ប្រឡងឆមាសលើកទី១ អង់គ្លេស​​ថ្នាក់ទី១២ និង​​​​ អត្រាកំណែ

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ប្រឡងឆមាសវលើកទ្យី១ ថ្នាក់ទ្យ១
ី ២

ា សា ៖ ភាសាអង់វគេស (រយៈវេល ៦០ នាទ្យី) េិន្ទុ ៥០


I. ឆ
Reading. Read the text and fill the gaps with the words in the box. (10 points)

(…) around (…) noisy (…) jars (…) festivals (…) appropriately
(…) visit (…) temples (…) carvings (…) should (…) important
Pagodas in Cambodia
Cambodia has a lot of (1)………………., or pagodas. Cambodians visit them regularly, but more during
(2)…………………festivals such as Khmer New Year and Pchum Ben. There are about 5000 pagodas
(3)…………….……the country. These temples are really important. A lot of them were built by famous kings and
queens in the past. Some also have (4)…………………….on the walls that tell us how people lived a long time ago.
So, you should go to a pagoda when you (5)………………… Cambodia. You will understand more about how
people in this country live. When you visit a pagoda, you (6)………………take your shoes off and leave them by the
door. It’s also important to dress (7)………………... For example, you shouldn’t wear shorts. Also, it’s a good idea to
take your hat off when you are inside a pagoda. During important (8)………………. such as Pchum Ben, you must
bring food to the monks. You should put some rice in the (9)…………………….for them. When you hand them to the
monks, you should do so with both hands, not just one. Finally, if you go with friends or family, remember to be quiet.
You shouldn’t be too (10)………………. as people will be praying.
II. Grammar. There are four answers after each sentence. Only one answer is correct. Choose the
correct letter a, b, c or d. The first one has been done as an example. (10 points)
Ex. We haven’t got…………..money to buy a new car.
a. quite b. too much c. too many d. enough
1. Cambodian people…………….….before Buddhism came to Cambodia.
a. followed b. following c. had been following d. follow
2. We had better……………..harder. The last exam result was bad.
a. Study b. studies c. studied d. to study
3. ....................a flood, people suffered badly.
a. Before b. After c. When d. Since
4. When I ………….…….TV, the phone rang.
a. watched b. watching c. was watching d. watch
5. This building ……………………in 1897 by French architect.
a. Is built b. was built c. were built d. built
6. …………….Jack………….Tom will help you with housework. They are both busy at the moment.
a. both…and b. neither….nor c. either…or d. not only…..also
7. His father believed in ________ his son _________his friend. He thought that both were telling lies.
a. both…and b. neither….nor c. either…or d. not only…..also
8. When you arrive home, you can ……… phone ……….. text me a message. You can choose one.
a. both…and b. neither….nor c. either…or d. not only…..also
9. We are really happy to hear that the restoration of the hall ...............excellent.
a. has been b. were c. is d. had been
10. I came to school early today_________ I could ask the teacher some questions.
a. in order to b. since c. because of d. so that
III. There are four answers after each sentence. Only one answer is correct. Choose the correct letter
a, b, c or d. The first one has been done as an example. (10 points)

Ex. What are you going to do when you……………school?

a. conclude b. end c. complete d. leave
1. The light bulb was one of the most important_____________ of the 19th century.
a. inventions b. hand-made c. creation d. production
2. Cambodians follow some religions in their country. But the most important one is______________
which equals to 90 percent of their total population.
a. Buddha b. Buddhist c. Buddhism d. Buddhists
3. The police are continuing to _______________ the murder that took place last week near the town centre.
a. search b. find c. examine d. investigate
4. When going to school, all students have to wear the ______________ uniform.
a. normal b. usual c. appropriate d. fancy
5. Like Earth, all the ____________ are thought to be rocky and have a benign atmosphere.
a. planets b. stars c. objects d. universes
IV. Language use. Match part of the sentences in A with the most suitable in B, and write the
answers in C. (10 points)
1. Before the Dutch built their canals,... a. the top soil washed down the river. 1. => b
2. When natural disasters are regular,... b. Holland was often flooded. 2. =>....
3. When countries are hit by cyclones,... c. there is a fresh deposit of rich soil on the 3. =>....
4. After trees have been cut down,... land. 4. =>....
5. After a flood,... d. they are easier to deal with. 5. =>....
6. When rivers have recieved too much e. people lose their homes. 6. =>....
soil,... f. the river bed becomes more shallow.

V. Writing (10marks)
Write an essay about the bad effects of acohol advertisement on medias.

I. Vocabulary (10 marks)

1. Temples 6. Should
2. Important 7. Appropriately
3. Around 8. Festivals
4. Carvings 9. Jars
5. Visit 10. Noisy
II. Grammar (10 marks)

1. c. Had been following 6. b. Neither...nor

2. a. Study 7. b. Neither...nor
3. b. After 8. c. Either...or
4. c. Was watching 9. a. Has been
5. b. Was built 10. d. So that
III. Vocabulary (10 marks)

1. a. inventions
2. c. Buddhism
3. d. Investigate
4. c. Approriate
5. a. Planets
IV. Language Use
1. => b
2. => d
3. => e
4. => a
5. => c
6. => f
V. Writing (10 marks)
Grammar : 3 points

Vocabulary : 3 points

Content : 4 points

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