that
______(explain the second disadvantage). This means that _____ (describe the potential
In conclusion, it is important to recognize that _____ (topic) has both positive and
negative aspects. Therefore, it is crucial to appreciate its benefits while addressing its
significant drawbacks. The key takeaway message from this essay is that _____ (give a
2. Adjectives can be added to the nouns (advantages/disadvantages).
- Advantage: Significant, Valuable, Promising, Notable, Substantial, Remarkable,
Positive, Favourable, Rewarding
- Disadvantage: Serious, Significant, Major, Detrimental, Concerning, Unfavourable,
Limiting, Disruptive

Topic 1:
 The Internet helps people connect globally.
 Example: Video calls and social media connect people across continents,
promoting understanding.
 Consequence: A more interconnected world where ideas and cultures spread easily.
Information access:
 The Internet provides quick access to a wide range of information.
 Example: Search engines allow finding information instantly on any topic.
 Online platforms enable convenient worldwide communication.
 Example: Email and social media help connect and collaborate in real-time.
 The Internet offers diverse entertainment options.
 Example: Streaming, social media, and online games cater to various interests.
Information overload:
 Too much online information can lead to confusion and misinformation.
 Example: Difficulty identifying reliable sources and making informed decisions.
Cybersecurity threats:
 The Internet is vulnerable to hacking and privacy violations.
 Example: Identity theft and malware attacks can lead to financial loss.
Digital divide:
 Unequal Internet access creates social and economic inequalities.
 Example: Limited opportunities for those without reliable internet or digital skills.

Topic 2
 Eating local foods reduces pollution and helps the environment.
Buying food from nearby farms means less pollution from long-distance
 Consuming local products can boost the local economy and creates jobs.
Purchasing food from local markets helps local farmers and businesses develop.
 Local foods taste better because they are fresh and not stored for long periods.
Eating local foods means enjoying flavorful and nutritious food.
 Local foods may not offer a wide variety of products throughout the year.
Example: Some fruits or vegetables might only be available seasonally in local markets.
 Local foods can sometimes be more expensive than imported options.
Speciality or organic local products may have higher prices that not everyone can
Cultural and culinary diversity:
Focusing on local foods might limit access to international flavours and cuisines.
Example: Availability of diverse spices or ingredients used in international dishes might
be limited locally.
Topic 3:
Advantages of watching TV:
 Watching TV can provide educational programs that help children learn.
Example: Educational channels teach subjects like science, history, and language.
Consequence: Watching TV helps increase knowledge and provides more learning
opportunities for children.
 TV offers entertainment and relaxation for children after a busy day.
Example: Children can watch cartoons, movies, and shows.
TV programs can help children unwind and enjoy their leisure time.
 Watching TV exposes children to different cultures and perspectives.
Example: Children can watch interesting documentaries and travel shows about
diverse countries and traditions.
TV promotes cultural understanding and broadens children's horizons.
Disadvantages of watching TV:
1. Excessive screen time:
 Spending too much time watching TV can negatively impact children's health.
Children may face physical inactivity and be overweight.
3. Watching TV excessively can reduce social interaction.
Excessive TV watching may limit children's opportunities for socializing.
Spending less time with friends and family due to excessive screen time.

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