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Preliminary exercises

1. Carrying a chair
2. Sit and stand from a chair
3. Carrying a table
4. Opening a door
5. Removing a book
6. Opening a book
7. Walk

Care of the person

1. Washing hands
2. Preparing a snack
3. Lacing shoes

Care of the environment

1. Dusting a table
2. Washing a table
3. Setting a table
4. Sweeping
5. Wet mopping
6. Dust mopping
7. Outdoor sweeping
8. washing a cloth

Grace and Courtesy

1. Greeting a person: Tell the children that when they come into the
class, you greet them by saying “ hello”, “ good morning”, “ good
afternoon”,( and shaking their hand.

2. Thank you: Tell the children that when someone gives us something
or does something nice for us, we say “ thank you”.

3. Excuse me: Tell the children that when you need to go someplace and
someone is in your way , we say “ excuse me”.
4. Introduction of one’ s self: Tell the children that when you meet
someone for the first time, we introduce ourselves by saying hello and
telling the person our name.

5. Yawning: Tell the children that sometimes when we are tired, we yawn.
Ask if they know what yawning is. If some do not , show them by fake

6. Coughing: Tell the children that when we cough, we need to know

what to do so we don't cough onto someone else.

7. Interrupting: Tell the children that although it is not polite to

interrupt, we sometimes need that person's attention for just a moment.
Stand up and stand next to one of the children. Very gently place your
right hand on the shoulder of one of the children. Say, “ I'm sorry to
interrupt,but I need your attention”.

8. Offering help: Tell the children that sometimes in the classroom

someone needs help doing something but has not asked.
Very gently place your right hand on his shoulder. Remove your right
hand. Say, “ (child´s name), would you like my help”?. The other child can
choose what to answer. ( ‘Yes, please’, or ‘No, thank you’).
If he answered no, smile and walk away.

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