Grade 11 Semester One Exam With Key Answer, V8

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ប្រឡងឆមាសវលើកទ្យី១ ថ្នាក់ទ្យី១១

ា សា ៖ (រយៈវេល ៦០ នាទ្យី) េិន្ទុ ៥០
Subject: English (Time allowed: 50 minutes)

I. Reading. Read the article and write the correct form in the gaps. (10 marks)

The Antarctic desert and the Sahara desert are drier than (be / dry / than) other types of land with barely any
precipitation (snow or rain, etc.) every year. While the cold desert, Antarctica, is covered by a huge sheet of ice with
the temperatures between -10°C and -60°C, the Sahara________(have / a / hot) temperature around 40°C-47°C
making it one of________(hot) desert. These areas_______(be / also / difficult) and________(dangerous) to live in
for most humans and animals. Only 2% of Antarctica isn’t fully covered by ice, and that is where seals, penguins, and
other birds live. In contrast, the Sahara is full of sand, but it________(have / more) types of plants and animals such
as snakes, lizards, cheetahs, camels, date palms, etc. Although the Sahara________(be/ hot), it has a population of
approximately 2.5 million people; whereas Antarctica’s population________(be / small / than) 5000, and they are
mostly researchers. Despite the terrible conditions, these two deserts________(be / important / than) we think. The
Antarctica’s ice sheet stores a________(large) amount of freshwater than other places on earth, and the deserts
could provide________ (more) solar energy (from the sun), which could be used for clean energy.

II. Vocabulary. Choose the best word to complete the sentences. Underline a, b, c, or d for your
answers. (10 marks)
1. This is…………...because trees produce the air we breathe - oxygen.
a. frightening b. happy c. crime d. overpopulation
2. I am really…………..just thinking about air pollution.
a. neutral b. worried c. embarrass d. depress
3. Over population is…………other living things die because of us.
a. embarrassing b. exhausted c. entertained d. depressing
4. Sometimes, I feel………..just telling people not to throw their rubbish in the river.
a. frustrated b. tiring c. insects d. dangerous
5. In Cambodia, you……….your chopsticks together on top of the bowl after meals.
a. should leave b. should take off c. should call d. priority
6. I usually………….to my mum when I…………problems
a. talk, have b. say, behave c. tell, am d. talk, see
7. The children often……..their grandmother on Saturday and……..there for a night
a. go, play b. visit, stay c. swim, meet d. had, play
8. On their mum’s birthday, they always……….at a nice restaurant and then………
a show together.
a. eat, see b. watch, play c. drink, happy d. distant, visit
9. A person whose job is to put out fires.
a. firefighter b. fire drill c. crawl d.
10. The action to allow someone to do something.
a. inhale b. permission c. smoke d. acts

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III. Grammar. Choose the correct verb form to fill in the gaps. (10 marks)

1. Gary has travelled a lot. He……… speak five languages.

a. can b. could c. be able to d. cannot
2. I haven’t …….to sleep very well recently
a. been b. been able c. could d. can able
3. You’ve been travelling all day. You……….tired.
a. can be b. must be c. have told been d. be
4. . The woman………lives next door to me is a doctor.
a. who b. which c. that d. whom
5. I don’t like people………complain all the time.
a. that b. which c. who d. where
6. I don’t like stories………have unhappy endings.
a. whose b. who c. which d. whom
7. The restaurant………….we had lunch was near the airport.
a. where b. who c. which d. what
8. I would like to live in a place…….…there is plenty of sunshine.
a. whom b. which c. whose d. where
9. The last time…….I saw her, she looked great.
a. who b. that c. whom d. in which
10. Dara is a person whom I admire very much.
a. whom b. where c. who d. whose
IV. Writing.
Circle a topic to write descriptive paragraph at least 120 words. (10 marks)
. Pagodas in Cambodia
. Importance of Education
. My Favourite Teacher


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Answer Keys
I. Reading. (10 marks)
1. are drier than
2. has a hotter
3. the hottest
4. are also more difficult
5. more dangerous
6. has more
7. is hotter
8. is smaller than
9. are more important than
10. larger
11. more

II. Vocabulary
1. frightening
2. worried
3. embarrassing
4. frustrated
5. should leave
6. talk, have
7. go, play
8. eat, see
9. firefighter
10. permission

IV. Grammar. (10 marks)

1. `can
2. been able
3. must be
4. who
5. who
6. which/that
7. where
8. where
9. that
10. whom

V.Writing. (10 marks)

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