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Đề số 3
Question 1
I think he will join us, ?
A. doesn’t he
B. won’t he
C. will he
D. do I
Question 2
she plays the piano!
A. How beautiful
B. How beautifully
C. What good
D. What well
Question 3
My English teacher suggested English whenever we could.
A. speaking
B. to speak
C. speak
D. to speaking
Question 4
He gave me a of chocolate as a birthday present.
A. can
B. bar
C. tube
D. bunch
Question 5
I happy! I was worried a lot of the time.
A. was
B. wasn't
C. were
D. weren't

Đề được chữa chi tiết lúc 21h30 thứ 6 hàng tuần qua zoom với Cô Hằng Nga - 0988.999.387

Question 6
I don't want to go out now. Look, it .
A. is raining
B. rains
C. rained
D. would rain
Question 7
The New Year is celebrated midnight on January 1st.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. by
Question 8
This is a beautiful tree. leaves are a beautiful color.
A. Its
B. His
C. Her
D. Their
Question 9
She needed these postcards to her friends.
A. to send
B. sending
C. sent
D. sends
Question 10
Deserts are often composed of and rocky surfaces.
A. water
B. trees
C. oil
D. sand
Question 11
I had to early last morning because I was going to board a ferry but I had to wait to
check out.
A. reach
B. unpack
C. set off
D. arrived
Question 12
Đề được chữa chi tiết lúc 21h30 thứ 6 hàng tuần qua zoom với Cô Hằng Nga - 0988.999.387

Daisy wrote report on the Vietnam war.

A. ten-page
B. a ten-page
C. ten pages
D. ten-pages
Question 13
This is a person with a medical degree whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt. Who is
A. doctor
B. teacher
C. policeman
D. dentist
Question 14
John: "Let's go to Ha Long Bay on the weekend."
Mark: " ."
A. That's a fine day
B. That's a good idea
C. Yes, please
D. You are welcome
Question 15
- "Would you mind getting me a cup of coffee?"
-" ."
A. I never drink coffee.
B. It's my pleasure
C. No, thanks.
D. Cream and sugar, please
Question 16

Which is true about the message?

A. Tom wants Claire to get a concert ticket for him.
B. Tom can’t go to the concert and wants Claire to use his ticket.
C. Tom will get Claire a ticket unless she tells him not to.
D. Tom can't buy the concert ticket for Claire.
Question 17

Đề được chữa chi tiết lúc 21h30 thứ 6 hàng tuần qua zoom với Cô Hằng Nga - 0988.999.387

Which is true about the message?

A. You can get the money you paid for Thursday’s trip from the office.
B. If you haven’t paid for Thursday’s trip, you should go to the office.
C. The trip which was canceled will now take place on Thursday.
D. You can get your money back only on Thursday.
Question 18

Choose the correct answer that goes with this text.

A. The library will open before April 5 2020.
B. The library will still close after April 5 2020.
C. The library will be closed due to COVID-19.
D. Several libraries will be closed due to COVID-19
Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question below.
Tourism will always have an impact on the places visited. Sometimes the impact is good, but often it
is negative. For example, if lots of people visit one place, this can damage the environment. The
question is - how can we minimize the problems without preventing people from traveling and
visiting places? The main aim of ecotourism is to reduce the negative impact that tourism has on the
environment and local people. The idea is to encourage tourists to think about what they do when
they visit a place.
It's great to talk about protecting the environment, but how do you actually do this? There are a
number of key points. Tourists shouldn't drop litter, they should stay on the paths, they shouldn't
interfere with wildlife and they should respect local customs and traditions.
Some people see ecotourism as a contradiction. They say that any tourism needs infrastructure-
roads, airports and hotels. The more tourists that visit a place, the more of these are needed and, by
building more of these, you can't avoid damaging the environment.
Question 19

Đề được chữa chi tiết lúc 21h20 thứ 6 hàng tuần qua zoom với Cô Hằng Nga - 0988.999.387

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Some Dos for ecotourists.
B. Benefits and drawbacks of ecotourism.
C. A brief introduction about ecotourism.
D. Some Don'ts for ecotourists.
Question 20
According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT mentioned as an activity to protect
the environment?
A. Respecting local customs and traditions
B. Not interfering with wildlife
C. Hunting wildlife
D. Not littering
Question 21
According to the passage, ecotourism aims at .
A. preventing tourists from travelling
B. reducing the tourism problems
C. finding a new form of tourism
D. stopping ecotourism altogether

Question 22
Read the following text.
People in my city love good food and they often eat three meals a day - breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. At about 7.00 in the morning, they usually have a light breakfast with a bowl of pho or eel
soup with some slices of toast. Sometimes they have a bowl of instant noodles or a plate of xoi
(sticky rice) before going to work. Lunch often starts at about 11.30, and most of them have lunch at
home. They often have rice, fish, meat, and vegetables for lunch. Dinner often starts at about 8.00 in
the evening. It is the main meal of the day. People in my city often have rice with a lot of fresh
vegetables and a lot of seafood or various kinds of meat. Then, they often have some fruit and a
glass of green tea. I think food in my city is wonderful. It is light and full of fresh vegetables. It's
healthy and very tasty, too.
Fill each blank in the following sentences with ONE word from the text.
A bowl of pho, eel soup, and some slices of Q22.1. ....................are known as a typical breakfast for
Q22.2. ................... is the main meal of the day.
People often eat some Q22.3. ....................and drink green tea after their meal.
Question 23
She felt lonely between all these strange people.

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Đề được chữa chi tiết lúc 21h20 thứ 6 hàng tuần qua zoom với Cô Hằng Nga - 0988.999.387

Question 24
Write your answer to the following question in about 30-50 words.
Describe a friend you enjoy talking with.

Đề được chữa chi tiết lúc 21h20 thứ 6 hàng tuần qua zoom với Cô Hằng Nga - 0988.999.387

Đề được chữa chi tiết lúc 21h20 thứ 6 hàng tuần qua zoom với Cô Hằng Nga - 0988.999.387

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