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Alibasa, Sheik Aishir S.


Questions :
1. Write a brief description of each OSI layer (Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session,
Presentation, and Application). Then, provide examples of common protocols and devices associated
with each layer.
Physical Layer: handles unprocessed data fragments on a tangible media.
Examples: Ethernet cables, fiber optics, hubs.
Data Link Layer: creates a dependable connection between nodes that are directly linked.
Examples: MAC addresses, Ethernet switches, bridges.
Network Layer: manages the routing and logical addressing between several networks.
Examples: Routers, IP, ICMP.
Transport Layer: guarantees dependable, error-checked data transfer between gadgets.
Examples: TCP, UDP.
Session Layer: oversees the creation, upkeep, and termination of connections.
Examples: NetBIOS, RPC.
Presentation Layer: oversees the creation, upkeep, and termination of connections.
Examples: SSL/TLS, JPEG, GIF.
Application Layer: Directly communicates with end-user programs while offering network services.
Examples: HTTP, FTP, SMTP.

2. Choose a specific network protocol (e.g., TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP) and analyze which OSI layers it operates
within. Describe how the protocol functions at each layer and its significance in network communication.
Answer: In the OSI architecture, HTTP functions at the Application Layer (Layer 7). It establishes
protocols for data transport over TCP (Transport Layer) between web browsers and servers. IP is used
for routing and addressing (Network Layer), and it is essential to the World Wide Web. By using
encryption (Presentation Layer), HTTPS increases security.

3. Explain how higher layers rely on lower layers for communication to occur successfully. Describe the
dependencies between layers and why each layer's functionality is essential for the overall operation of
the network.

Answer: Communication in the OSI model is like a team where everyone has a role. The upper layers
(Presentation and Session) count on the Transport Layer, which, in turn, relies on the Application
Layer. The Network and Data Link Layers support the Transport Layer, and the Transport Layer needs
the Physical Layer for actual data movement. Each layer has a job, making things modular and easy to
work together. This organized approach helps in troubleshooting and ensures smooth communication,
just like how a team depends on each player for success. It's a bit like life where everyone plays a part.

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