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Reod the firstporl of eoch sentence qnd look of the underlinedword or words, Choosethe
word or phrosethot meons obout the some thing os the underlinedword or phrose. Mork
the conect onswer.

t, A wordthot meonsto pullon 6 . Totoke somefhingoff o truckor

shorply shipisto,.,
o push o lood
o yonk erose
o houl o unlood

2, Tobelievethot someoneis 7. Anotherwordfor choreor job is...

honest,foir.ond true meons,,.
o like O tosk
o protect O lest
o trusf O declore

J. A personwho willnot give in or 8 , A personwho fightsfor o couse

chongehismindis... iso ,.,
o smort o visitor
o doydreoming o friend
o stubborn o soldier

4, Theword simplemeons.,. 9 , Tosovesomeonefromdongeris


O eosy o colm
O difficult o Iescue
O welcome o foulf

A personwho threwson ongryfit 10.When you toke tiny bitesof your
isin o... food you ,.,
o corrioge o nibble
o ernergency delight
o rqge o split
Reod the firstport of eoch sentence ond look of the underlinedword or words, Choose
word or phrosethot meons obout the sqme thing os the underlinedword or phrose' Mork
the correct onswer,

1 Anotherwordfor Portneris,,. 6,A longtripiscolledo,,,

o self O thirst
o possenger O symbol
o mote O iourney

2, A sofeploce for bootsond shipsis 7, Io sporkleond shineisto,,'

o hqrbor O grumble
o woterfoll O glitter
o figure O cqst

3, Whentwo ihingsore even or 8 . A personwho buyssomethingis

I{eJ theyore,,, o.,.
o fomilior o cuslomer
o chorming o costume
o equol o coctus

4. Tocome closeristo,.. thot isroreis,..

9, Something

O opprooch O operote
O choke O unusuol
O excloim O immediote

5, A smollstreomof woteriso,,. Somethingused to look ot things
thot ore for owov is o.,.
O loyer O telephone
O tickle O telescope
O trickle O heodlights

@ Carson-Dellosa CD-3735 47
Reod the firsiporl of eoch sentenceond look of the underlinedword or words, Choosethe
word or phrosethot meons obout the some thing os the underlinedword or phrose. Mork
the conecl onswer,

L Totokethe bendsout of isto,,, A

Whenwe cuddlesomething,
O screech o snuggle
I O position o serve
i O stroighten o stoop

2. Io soyogoinisto,,, thot isropidis,,,

7 , Something

O yqwn o fost
O troce o old
O repeot o slow

3. We weor theseto bed of night.,. 8, When you do os you ore told.

you., .
o slippers O room
o pojomos O obey
o sleeves O stroin

4. Clothesthot ore beingwoshed 9. Togive o clue isto,,.

.Q 'seporote O hint
o liquid O form
o loundry O glonce

5. Tohurtsomeoneor something
is t 0,A group of birdsiscolled o.,,
to do,,,
o honor business
o cquse o flock
o horm o future

Nome Skill:Vocabulary-Test
Reod the firstport of eoch sentence ond look of the underlinedword or words. Choosethe
word or phrosethot meons obout the some thing os the underlinedword or phrose, Mork
the correct onswer,

t . Whenyou give monydetoils put togetherinto o set

6 . Things
oboutsomething mokeo.,,
o describe o comploint
o rebel o collection
o cluster o corrol

2, Whoto bolloondoeswhen it 7, Somethingthot coversond

ooos,,, protectsusis,.,
o secure o shotter
o locqte o mournful
o burst o ormor
J. Something thot isos bod os it 8 , Something
thot iscommonor
getsisthe,,, everydoyis.,,
o request o usuol
o worst o wisdom
o wept o speck

4. Toshokefromfeor or excl 9 . Whenyou reollywont something

isto,,. to drink.youhove,,,
o wheeze o trodition
tremble o stoke
o speor o thirst

thot isexcellent
5, Something is,,, 10.A personwho isthinisusuolly
O eerie o slim
O dointy o definite
O splendid inspector

@ Carson-Dellosa CD-3735 49
Reod the firstport of eoch sentence ond look of the underlinedword or words. Choosethe
word or phrose thot meqns obout the some thing os the underlinedword or phrose, Mork
the correcf qnswer,

I, To wosh or cleon by rubbing hord 6, Whenyoustoybehindyou,,,
ist o, , .
o dimple o remoin
crumble o hitch
o scrub o express

2, Whenyou get something

you ,,. A group of relotedsentencesis
O reqppeor o porogroph
O novigote o sniffle
O receive o mission

3. Twothingsthot ore completely 8, Thesmollest

differeniore colled.,,
o onword O rote
o opposite O mutter
o mischief O leost

4 , Anythingthot hoppened before 9. Io be thonkfulisto be,,,

now isthe,,.
o future o necessory
o post o sloppy
o notive o groteful

5 . Tomoke o persondo something A bookthot liststhe meoningof

he doesn'twontto do isto,., wordsiso. ,,
o force o morvel
o outwit o represent
o link o dictionory

O Carson-Dellosa CD3735
Nome Skill:Vocabulary-Test

Reod the firstpqrt of eoch sentence ond look oi the underlinedword or words. Choose the
word or phrosethot meons obout the some thing os the underlinedword or phrose, Mork
the correct onswer.

Toordersomeoneto do 6. A personwho isunobleto seeis,..
o trough O solemn
o commond O blind
o suggestion O witness

2. Ais 7 , Toshokebock ond forth.olmost

on,,, follingdown isto,,,
o occidenf o overflow
o odult o concern
o qssistont o wobble

J. Somethingthot isvery expensive A personwho isquietond shyis

or deorto you iso,,. offencolled,..
o centimeter o timid
o ossembly o constont
o treqsure o rumpled

4, Tosploshdropsof woteristo,,, 9. A dog or cot with long.uneven

O shed o countless
O combine o sensible
O sprinkle o shoggy

5. A port of somethingiso,,, r0 .Whenyou soyyou willnot do

O clook o refuse
O section o direct
O foshion o crouch

@Cason-Dellos a CD-3735 51
Reod the firstport of eoch sentenceond look of the underlinedword or words. Choosethe
word or phrosethot meons obout the some thing os the underlinedword or phrose, Mork
ihe correct onswer.

L Toget reodyisto,,, 6, A shortstopor breokiso.,.

O prepore O kindness
O invent O jersey
O extend O pouse

2, Whenyou ore very unhoppyyou 7. Tobe flot or even is..,

o honest o humble
o miseroble o level
o dorling o grim

A personwho wontseverything A personwho isthe bestof whot

ond doesn'tshoreis,,. he doesison,..
o hormless o expert
o borefoot o ocfopus
n greedy o ingredient

4, A personwho isvery devout is.., 9 , A childof yourount or uncleis

O foithful o brother
O disoppointed heodoche
O independent o cousin

5. Towotch ond listencloselyisio 10,A stiffhoiron the foce of o cot or

giveyour,,. dog iso,,,
o ottention o whisper
o disgust o whisker
o lounch o glond
Q Carson-Dellosa CD-373S
Nome Skill:Vocabulary-Test8

Reod the firstport of eoch sentence ond look of the underlinedword or words, Choosethe
word or phrosethot meons obout the some thing os the underlinedword or phrose. Mork
the conect onswer.

1, A personwho iso guestiso,., 6 , People.cors,trucks,ond buses

co m in oo n d o o in o o re,,,
O trodition houl
O volunteer o troffic
O visitor desperote

2, Dropsof woter thot follfrom your 7. Somethingthot is not very deep

skinwhenyou ore hot ore,,, is..,
o fqucet O shollow
o sweot O rhythmic
o itch O logoon

3. Towonderwithoutpurposeisto.,, B, Tostopsomething
O horrity coress
O disploy o conducf
O roqm o prevent

4. A personwho iswelllikedby 9 , Somethingnew ond up to dote

monyotherpeopleis,,, is.,.
o odvonced o ontique
o populor o grizzly
o poinful r-) modern

5, Asfor os you con go isthe... Somethingthot is not reol is,.,

O current O imoginory
O deserve O glossy
O limit O dignified

@ Carson-Dellosa CD3735
Nome Skill:Vocabulary-Test9

Reqd the firstport of eoch sentence ond look of the underlinedword or words, Choosethe
word or phrosethot meons oboui lhe some thing os the underlinedword or phrose, Mork
the correcTonswer,

L Anything thot hos not Let 6. A lorgemeqliso.,.

hoppen e d i si n t h e , , .
o household O freckle
o future O drill
o dungeon O feost

for owoy isin the,,.

2. Something 7, A personin o sforyiso.,,

O century O chorqcter
O coolness O clump
O disfonce O seller

3. Thepersonwho writeso poperor How much o personor thing

o bookisthe,,. weighsishis.,.
o diseose o intend
o homster o freight
o outhor o weight

4, Towolkthroughshollowwoter is Whenyou offeron

to,,, giveo..,
o houl o prop
o sholfer o mojor
o wode o suggesfion

5 , Toiolk in frontof ofher peopleis A puzzlingquestionor problem

to giveo,,, iso.,.
o shriek o riddle
o sovoge o volve
o speech o wrestler

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