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Table of contents

I. Table of content-----------------------------------------------------------1
II. Executive summary-------------------------------------------------------2
a. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------- 3
III. Company description------------------------------------------------------3
a. Our vision---------------------------------------------------------------3
b. The history--------------------------------------------------------------4
c. Application--------------------------------------------------------------4
IV. Product and services offering---------------------------------------------4
V. Ownership of Tech Smart Ring-------------------------------------------5
VI. Market overview------------------------------------------------------------6
VII. Industry analysis------------------------------------------------------------8
a. Evolution of smart ring technology----------------------------------6
b. Competitor Analysis in the Smart Ring Tech Industry------------8
VIII. Marketing plan--------------------------------------------------------------10
IX. Management team and compony structure------------------------------13
a. Board of Directors------------------------------------------------------13
X. Operation plan---------------------------------------------------------------15
a. Facilities -----------------------------------------------------------------15
b. Equipment ---------------------------------------------------------------16
c. Office equipment--------------------------------------------------------16
XI. Product design and Development fund-----------------------------------17
a. SWOT analysis----------------------------------------------------------17
b. Financial projection-----------------------------------------------------17
c. Statement of assumption-----------------------------------------------18
XII. Appendices-------------------------------------------------------------------20
a. Request of fund----------------------------------------------------------20
b. Curriculum vintae-------------------------------------------------------21-23
c. Logo sample--------------------------------------------------------------24

Smart ring technology represents a cutting-edge innovation in wearable
electronics, offering users a compact and convenient way to access wide range of
digital functions right from their finger prints. However, the technology faces
several challenges that require strategic solution to reach its full potential.
The problem
 One primary challenge is limited battery life, as the small form factor of
smart rings limit the capacity for powerful batteries. This leads to frequent
recharging and diminished user experience.
 Another issue is data security, as smart rings collect and transmit sensitive
personal information, raising concerns about privacy breaches.
 Additionally, compatibility and interoperability issues hinder the seamless
integration of smart rings with various device and platforms.
The solution
 To address these problems, advancements in battery technology are crucial
to extend the lifespan of smart ring batteries and enhance user convenience.
Moreover, implementing robust encryption and authentication protocols can
bolster data security, ensuring user trust in the technology.
 Collaborative efforts between manufacturers and developers to established
universal standards can resolve compatibility issues and promote
interoperability among different smart ring brands and ecosystem.
Ultimately, investing in research and development, as well as user education
on security practices, will pave the way for more efficient and secure smart
ring technology landscape

Company Description_________________
SmartRingTech is pioneering technology company dedicated to
revolutionizing the way we interact with the digital world through innovative smart
ring solutions. Established in 2023, we have been at the forefront of smart ring
development, pushing the boundaries of wearable technology to empower users
with a seamless and intuitive digital experience.
Our vision
At SmartRingTech, our vision is to bridge the gap between humans and
technology, making it more accessible, intuitive, and personalized. We envision a
future where individuals can effortlessly connect with their devices, access
information, and manage their digital lives using the simple gesture of a finger.
The history
Smart ring technology traces its origins to the early 2000s when wearable
computing concepts began to emerge. However, it wasn’t until the mid-2010s that
the concept gained traction with the advent of more compact and energy-efficient
components. The first generation of smart ring primarily focused on fitness
tracking and simple notifications. By the late 2010s, advancement in
miniaturization and sensor technology allowed for the development of more
sophisticated smart ring with gesture control capabilities. These rings gained
popularity among tech enthusiast and fitness enthusiasts alike.
In the 2020s, smart ring technology saw exponential growth, driven by
collaborations between tech giants and startups. Rings evolved to become versatile
personal assistants, health monitors, and even argumented reality controllers. As
the 2020s progressed, smart ring tech became an integral part of the wearable
technology landscape, promising an even more connected and convenient future.

Product and services offering___________
1. Custom ring design
2. AI- powered personal assistant
3. 360-degree immersive AR/VR integration
4. Smart home harmony
5. Exclusive VIP access
6. Security and privacy assurance
7. Global connectivity
8. Community and workshops
9. Upgradeable hardware module
SmartRingXperience isn’t just a product; it’s a lifestyle. Elevate your daily
experiences with the most advanced and customizable smart ring on the market.
Join the SmartRingXperience and unlock a world of possibility, all at your
Compatibility: RingConnect Pro seamlessly pairs with iOS and android devices,
ensuring broad compatibility with your existing tech ecosystem
Productivity: control presentations, navigate through documents, and manage
your calendar at ease.
Smart home: adjusting lighting, temperature, and security systems with a wave of
your hand.
Communication: stay connected with a quick message replies and call
Entertainment: control music playback, capture photos remotely, and immerse
yourself in AR and VR experiences.

Ownership of smart Tech Ring__________
1. Christian Jeannie Hope Jaeya, known for his pioneering spirit and
innovative thinking, is a co-founder and major shareholder of Smart Ring
Tech. With a background in engineering and a keen interest in wearable
technology, Christian has been instrumental in shaping the company's vision
and technological direction.
2. George Allan de Leon, a seasoned entrepreneur with a track record of
successfully launching and scaling tech startups, is a co-founder and key
stakeholder in Smart Ring Tech. George's business acumen and strategic
thinking have played a pivotal role in the company's growth and expansion.
3. Carl Jerald Santos, an expert in product design and user experience, is a
co-founder and prominent stakeholder in the company. His design
sensibilities have been crucial in shaping the aesthetic appeal and user-
friendliness of Smart Ring Tech's products.
4. The fourth owner, who may be an early investor or another key figure in
the company, holds a substantial stake and contributes to the overall success
and direction of Smart Ring Tech. Their specific role and contributions
would be unique to their expertise and involvement in the business.

Together, these visionary owners have built Smart Ring Tech into a leading
innovator in the smart ring technology industry, continually pushing the boundaries
of what wearable technology can achieve. Their diverse skills and shared
commitment to excellence have been instrumental in Smart Ring Tech's success
and its mission to reshape the way we interact with the digital world.

The smart ring technology market has witnessed significant growth in recent
years, driven by the increasing demand for wearable devices that offer
convenience, connectivity, and functionality. Smart rings represent a segment
within the broader wearable technology market and are gaining traction due to
their compact form factor and diverse applications.
1. Market Size and Growth:
The market for smart ring technology has experienced rapid expansion, with a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 20% over the past few
years. This growth is expected to continue as smart rings evolve and diversify in
terms of features and capabilities.
2. Key Market Drivers:
Growing Tech Wearables Trend: The increasing popularity of wearable devices,
including smartwatches and fitness trackers, has paved the way for smart rings as
an alternative form factor for wearable technology.
a. Health and Fitness Focus: Many smart rings offer health monitoring
features, such as heart rate tracking and sleep analysis, which align with
the growing emphasis on personal health and wellness.
b. IoT Integration: Smart rings serve as convenient controllers for the
Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including smart homes and connected
c. Gesture Control: Gesture control capabilities have propelled smart rings
into applications like gaming, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality
3. Market Segmentation:
a. By Functionality: Smart rings can be categorized based on their primary
functionality, including health and fitness tracking, communication and
notifications, control of IoT devices, and entertainment.

b. By Application: Market segments include consumer electronics,
healthcare and medical, gaming and entertainment, and industrial and
enterprise applications.
c. By Region: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the
world represent significant markets for smart ring technology, with
varying adoption rates and preferences.
4. Competitive Landscape:
The smart ring technology market is characterized by a mix of established tech
giants and innovative startups. Key players in the market include major tech
companies as well as specialized smart ring manufacturers. Competition revolves
around design, functionality, battery life, and data security.
5. Challenges and Opportunities:
a. Battery Life: One of the primary challenges for smart rings is optimizing
battery life in a compact form factor.
b. Data Privacy and Security: Addressing concerns about data privacy and
security is crucial to gain user trust.
c. Interoperability: Ensuring compatibility with various devices and
ecosystems is essential for broader adoption.
d. Healthcare Integration: There's a growing opportunity for smart rings to play
a significant role in remote health monitoring and telemedicine.

6. Future Outlook:
The future of smart ring technology looks promising, with continuous
advancements in miniaturization, AI integration, and gesture control. As smart
rings evolve and expand their applications, they are poised to become an integral
part of the wearable technology landscape, offering users a new level of
convenience and connectivity in their daily lives.

The Evolution of Smart Ring Technology
Smart ring technology is not just another wearable; it represents a unique
convergence of fashion, innovation, and convenience. As it continues to carve its
niche in the technology landscape, we delve into a distinctive industry analysis that
emphasizes the evolution of smart ring technology.
1. Emergence of the Wearable Jewelry Segment:
a. Fashion-Forward Wearables: Smart rings are not just gadgets; they are a
fashion statement. This industry analysis highlights the fusion of technology
and style, making smart rings a sought-after accessory for fashion-conscious
b. Artistry in Design: Companies are increasingly collaborating with jewelry
designers to create aesthetically pleasing smart rings. This intersection of art
and technology drives uniqueness in the industry, with rings that not only
perform tasks but also express individuality.
2. The Personalization Paradigm:
a. Beyond Fitness Tracking: While fitness tracking was a primary focus
initially, smart rings are now expanding into diverse personalization realms.
This includes AI-driven recommendations for fashion, diet, and even mood
b. Emotional Intelligence: Smart rings are delving into emotional well-being by
detecting stress levels and offering mindfulness exercises, further enhancing
their value in users' lives.
3. Real-world Integration:
a. Payment Solutions: Smart rings have been steadily integrated into
contactless payment systems, adding a layer of convenience for users who
prefer to go wallet-free.

b. IoT Hub: As the Internet of Things (IoT) grows, smart rings are positioning
themselves as central controllers for connected homes, cars, and appliances.
4. Privacy and Security Focus:
a. Biometric Security: Smart rings have introduced biometric security features
such as fingerprint authentication to enhance user data protection.
b. Data Ownership: The industry is evolving to ensure that users retain control
over their data, contributing to the development of secure, privacy-centric
smart rings.
5. Challenges and Forward-looking Insights:
a. Battery Technology: Advancements in battery life remain crucial for smart
rings to meet consumer expectations of continuous usage.
b. Ecosystem Integration: Creating ecosystems that seamlessly integrate with
various devices and platforms is a challenge and an opportunity for the
c. Sustainability: A unique aspect of the smart ring industry is its potential to
lead in sustainable materials and practices, given the emphasis on aesthetics.
6. Future Horizons:
a. Healthcare Revolution: Smart rings are poised to play a vital role in remote
healthcare monitoring, contributing to telemedicine and proactive health
b. Augmented Reality: The integration of augmented reality (AR) features in
smart rings may redefine the way we interact with our surroundings.
In conclusion, the smart ring industry is not merely about technology; it's about
enhancing lifestyles, personal expression, and the art of combining aesthetics with
innovation. As smart rings continue to evolve, they are set to become a
transformative force that blends seamlessly with our daily lives, catering to both
our functional needs and our desire for style and individuality.
Competitor Analysis in the Smart Ring Tech Industry:
Major Players: The smart ring technology market is characterized by several major
players, including OurRing, RingMaster, RingTech, and iRing. These companies
have established a strong presence in the industry and offer a wide range of smart
ring products.

Product Differentiation: Each major player has distinct product offerings with
unique features. OurRing focuses on health and fitness tracking, RingMaster
specializes in gesture control and IoT integration, RingTech emphasizes fashion-
forward designs, and iRing offers a blend of entertainment and communication
features. This product diversity caters to a wide range of consumer preferences.
Market Reach: OurRing and iRing have a strong global presence, with
distribution in multiple countries, while RingMaster and RingTech have a more
focused market presence in specific regions. Market reach and distribution
channels play a significant role in their competitive strategies.
Innovation and Research: These competitors invest heavily in research and
development to stay at the forefront of smart ring technology. They continually
introduce updates and new features to meet evolving consumer demands and
technological advancements.
User Experience and Privacy: User experience and data privacy are critical
competitive factors. Companies that prioritize seamless user interfaces, robust
security measures, and transparent data practices tend to gain a competitive edge
by building trust with their customers.

Elevating Digital Experiences
Smart Ring Tech is poised to revolutionize the wearable technology market with its
cutting-edge smart ring products. This marketing plan outlines strategies to
position Smart Ring Tech as a leader in the industry, increase brand awareness, and
drive sales.
1. Market Analysis:
Analyze market trends, customer needs, and competitors to identify opportunities
and threats. Identify target customer segments, including tech enthusiasts, health-
conscious individuals, fashion-conscious consumers, and professionals seeking
productivity tools.
10 | P a g e
2. Branding and Positioning:
Develop a strong brand identity that reflects innovation, style, and convenience.
Position Smart Ring Tech as a leader in the smart ring industry, emphasizing the
fusion of technology and fashion.
3. Product Portfolio:
Offer a diverse product range catering to various customer needs, including health
and fitness tracking, communication, IoT control, and fashion-forward designs.
Continuously innovate and update product offerings to stay ahead of the
4. Marketing Strategies:
a. Digital Marketing: Leverage online channels, including social media, search
engine optimization (SEO), and online ads, to reach a global audience.
Create engaging content highlighting product features, user stories, and
lifestyle benefits.
b. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers from fashion, tech, and
wellness niches to showcase smart ring products. Use their reach and
credibility to build trust and generate buzz.
c. Public Relations: Generate media coverage through press releases,
interviews, and product reviews. Highlight unique features and user
experiences to capture attention.
d. Events and Experiences: Host virtual and physical events to showcase smart
ring technology. Create immersive experiences, such as augmented reality
demos and fashion shows, to engage potential customers.
e. Content Marketing: Develop a blog and video content that educates
consumers about the benefits of smart rings, including health insights, tech
tutorials, and lifestyle tips.

5. Sales and Distribution:

11 | P a g e
Establish partnerships with online retailers and tech stores to expand the
distribution network. Offer competitive pricing, financing options, and bundle
deals to encourage sales.
6. Customer Support and Engagement:
Provide excellent customer support through multiple channels, including chat,
email, and phone. Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat customers and
encourage referrals.
7. Data Privacy and Security:
Prioritize user data protection and privacy, ensuring compliance with regulations.
Communicate transparently about data practices to build trust with customers.
8. Performance Metrics:
Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), including website traffic, conversion
rates, social media engagement, and sales revenue. Use customer feedback and
surveys to continuously improve products and customer experiences.
9. Budget Allocation:
Allocate budget based on marketing channels' effectiveness, with a focus on digital
marketing and influencer partnerships. Regularly review and adjust the budget to
optimize ROI.
10. Implementation Timeline:
Develop a detailed timeline for executing marketing strategies, campaigns, and
product launches, aligning them with key industry events and holidays.
Smart Ring Tech's marketing plan emphasizes a customer-centric approach,
innovation, and strategic partnerships to establish a strong presence in the smart
ring technology market and create lasting brand loyalty. Regularly evaluate the
plan's effectiveness and adapt it to changing market dynamics to ensure sustained

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Management team and company structure____________________

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Board of Directors:
Christian Jeannie Hope Jaeya (CEO and Co-Founder): Responsible for overall
company vision, strategy, and leadership.
George Allan de Leon (COO and Co-Founder): Oversees day-to-day operations,
business development, and strategic partnerships.
Carl Jerald Santos (CTO and Co-Founder): Leads technology development,
research, and product innovation.
Management Team:
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO):
 Responsible for marketing, branding, and customer engagement strategies.
 Oversees digital marketing, influencer partnerships, and public relations.
 Reports to the CEO.
Chief Financial Officer (CFO):

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 Manages financial planning, budgeting, and accounting.
 Ensures compliance with financial regulations and audits.
 Reports to the CEO.
Chief Product Officer (CPO):
 Leads product development and design.
 Collaborates with the CTO to translate technology into user-friendly
 Reports to the CEO.
Chief Technology Officer (CTO):
 Drives technology innovation and research.
 Manages the development team.
 Collaborates with the CPO on product development.
 Reports to the CEO.
Chief Operations Officer (COO):
 Oversees day-to-day operations, supply chain, and logistics.
 Manages partnerships and vendor relationships.
 Reports to the COO.
Head of Customer Support:
 Manages customer support and engagement teams.
 Ensures excellent customer service.
 Reports to the COO.
Head of Data Security and Privacy:
 Ensures the company's adherence to data privacy regulations.
 Implements security measures to protect user data.
 Reports to the CEO.
Head of Sales and Distribution:
 Manages sales strategy and distribution channels.
 Develops partnerships with retailers and online platforms.
 Reports to the COO.

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Head of Research and Development:
 Leads research efforts to drive product innovation.
 Collaborates with the CTO on technology advancements.
 Reports to the CTO.

Operation Plan______________________
SmartRing Innovations Inc. is strategically located in the heart of San
Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines. This central location provides several advantages,
including proximity to major tech hubs, accessibility to a skilled workforce, and
easy access to transportation networks. Our location is within 1 to 2 kilometers of
key suppliers, reducing logistics costs and ensuring efficient supply chain
Headquarters: Our corporate headquarters occupies a modern [square footage]
office space in a commercial complex known for its tech-friendly environment.
This space serves as the nerve center of our operations, housing executive offices,
administration, marketing, and customer support teams.
Research and Development Lab: Located adjacent to the headquarters, our state-
of-the-art R&D lab spans and is equipped with advanced testing equipment and
prototyping facilities. This is where our technology innovations take shape and
undergo rigorous testing.
Production Facility: Our production facility, situated [distance] from the
headquarters, covers. It is designed for efficient assembly and quality control
processes. This facility is equipped with cutting-edge machinery and adheres to
stringent quality standards.
Warehousing and Distribution Center: Located strategically close to major
shipping hubs, our warehousing and distribution center spans. It ensures seamless
storage, order fulfillment, and global distribution of our smart ring products.
1. Research and Development Lab Equipment:
 Advanced 3D printers for rapid prototyping.

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 High-performance computing clusters for data analysis.
 Cutting-edge testing equipment for quality assurance.

2.Production Facility Equipment:

 Precision assembly machines for smart ring assembly.
 Automated quality control systems for product testing.
 Inventory management software for efficient materials handling.
3.Warehousing and Distribution Equipment:
 Pallet racking and shelving systems for organized storage.
 Barcode scanners and inventory management software for real-time
 High-speed conveyor systems for order fulfillment.
Office Equipment:
 Computers and laptops with the latest software suites.
 Video conferencing facilities for remote collaboration.
 Ergonomic furniture and workstations for employee comfort and

Product Design and Development Plan__________

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Our development plan for Smart Ring Tech focuses on continuous innovation,
expanding our product range to include health and wellness features, enhancing
data security and privacy measures, and forging strategic partnerships with tech
companies to integrate our smart ring technology into a broader ecosystem,
ensuring our products remain at the forefront of wearable technology.


Innovation Battery life Healthcare Data privacy regulations
Fashion integration Data security Iot expansion Rapid technology
concern advances
Diverse product Market Fashion-tech Competitive landscape
portfolio competition collaboration
Strong branding limited market Global Economic factor
reach expansion

Financial Projection
Source of Fund
Smart Ring Tech has identified multiple sources of funds to support its growth and
development in the smart ring technology market:
 Equity Financing: The founders, Christian Jeannie Hope Jaeya, George
Allan de Leon, and Carl Jerald Santos, have collectively invested a
significant amount of their personal capital into the company. This initial
equity financing provides a strong foundation for operations and growth.
 Venture Capital: Smart Ring Tech seeks strategic partnerships with venture
capital firms that specialize in technology and wearable tech investments.

18 | P a g e
These partnerships provide access to additional capital for research and
development, marketing, and expansion efforts.
 Crowdfunding: Smart Ring Tech plans to launch crowdfunding campaigns
on platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. These campaigns allow us
to engage with early adopters, gather market feedback, and secure pre-orders
for our products.
 Bank Loans and Lines of Credit: To facilitate operational activities,
working capital needs, and production expansion, Smart Ring Tech may
secure loans or lines of credit from financial institutions.
 Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with tech giants and fashion brands
can bring in capital through joint ventures, licensing agreements, and co-
development projects.
 Revenue Generation: Ongoing sales of our smart ring products and
associated services will contribute to our revenue stream, which will be
reinvested in research, development, and business expansion.
Statement of assumption
Smart Ring Tech seeks an investment of $100000 million to accelerate our growth
and innovation in the smart ring technology industry. This funding will be
allocated as follows:
 Research and Development (R&D): $30 million will be dedicated to
advancing our smart ring technology, enhancing features, and exploring
new applications, including health monitoring and augmented reality
 Marketing and Branding: $20 million will support marketing campaigns,
influencer partnerships, and public relations efforts to increase brand
awareness and market penetration.
 Production Expansion: $10 million will be used to expand our production
facilities and enhance manufacturing capabilities to meet increasing
 Market Expansion: $10 million will fund efforts to enter new markets,
both domestically and internationally, and strengthen our distribution
 Data Security and Privacy: $10 million will be allocated to bolster data
security measures, ensuring that user data remains safe and compliant
with evolving regulations.

19 | P a g e
 Working Capital: A portion of the funding will be used as working capital
to sustain day-to-day operations and manage cash flow.
 Technology Partnerships: $30 million will be invested in forming
strategic partnerships with tech companies and fashion brands to drive
innovation and expand our product offerings.
We believe that this investment will position Smart Ring Tech as a leader in the
smart ring technology market, enabling us to deliver cutting-edge products that
cater to the evolving needs of our customers while ensuring sustainable growth and


technology partnership
data security and privacy
market expanssion
Production Expanssion
Marketing and Branding
Research and development
5 15 25 35 45 55
Research Marketing Production market ex- data secu- technology
and devel- and Brand- Expanssion panssion rity and pri- partnership
opment ing vacy

2030 30 20 10 10 10 30
2050 20 40 10 50 30 50
Series3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Series3 2050 2030


a. Request of Fund

20 | P a g e
Good day Mr./Mrs.

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you on behalf of Smart
Ring Tech, a company that is poised to redefine the future of wearable technology. At Smart
Ring Tech, we have embarked on an incredible journey to develop and market innovative smart
ring products that seamlessly blend fashion and cutting-edge technology. Our commitment to
innovation, style, and functionality has allowed us to carve a unique space in the wearable tech

To continue our mission and achieve our ambitious growth plans, we are seeking strategic
investments. We firmly believe that our smart ring technology has the potential to revolutionize
the industry, offering users a new level of convenience, connectivity, and personalization in their
daily lives.

We are excited about the potential of Smart Ring Tech and the value we can bring to the
wearable technology market. Your investment will not only contribute to our growth but also
position you as a partner in shaping the future of this industry.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss our vision, plans, and potential collaboration in more
detail. Please feel free to reach out to me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number] to
schedule a meeting or to request additional information.

Thank you for considering our request for investment in Smart Ring Tech. We look forward to
the possibility of working together to bring innovative smart ring technology to the world.



Smart Ring Tech


Name: George Allan M. De leon

Address:J M Basa St., Concepcion, Baliwag, Bulacan

Mobile Number: 0922-607-3013

21 | P a g e
Email address:

Nationality: Filipino

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Date of birth: September 19, 2002

Place of birth: Castro Maternity & General Hospital, Baliwag, Bulacan


Secondary level

Junior High School : St. Joseph School of Baliwag Bulacan

JP. Rizal St St., Baliwag,

Bulacan March 2019

Senior High School : Saint Jean Baptiste Academy

F. Vergel de DiosSt.,

Baliwag, Bulacan

April 2021

Primary level

: St. Mary’s College of

Baliuag, Baliwag, Bulacan

March 2015


Name: Carl Jerald G.C. Santos

Address: 260 Taboc, Angat, Bulacan

22 | P a g e
Mobile Number: 0955-538-2767

Email address:


Nationality: Filipino

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Date of birth: April 01, 2002

Place of birth: Angat, Bulacan


Secondary level

Junior High School : Colegio de Sta. Monica de Angat

Poblacion, Angat, Bulacan

March 2018

Senior High School : Colegio de Sta. Monica de Angat

Poblacion, Angat, Bulacan

April 2020

Elementary: Atilano S. De Guzman Elementary School

Taboc, Angat, Bulacan March 2014


Name: Christian Jeannie Hope Jaeya

Address: Narra st., Akle, San Ildefonso, Bulacan

23 | P a g e
Mobile Number: 0928-422-1832

Email address:


Nationality: Filipino

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Date of birth: July 08, 2003

Place of birth: San Ildefonso, Bulacan


Secondary level

Junior High School : Montessori De San Ildefonso

Quijano st. San Juan, San Ildefonso, Bulacan
March 2018

Senior High School : Montessori De San Ildefonso

Quijano st. San Juan, San Ildefonso, Bulacan
April 2021

Primary level

: Akle Elementary School

Akle, San Ildefonso, Bulacan
March 2015

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