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PERMA model of well-being by


The PERMA model of well-being was developed by Martin

Seligman, a renowned psychologist and pioneer in the field of
positive psychology. It provides a framework for understanding
and enhancing well-being by focusing on five key elements:

Positive Emotions

This aspect of well-being involves experiencing positive

feelings such as joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope,
pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, and love. Cultivating
positive emotions contributes to overall happiness and
life satisfaction.


Engagement refers to being fully absorbed and involved

in activities that are meaningful and enjoyable. It's about
experiencing a state of flow, where one is completely
immersed in what they're doing and lose track of time.
Engaging activities often align with one's strengths and


Strong and supportive relationships with family, friends,

colleagues, and community members are fundamental to
well-being. Nurturing connections and fostering positive
interactions with others contribute to feelings of
belonging, support, and fulfillment.


Finding meaning and purpose in life involves

understanding one's values, goals, and beliefs, and
aligning actions with those values. It's about feeling that
one's life has significance beyond oneself and contributing
to something greater than one's own interests.


Accomplishment refers to setting and achieving goals that

are personally meaningful and fulfilling. It involves a sense
of competence, mastery, and achievement.
Accomplishments can be small, everyday successes or
major milestones.

The PERMA model suggests that by focusing on these five

elements, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and
lead more fulfilling lives. It emphasizes the importance of not only
experiencing positive emotions but also engaging in activities that
promote engagement, building strong relationships, finding
meaning in life, and pursuing accomplishments aligned with one's
values and goals.

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