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This method is recommended by the Bureau of Indian standards covered in IS10262:1982. The
method given can be applied from medium to high strength concrete. As the procedure developed
in 1982 & since then lots of modification seen in concrete technology, code revision seems to be

Design Steps:

Step1: Determine target mean strength (Fmean) from specified characteristic strength(Fck):
Fmean = Fck+ 1.65 * S

S = Standerd deviation (IS456:2000 page23 – For M10/15=3.5, M20/25=4.0 M30-50=5.0)

Step2: Determine Minimum W/C ratio based on Target Strength & Cement type, and compare
with W/C requirement for Durability consideration.

Fig 6.7: Compressive strength of concrete various

Fig: 6.6: Compressive strength vs W/C ratio
cement type IS10262:82

Class notes on Concrete Technology – Mix Design (P -10) Er. Sudip Karanjit
Fig 6.7: Compressive strength of concrete various cement type (Germany)

Table 6.10:Minimum Cement Content & Max. W/C for Durability (IS456:2000):

Exposure PCC RCC Minimum Grade of

Min. Max. free Min. Max. free PCC RCC
Cement W/C Cement W/C
Kg/m3 Kg/m3
Mild 220 0.6 300 0.55 - M20
Moderate 240 0.6 300 0.5 M15 M25
Severe 250 0.5 320 0.45 M20 M30
Very severe 260 0.4 340 0.45 M20 M35
Extreme 280 0.4 360 0.4 M25 M40

Step3: Determine free water content&Fine to total Agg. ratio depending upon max size of
aggregate& concrete Strength for standard condition.

Make the adjustment depending upon Ingredient properties.

Table 6.11: Approximate Sand & Water content (Kg/m3) for Compaction Factor CF =0.8
(approximate slump 30mm), Angular coarse aggregate & Sand zone II as per IS383:1970

Upto M35
W/C - 0.6
CF =0.8

> M35
W/C – 0.35
CF =0.8

Class notes on Concrete Technology – Mix Design (P -11) Er. Sudip Karanjit
Table 6.12: Adjustment table for water content & % sand in total aggregate.

Step4: Calculate cement content from W/C ratio & water content of mix determined previously.
Compare value with min. / max. value of cement content of durability requirement (Table 6.10) &
modify if required.

Step5: Calculate Aggregate content:

Step6: The mix proportion above obtained by the assumption that the aggregates are saturated &
surface dry if any deviation, make adjustment in water & aggregate content.

Class notes on Concrete Technology – Mix Design (P -12) Er. Sudip Karanjit
EXAMPLE – IS METHOD:Design concrete mix for RCC Silo. The characteristic strength required is
30Mpa at 28days. Max aggregate size = 20mm crushed. Sieve analysis of fine aggregate shows Sand
zone III. Workability required compaction factor 0.9. Exposure condition moderate. Cement Type E -
53Mpa will be used.Sp. gr. of CA = 2.7 / FA = 2.6 / Cement = 3.15.

Step1: Fmean = Fck+ 1.65*S = 30 + 1.65*5 = 38.25Mpa (For M30, σ =5 Ref; IS456:2000 page23)
Step2: Minimum W/C ratio based on Target Strength (Fig 6.7) = 0.45
Minimum W/C ratio based on durability(Table 6.10) = 0.5
Adopt minimum W/C = 0.45
Step3: Free water content (Table 6.11) = 186kg/m3 & F A = 35% of Total Agg.
Adjustments (Table 6.12):
Condition Change Water Content % adjustment Sand content % Adjustment
Sand confirming Zone III 0 - 1.5%
Increase in Compaction Factor
+ 3% 0
(0.9-0.8) = 0.1
Decrease in W/C ratio (0.45-0.6) - (0.15/0.05)
= -0.15 = - 3%
Total +3% -4.5%

F A content = 35 -4.5 = 30.5%

Water content =186 +3% *186 = 191.6kg
Step4: Cement content (Step 2&3) = 191.6/0.45 = 425.8kg/m3 > 240kg ok
Step5: Calculate Aggregate content:

Air content
425.8 𝑓𝑎 1
(1 − 0.02) = 191.6 + + ∗
3.15 . 305 ∗ 2.6 1000
fa = 518kg/m3
1 − 0.305 2.7
𝐶𝑎 = ∗ 518 ∗
0.305 2.6
Ca= 1225.8kg/m3

Cement :Fine : Coarse = 425.8 : 518 : 1225.8 = 1: 1.217 :2.879 & W/C = 0.45

Class notes on Concrete Technology – Mix Design (P -13) Er. Sudip Karanjit

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