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AE2- Midterms Reviewer - In addition to being concerned with the efficient

LESSON 1: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT allocation of existing scarce (or idle) productive

resources and with their sustained growth
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT overtime, it must also deal with the economic,
- One of the newest, most exciting, and most social, political, and institutional mechanisms,
challenging branches of the broader disciplines both public and private, necessary to bring
of economics and political economy. about rapid and large scale improvements in
- Adam Smith levels of living for the peoples of Africa, Asia,
o was the first “development economist” Latin America, and the formerly socialist
o his “Wealth of Nations” published in transition economies.
1776, was the first treatise on economic o Sociology and Politics- institutional
development. mechanisms.
- Concerned with the economic, cultural, and
NATURE OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS political requirements for effecting rapid
structural and institutional transformations of
1. TRADITIONAL ECONOMICS entire societies.
- is concerned primarily with the efficient, least- - The study of how economies are transformed
cost allocation of scarce productive resources from stagnation to growth and from low-income
and with the optimal growth of these resources to high-income status, an overcome problems of
overtime so as to produce an ever-expanding absolute poverty.
range of goods and services. o How economies are transformed
o Basic microeconomics
o Allocation of resources After war…
o Determination of market equilibrium - First world countries- rightist (US)
 Supply- upward curve - Second world countries- leftist (Russia)
 Demand- downward curve - Third world countries
- Traditional neoclassical economics deals with
the advanced capitalist world of perfect markets; THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF VALUES IN
consumer sovereignty; automatic price DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS
adjustments; decisions made on the basis of
marginal, private-profit, and utility calculations;
- Is a social science.
and equilibrium outcomes in all products and - It is concerned with human beings and the social
resource markets. systems by which they organize their activities
- An approach to economics that emphasizes to satisfy basic material needs (e.g. food, shelter,
utility, profit maximization, market efficiency, clothing) and nonmaterial wants (e.g. education,
and determination of equilibrium. knowledge, spiritual fulfillment).
2. POLITICAL ECONOMY - It is necessary to recognize from the outset that
- Goes beyond traditional economics to study the ethical or normative value premises about what
social and institutional processes through which is or is not desirable are central features of the
certain groups of economic and political elites economic discipline in general and of
influence the allocation of scarce productive development economics in particular.
resources now and in the future as well, either - Concepts or goals such as economic and social
for their own benefit exclusively or for that of a equality, the elimination of poverty, universal
larger population. education, rising levels of living, national
- The attempt to merge economic analysis with independence, modernization of institutions, rule
practical politics – to view economic activity in of law and due process, access to opportunity,
political context. political and economic participation, grassroots
- Emphasizes the role of power in economic democracy, self reliance, and personal
decision-making. fulfillment all derive from subjective value
judgements about what is good and desirable
and what is not. Thus, the validity of economic
analysis and the correctness of economic
3. DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS prescriptions should always be evaluated in the
- Has an even greater in scope;
light of the underlying assumptions or value - Development meant achieving sustained rates of
premises. growth of income per capita to enable a nation to
expand its output at a rate faster that the growth
VALUES of its population.
- Principles, standards, or qualities that a society o In terms of ECONOMIC GROWTH
or groups within it considers worthwhile or o GDP- finished goods within the country.
desirable. o GNI- consider the income of Filipinos
working abroad (remittances).
National Income of a country divided by its total
o GNI ÷ Total Population
o 13th Philippines- 117 million
 1st- India
 2nd- China
- GNI – The total domestic and foreign output
claimed by residents of a country. It comprises
Gross Domestic Product plus factor incomes
accruing to residents from abroad, less the
income earned in the domestic economy
accruing to persons abroad.
- Saw economic development in terms of planned
alteration of the structure of production and
employment so that agriculture’s share of both
declines and that of the manufacturing and
service industries increases.
o Economically developed if not in
- Development strategies: focused on rapid
industrialization at the expense of agriculture
and rural development.
- Nearly always seen as an economic phenomenon
in which rapid gains in overall and per capita
GNI growth would either “trickle down” to the
masses in the forms of jobs and other economic
opportunities or create the necessary conditions
for the wider distribution of the economy and
social benefits.
- Problems of poverty, discrimination,
unemployment, and income distribution were of
secondary importance to “getting the growth job
- The emphasis is often on increased output,
measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


- Economic development came to be redefined in
terms of the reduction or elimination of
poverty, inequality, and unemployment within
the context of a growing economy.
- “Redistribution from growth” became a
AE2- Midterms Reviewer common slogan.
LESSON 2: VIEWS ON DEVELOPMENT - Economic development must be conceived as a
multidimensional process involving major
TRADITIONAL VIEW changes in social structures, popular attitudes,
and national institutions, as well as the - The Danish are known for their laidback attitude
acceleration of economic growth, reduction of to life.
inequality, and the eradication of poverty. - Their capital city Copenhagen is routinely listed
o Wealth distribution in the PH (eg. 4p’s) as one of the most livable cities in the world.
 Progressive Taxation 3. SWITZERLAND
 Tax system - Back in 2015, Switzerland was named the
 Based on income happiest country in the world!
 1990’s Taxation - Considering the report’s suggestion that there’s a
 Single parents are not direct link between green spaces and happiness,
exempted. it makes a lot of sense to see this beautiful
- Development, in its essence must represent the nation at number three.
whole gamut of change, by which an entire - it’s the home of chocolate.
social system, social groups within that system, 4. ICELAND
moves away from a condition of life widely - Iceland has appeared on the list of happiest
perceived as unsatisfactory toward a situation or countries before.
condition of life regarded as materially and - The island, which sits in the North Atlantic sea
spiritually better. off Europe, has seen a boom in tourism in recent
years, with many nature-loving travellers
- Questions to be asked: flocking to the green hills and dramatic sites.
o What has been happening to poverty? - 0ne of the best places to see the natural magic of
o What has been happening to the Aurora Borealis (or the Northern Lights).
unemployment? 5. NORWAY
o What has been happening to inequality? - Formerly named ‘the happiest country’ in 2017,
- What often strikes us most is its diverse
o 5%- natural unemployment rate
- Norway is also known for a stellar standard of
living, including an impeccable welfare system
DEVELOPMENT & HAPPINESS and a sense of contentment with ‘less’ (AKA a
love for the simple life).
- Is part of human well-being, and greater - Famed for its cultural capital, Amsterdam, this
happiness may I in itself expand an individual’s nation is a huge draw for lovers of art and
capability to function. history – but don’t sleep on the rolling hills or
o Happiness is abstract, but money can’t stunning national parks.
buy happiness. 7. SWEDEN
- Sweden combines incredible natural sites like
Economists have explored the empirical relationship glaciers and deep-blue archipelagos with a
across countries and over time between subjectively cosmopolitan capital in Stockholm, providing
reported satisfaction and happiness and factors such as the best of both worlds on the report’s happiness
income. One of the findings is that the average level of index.
happiness or satisfaction increases with a country’s - have one of the best welfare systems in the
average income. world, receiving benefits such as subsidized
prenatal care, 480 days of paid leave when a
WORLD’S HAPPIEST COUNTRIES (2020) child is born or adopted and plenty of other
healthcare benefits.
- This is the third year in a row that the Finnish
have taken the top spot, with the nation’s people 8. NEW ZEALAND
reporting a strong satisfaction with life and - With a sprawling coastline of pristine beaches,
confidence that they live in a place where people jaw-dropping mountain peaks and the world’s
take care of one another. favourite political leader, Prime Minister Jacinda
- In particular, Helsinki was also noted as the Arden, we’re not shocked to see New Zealand
happiest city in the world. placed so high on this list.
2. DENMARK - The diverse landscape, a strong sense of
- Denmark won the top spot in 2012, 2013 and community and the fact that the government
2016! actually released a ‘wellbeing budget’ in 2019
all contribute to the happiness of New It is important to bear in mind that there is a
Zealanders. great deal of diversity throughout the developing world,
9. AUSTRIA even within these areas of broad commonality. Different
- famed for world-class architecture, dreamy development problems call for different specific policy
landscapes with rolling hills and pristine lakes, responses and general development strategies.
- Top-10 newcomer Luxembourg pushed Canada
and Australia to 11th and 12th, followed by the 1. Lower levels of living and productivity.
United Kingdom in 13th. 2. Lower levels of human capital.
- it’s known for rich cultural experiences – the 3. Higher levels of inequality and absolute poverty.
country is home to 130 stunning castles! 4. Higher population growth rates.
5. Greater social fractionalization.
WORLD’S HAPPIEST COUNTRIES (2023 & 2024) 6. Larger rural population but rapid rural-to-urban
1. Finland migration.
2. Denmark 7. Lower levels of industrialization.
3. Iceland 8. Adverse geography.
4. Israel 9. Underdeveloped financial and other markets.
5. Netherlands 10. Lingering colonial impacts such as poor
6. Sweden institutions an often-external dependence.
7. Norway
9. Luxembourg PRODUCTIVITY.
10. New Zealand
- refers to the quantity and quality of material
goods and services available to a given
- focuses on basic material factors such as
income, gross domestic product (GDP), life
expectancy, and economic opportunity.
- It is closely related to quality of life, which can
also explore factors such as economic and
political stability, political and religious
freedom, environmental quality, climate, and

One measure of standard of living is the United
Nations' Human Development Index (HDI), which
scores 189 countries based on factors including life
expectancy at birth, education, and income per capita.
As of 2019, the countries with the five highest HDI
scores are Norway (0.957), Ireland and Switzerland
(0.955), Hong Kong and Iceland (0.949), and Germany
AE2- Midterms Reviewer
LESSON 3: CHARACTERISTICS OF Conversely, the countries with the five lowest
DEVELOPING WORLD 2019 HDI scores are Niger (0.394), Central African
Republic (0.397), Chad (0.398), Burundi and South
There are important historical and economic Sudan (0.433), and Mali (0.434). The United States
commonalities among developing countries that have led came in at #17 while China was #85.
to their economic development problems being studied To exemplify the difference between the scores of
within a common analytical framework in development 0.957 and 0.394, Norway has a life expectancy at birth
economics. of 82.4 years, 18.1 expected years of schooling per
citizen, gross national income (GNI) per capita of
$66,494 (purchasing power parity-adjusted currency o Skills
units), a homicide rate per 100,000 people of 0.5, and an o Abilities
internet usage rate of 96.5% of its population. Niger,
meanwhile, has a life expectancy at birth of 62.4 years, HIGHER LEVELS OF INEQUALITY AND
6.5 expected years of schooling, a GNI per capita of ABSOLUTE POVERTY
$1,201, a homicide rate of 4.44, and an internet usage
The U.S. scored seventeenth on the list, with a - how unevenly income is distributed throughout a
combined score of 0.926, a life expectancy at birth of population.
78.9 years, 16.3 expected years of schooling, and GNI - The less equal the distribution, the higher
per capita of $63,826. income inequality is.
- Income inequality is often accompanied by
STANDARD OF LIVING VS. QUALITY OF LIFE wealth inequality, which is the uneven
distribution of wealth.
The terms standard of living and quality of life - Populations can be divided up in different ways
are often believed to mean the same. While they may to show different levels and forms of income
overlap, there is a difference between the two. inequality such as income inequality by sex or
Standard of living generally refers to wealth, race. Different measures, such as the Gini
comfort, material goods, and necessities of certain coefficient, can be used to analyze the level of
classes in certain areas—or more objective income inequality in a population.
characteristics—whereas quality of life is more
subjective and intangible, such as personal liberty or Income inequality and income disparity segregations
environmental quality. Characteristics that make up a can be analyzed through a variety of segmentations.
good quality of life for one person may not necessarily Segmentations of income disparity analysis are used
be the same for someone else. for analyzing different types of income distributions.
Income distributions by demographic segmentation form
the basis for studying income inequality and income
The different types of income segmentations studied
when analyzing income inequality may include
distributions for:
 Male vs. female
 Geographic location
HUMAN CAPITAL  Occupation
- an intangible asset not listed on a company's
 Historical income
balance sheet and includes things like an
employee's experience and skills.
- perceived to have a relationship with economic
- a state or condition in which a person or
growth, productivity, and profitability. Like any
community lacks the financial resources and
other asset, human capital can depreciate
essentials for a minimum standard of living.
through long periods of unemployment, and the
- Poverty means that the income level from
inability to keep up with technology and
employment is so low that basic human needs
can't be met.
- Since all labor is not considered equal,
- Poverty-stricken people and families might go
employers can improve human capital by
without proper housing, clean water, healthy
investing in the training, education, and benefits
food, and medical attention.
of their employees.
- Each nation may have its own threshold that
- Example:
determines how many of its people are living in
o Knowledge
o Creativity o 92 pesos per day (individual)
o Wisdom
o Judgement NYAHAHHAA yung nasa assignment na to
o Experience
o Education
GROWTH RATE (World Health Organization) barangays classified as rural in 2020 comprised
- The annual average rate of change of population the remaining 50.10 million persons or 46.0
size, for a given country, territory, or geographic percent of the total population.
area, during a specified period. o The level of urbanization or the
- It expresses the ratio between the annual proportion of the total population living
increase in the population size and the total in barangays classified as urban was
population for that year, usually multiplied by recorded at 54.0 percent in 2020. This is
100. 2.8 percentage points higher than the
- The annual increase in the population size is 51.2 percent level of urbanization in
defined as a sum of differences: the difference 2015.
between births less deaths and the difference - In 2015, the level of urbanization or the
between immigrants less emigrants, in a given percentage of population residing in urban areas
country, territory or geographic area at a given in the Philippines was recorded at 51.2 percent.
year. This means that a total of 51.73 million persons
o High population growth rate in the resided in barangays classified as urban. There
Philippines are due to: were 7,437 barangays classified as urban and
 Lack of sex education 34,599 as rural. The level of urbanization in
 Teenage pregnancy 2010 was only 45.3 percent.
 Children are considered as


- the process by which an economy is transformed
SOCIAL FRACTIONALIZATION from a primarily agricultural one to one based
- measures the probability that two randomly on the manufacturing of goods. Individual
selected individuals in a country will belong to manual labor is often replaced by mechanized
different ethnolinguistic and religious groups. mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by
- Social Fractionalization = Ethnic assembly lines.
Fractionalization + Cultural Fractionalization + - Industrial Revolution, in modern history, the
Religious Fractionalization) / 3. process of change from an agrarian and
o Philippines are open pagdating sa handicraft economy to one dominated by
religious chuchunes industry and machine manufacturing. This
process began in Britain in the 18th century and
LARGER RURAL POPULATION BUT from there spread to other parts of the world
URBAN AREA - Important inventions of the Industrial
- refer to towns, cities, and suburbs. Revolution included the steam engine, used to
- An urban area includes the city itself, as well as power steam locomotives, steamboats,
the surrounding areas. steamships, and machines in factories; electric
RURAL AREA generators and electric motors; the incandescent
- opposite of urban areas. lamp (light bulb); the telegraph and telephone;
- Rural areas, often called "the country," have low and the internal-combustion engine and
population density and large amounts of automobile, whose mass production was
undeveloped land. perfected by Henry Ford in the early 20th
- In 2022, the share of urban population in the - gave rise to textiles, railroads, iron, and coal.
Philippines remained nearly unchanged at INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 2.0
around 47.98 percent. Still, the share reached its - Rapid advances in the creation of steel,
highest value in the observed period in 2022. chemicals and electricity helped fuel production,
- In 2020, 58.93 million or 54.0 percent of the including mass-produced consumer goods and
total 109.03 million population of the weapons.
Philippines lived in urban barangays. This - It became far easier to get around on trains,
represents an increase of 7.20 million persons automobiles, and bicycles. At the same time,
from the 51.73 million urban residents in 2015. ideas and news spread via newspapers, the radio
The rural population or those who lived in and telegraph.
- Gave rise to built on steel, electricity, chemicals,  Third Industrial Revolution. In 1969,
and petroleum. advances in computing led to machine
o 75 cents for 3 minutes call programming, which opened the door to
o 120 pesos for 3 minutes (LDR) progressive automation.

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 3.0 Around 2014, the industry experienced another

- Beginning in the 1950s, the third industrial "about turn" with the appearance of smart factories
revolution brought semiconductors, mainframe and online production management. Returning to
computing, personal computing, and the Internet Schwab and his book The Fourth Industrial
—the digital revolution. Revolution, the German economist foresaw what
o Arrived in the Philippines during 1990s was to come: "We are at the beginning of a
revolution that is fundamentally changing the way
FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION (NOW) we live, work, and relate to one another". In its
- The concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution scale, scope and complexity, what I consider to be
was coined in 2016 by Klaus Schwab, the the Fourth Industrial Revolution is unlike
founder of the World Economic Forum, in a anything humankind has experienced before. And
book of the same name. this is for three reasons about which the experts
- "The Fourth Industrial Revolution creates a agree: Its speed, scope and unprecedented impact.
world in which virtual and physical systems of
manufacturing cooperate with each other in a PROS AND CONS OF INDUSTRIAL
flexible way at the global level". REVOLUTION
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution, however, is The Industrial Revolution, the period in which
not only about smart and connected machines agrarian and handicraft economies shifted rapidly to
and systems. Its scope is much wider. Occurring industrial and machine-manufacturing-dominated ones,
simultaneously are waves of further began in the United Kingdom in the 18th century and
breakthroughs in areas ranging from gene later spread throughout many other parts of the world.
sequencing to nanotechnology, from
renewable energies to quantum computing. It PROS
is the fusion of these technologies and their 1. Goods Became More Affordable and More
interaction across the physical, digital and Accessible
biological domains that make the Fourth 2. The Rapid Evolution of Labor-Saving
Industrial Revolution fundamentally different Inventions
from previous revolutions. 3. The Rapid Evolution of Medicine
o Nano technology 4. Enhanced Wealth and Quality of Life of the
o Quantum Technology Average Person
o Artificial intelligence 5. The Rise of Specialist Professions
o Solar-powered Cars
o Digital education- vision since pre- CONS
1. Overcrowding of Cities and Industrial Towns
2. Pollution and Other Environmental Ills
3. Poor Working Conditions
To analyze how we have reached the Fourth
4. The Rise in Unhealthy Habits
Industrial Revolution it is a good idea to look back at the
a. Fast-fashion
previous three industrial revolutions, how they changed
 Producing disposable clothes
our lives and the world when they occurred. Let's take a
b. Obsolescence
quick look at:
 condition of being antiquated,
old fashioned, outmoded, or out
of date
 First Industrial Revolution. It occurred at the ADVERSE GEOGRAPHY
end of the 18th century, in 1784, when steam - conversion of agricultural land to commercial
was harnessed for mechanical production. The and industrial land which results to lower
invention of the first mechanised loom was a production of crops and locals are expensive and
watershed. imported ones are cheaper.
 Second Industrial Revolution. In 1870, mass - Philippines have seas and mountains which
production powered by electricity was first affects the trading.
introduced. The assembly line was invented and - Local problem, connectivity of places.
the industrial sector speeded up exponentially.
- In the Philippines, it’s not a problem because we
have a strong central bank (P’Noy
- Central Bank regulates the monetary policy of
a country and determines the interest rate in
- Financial Market- manages the stock.


- Spanish, American, and Japan
- Japan taught the Filipinos some tech-voc skills
- Philippines debt


1. AI Trainer And Operator
2. Sentiment Analyzer
3. Content Creator
4. AI-Generated Work Auditor
5. AI Prediction Analyzer
6. AI Input And Output Manager
7. AI Integration Specialist
8. AI Compliance Manager
9. AI Ethicist
10. VR Experience Designer
11. AI Applications Developer
12. AI Instructors
13. Language Ingestion Optimizer
14. AI Prompt Engineer
15. AI Output Verifier
16. AI Art Director
17. AI Personality Designer
18. AI Security Engineer
19. AI-Assisted Visual Merchandiser
20. Tech Entrepreneur

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